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This article examines the fantastic display of treasure recounted in the Encomium Emmae Reginae. Particular attention is given to the literary traditions and sensibilites, both Latin and the vernacular, which govern the Encomiast's representation of treasure. Treasure emerges as a complex, changing and powerful symbol in eleventh-century Anglo-Danish England.  相似文献   

This article considers stone pieces from the Holy Sepulchre brought to France in the eleventh century. Recent years have seen a growing awareness of architectural replications of the Holy Sepulchre built throughout the Latin West. Less attention has been devoted to its unmediated translation, namely, transporting its matter. Many French pilgrims who set out for Jerusalem before Urban preached crusade to the East in 1095 returned with stone fragments of the Holy Tomb to commemorate their visit and to consecrate architectural copies. Like the bodily remains of saints, these stone fragments acted as parts signifying the whole: they represented their place of origin and lent authenticity to local monuments. They could also act in unusual ways, attracting cults and prompting narratives, visual representations and staging in the church that announced their significance.  相似文献   

As an eleventh-century monastic patron, Agnes of Burgundy was generous, thoughtful, and involved; she galvanized others into endowing monasteries and won the respect of the houses she supported. The association with grateful abbeys helped her and her husband, Geoffrey Martel, to establish the legitimacy of their rule. In this symbiosis, Agnes used the system for all it was worth, even eventually retiring as an old lady into one of her foundations, while religious life in west-central France flourished, aided by her support. Yet, although enormously wealthy and powerful, she did not act with full autonomy. Her life was shaped by the biological determinants of menarche and menopause; by involvement in familial strategies to advance her spouse's and children's careers; by limitations on her use of feudal power; and by gender roles that patterned behavior. She, and every other woman like her, functioned within a web of gender, class, and family constraints and expectations.  相似文献   

Few medieval historians have turned their attention to the history of families in urban England. But the groundwork for such studies has been laid in previous scholarship on the merchant class, on women and work in towns, and on borough law and customs. Future studies, more specifically focused on families in towns, will draw upon a wide variety of sources including wills, property records, marriage litigation, coroner's rolls, poll taxes, borough customs, and, most importantly, borough plea rolls. These studies should allow us to explore how the special characteristics of the medieval urban environment – continual in-migration, economic opportunity, commercial and industrial diversity, extremes of wealth, high population density, and borough legal structures – affected family formation, life-cycle, demography, and domestic life in medieval towns.  相似文献   

龙霄飞 《收藏家》2009,(5):71-76
说起“八仙”,每个人都能说出吕洞宾、张果老、铁拐李等几个耳熟能详的名字来,“八仙”对于中国人来说是非常熟悉的神仙了,关于他们的传说也是如数家珍。  相似文献   

顾栋 《攀登》2004,23(1):44-48,52
本文依据党的十六大提出的要进一步转变政府职能、深化行政管理体制改革的要求,阐述了建立和完善与社会主义市场经济体制相适应、与民主政治建设相配套、符合国际规则、兼顾我国实际的公共行政体制的一些初步认识。  相似文献   

In late 2019 and early 2020, bushfires consumed vast swathes of land across southern parts of Australia. The scale and intensity of the fires was unprecedented and the extent of destruction was without parallel. This article asks to what extent anthropology's focus on culture and cultural processes can inform our understanding of the complex politics generated by a situation such as this. It is argued that local people, who were directly affected by the fires, and the political elite, who commented on them from a distance, had different understandings of – and attached different meanings to – these extraordinary events. These cultural differences were especially evident on the question of the extent to which climate change was responsible for generating this environmental disaster.  相似文献   

曹剑波 《攀登》2004,23(3):29-31
解构主义与马克思主义在形式上、对待批判精神的态度上、对资本主义社会的批判上以及对人文主义的批判上,既有区别又有联系.本文通过对它们异同的分析,认为:虽然解构主义与马克思主义有密切的联系,但并没有建立解构主义的马克思主义的可能,德里达也不是一个马克思主义者.  相似文献   

刘天喜  王报换 《攀登》2004,23(5):37-38
在思想道德建设中.我国目前倡导的集体主义是现代集体主义。与改革开放前的传统集体主义相比,现代集体主义是肯定个人利益和价值的全面集体主义,是超越狭隘群体的普遍开放的集体主义,是以“守法”规范为基础的合法的集体主义。  相似文献   

张伯伟 《文献》2000,(2):220-243
古代东国之人素好读书,所读又多为汉籍,①所以历史上汉诗学也颇为发达,用朝鲜时代洪万宗的话说:"我东以文献闻于中国,中国谓之小中华.盖由崔文昌致远唱之于前,朴参政寅亮和之于后."②故知其"以文献闻于中国"的实际内容主要是诗学.洪氏又指出:"东方诗学,始于三国,盛于高丽,而极于我朝.……虽比之中华,未足多让."③所以清代王土禛乃有"果然东国解声诗"④之褒奖,纪昀则有"吟诗最忆海东人"⑤之赞叹.诗学一词,大判而言,可分为创作与评论两途.本文综述韩国历代诗学文献,主要偏于评论一面.兹将有关文献区分为七类,简述如下.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2-3):155-162

In the process of creating the Argentinean nation, the indigenous peoples were dispossessed of their lands and their sacred sites. The indigenous past was therefore neglected in a nation that was thought to be formed by European immigrants. As a result, pre-Hispanic heritage was considered part of the public domain of the State and a subject of scientific enquiry. In the last few decades, legal and political changes have encouraged indigenous peoples' claims on heritage issues. The aim of this paper is to analyse a number of contested heritage issues in which indigenous communities were involved, as well as a few examples in which archaeologists, authorities and indigenous groups have succeeded in building a dialogue regarding the care of specific archaeological sites. These issues are further discussed in the context of the current socio-political and economic crisis in Argentina.  相似文献   

This report reviews and updates the evidence from the Roman temple site of Pagans Hill, Chew Stoke, North Somerset, which was partly excavated between 1949 and 1953. This includes a revised terminus post quem for the initial building of the temple complex of c. A.D. 262 and an emphasis of the importance of the location of the well on the axis of a planned layout. This is accompanied by a resumé of a reassessment by George Boon of the sculpture of the torso of a dog found in the well in 1951; this was formerly dated to the sixteenth century, but is now redated to the Roman period, and assigned to a group of temple sculpture. This has also stimulated discussion about the dedication of the temple, possibly to Apollo Cunomaglus. There is also a new review by Professor Vera Evison of the Anglo-Saxon glass jar from the temple well and other comparable vessels.

A further excavation in 1986 clarified certain ambiguous points in the earlier work, and added some new data, notably of prehistoric (Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and? Iron Age) use of the site, and of the construction of the Roman well. Finds reports include details of a collection of flints, prehistoric pottery, and industrial refuse; a review of the consolidated coin evidence, the first assessment of any faunal remains from the site and details of objects found by metal-detecting, the latter including a note on a rare coin of Edward the Confessor.  相似文献   

于民 《安徽史学》2006,(2):108-115
复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代.长期以来,西方学界对复辟时期的财政与税收进行了深入探究.总体性、贯通性研究和专题性研究都成果斐然.研究主要集中在复辟王权财政状况、财政收入的税收和非税收构成、财政管理、复辟时期财政税收的性质和地位等方面.此外,还有一些学者从不同维度对复辟时期的财政税收展开研究,亦取得了不少研究成果.  相似文献   

我国古代寺院藏书简论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许磊 《文献》2002,(4):176-191
一、寺院藏书的历史 汉魏晋南北朝时期是中国佛教藏书的兴起阶段.汉地佛教在西汉哀帝元年(公元前2年)传入中国,《浮屠经》是第一部成文的汉译佛经.东汉明帝永平十一年(68),汉明帝在洛阳创建了中国历史上第一座佛教寺院--白马寺,佛教寺院藏书便随即产生.  相似文献   

傅生合 《攀登》2011,30(1):128-130
高校图书馆读者服务工作是高校图书馆工作的重要组成部分。本文对高校图书馆读者服务工作的内容、高校图书馆读者服务工作现状以及如何做好高校图书馆读者服务工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

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