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We discuss a simple methodology to enable a statistical comparison of human population with the vegetation of North America over the past 13,000 years. Nonparametric kernel methods are applied for temporal and spatial smoothing of point data obtained from the Neotoma Paleoecology Database and the Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database, which results in sequences of maps showing the development of population and different plant taxa during the Holocene. The estimation of smooth spatial and spatio-temporal cross-correlation functions is proposed in order to detect relationships between population and vegetation in fixed time intervals. Furthermore, the effects of varying environment on demographic changes as well as potential impacts of populations on plant taxa over time are analyzed. Pointwise confidence bands for cross-correlation functions are computed and a robustness analysis is performed to assess the significance of obtained results. Considering the example of oak, an interpretation of our results for eastern North America shows the value of this methodology.  相似文献   

A change in human adaptations on the Southern Plateau during the fourth millennium B.P offers the opportunity to investigate the process by which immediate-consumption strategies are replaced by delayed consumption strategies among hunter-gatherers. Assemblage structure and settlement pattern are used to infer the nature of resource acquisition strategies between 2000 and 6000 radiocarbon years B.P., and the results are compared with a proxy record of population and a detailed reconstruction of terrestrial and riverine paleoenvironments. Results show that a strategy of mobile and later occasionally sedentary foraging with little use of storage technology persisted until as late as 3500 B.P and was abruptly and without detectable gradation replaced by a strictly scheduled, semisedentary, logistically organized, storage-dependent collector strategy. The change took place at a time of depressed population and 400 years after a period of climatic cooling had begun, thus eliminating both demographic pressure and environmental determinism as explanations. The evidence could be explained by prolonged selective pressure of an increasingly seasonal environment acting on successively attempted behavioral variants, but the widespread rise of collector-like strategies throughout the west at about the same time leaves open the question of exogenous development and highlights the importance of climatic change.  相似文献   


The Seneca are an original member of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy and one of several Northern Iroquoian societies that inhabited northeastern North America. This research explores their population history during the 16th and 17th centuries. Previous studies of Northern Iroquoian populations identified population increase until contact with Europeans, no evidence of pre-contact diseases, and drastic depopulation resulting from interaction with European societies. Similar patterns were expected in this research. Combining archaeological settlement data collected with non- and minimally invasive survey techniques and ethnohistorical information, this article estimates the population trends of the Seneca. The results show a highly complex population history that includes pre-contact population losses, in- and out-migration episodes, significant losses from Old World diseases, and rapid population recovery. The field methods employed here may have wider applicability for the demographic archaeology of other similarly adapted cultures.  相似文献   

Jade Sasser 《对极》2014,46(5):1240-1257
Environmentalists and environmental organizations in the USA have long identified population growth as a key threat to environmental sustainability at local and global scales. The neo‐Malthusian logics they invoke embed racialized images and categories in defining population “problems”, yet increasingly social justice language is invoked in population debates as a “solution” in the context of international development. This article explores the historical and contemporary characterizations of race as a central component of population–environment advocacy. It focuses on locations of race narratives in both the conceptualizations of population growth as an environmental problem, and family planning as a global solution. Through a critical analysis of the “population justice” framework, I argue that new discursive approaches attempt to reposition population work as socially just, while eliding critical analyses of race.  相似文献   

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