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『二十一条』,在当年看来,是一个左也是死、右也是死的『死案』,在后世看来,更是一个板上钉钉、永世不得翻身的『死案』。然而,百年的沉淀后,它日渐清晰的轮廓却让人大吃一惊。这是一次确凿的耻辱,但不是一场束手就擒的游戏,甚至可以说,它是中国外交的一次『总动员』,其中种种手段,不乏缜密,不乏细腻,也为这场较量带来微妙的变化。这种变化不是成鱼翻身,却让人多多少少开始怀疑:『二十一条』,真的算是签过了吗?  相似文献   

福州音乐“十番”,又称“十欢”,或称“叶欢”。它是由笛、管、箫、弦、提琴、云锣、汤锣、木鱼、檀板、大鼓这十种乐器配合在一起轮番反复演奏,故称“十番”。它始于明,盛于清,流行于福州、闽侯、长乐等地。  相似文献   

战国时秦国有一种与秦“半两”并行的货币,至今学者将其称作“两甾”,这种名称现在看来是有问题的。  相似文献   

如果“一府两院”的工作报告“未通过”,那该怎么办?目前的“人大监督法”却没相关条款涉及  相似文献   

在农村还是"人民公社"和"生产大队"那时候,你别看地里打不了多少粮食,可干部们对肥料的重视程度却远胜于现在。  相似文献   

乐嘉 《风景名胜》2012,(4):162-163
"爱我型"从实际出发,希望拥有顺利的婚姻和两性关系,并得到对方更多的关注和照顾;"我爱型"坚持自己的理想,追求爱人的同时也张扬了个性。  相似文献   

<正>孔子有过"五不祥"的提法,语出《孔子家语·正论解第四十一》。一天,哀公问孔子:"在房子的东面增盖房子算不算不吉祥?"孔子趁机讽谏,指出"不祥有五":"夫损人而益己,身之不祥也;弃老取幼,家之不祥也;释贤用不肖,国之不祥也;老者不教,幼者不学,  相似文献   

程微 《神州》2013,(35):172-172
Being called as the "queen of science-fiction" by the readers, Ursula K Le Guin contributes her world-known Earth- sea book series to the literary field. Influenced by Lao Tze's Taoism and ideas from anthropology, she frequently analyzes the conflict between individual morality and society construction. This short story, her early work winning the Hugo Award, depicts that an Utopian future city named Omelas in fact hardly exists because this city hides an evil secret about a poor child. The sharp contrast between prosperous Omelas and the feeble-mind- ed child illuminates an ancient controversial topic about the contradiction between utilitarianism and public morality: through it, the author dissects the conflict of individual morality and public maximum happiness pointing out that any society must conceal a dark side though it seems perfect as Utopia.  相似文献   

北宋初年,杭州人林逋一生隐居西湖孤山,终身未娶。他在自己居住的地方,植梅蓄鹤,人称?梅妻鹤子”。他最为后人称道的诗句是“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”堪称冠绝千古。  相似文献   

佚名 《文史月刊》2010,(7):46-46
现在,人们习惯把通俗粗浅的诗叫做“打油诗”,有的作者自谦,也把自己的诗称作“打油诗”。那么,为什么把这种诗称作“打油诗”呢?  相似文献   

This study is to investigate the role of sense of place on residents' participation in tourism-related businesses. Emphasis was placed on understanding whether and how sense of place influenced people's decisions to operate a tourism-related business. Thus, this framework and the empirical validation presented are the result of triangulating quantitative survey data (n = 118) tourism business operators and follow-up with qualitative interviews (n = 72) respondents in Tai O, Hong Kong, the linkages between sense of place and small and medium business enterprises (SMTEs) were explored. The findings revealed that sense of place played an important role in encouraging move-out residents and their descendants to return and participate in a tourism-related business. Sense of place also influenced some people's decisions regarding the type of business they were involved in and the manner in which they operated their business. The findings suggested that operators of tourism-related businesses who have a strong sense of place, whether local residents or outsiders, can contribute to preserving a community's culture and for sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

自19世纪40年代伊始,中国社会所发生的空前的沧桑巨变,直接推动了史学由古代史学向近代史学的转变。这种转变的重要标志之一,就是史学经世致用思想的变化,即史学经世致用思想从“资治”到“救国”,从着眼于王朝治乱兴衰到关注国家和民族前途命运之经世致用的宗旨和参照系的变化。同时,这种变化又对整个19世纪中国史学的发展及其走向产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

At the end of the nineteenth century, Ludwig Edinger completed the first comparative survey of the microscopic anatomy of vertebrate brains. He is regarded as the founder of the field of comparative neuroanatomy. Modern commentators have misunderstood him to have espoused an anti-Darwinian linear view of brain evolution, harkening to the metaphysics of the scala naturae. This understanding arises, in part, from an increasingly contested view of nineteenth-century morphology in Germany. Edinger did espouse a progressionist, though not strictly linear, view of forebrain evolution, but his work also provided carefully documented evidence that brain stem structures vary in complexity independently from one another and across species in a manner that is not compatible with linear progress. This led Edinger to reject progressionism for all brain structures other than the forebrain roof, based on reasoning not too dissimilar from those his successors used to dismiss it for the forebrain roof.  相似文献   

本文阐述词义训释与文意训释的学理及其对古籍整理和辞书编纂等应用实践的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article tells the story of a cross‐cultural encounter on a beach at King George’s Sound in the south west of Australia in 1826, when Major Edmund Lockyer arrived to establish a British military garrison. The account we have of those early encounters come from the pen of Lockyer, and by taking a close reading of his journal this article attempts to reveal the meanings and context of Aboriginal actions. It also analyses how the Aborigines and the British made sense and subsequently responded to the encounter. Whilst this story is not given iconic status in Australian historiography, it is valuable in opening up a porthole into this contact zone at the moment when precarious relationships were being formed.  相似文献   


The first substantial exhibition of material retrieved from the wreck of the Titanic was mounted by the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, in October 1994. Extended for a second six‐month run the following April, this was to be the most popular exhibition the museum had ever staged, helping to attract some 720,000 people through the turnstiles during the year. It also generated an unprecedented level of media attention, particularly in the period leading up to the opening, placing a wide ranging (but ultimately soft) focus on the museum's motivation for proceeding into the deep waters of apparently delicate subject matter. Indeed, the controversy of the exhibition —a phenomenon partly created, developed and sustained by the media itself — not only formed a backdrop to the planning, design and installation of the show; to some extent the displays, their effects and their meanings became dependent on the context of argument and rhetoric in which they were generated. In the curators’ attempts to reconcile appropriately the often‐competing demands of the museum market of professional ethics, economics, and contemporary standards of taste and morality, it may be asked whether the National Maritime Museum was passenger or pilot in the stormy waters it encountered through this project. Moreover, what was the true nature and consequence of the unrest: a minor local difficulty or a museological issue of some significance? This article is an attempt, despite the probable partisanship of its author, to explore with some of the objectivity of hindsight these questions and the circumstances in which they arose. 1  相似文献   

In modern post‐Renaissance western society, museums are the political and cultural institutions entrusted with holding the material evidence, real things, which constitute much modern knowledge. The paper considers some aspects of museums as institutions holding this material evidence – the institutional relationship to accepted knowledge and value, the implication in the social and economic system and the visible architectural display, – which make up the messages which museums communicate to their visitors through exhibitions and interpretive projects. Three related aspects of interpretation which belong with each museum object and specimen are examined, professional care, interpretive approaches and the nature of collections. Finally, these threads are drawn together to suggest a framework of research and investigation which underpins the approach to our understanding of this aspect of the heritage, and points the way to future work.  相似文献   

Following in the wake of Benedict Anderson's work in particular, cultural geographers and cultural studies scholars have analyzed the nation and nationalism as primarily 'imagined' or abstract entities. Coincidentally, the greatest analytic attention has been given to nationalist representations of place, rather than to the everyday discursive practices constitutive of the nation as lived. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's practice theory, in this paper I develop the beginnings of a corporeal approach to the nation. Here the relationship between the practice of identity (the embodiment of gendered and sexualized subjectivities via discursive practice within culturally defined spaces) and an Irish nationalist sense of place is explored. In this approach, analytic considerations of identity and space are collapsed within the shared material and metaphoric medium of the body. Irish nationalism and the nation are analyzed as corporeal materialities via an ethnohistorical focus on late nineteenth-century changes in the political economy of 'peasant' and nationalist bodies. The analysis suggests that a particular matrix of constructions of femininity and masculinity was extended paradigmatically throughout the society in the latter half of the nineteenth century. These paradigmatic changes are characterized as a 'heterosexing' of bodies and places linked to economic change and the rise of the confessional state.  相似文献   

The formation of reference groups comprises an important procedure in chemical provenance studies of archaeological pottery. Material from ancient kilns is thought to be especially suitable for reference groups, as it comprises a definite unit of past production. Pottery from the Late Minoan IA kiln excavated at Kommos, Crete was analysed in order to produce a reference group in this important area of Minoan ceramic production. The samples were characterized by a combination of techniques providing information on the chemistry, mineralogy and microstructure of the ceramic body. Initially, the study was unable to establish, in a straightforward manner, a chemical reference group. Different ceramic pastes and a range of selective alterations and contaminations, affected by variable firing temperatures and burial environment, were shown to be responsible for the compositional variability. Procedures are described to compensate for such alterations and the perturbations in the data that they produce.  相似文献   

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