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法国人类学者庄雪婵从2000年开始研究中国传统戏剧,她以江西南丰的几个村庄为据点,自2002年以来每年前往进行田野调查,她发现7传统戏剧在乡村得以保留的原因。  相似文献   

2013年7月21日至24日,由贵州省文化厅和同济大学、法国文化部建筑遗产司主办,贵州省文物局、贵州省外国专家局、联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心、法国建筑与遗产之城承办的"2013年中法乡村文化遗产保护与发展学术研讨会"在贵阳、地  相似文献   

当"美丽乡村"的这个想法提出以后,对于村庄筹划和建设的话题就一直处于非常热门的讨论阶段。当然在对一些村庄守旧景象改建的时候,也会存在着一些问题。本文阐述了"美丽乡村"的相关思想,还有对于村庄景象的改建设计规定,笔者认为在不破坏本土环境的情况下,防止大面积的拆建行为,尽最大的努力提升村民居住环境,同时还能加强乡村的持续性发展。创建属于村庄本土风情的文化景观,并且探索和挖掘村庄的古老文化,实施科学合理的保护举措。  相似文献   

本文旨在简略回顾法国远东学院(EFEO)百年以来从事柬埔寨吴哥古迹学术研究与保护实践历程的基础上,撷取吴哥建筑保护修复史的视角,对法国远东学院一直影响至今的历史脉络、学术研究、保护实践以及"原物重建法"(Anastylosis)等进行简要的追溯和述评,借此或可为推进中国文化遗产研究院深入开展吴哥古迹学术研究与保护工程实践提供不无裨益的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

汪晓东  姚玉生 《铁军》2022,(2):40-41
<正>美丽的黄山南大门,有一座日新月异的古徽新城——徽州区。在新时代长三角一体化高质量发展大格局中,区政府所在地皖南岩寺镇的徽州城区,建设有"新四军集中地、成军地和抗日出征地"为主要标识的岩寺新四军军部旧址纪念馆,其城郊石岗村还在精心打造以"黄山市第一个党支部成立地——小练"为主要内容的国家级红色美丽村庄。  相似文献   

正一、"一村一志一馆"建设的背景与实施条件改革开放以来,随着经济的发展和新农村建设的加快,经济发达地区许多乡村面貌焕然一新,家家户户通上水泥路,小楼房也像雨后春笋拔地而起。然而经济快速的发展也让乡村付出了很多代价。传统的古村建筑在消失,老物件在遗失损毁,离乡人员太多导致传统风俗习惯逐渐消亡。在美丽乡村建设过程中,如何在这个飞速发展的时代既可以加快乡村的基础建设又能够留住浓浓的乡愁呢?我们到农村寻访有关村庄的旧事,多得找村里的老年人,才能了解村庄历史上曾经的人、事、  相似文献   

<正>《水墨禾木乡》赏析禾木村,坐落在新疆的最北部,是个被白桦林、雪山和河流包围的美丽村庄。喀纳斯禾木村有"摄影家天堂"之称,不少获大奖的摄影作品都从这里诞生。都说新疆喀纳斯的秋天层林尽染、绚丽多彩,是最美的季节,可李学亮——这个土生土长的新疆人却要告诉你:  相似文献   

以台湾的研究经验,论述汉人传统庄社的基本性质。其一,汉人庄社是一个仪式共同体,汉人庄社基本上是一个仪式界定的社会单位,人们在所居住的庄社里崇拜神明,举行共同的祭祀,有很强的社会凝聚力。其二,汉人庄社具有法人性格,这可以从传统汉人庄社拥有公地,以及庄社神明拥有田产,看出端倪。其三,汉人庄社是一个命运共同体,长期共同生活经验的累积,让庄民产生命运与共的一体感,可从庄社地理的说词与每年所抽的年签看出。其四,汉人庄社是一个生命的有机体,村庄和人一样有生老病死,生命不断变化,也有毁庄灭庄的情况发生。其五,村庄是一个意志单位,村庄作为社会集体的存在,可以透过头人表达其自由意志的选择,特别是在与外界建立村庄联盟的时候。其六,村庄是村际关系的交陪单位,透过友庙、交陪境、联庄组织等,村庄与其它村庄建立长期稳定的交陪关系。  相似文献   

2013年7月21日至24日.由贵州省文化厅和同济大学、法国文化部建筑遗产司主办,贵州省文物局、贵州省外国专家局、联合国敦科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心、法国建筑与遗产之城承办的“2013年中法乡村文化遗产保护与发展学术研讨会”在贵阳、地扪召开,  相似文献   

法国著名历史学家勒华拉杜里教授在访谈中讲述了三个方面的问题:从乡村史研究上说,他的《蒙塔尤》一书的成功在于他受到美国以村庄为研究对象的人类学的影响,从而得以从一个村庄的角度解读《雅克.富尼埃宗教审判记录簿》;作为最早从事气候史研究的历史学家,他注重探讨气候变化与革命等历史事件之间的关联,并主张对不同国家的气候进行比较研究;作为法国年鉴学派第三代代表人物,他是一个唯物论者,继承了布罗代尔和拉布鲁斯关注物质现象这一传统。  相似文献   

This article examines the delivery of healthcare by Haalpulaar immigrants' village association in France to their rural villages in Senegal. In the context of the neo‐liberal reforms in Senegal, the Haalpulaar immigrants have been very active in funding community project in the health sector for their communities of origin left to fend for themselves by the State. Haalpulaar migrants associations like TAD (Thilogne Association Developpement) and Fuuta Santé are improving access to healthcare in the Senegal River valley through the remittances of biomedicine, medical equipment as well as the organization of annual health caravans with the participation of French health professionals and local partners.  相似文献   

南漳漫云古村落是全国第三次文物普查的新成果,其独特的景观价值、文化价值引起社会的广泛关注.其设计理念,建造方式体现了“天人合一”核心思想,具有浓厚的地域特色,是鄂西北建筑的代表.本文以南漳漫云古村落为例,对古村落的发展演变、结构布局、建筑特点以及保护现状进行分析和研究.并根据古村落的发展特点,探讨当前形势下南漳漫云古村落发展与保护.  相似文献   


Retirement villages represent a recent addition to the range of residential options for older people in the UK. Research has focused on the development and nature of retirement housing in the public and voluntary sectors in England. Limited attention has been directed to the private retirement communities and, in particular, to the lived experience of residents in private sector retirement villages. This research, which is the first study of a private retirement village in Scotland, overcomes this information deficit by identifying the nature and growth of private retirement villages in the UK and exploring the lived experience of residents of the private retirement village of Firhall. The discussion is organised into four main parts. Part I examines the concept of the retirement village. Part II explains the growth and geography of retirement villages in the UK. Part III comprises the empirical analysis of the case study retirement village. The research identifies the social, economic and demographic characteristics of the village population and provides insight into lived experience of the residents in the study village. Finally, in part IV, the discussion identifies a number of key issues for further research, and the potential contribution of retirement villages for meeting the needs and preferences of the growing third age population of the UK.  相似文献   

雷蕾 《人文地理》2012,27(5):94-97
中国的古村镇保护利用工作经过了30多年的发展取得了积极的进步,但是也出现了因保护而破坏的严重问题。本文尝试从对古村镇定义的修订切入,将古村镇作为一种文化综合体和文化生态系统进行分析,强调古村镇是由器物、行为、制度、精神四个层面构成的文化综合体,是具有自组织性的文化生态系统,对系统中任意环节的破坏都会造成保护利用的悖论现象。在此基础上,本文总结出保护环境与破坏环境、重现建筑特色与消解建筑特色等四重"中国式悖论",并进一步从社会文化环境、理念认知、管理机制以及开发模式等层面分析了中国式悖论产生的原因。  相似文献   

论文依据对青田县方山、船寮等地华侨村官以及所管辖的村民进行田野调查的结果,分析了华侨村官群体出现的原因、作用和特点,剖析了华侨村官工作中存在的阻碍和不足,以及工作中“水土不服”现象和阻碍的因素,旨在为地方政府研究制订华侨参政长效机制提供参考,并以期社会对华侨参政这一新现象给予更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on several villages of Licheng county in the southeastern part of Shanxi province, probing into how the war and the revolution affected village society in North China. The primary concern of most existing studies on the Chinese Revolution has been to examine how the Communist Party of China (CPC) mobilized peasants in a certain area, boosted their revolutionary consciousness, and ultimately led them to win the revolution, and to carry out this inquiry in the context of the orthodox history of the CPC, from top-down perspective. The paper focuses on the microscopic world of a village, and examine, from the bottom-up perspective and in the context of the history of the village itself, what the war and the revolution meant to the village, several factors that have remained rather inconspicuous begin to surface. The case studies of several villages in Licheng county shows that the revolution unfolded as an extension of various conflicts or rivalries that had existed for years within each village, or between different villages. One group of well-to-do people who had once monopolized public authority within a village fell from power, while a group of poorer peasants who had been dominated by the richer group joined the CPC and emerged as new power holders in the village. The motives that drove peasants to join the CPC were often far more complex and diverse than conventional theory would have us believe.  相似文献   

结合黄土高塬沟壑区的自然地理特点,以陕西淳化县为例,分析黄土高塬沟壑区小流域村镇体系的空间分布特征,提出"两沟夹一塬"单元是黄土高塬沟壑区基本的自然与社会经济组织系统。提出应以城镇发展为核心,逐步形成适合于地域特征的"枝状"村镇体系空间结构体系;应对分散的村镇适当迁并,充分发挥城镇的集聚效益,逐步形成黄土高原沟壑区"大分散-小聚合"的村镇体系格局;应以生态环境建设为目的,加强轴线地带非城镇化地区的空间管制。  相似文献   

This study of livelihood patterns in a single rice village of coastal Guyana from 1887 to the present stresses economic and ecological linkages between the village and nearby sugar cane plantations. In the village of Bush Lot, typically populated by descendants of indentured plantation labourers from India, problems of maintaining drainage and irrigation canals have been compounded by a lack of village labour coordination. Varying yields from the community's ricefields have been affected by recurring drought and flood, so the villagers have never been full-time subsistence farmers. Rather, they have worked seasonally on the nearby plantations to supplement village farming activities. This part-time estate work has tended to inhibit social and political solidarity within Bush Lot. The plantations have coped better with water control than have villages. Nevertheless, the cane estates have depended upon nearby villages for seasonal labour. Although agricultural technology and scale of production have changed dramatically during the psst century, plantations and villages of the Guyanese coastal plain remain closely interlinked.  相似文献   

韦亚  张虹 《人文地理》2022,37(4):166-174
选取风险源、风险受体状态、风险响应三个方面16个指标,以外部自然、人文因素、传统村落内部景观和建筑结构等为切入点,构建山地传统村落空间系统风险评价体系,分析重庆市110个传统村落空间系统风险,并针对性地提出保护建议。研究表明:(1)构建的风险评价体系能够综合反映山地传统村落空间系统外部压力和内部脆弱性,体现其空间差异。(2)重庆市传统村落空间系统风险属较高及以上等级的有42个,占村落总数的1/3以上,主要分布于渝东南武陵山中山地区,如酉阳、秀山等地。(3)风险等级较高及以上的传统村落,应提升主体风险防范能力,合理规划村落发展,避免城镇边界扩张挤压传统村落空间,导致其非自然性衰落。山地传统村落空间系统风险研究从宏观揭示风险驱动因子,识别风险胁迫大小,对传统村落精准保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用公共地理学方法,讨论城中村的文化遗产价值。文章考察了新老两代村民和四类不同租户构成的核心群体,对于城中村的认知、记忆和情感的差异与代际隔阂。研究发现,以深圳为案例的南方中国的城中村,出现原住民业主被大量外来租户逐步替代、导致传统宗族村落文化难以后继、并从"落脚城市"向"可居社区"成熟转变的发展趋势。城中村的文化遗产被识别为"半村半城"的混合型生活文化、以乡镇企业工业遗存和非正规经济为代表的生产文化、凝结移民草根之奋斗精神的理性文化,以及凸显城中村生命活体的感性文化等四个类型。文章认为城中村文化遗产的价值,需要通过社会(代际)与地域空间的双重尺度提升,在公共地理学讨论平台,达成共识。  相似文献   

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