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图们江流域青铜时代的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据现有材料,图们江流域的青铜时代考古学遗存可以分为两种考古学文化类型,早期为兴城文化,其年代跨度为龙山文化末期-夏代;晚期为柳庭洞类型,年代跨度为商-春秋战国。大六道沟遗址的考古遗存既包括新石器时代堆积,也包括青铜时代堆积,从而否定了原有的关于该遗址为单一的新石器时代遗存的观点。  相似文献   

谭家岭新石器时代遗址,位于天门县石河镇西北1.5公里处,总面积约十五万平方米,文化层厚度约2—3米。一九八二年上半年,湖北省博物馆会同天门县文化馆对谭家岭遗址进行发掘,发掘面积一百三十七平方米,发现红陶系文化遗存、屈家岭文化遗存、石家河文化遗存三个阶段的文化堆积,并揭露出残房基墓遗迹二座,墓葬(包括瓮棺葬)十八座,灰坑十个,出土大量陶、石器。现简要报导如下:红陶系遗存为早期堆积,文化层极薄,  相似文献   

白水寨和沙乌都遗址的年代属于龙山时代早期,目前可以将其文化遗存分为前后2段:第1段以白水寨遗址为主体遗存,与营盘山遗址上层部分地层单位出土陶片相似,沙乌都遗址北区的部分遗存可归入本段,第2段以沙乌都遗址南区堆积为代表。白水寨及沙乌都遗址的发现有助于了解四川盆地西北缘龙山时代遗存的内涵及演变情况,为探讨川西北高原与四川盆地之间新石器文化的关系提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

2017年10月至2018年2月,宁波市文物考古研究所和吉林大学等单位对宁波市奉化区下王渡遗址第Ⅲ区进行了抢救性考古发掘,初步确认该地点的文化堆积以河姆渡文化遗存和良渚文化遗存为主。通过发掘,我们认为该遗址为完善宁波地区史前遗址的空间分布和文化内涵提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

东岗头遗址保存状况较好,文化堆积厚,遗存内涵丰富,对于研究江南地区商周时期文化以及宁镇地区新石器文化的特征具有极高的学术价值。遗址地处湖熟文化中心区秦淮河流域,其西周时期文化遗存是典型的湖熟文化,此次发掘有助于准确把握湖熟文化的典型特征,为深入研究湖熟文化积累资料。  相似文献   

河南驻马店市张楼遗址是史前淮河流域的小型聚落。河南省文物考古研究所于2001年进行了考古发掘,发现有龙山时代、二里头文化等文化遗存。其中龙山时代遗存有房址、灰坑、灰沟、墓葬等。这些房址多排列有序,可能是一个经过有序规划的聚落遗址。遗址堆积较薄且面积较小,房址之间很少有打破关系,可能意味着该遗址使用时间相对较短。出土遗物有陶器、石器等,这些文化遗存的时代、性质与杨庄二期文化早期比较接近。  相似文献   

河南省文物考古研究院于2013年3月—6月对淅川金营遗址进行了考古发掘,遗址地层堆积简单,文化内涵较为丰富,新石器时代遗存属于四个时期,分别为仰韶文化晚期、屈家岭文化早期、石家河文化早中期和王湾三期文化晚期。  相似文献   

陕西神木石峁遗址出土的口簧及三足瓮、敛口盉,年代应为公元前1900年以后,而非公元前2000年前后。口簧还见于陶寺遗址J401,测年数据早于石峁遗址出土口簧,因而"石峁遗址所在的中国北方河套地区是世界口簧的祖源地"的观点不确。石峁遗址应当区分为三个时期的三类文化堆积,但这三类文化堆积并不是石峁遗址的全部遗存。  相似文献   

关洲遗址是目前发现的城背溪文化面积最大、保存最好的遗址.城背溪文化遗存主要有红烧土遗迹、灰坑、陶片堆积、鱼骨堆积等,说明在距今8500年左右的新石器时代早中期,江汉平原长江沿岸已经出现了比较稳定的较大规模的定居聚落.遗址可分为四期,第一、二期为城背溪文化中期,与彭头山文化第四期关系密切;第三期为城背溪文化晚期,大致相当于皂市下层文化;第四期属于柳林溪文化遗存.关洲遗址的发掘,大大丰富了我们对城背溪文化的认识,为研究长江中游史前文化格局的形成与演变提供了至关重要的资料.其深达近10米的文化层堆积,为我们研究全新世环境演变以及长江洪水史、河床演化提供了非常宝贵的资料.  相似文献   

山东博兴利城遗址为龙山文化、岳石文化、商、周至汉代遗址,出土遗物种类较多,文化堆积比较丰富,对鲁北地区小清河流域的历史发展意义重大。文章从六部分对遗址进行调查研究,梳理分析遗址现状,每个部分又分为若干小部分:第一部分,利城遗址概况,主要介绍利城遗址基本情况;第二部分,遗址所在区域历史沿革,主要介绍遗址所在区域历史管辖,地名更迭;第三部分,梳理分析遗址分布范围及自然环境,主要介绍利城遗址的分布范围及周边自然环境;第四部分,地层堆积,主要介绍利城遗址地层堆积及文化层关系;第五部分,文化遗存,主要介绍灰坑、房址、窑址及其出土遗物;第六部分,结语,总结文章的主要结论。  相似文献   

The Late Iron Age of northern Finland is often approached through an ethnic perspective. Archaeological sites are defined as local or foreign and, accordingly, linked to either Sámi or non-Sámi groups. In recent decades, the concept of transculturalism and mixing of cultural traits has been discussed by several researchers, and their work has shown that such categorizations can be questioned. Correspondingly, certain sites and artifacts found in the northern parts of Finland seem to relate to interactions and contacts instead of ethnic backgrounds. One such site was excavated at Viinivaara E in 2013 and 2014. Based on the fieldwork, the site can be linked to encounters and cultural exchange between local groups and visitors. The entangled nature of the site is understood by taking into consideration its location and landscape, but also by examining the archaeological and historical conception of Late Iron Age northern Finland in general. Further, transcultural dynamics present at the site are also tied to social development on a broader temporal and spatial scale.  相似文献   

重庆市云阳乔家院子遗址是三峡库区需要抢救发掘的重要遗址之一。本着重报道了该遗址第四次发掘的唐宋时期遗存,其中以唐代瓷器和建筑材料为主。特别是瓷器,其形制与釉色兼具当地和北方地区特色,既反映了当时该地区的制瓷水平,也反映出大一统化面貌下的地区化交流。大量的唐代遗存证明,乔家院子遗址在这个时期是一个较大村落,对于当时的村镇聚落考古研究有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

青场瓦窑遗址是贵州商周时期非常重要的一处古文化遗址。2008年10月至12月对其进行了第二次发掘,清理出更加丰富的遗迹,出土大量陶石器等遗物,对其文化特征和发展演变有了突破性认识。出土资料表明,它与分布在乌蒙山西缘的鸡公山文化遗存有一定联系但是独立发展的两个文化系统,原因与地理阻隔有关,瓦窑遗址在发展中更多地受到来自其北部四川盆地商周时期古文化的影响。  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,中外学者在呼伦贝尔大草原调查发现以细石器为代表的新石器时代文化遗存,迄今已达240多处,细石器遗存最早的时代可能已到中石器时代。中国社会科学院考古研究所中国细石器研究课题组于2003年8—9月对呼伦贝尔辉河水坝细石器遗址进行调查和发掘,出土大量文化遗物,发现细石器制作现场,清理居住、篝火、灰坑等遗迹;2004年又对该遗址进行补充发掘,清理墓葬一座。本文报告以上两年度发掘该遗址的主要收获。  相似文献   

Traditional Ethiopian and European processes of parchment manufacture and their associated tools are described and compared with artefacts recovered from an important pre-Aksumite site at Seglamen, in the highlands of northern Ethiopia. Many close similarities of tools used at Seglamen in both the earlier and later phases of the pre-Aksumite, from about 800 BC, to implements used by present-day Ethiopian scribes attest to the systematic production of parchment at Seglamen and to cultural continuity over a period of almost three millennia.  相似文献   

为进一步探索皖北地区新石器时代前期的文化面貌,2012年春夏之际,安徽省文物考古研究所对泗县进行了重点区域的调查。共发现3处新石器时代中期遗址,分别是于庄、唐圩、张集遗址。于庄遗址与江苏泗洪顺山集遗址文化面貌较为一致,距今约8000年;唐圩、张集遗址与蚌埠双墩遗存较类似,距今约7300—6700年。这三处遗址的发现对进一步认识淮河中游新石器时代文化的起源和早期发展提供了积极的线索。  相似文献   

An exceptional discovery was made in 2013 in the northern French Alps, at the Grande Rivoire site in Sassenage (Isère department): an obsidian bladelet from Sardinia was found in a cultural horizon dated to about 5360–5210 cal b.c. The abundant arrowheads found with it are characteristic of the Early Neolithic in the South of France (Cardial/Epicardial). Yet there was no pottery or domestic fauna, and only discrete markers of farming. The typological, technological and micro-wear analysis of this bladelet, as well as the determination of the origin of the raw material, open new avenues of reflection for the neolithization of the northern Alps, in particular concerning the role played by the Early Neolithic cultures of northern Italy.  相似文献   


In 2012 the ancient city of Petra celebrated the 200th anniversary of its Western re-identification. The Brown University Petra Archaeological Project (BUPAP) has sought to document the northern hinterland of Petra through a multi-component methodology that includes intensive field survey, feature documentation, and limited test excavations. The iconic site of Petra has a long and storied history, and it is a site that presents many challenges to archaeologists and cultural heritage managers. During a series of test excavations, meant to ground truth locations earmarked by the overlapping intensive field survey and feature documentation, several patterns of looting were identified. These instances of looting were often paralleled by observed vandalism that defaced archaeological heritage, within and outside the Petra Archaeological Park, with archaeological artifacts being sold to tourists at nearby shops. This study provides crucial documentation of these processes of vandalism and looting recorded over the last three years. We propose that only through continued monitoring can local authorities be provided with ample evidence calling for additional cultural heritage protection.  相似文献   


Grar is one of the largest Chalcolithic sites in southern Israel. The first part of this article presents an overview of the results of excavations carried out on the site during 1981–1987. The site of Grar is a cluster of occupational units once inhabited by sedentary farmers growing cereals and raising sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. Grar is similar to other sites in the northern Negev previously considered as ephemeral. This suggests that the role of pastoralism and semi-nomadism in the Chalcolithic period has been overemphasized. Grar and other sites of the Chalcolithic period are, in fact, the earliest versions of villages of the Near Eastern fellahin, or peasants.

A comparative study of Grar and other northern Negev sites follows. Although the area in question is small, it is suggested that during the Chalcolithic period the northern Negev was settled by two groups, or “tribes,” with the same cultural background but different modes of lift.  相似文献   

Small-scale excavation was undertaken at the Malakai site on the small island of Nimowa, located in the Louisiade Archipelago, Massim region, Papua New Guinea. This is the first excavation to be reported in detail from the archipelago, with the Malakai site providing insight into cultural practices on the island and pottery exchange in the southern Massim region. A stratified deposit was revealed with dense cultural material, first inhabited from 1350 to 1290 cal. BP, with a subsequent period of settlement within the last 460–300 cal. years. Pottery, shell, and stone artifacts were recovered, as well as human skeletal remains in a primary burial context, which contributes to understanding regional patterns of prehistoric mortuary activity. It is argued that Nimowa was already part of an exchange network that encompassed many of the southern Massim islands when the Malakai site was first occupied. There is increased diversity in the number of vessel forms in later prehistory, but with remarkable continuity in the decorative motifs over time, suggesting some degree of regional social cohesion in the southern Massim. It appears that the northern Massim islands were not a major supplier of pottery to Nimowa. The implications for the prehistory of the wider region are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   

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