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今年是张自忠将军壮烈殉国70周年。张自忠23岁从军,后随冯玉祥,官至西北军师长。他真正出名是从1933年3月国民党第二十九军喜峰口抗战开始,但1937年发生了让张自忠被误为汉奸的两件事:4月,张自忠率冀察国外旅行团访问日本;7月28日,张自忠奉命代理冀察政务委员会委员长及北平市市长等职留守北平。此后,他逐渐被加上了汉奸的骂名。从奉命留守到抗日殉国,张自忠将军经历了哪般人生沉浮?对此,张自忠将军之女、87岁的张廉云老人首次谈起了父亲在北平留守期间的历史细节。  相似文献   

阿忆 《湖南文史》2012,(8):52-53
张自忠牺牲于抗日战场已有70多年。半个多世纪以来,似乎没有人质疑,张自忠死于日本人之手,但只要翻翻历史资料,就不难看出,逼死张自忠的,是公众舆论。  相似文献   

提到抗战英烈,人们肯定会想到张自忠。国民党政府曾在抗战胜利后不久把荣字第一号“荣哀状”发给张自忠的亲属,中华人民共和国民政部也在1982年4月16日向张自忠的家属颁发了“革命烈士证明书”。无疑,张自忠是一位功勋卓著、流芳青史的民族英雄。然而就在张自忠辉煌壮烈的一生中却也有过一段至少是不太光彩的短暂经历,即1937年七七卢沟桥事变中接替宋哲元担任冀察政务委员会委员长等职一节。张自忠曾经被当时的人们认作是汉奸或有附敌嫌疑,甚至差一点被送上军事法庭。但是自从1940年5月张自忠舍身殉国之后,有关他的“汉奸”或“附敌”之说便陡然声消迹匿。许多  相似文献   

张自忠,字荩忱。1891年8月11日出生于山东省临清县唐家园。1911年10月,张自忠考入天津法政专门学校,次年转入济南法政专科学校就读。年底,张自忠秘密加入了同盟会。窃国大盗袁世凯军阀柄政,革命党人惨遭杀戮的命运使他意识到,要挽救民族危亡,必须有强大的武力才有取胜的希望。  相似文献   

在天津的历史上,军人出身的市长有很多,张自忠系其中之一。张自忠(1891~1940),字荩忱,山东省临清人,是冯玉祥手下虎将之一,以治军严厉而闻名西北军。中原大战后,冯玉祥的国民军改编为二十九军,张自忠任二十九军三十八师师长,曾率军参加长城抗战,是喜峰口、罗文峪大捷的总指挥。抗日战争开始后,先后任五十九军军长、三十三集团军总司令等职,参加了不少有名的战役,以其战功卓著而闻名全国,令许多日本高级将领闻风丧胆。他是国民党在抗日战争中牺牲的级别最高的将领。1936年6月,张自忠受宋哲元重托担任天津市长一职,直到193…  相似文献   

卢沟桥事变发生后,冀察当局领导人、29军将领宋哲元、张自忠等人,秉承南京政府旨意,一面组织抵抗,一面与日军交涉,力图和平解决事变。但日军以所谓“不扩大方针”为烟幕,在虚言和平的同时,源源增兵华北,准备就绪即于7月28日向平、津两地发起全线进攻。29军猝不及防,伤亡惨重。在此形势下,军长宋哲元决定放弃北平,并于同日晚率主力部队撤往保定。该军38师师长兼天津市市长张自忠留平代理冀察政务委员会委员长、冀察绥靖公署主任和北平市市长等职。29~30日,北平、天津相继沦陷。8月7日,张自忠宣布辞去所有代理职务,随即隐匿起来,后于9月7日潜离平津,南下参加抗战。这便是张自忠留平的由来和梗概。  相似文献   

我们在编辑“特别话题”的这两篇文章时,无不被深深地打动了!《抗战军人之魂张自忠》让我们永远铭记这位献身祖国的上将;而《一家三代护卫张自忠墓碑55年》,则让我们感受到了人民是永远不会忘记自己的英雄的!  相似文献   

张自忠(1890~1940)字荩忱,山东临清人。1916年起长期在冯玉祥的西北军中任职,受到冯玉祥的爱国和关心民众疾苦的思想、作风影响。嗣后曾任察哈尔省主席、天津市长。抗战期间为台儿庄战役、宜枣等战役名将.因军功升任集团军总司令、第五战区右翼兵团总司令,1940年5月,在襄樊率部深入敌后激战,弹尽援绝,壮烈牺牲。为抗战中牺牲的第一位上将。1982年4月16日,中华人民共和国民政部批准张自忠为革命烈士。 1936年6月起,张自忠任天津市长为期一年,关心民间疾苦,大力兴办公益事业。当时天津经济萧条,…  相似文献   

湖北省襄樊市襄阳区峪山镇73岁的老人李运生,曾在张自忠将军初葬处———峪山镇陈集村小学任教多年,一直致力于抗日名将张自忠殉国过程的调查。他与当年长山总司令部参谋部长李致远及其家人多次通信,又历时两年曾7次到张将军殉国地长山一带走访,掌握了翔实客观的张自忠殉国过程的第一手资料。以下是李运生老人的讲述。  相似文献   

周渝 《贵阳文史》2012,(4):48-50
张自忠与张灵甫是同一个生肖属相,前者正好大后者12岁。他们在同在抗击日寇的战场上洒过热血,又都在5月16日这天战死,可谓"同生共死"。张自忠生前被污蔑为汉奸,张灵甫死后被塑造成凶残顽固的"反动派军官"。但"抗日名将"这4个字才是二位将军最合适的盖棺论定。  相似文献   

苏小东 《安徽史学》2010,(1):106-111
北洋海军提督丁汝昌的身世及早年经历,无疑会对其统领一支近代化海军舰队产生一定的影响,因此有必要认真对待并予以准确解读。但长期以来,研究者大多未经考证即将口碑和方志资料视为信史,结果造成对丁汝昌早年经历的以假乱真的研究现状。有鉴于此,本文依据现有的档案资料,对以下三个问题进行详细考证:一是丁汝昌的身世及从军之谜,二是丁汝昌在淮军中的表现及官职升迁,三是子虚乌有的丁(汝昌)、刘(铭传)交恶。惟因相关资料匮乏,对有关丁汝昌早年经历的某些目前无法印证的孤证或难辨真伪者,则说明存疑以待将来。  相似文献   

Between 1853 and 1858, the militia and hired braves of Luhe county, Jiangsu, distinguished themselves by successfully defending against Taiping attack when surrounding counties and cities all fell. The historian Xu Zi (1810–62) served as a militia leader, commanding a company of troops and working to raise funds to pay for provisions. At the same time, he was writing his history of the Southern Ming Courts: Annals of a Fallen State, With Appended Annotations (Xiaotian jinian fukao). In his history, Xu Zi included anecdotes of his wartime experiences, writing the Taiping War into the history of the Southern Ming. What does history do? Xu Zi hoped it could help establish and maintain the coherence of the forces fighting the Taiping. To that end, he presented exemplary figures from the past for people of his own time to emulate, and he narrated those stories to his fellow soldiers. At the same time, his work suggests that the practices of the historian—including investigation of sources, expressions of emotion, and evaluation of policy—could provide avenues for defeating the Taiping. By writing himself into his history of the Southern Ming, he showed how the past could become a tool of war.  相似文献   


In September 1899, at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) in Dover, Guglielmo Marconi’s wireless telegraphy system was used to transmit messages across the English Channel (and across a national border) for the first time. This achievement represented a highly effective performance of scientific masculinity and constitutes a key turning point in an important struggle between competing interpretations of invention and innovation as masculine practices within British science. The British Association tended to favor a narrative of scientific research as a collectivist, international, gentlemanly-amateur pursuit, largely confined to the laboratory. Marconi, by contrast, explained the development of wireless telegraphy as the achievement of his own genius. Appealing not only to the established scientific elite but to a range of non-traditional audiences, and stressing the possibilities or ‘imagined uses’ of his technology even more so than his actual results, he succeeded in commanding unprecedented influence.  相似文献   


The French-born, nineteenth-century commercial cartographer, Constant Desjardins (1787?1876) remains a rather obscure figure, despite a productive career of more than four decades and his creation of a precociously designed atlas of Europe. Desjardins was a typical mapmaker of his age in his interest in thematic mapping, his use of the new technology of lithography, and his publication of materials primarily for the growing educational systems of Europe. Yet he was unusual in the increasingly nationalistic era of nineteenth-century Europe in that he produced multilingual as well as monolingual maps. He also crossed many state borders, working in France, Bavaria, Austria, Hungary and Serbia. Indeed, this cosmopolitanism may explain his relative obscurity.  相似文献   

A comparison of Giuseppe Bagetti's landscape sketches, watercolours, oil paintings and engravings with contemporary maps and the existing landscape reveals that in the creation of Bagetti's landscapes, narrative played a role that differed in cartographic and artistic representations. The comparison also demonstrates that his images were powerful constructions that were more successful in reflecting a narrative of glorious conquest than was possible through cartography. This paper offers a critical examination of Bagetti's representations of Napoleon's northern Italian campaign, which he sketched and painted between 1802 and 1809. Bagetti's paintings were neither pacifist nor an expression of Piedmontese patriotism but instead were inspired by, and constructed according to, a narrative about the conquest that reflected the views of the French authorities. The narrative found expression in formal written instructions from the central cartographical office in the Dépôt de la guerre, Paris, in verbal and written instructions from Bagetti's immediate superior, Jean François Martinel, and in letters personally addressed to Bagetti from the officer commanding the Dépôt. It is clear from a careful reading of the correspondence and from a comparison of Bagetti's paintings with both the present landscape and maps made at the time that Bagetti's disputes with his supervisors revolved around protecting his artistic integrity and reputation rather than resisting the authority of a foreign regime.  相似文献   

A new English language edition of some of the major works of Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), the famous German psychiatrist, appeared in 2002. This essay has been written to mark the occasion. Kraepelin is famous for his psychiatric nosology, specifically the demarcation of dementia praecox (schizophrenia) and manic-depressive insanity (bi-polar disorder). This essay deals not only with these topics but with many other aspects of Kraepelin's psychiatry: his talents as a writer and teacher; his unusual and intense concern with volition; his lack of psychological empathy with his patients, on the one hand, and on the other, his humane care for their physical well-being; his tangled involvement with psychoanalysis; his war on alcohol; his tradition-bound treatment of hysteria; his reflective attempt to understand paranoia; some criticisms of his work; the debate over the role played by his famous diagnostic cards (Z?hlkarten); his misuse of his psychiatric beliefs in the public arena. A conclusion addresses both his shortcomings and his assets.  相似文献   

童志强 《安徽史学》2015,(2):154-162
1939年6月被处死的新四军第4支队司令员高敬亭确实犯有严重错误,高案的发生有一个渐变的过程。新四军军长叶挺不应对高案负主要责任。高案的处理决定,是在矛盾激化之后,最终由中共中央拍板的。其中,皖南项英是遥控者,江北叶挺、张云逸、邓子恢等人是执行者,延安党中央是最后决断者。重庆蒋介石"所请将高敬亭处以枪刑照准"不过是顺水推舟,乐见其成罢了。  相似文献   

Gerbert of Aurillac, a noted tenth-century scholar, churchman and politician, studied mathematics, because, as he once said, it curbed the impulses] of tumultuous minds. Mathematics taught that the world of physical reality was an orderly arrangement of structures, of parts fitting together into wholes. Gerbert appears to have sincerely believe such a thing, for his mathematics was closely elected to God and His work. It was a metaphorical representation of God and thus possessed religious sanction. Its method of abstracting from physical reality trained the mind to see in this world the reflection of God Himself and His spiritual world, where peace, harmony and unity were the commanding principles. There everything was extensive and equal. In the midst of violence, would not these ideas appear particularly attractive? Men like Gerbert, who were concerned with the violence of their time, saw in these ideas, long embodied in various traditions, hopes for the future.  相似文献   

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