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The Südliches Burgtor is a massive structure that was uncovered by Gottlieb Schumacher on the southern edge of the mound of Megiddo in the early twentieth century. Its vicinity was partially excavated by the Oriental Institute team in the 1930s. Still, the stratigraphic affiliation of the building as well as its date and function remained unclear. Here we present evidence from the southwestern sector of Area Q of the renewed excavations at the site, which shed light on these issues. The Südliches Burgtor was originally built in Stratum VII, probably in its later phase (VIIA), of the Late Bronze III, and continued to be in use until the devastation of the city in Stratum VIA at the end of the late Iron I. The building did not disclose clear evidence of its function, but circumstantial considerations based on finds in Area Q to its east point to possible cultic usage.  相似文献   

This paper examines the materializing practices of bodies at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük. We focus on the clay and stone figurine corpus (over 1,800 total, with over 1,000 of those being diagnostic), but also consider other media such as wall paintings and sculptured features, as well as the skeletal evidence. This paper is the first attempt to analyze particular bodily characteristics in the Çatalhöyük figurine repertoire from a perspective that investigates, rather than assumes, a priori the representational priorities of their makers. Within a wide range of anthropomorphic and abbreviated figurines, we find that specific areas such as the stomach and buttocks were often clearly delineated and emphasized, whereas demarcation of primary sexual characteristics was typically downplayed. These traits and their material “prominence” might underscore specific bodily areas that have generally been overlooked as potential sites of articulation and attention. Our work challenges older assumptions that figurines were always engaged in projects of either deification or self-making. Instead, we suggest that these body types might mediate other kinds of social concerns and practices.  相似文献   


Archaeological studies of consumption are hampered by the lack of quantified data. New data from the Neolithic site of Catalhiiyiik in Turkey allows the annual consumption of obsidian at the site to be calculated as a minimum of between 116 to 318 kg. The method employed is simple and can be employed at other sites provided appropriate sampling, topographic survey, and dating strategies are implemented.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):237-251

This paper focuses on the problems of identifying and conserving authenticity in an object or structure. Using a range of examples it discusses the effects of material change on the many values, both technical and social, which may be assigned to an object. In particular it looks atthe problems of repeated conservation treatment and whether gradually modifying the material of the object may eventually erode its authenticity. It explores these issues with reference to the earth structure known as Building 5 at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük Turkey. This house is often referred to by the excavation team as the ‘plastic house’ because over the last seven years it has been treated annually with an acrylic polymer. The paper concludes by proposing that, despite the presence of the acrylic, the authenticity of Building 5 will not be undermined unless the treatment reaches a stage where it radically changes the surface appearance of the earthen structure.  相似文献   

The Baden-Württemberg shoreline of Lake Constance and the lakes and moors of Upper Swabia contain important prehistoric wetland sites. From 1979, new research has brought up not only important finds and scientific results but also increasing information about bank erosion in the lakes and desiccation in the moorlands. At Lake Constance, early attempts were made in the 1980s to protect sites threatened by erosion by covering them with geo-textile and gravel. With further protective projects the know-how improved, but crucial questions still remained: What are the best practical solutions? How about ecological compatibility? Do we have other options? The INTERREG IV 2008–2011 international project ‘Erosion and Archaeological Heritage Protection in Lake Constance and Lake Zurich’ brought deeper insights and opened the field for new experiments with protective measures. At the Federsee Moor a long-term project started in 1980 with close collaboration between nature conservation and archaeological heritage management. With archaeological stocktaking, acquisition of land, establishment of new nature reserves, exchange of landholding and hydrographic engineering, the project was completed with the help of European Union funding by LIFE+in 2013.  相似文献   


The exposure of earthen architecture at archaeological sites presents tremendous difficulties both during and after excavation. While it is the intent of most reburial programmes to stabilize exposed structures against the long-term effects of loss of pressure and fluctuations in moisture, relative humidity and temperature, reburial does not easily afford practical protection against immediate damage caused during excavation. At the Neolithic site of Çata1höyük in Anatolia, Turkey, a phased programme to integrate the excavation and conservation of the site was developed. This included emergency stabilization and protection of the mud brick walls, plasters, mural paintings and relief sculpture, both during and between excavation seasons. One component of this programme included the development of a temporary perlite-vermiculite protection system.  相似文献   

The German school system is socially highly unequal, as educational research criticized for a long time. While in some schools socially privileged pupils are the majority, other schools are composed by mostly poor pupils. The combination of socio-geographic and educational geographic considerations leads to a social school index, which clearly shows how strong schools are socially privileged or disadvantaged. The paper presents a practical example of building a social school index for cities and compares the results. The residence-based density index on grid data from German Social Code (book 2) is preferred because it is unproblematic in terms of data protection law and can be extended at the level of 100 × 100?m grids. Calculating detailed and differentiated social school indices with school enrollment data leads to very good results, but is much more work.  相似文献   

Emma Rawlins 《对极》2009,41(5):1084-1109
Abstract:  This paper considers the influences on children's eating habits in both school and home spaces in the UK. Since 2002 the UK government has been committed to halting the increase in child obesity rates, and has sanctioned particular parental and school based practices as more "healthy" than others. This study examines this through critically questioning, in particular, the classed discourses written into health education advice and advocates a new way of thinking about health education messages. Based on qualitative research with children from one secondary school and with eight families in the North of England the paper reveals that while parents and children make decisions about their lives with reference to dominant discourses about ideal "healthy" family eating practices, their ability to realise these practices is limited in numerous ways. Moreover, the influences on children's eating habits in both home and school spaces are intricately interrelated and children's practices are clearly influenced by the spaces they inhabit. Their decisions involve balancing health education knowledge with a range of other knowledges that are bound up in the socio-spatial relations of their everyday lives. A holistic approach to understanding children's eating habits therefore requires a critical understanding of class background, parental influences and contemporary parenting practices as well as the microgeographical relations found in the school dining room.  相似文献   

The study shows the relation between urban green and (urban) stress within the urban district Bonn, Germany. How do urban ecosystem services influence the subjective well-being? A triangulation of methods (site’s inspections, online survey) was applied to collect data on the availability and state of urban green spaces regarding the urban district of Bonn and by whom, why and how often they are visited. Of special interest could be the ecological state of the green space. The ecological state of green spaces in Bonn was assessed and connected to the results of the online survey. Thus, health effective potentials of urban green can be given. Main advantages were proved by an excellent network of green infrastructure as well as big green spaces or rather open catchment areas.  相似文献   

According to the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Hermes on the day of his birth met a tortoise, killed it and constructed the lyre from its shell. This became the orthodox version of the invention of the lyre. There are, however, some traces of another version as well, which can now be reconstructed with the help of an 11th‐century Persian verse‐romance. Here, Hermes is an adult, he finds a tortoise‐shell sounding in the wind, and then tries to imitate nature. Behind the two versions, each the creation of an individual author, one may discern the original myth.  相似文献   

Due to climate change, but also because of the demographic change and financial constraints in many municipalities, the future of cities is a currently much-discussed topic. Conflicts over land-use are inevitable: As densification is an essential principle in growing cities, the pressure on open (green) spaces rises. Climate Change and water-management as well as mobility-issues and air-quality confront municipalities with new challenges, in terms of open space planning and greenery in the city. It is necessary to save the existing green in these days of budget-shortage and other priorities in communities. Municipalities have to raise new strategies to strengthen the awareness of the value of green in public and in the local business.  相似文献   

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