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Platform mounds, as forms of monumental architecture, have long been central to inquiries into Native American social complexity. The archaeological literature produced over the last 5 years that pertains to North American platform mounds in the Southeast and Southwest is reviewed. Chronologies, forms, and functions of platform mounds are summarized. There are similarities in the platform mound characteristics and construction sequences found in both regions. It is proposed that these characteristics reflect similar social processes of integration and differentiation.  相似文献   

This paper examines middle-range theory (MRT) within processual and postprocessual archaeology. An analysis of the Binford-Schiffer dispute serves as a means of clarifying what MRT in processual archaeology is or is intended to be. Postprocessualists, despite their vigorous criticisms of MRT-based approaches, are found to rely on the same resources and types of reasoning to make their inferences. In their practice they tacitly turn to processualist middle-range principles, and so the justification of postprocessual interpretations is equivalent to that of MRT-based processualist models. If the middle range is functionally defined — a space within a research program occupied by varying theories that are taken from the body of general theory to which the program is committed and that function as background knowledge in the verification of theories — MRT bridges the epistemological gap between processual and postprocessual approaches.  相似文献   

If nationalism shaped the assumptions and methods of archaeology for well over a century, archaeological concepts and practices made a significant contribution to the nationalist ideal of the distinctive, territorial nation. This is partly because nationalism and archaeology shared a belief in the ethnic uniqueness and tangibility of archaeological cultures, and partly because of the influence of key archaeological concepts and practices. The latter included a profound concern with the authenticity of material cultures; the related belief in ethnic rootedness in the historic territory; archaeology's well‐known interest in the antiquity of civilisations; and its use of the stratigraphic method to analyse continuity and change. Aside from these contributions, the archaeological domain provides a repertoire of vivid symbolism in its often spectacular ‘finds’, which have been able to express and embody the nation's unique culture and the intimate nature of the national bond.  相似文献   

The future of African archaeology has recently been a major focus of attention by African archaeologists. This article looks at anticipated major advances, and at the expectations and desires of young African archaeologists in the advancement of the discipline. The major constraints to research are identified and solutions to these problems are suggested.
Résumé Le futur de l'archéologie africaine est devenu récemment un sujet de préoccupation majeur pour les archéologues africains. Cet article passe en revue les progrès principaux que l'on peut en attendre ainsi que les espoirs et les souhaits des jeunes archéologues africains en ce qui concerne le développement de la discipline. Les principales contraintes affectant la recherche sont identifiées et des solutions sont proposées à ces problèmes.

Objects collected by the Australian great bower bird, Chlamydera nuchalis, may include artifacts and human food debris. The birds could affect the shape and interpretation of some archaeological assemblages. Bones from two bower collections are described according to: (1) their sizes and shapes; (2) the taxa and elements represented; and (3) marks and damage. The potential relevance of the birds for archaeological interpretation is assessed and ways of recognizing bias caused by the birds are discussed.  相似文献   

Conference reviewed:
Fieldworks: Dialogues between art and anthropology: Tate Modern, London, 26–28 September 2003  相似文献   

The development of industrial archaeology over the last 50 years can be traced through articles published in PMA. The early stages of recording the standing remains of industrial activity were augmented by detailed studies of groups of structures which revealed the organization of the manufacturing process. From the late 1980s, developer-funded excavations became important following extensive remediation work on brownfield sites. Greater attention was paid to the social context of past industrial activity including workers’ housing and institutional buildings, and this has continued with studies of oral history. New challenges considered include studies of modern technologies, de-industrialization and the digital revolution.  相似文献   

Recent literature reflects continuing concern with problems such as explanation, skepticism, and objective knowledge. Some authors urge archaeologists to abandon positivism in favor of new philosophical approaches, such as feminism, Marxism, hermeneutics, and critical theory. Ethical issues have received increased attention as archaeologists have become involved in determining public policy with regard to disposition of artifacts and uncovering of human burials.  相似文献   

WAC ha desafiado la noción constante que la arqueología es objetiva y apolítica. Esta noción ha alienado a los indígenas porque tiende a deshumanizar tanto a ellos como a sus antecesores. WAC reconoció que la arqueología existe en un contexto político, que debe ser considerado en cualquier construcción y uso del pasado. WAC estructuró una organización que dió una voz a aquellos cuyo pasado había sido excavado, interpretado, y adue?uado por otros. WAC también defendió la colaboración directa entre los indígenas y otros desciendientes de las comunidades. En esencia, WAC apoyó la liberación de la arqueología practicada como un colonialismo científico, una historia que este artículo relata brevemente. Todavia hay trabajo que hacer. Los arqueólogos necesitan producir epistemologías de colaboración y lo que significan para nuestro conocimiento de los pasados, que han sido creados en este proceso. Una tarea más difícil es estar seguros que los arqueólogos y las comunidades con las cuales ellos trabajan entiendan cuan importante la arqueología puede ser para construir una comunidad y mantener su identidad cultural.
Résumé Plus que tout, le CMA a défié l'insistance de l'archéologie processualiste qui affirmait que l'archéologie était objective et apolitique, excluant ainsi les autochtones car cette attitude les déshumanisaient ainsi que leurs ancêtres. Le CMA a amené en avant une reconnaissance que l'archéologie existe dans un contexte politique qui doit être considéré dans toute construction et utilisation du passé. Le CMA a structuré une organisation qui donne la parole à ceux dont le passé a été largement déterré, interprété et possédé par d'autres. Le CMA préconise aussi la collaboration directe avec les autochtones et les autres communautés de descendants. Dans son essence, le CMA a cherché à libérer l'archéologie de sa pratique scientifique colonisaliste, une histoire que cet article rappelle brièvement. Beaucoup de travail doit encore être accomplie. Les archéologues doivent minutieusement travailler sur l'épistémologie de la collaboration et sur ce qu'ils entendent par notre compréhension du passé qui est con?ue durant le procédé. Une tache plus difficile est de s'assurer que les archéologues et les communautés avec qui ils travaillent, comprennent à quel point l'archéologie est important dans la construction de la communauté et le maintien de l'identité culturelle.

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