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正I still remember the first time I stepped into Are's Tibetan Restaurant back in 2011 when I had just come back from my first trip to Tibet.With memories reverberating in my mind,I started to explore Tibetanstyle restaurants in Chengdu in the hopes of finding some relief through enjoying a simple bowl of buttered tea while reminiscing about the sweet drink served in a warm tea house on the Barkor Street.For the past nine years,I have gone to Are's place with friends every now and again and can never shake the feeling that we are eating and talking in a nice restaurant in Lhasa.The  相似文献   

当前西藏农牧民增收的主要途径之一就是外出务工,从事非农产业。城镇经济的发展为西藏农民工提供了大量就业机会,进城务工也成为西藏农村劳动力实现就业转移的一个主要途径。在拉萨市、日喀则市等西藏规模较大的城市,行业众多、就业门槛不高、灵活性强的第三产业吸纳了越来越多的农村劳动力,成为农村劳动力在城市就业的重要渠道。其中,  相似文献   

在中国古代汉语里,第三人称代词多用“伊、渠、他”。现代普通话里只保留了“他”,至于“伊、渠”只在某些方言里使用。王力《汉语史稿》:“第三人称的性别区分,最初由少数人提倡,  相似文献   

作为接受再教育的下乡知识青年,年轻英俊的他,在那个又小又破的灯塔牧场,遇见了活泼能干的她,他们成了家。“再教育”完毕后,他带着她以及四个孩子搬到了县城,买了房子。房子不算太大,但十分精致,因为他在院子的各个角落种满牡丹、百合、薄公英,还有几种不知名的花,甚至在窗前还种了两棵樱桃树。房子里的摆设不是最好的、最贵的,却是最干净的,因为她每天都将这间小屋里的每一处擦拭一遍。  相似文献   

对于中国现代考古学的发展而言,1921年仰韶村遗址的发现和发掘无疑意义重大。或者说,仰韶的发掘是中国现代考古学的真正起点。因仰韶村的发掘得名的仰韶文化、遍布中原的几千处遗存、以及这个考古学文化里非常核心的器物要素——彩陶和小口尖底瓶,在某种意义上代言了公众对史前考古的认知。而公元前5000年至公元前3000年左右的仰韶时代,遍布在中华大地上的考古学文  相似文献   

我们与他们最接近的时候,便是他们与我们最遥远的时候  相似文献   

2012年7月24日,当女子举重53公斤级运动员赵常玲(哈萨克名字祖尔菲亚)从阿拉木图启程赴伦敦时,她即将迎来自己19岁的生日。在哈萨克斯坦的5年,她已经入乡随俗地开始过公历生日,老家湖南永州道县的父母赵贵生、彭祝銮也习惯了不再计算农历的日子。  相似文献   

小城里来了全国著名的演员,朋友送我两张甲级票。本想让双胞胎儿女前去观赏,又怕人太挤发生什么意外,妻子决定由我负责带一个孩子前去观看。带谁去呢?手心手背都是肉,这使我们左右为难。看到这一情景,善解人意的女儿首先提出让弟弟去,但提出给她买一块小黑板的要求。原来,她特别喜欢写粉笔字,每逢放学时总要留在班里写一会儿粉笔字过过瘾,发现老师来了赶紧就溜。对这一小小的要求我们自然  相似文献   

玛丽莲·梦露,一位世人皆知的美女。虽已香消玉殒44年,却依然是很多美国人崇拜的偶像。如今,好莱坞再次迫寻梦露所代表的“美”,并把目光锁定4位美女。那么,谁能接梦露的班,成为“当代梦露”呢?  相似文献   

吴秀凤祖籍在台湾省台南县,父亲22岁时为谋生从台湾去了日本,之后与日本女子网崎皆子成婚.1947年吴秀凤出生在日本.1953年,她全家六口人从日本大阪回到了五星红旗飘扬的中华人民共和国,被分配到武汉安家落户.  相似文献   

<正>In 1993,a kind of Tibetan plaster was taken as a trial to be freelyg iven out to people in Lanzhou,Beijing and Shaanxi.The program covered ten thousand pieces of Tibetan plaster and brought direct benefits to local patients by easing their pain and helping them fight against  相似文献   

正It must be admitted that most property management companies in Lhasa are not up to par.Drolma Kyi,who started her career as a police detective,is the president of Auspicious Land Property Management Company.She is known both for her uncompromising and no-nonsense leadership style and caring and thoughtful man management style.Those around her call her"Iron Lady"behind  相似文献   

<正>At 9:50 in the morning on Sep.13th,2014,the eleven of us in"the Interview team to Southwest Tibet"finally arrived at the Nyingchi Mainling Airport,the most difficult airport in China at which to land a plane,despite it being at Tibet's lowest altitude.Setting our feet on the land of the Yarlung Tsangpo River Valley,we thought of what it was like in the air as we traversed the alpine region,where the narrowest space was no further than 4  相似文献   

Tsha-Tsha exists in Thailand?
Before the end of 2007 my elder brother brought me some gift upon his returning from a NGO conference in Khon Kean. North Thailand. He told me that he was able to obtain several “rhai Tsha-Tsha” during his stay in Thailand.  相似文献   

On a sunny afternoon,40 years ago,several Tibetan herdsmen were sitting cross-legged and dice in the yard of a Tibetan-style inn situated to the east of the Potala Palace.A teenage Han Chinese boy walked up to them and his eyes were drawn to a shining knife half-hidden in the leather Tibetan robe  相似文献   

<正>Editor's note:The Tibetan language spoken by the Tibetans belongs to the Tibetan-Burmese branch of the Sino-Tibetan family.It has about six million users who live mainly in the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)and four other Tibetan-inhabited provinces:  相似文献   

<正>In an alley of the town of Lhakhang,Lhozhag County,is a square building with yellow walls and a red roof that distinguishes itself from the surrounding grayish-white folkresidences.The Khutin Lhakhang,a cultural relic preserved from the times of Tubo,is situated in this small town deep in the Himalayas.After over 1,300 years of vicissitudes,the chapel still stands there in  相似文献   

<正>Tibet Autonomous Region is a place of spectacular scenic beauty.I have had the privilege of visiting it four times.In addition,I have visited quite a few Tibetan areas outside Tibet,including in Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,and Yunnan.My visits to the Tibetan areas of China span the years 1985 to 2011.  相似文献   

<正>In March 2010,the Tibet Autonomous Region selected both national and regional level music and dance items for an intangible cultural heritage performance.On March 25-26th,a performance was given in the Tianqiao Theater,Beijing,to demonstrate the intangible cultural heritage of Tibet in both diversity and abundance.It revealed the beauty of Tibetan culture as one of the preserved special cultures of the Chinese Nation.  相似文献   

正Since 1959, the freed serfs in Tibet have experienced tremendous improvements,reflected with changes in the family of the82-year-old Dawa.Dawa lives in the Khezang Village of Lhoka City in the Tibet Autonomous Region and is one of the few former Tibetan serfs still alive today in the region.Tibet practiced feudal serf system until 1959, and about one million serfs were freed since then, the number of serfs accounted 95 percent of the region's  相似文献   

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