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胡旭 《中华文史论丛》2011,(3):369-388,396
"飲中八仙"是天寶初期形成的文人羣體,嗜酒、狂放、風神、才藝等共同特徵,是該羣體得以形成的關鍵因素。其存在時間從天寶元年秋末到天寶三年春初,只有一年又三個月。"飲中八仙"中,除了李適之確實與李林甫有政治上的交鋒外,目前尚無證據表明賀知章、李璡、李白、崔宗之等人參與了李適之與李林甫的鬥爭。但是,"飲中八仙"的交往,使他們陷入了微妙的政治猜忌,最終被迫解體。"飲中八仙"的解體,對天寶文學的發展走向産生了深刻影響,具體表現爲三個方面:一,開元以來統治集團的尚文傳統在天寶時期逐漸失落。二,文人聚集方式發生了變化,天寶時期普通文人與執政的宰輔大臣之間相當疏離,他們更多散落在各地,形成大小不一、數量衆多的文學羣落。三,天寶文學的内容和題材與此前相比,發生了明顯的變化。  相似文献   

陳翀 《中华文史论丛》2011,(1):301-329,403
日藏古文獻《二中歷·經史歷》記有一份三十卷本《文選》的文體分類以及其各卷帙構成的完整篇目,從目前所掌握的資料來看,其保留的極有可能就是《文選》編撰初始之舊貌。這份書目首先表明《文選》最初的文體實爲三十四體(三十三大體再加"離騷"),更重要的是,這份書目的出現還牽連到《楚辭》在六朝文體概念中所發生的變化以及晉宋樂府之流變等諸多文學史上的根源性問題,爲探討蕭統編撰《文選》之動機與意圖提供了一個新的切入點。  相似文献   

錢志熙 《中华文史论丛》2013,(1):261-301,397,398
七言作爲韻文體,在漢代已被廣泛使用,但作爲詩歌的一種體裁,卻至南北朝後期纔開始流行,盛唐以後方成爲詩歌的主體。這是由漢魏六朝的音樂體制決定的。漢魏六朝的詩歌史,經歷了由歌謡到樂歌,再到徒詩的演變進程。七言徒詩是從七言歌詩中發展過來的,早期的漢至晉宋的七言詩歌都是歌、舞詞,主要是由句句入韻與雜三七言這兩體構成,這兩體都不能成功地轉化爲大宗的徒詩體,這是由漢魏舊樂體制所制約的。南北朝後期,在新的音樂體制中,七言詩流行,隔句押韻的七言歌曲流行,並由此迅速孕生徒詩七言體。到了隋唐燕樂時代,七言已經成爲歌曲主體,同時在徒詩體中七言也逐漸成爲詩體的主流。  相似文献   

茅海建 《中华文史论丛》2011,(3):221-311,0,3,394,395
本文詳細敍述了張之洞與陳寶箴自光緒十二年(1886)至二十四年的交誼,説明陳寶箴是張之洞志同道合的僚屬和政治盟友,且在學術思想與政治思想上大體一致。張之洞對《湘學報》及湖南維新運動的干預,陳寶箴都予以支持和配合。兩人共同上奏了廢八股的科舉改制奏摺,暗中有抵制康有爲學説之意。陳寶箴上奏要求下旨康有爲將《孔子改制考》自行毁板,並在變法最關鍵時刻提議召張之洞入京,主持朝政。由於御史黄均隆的不實彈章,慈禧太后誤以爲陳寶箴曾保舉康有爲而將之革職,張之洞根據陳寶箴的請求,保全了長沙試辦的保衛局。  相似文献   

本文考察北魏一代士族格局的演變及其對朝廷政局走向的影響。北魏初年的士族格局繼承了後燕的歷史遺產,又因太武帝朝的神徵士、國史之獄而再度演變。隨着崔浩集團的覆滅,在文成、獻文二朝,形成了以趙郡李氏爲首的士族集團。馮太后死後,孝文帝籠絡隴西李沖及其親黨,通過定姓族,構造出一個以"四姓"爲核心的士族集團。在孝文帝的主導下,宗室近屬與"四姓"集團迅速結合,成爲領導改革、抗衡馮氏的權力基礎。這一利益共同體在宣武帝朝受到打壓,在孝明帝朝再度崛起,最終在河陰之變中遭到毀滅性的打擊。  相似文献   

劉成國 《中华文史论丛》2023,(3):103-134+393
關於宋代新學學派的研究,成果豐碩,但若干基本問題仍存争議。“新學”之名,既可指稱王安石的整體學術思想,也不妨作爲以他爲首的整個學術流派的代稱。新學在宋代的盛衰歷程,可劃分爲五期。新學的學派屬性既非法家,也非道家,而是以儒爲主,整合道、法、釋諸家學説。王安石是一位積極有爲的功利主義儒者,新學則是一種以制度建構爲主體的儒家事功之學。“内聖外王”是對新學特色的準確界定,但若用此詞來敍述宋代儒學的演變,將理學視爲“内聖外王”的最高典範,則會遮蔽儒學内部的多樣性,得不償失。  相似文献   

《老子》書中的"爲"有一種專指老子所反對的不合"道"的行爲的特殊用法,這種"爲"與以"聖人"爲行爲主體的合"道"的"爲"義正相對。對《老子》中的"聖人"而言,"無爲"之義已由"天道無爲"説的"不見其爲之之迹"變爲"没有不合‘道’的行爲"了。根據《老子》用韻之文等線索,《老子》書中專指老子所反對的行爲的"爲"和"無爲"之"爲"原來應該是讀去聲的。從老子主張聖人應"爲"之事來看,他的社會、政治思想主要是消極、落後的。  相似文献   

本文從政治史、科舉制度史的角度討論《孟子》在兩宋的地位變化,即《孟子》由子部升經的問題。特别關注熙寧四年變法以後的歷次政治變革中《孟子》地位的升降及其背後的影響因素,並進而梳理兩宋科舉正經、兼經制度的演變,對南宋紹興六年始實行的以"六經"爲正經、以《論語》、《孟子》等爲兼經的制度作了考證。本文認爲《孟子》上升爲兼經影響到其他諸經的沉浮,而經學結構的調整與變化,自漢武帝以來至兩宋,總是與政治、改革相關聯的。  相似文献   

李飛躍  韓婭非 《中华文史论丛》2023,(2):315-356+409-410
基於唐詩生成的兩種近體詩律模型,爲律絶創作、詩體研究和文獻校勘提供了基本準則。通過對《全唐詩》全部五七言四八句詩歌的格律統計發現,林庚和啓功先生所提格律模型呈現率相對較高,但整體上完全符合標準模型的詩作比例較小,只是隨着拗變量的增加而覆蓋面益廣。鑑於中土文獻有關標準詩型的記載出現較晚,本文基於現有詩例,從句、聯、篇等層面分類分期考察了詩律模型的生成與演變。前人受限於文本形態和技術手段,難以實現全樣本、精確化的聲律統計。將《全唐詩》、《全宋詩》甚至近體詩歌作爲一個文本集來統計,可以超越抽樣分析而把握近體詩律的要素特徵與歷史演變,避免將標準模型作爲字音研判、異文辨析、體式分别的先驗標準。唐宋詩歌的標引計量與實證分析,有望將相關研究命題交叉驗證、關聯共現,從更多維度刻畫和揭示古典詩歌的聲律特徵。  相似文献   

清代學術史上大量出現的"疏證"類著作以條分縷析、廣徵博引爲特色,具有古文乃至傳統注疏不易具備的文獻容量和分析潛能,考證之學術旨趣藉以呈現。清代前中期,疏證體的焦點經歷了從以"疏通"爲旨到以"證明"爲重的變化。嘉慶以後,"疏證"的寫作方式成爲闡釋經典的流行乃至典範體式,尤其在小學、輯佚領域蔚然成風,亦影響到單篇文章之寫作。古文家批評考訂疏證之文"傷氣",不能成文;而考據家則主張注疏考證之文自有其特殊文氣。至章太炎《文學論略》將"疏證"專列爲文章之一體,對有清一代"疏證"體之演進作了理論上的總結。  相似文献   

丁延峰 《中华文史论丛》2012,(1):331-359,399
唐女郎魚玄機的詩歌至少在五代時已集結行世,約刻於南宋中晚期的臨安陳氏書棚本《唐女郎魚玄機詩》是至今保存下來的惟一宋刻本。在書棚本之前,當有一個與之差異較大的本子,這個本子部分地爲《唐人萬首絕句》和《才調集》保存了下來,但錯訛尤多。明清及民國的刻本或影印本都是據書棚本或書棚本的臨寫本而來。諸本中,以書棚本爲最佳,流行最廣。其仿刻本中,以清沈恕、沈慈刻本,江標刻本最爲逼真。明本改竄最甚,然也有可取之處,如所補缺字,就爲他本所不及。《全唐詩》本雖有訛誤,然又是收録詩篇最全的本子。葉德輝仿刻本還將諸家題跋和印章以宋體字迻録。當代整理本有兩種,但在利用底本或校本上都有缺憾。故對其版本的源流梳理和優劣比勘,對校注《魚集》都有重要的參考價值。  相似文献   

大众文学是20世纪日本文坛独具特色的一种文学形态,因此日本学界对其理论研究可谓是汗牛充栋,论争不断。本文从其中的一个问题即产生的源流出发,在梳理日本大众文学源流研究的基础上,进一步剖析大众文学与日本的“近代”、“文学”等概念确立的内在关联。日本近代社会促成了大众文学的发生,而大众文学也起到了塑造日本国民精神与素质的重要作用;日本文学的近代性孕育于大众文学,而大众文学也承载了日本近代文学独特的生命力。至少在源流上,在日本是不存在大众文学与纯文学的界限之分的,二者的对峙图式只是其发生的一种建构而已。  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of recent interest in popular health care in early modern England, resulting in studies on a range of topics from practitioners through remedial treatment. Over the past decade, the history of books has also attracted growing interest. This is particularly true for the seventeenth century, a period marked by a dramatic rise in all types of printed works. The 1640s are especially significant in the evolution of printed vernacular medical publications, which continued to flourish during the rest of the century. While recent studies on popular medical books have contributed greatly to our understanding of contemporary medical beliefs and practices, they have failed to properly recognize the effect that almanacs had on early modern medicine. Although their primary function was not to disseminate medical information, most provided a great deal of medical information. Furthermore, these cheap, annual publications targeted and were read by a wide cross-section of the public, making them the first true form of British mass media. This article is based on the content of 1,392 almanacs printed between 1640 and 1700, which may make it the largest comparative study of the medical content of any early modern printed works. The project has resulted in two major findings. First of all, almanacs played a major part in the dissemination, continuing popularity, and longevity of traditional astrological and Galenic beliefs and practices. Secondly, at the same time, almanacs played an important early role in the growth of medical materialism in Britain.  相似文献   

This study of an adaptation of the popular John of Burgundy plague treatise by Thomas Moulton, a Dominican friar, ca. 1475, and a translation of the so-called Canutus plague treatise by Thomas Paynell, printed 1534, shows how the medieval traditions they represent were carried forward, well into the sixteenth century, and also subjected to change in light of religious, moral, and medical concerns of early modern England. The former had a long life in print, ca. 1530-1580, whereas Paynell's translation exists in one printed version. Moulton's adaptation differs from its original and from the Canutus treatise in putting great emphasis on the idea that onsets of plague were acts of divine retribution for human sinfulness. In this respect, Moulton reshaped the tradition of the medieval plague treatise and anticipated the religious and social construction of plague that would take shape in the first half of the sixteenth century. Its long history in print indicates that Moulton's treatise expressed the spirit of that construction and probably influenced the construction as well. The contrasting histories of the two treatises attest not only to the dramatic change brought about by religious and social forces in the sixteenth century, but to a growing recognition of the value of the printing press for disseminating medical information-in forms that served social and ideological ends.  相似文献   

For the English interested in Persia in the nineteenth century, James Morier's Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isfahan was a crucial text, as it also was for Iranians who read its groundbreaking Persian translation almost half a century later. The text provided a persuasive understanding of Persia that has endured in the western imagination. This paper begins with the framing narrative and shows how the frame story sets the stage for a convincing literary portrait of Persia and Persians. Then it analyzes the image of Persia constructed in this book through the characterization of Hajji Baba as representative of Persians, and the geopolitical portrayal of the country that emerges from the account of his travels.  相似文献   


A unique Hebrew map of the Exodus and the Holy Land was printed in Mantua, Italy, in the mid-sixteenth century. This map is graphically and artistically different from all other Hebrew maps, both earlier and later. The aim here is to analyze the map and the text that is printed on it, explore the reasons for, and the context of, its printing, and identify its sources within contemporary Jewish scholarship and Christian cartography. The only known exemplar of this map is in the Zentralbibliothek in Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

文献与刻帖所见的《出师颂》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文列述了古帖《出师颂》宣和本的相关著录与题跋,并叙述了见于刻帖的9件《出师颂》刻本。说明一件古法帖在历史上会有多种摹本、临本和刻帖本并传。同时校勘了《出师颂》法帖与《文选》本(嘉庆十四年胡克家刻本)间的文字异同。  相似文献   

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