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The Portuguese mountain city of Covilhã possesses a singular industrial tradition. Today, many of the urban interventions undertaken result in an urban space and landscape disconnected from the mountains. Alpine mountain cities emerge as emblematic, given the representativeness the Alps assume within the context of European mountains. In the Alpine region, the polycentric system of cities condenses the characteristics associated with the topographical particularities and singular types of inter-municipal and cross-border relationships, where the economic changes and regional policies can be observed with greater clarity due to their specificity. In general terms, the quality of life, based on the landscape values, the identification of the citizens with their territory, and on the territorial planning at different scales, emerges as being linked to the construction of a brand identity based on sustainable urban development. It is in this sphere that the study of Alpine cases can inspire good practices to be applied in the Portuguese territory of the Beira Interior, namely in the medium-sized cities and in the synergies between them and the natural spaces. Thus Covilhã finds itself in an advantageous position to use its situation to construct a city brand in harmony with the mountain territory.  相似文献   

The analysis of neoliberalism has become a key point of departure in critical urban studies and political geography. Its application in theorising new forms of residential environments is no exception. Common interest developments, gated communities and, in the Australian case, masterplanned residential estates (MPREs) are cast as vehicles of neoliberalist privatisation, extending private property rights and embedding market logics and neoliberal modes of privatised governance. This paper is a critical theoretical and empirical engagement with the interpretation of these residential developments as iconic expressions of urban neoliberalisation. We bring poststructuralist thinking on neoliberalism as an assemblage of diverse practices and projects together with poststructuralist conceptions of the public and private as contextual and enacted political constructions, to provide an alternative analytic—an analytic of assemblage—for investigating putative pathways of neoliberal privatisation. We suggest the purchase of this extended framework through an exploration of MPRE development by Sydney's largest MPRE developer. In this framework, MPREs become contingent productions in which multiple and overdetermined projects, practices and paradigms of governance are at work including, amongst others, social sustainability and interventionism. Rather than producing neoliberal privatisation, we explore how MPRE developments involve the complex constitution of new forms of public and private that exceed coding as neoliberal. We conclude that the framework engaged with here can enable productive advances for urban theorising. Its emphasis on practice, enactment, multiplicity and assemblage can resist a tendency to reify urban neoliberalism and nurture the development of new conceptions and discourses of urban governance less bound to the neoliberal imaginary.  相似文献   

In Australia, master planned estates are emerging as a favoured form of residential development, finding support from urban planners and government. The proliferation of master planned estates has led urban researchers to comment on the socially exclusive nature of many of these new developments and their potential contribution to socio-spatial polarisation in the urban landscape. Do master planned estates purposefully inculcate an image of exclusivity, and do these constructions result in socio-spatial polarisation? A case study of the contribution of master planned estates to polarisation in the urban landscape is examined here. This research analysed the intentions, imagery and outcomes of a specific master planned estate in suburban Sydney – Glenmore Park. The established, socially constructed, and in some ways negative image of western Sydney has been used as a mirror against which an alternative – albeit exclusive and distinct – identity for Glenmore Park has been advanced. The intended image was for an exclusive and prestigious estate for white nuclear families. The developers and place marketers played a key role in the construction of this exclusivity, which ultimately superseded some of the more socially inclusive planning objectives for the area. The overriding conclusion from this research is that, in this case, there is an explicit connection between intentions and imagery, which encourages socio-spatial polarisation.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of research on the implementation of recent legislation which enables Irish local authorities to require that up to 20% of new residential developments must be employed for social housing and for “affordable housing” for sale at below market value to low income households. The legislation will mean that most new residential developments will include several housing tenures. A survey of the number of mixed tenure estates constructed prior to its enactment indicates that, that without this legislation, few estates of this type would have been constructed in urban areas. Furthermore case studies of existing mixed tenure estates indicate that the prospects that this legislation can be successfully implemented are good. Opposition to tenure mixing among home buyers is less than some interest groups have claimed; there is little conflict between the residents of the different tenures in these estates and social housing managers and property developers hold similar views on the most appropriate design of these estates. However successful implementation of the legislation will require some reforms to arrangements for the planning and management of the developments subject to its provisions.  相似文献   

20世纪60、70年代以来,西方发达国家的城市景观空间研究由"物质景观"转向了"物质与文化景观并重"的研究,其本质在于从人本主义视角探究不同景观的区位价值和区位重构关系,尤其关注城市日常生活空间质量观下的人居环境景观与景观的社会公正配置与规划,从而响应不同的区位价值,满足阶层化下的人的区位尊严需求。本文重在从行为文化区位景观价值视角探讨城市区位景观价值的演变特征、区位景观理论的内涵与构成及区位文化景观尊严规划的原理构成等。  相似文献   


Co-working spaces of different types are emerging as new economic and social intermediaries in the contemporary process of urban regeneration and urban economic growth. Despite their relevance, literature still fails to explore their role in the surrounding local economy. This paper intends to fill that gap, providing empirical evidence from the city of Rome and suggesting new policy perspectives. First, a taxonomy of the different spaces is provided, assessing their role in the related socio-economic ecosystem. Three main typologies have been identified: CWS1 acting as a ‘social incubator’ with an educational role and closer links to local authorities, CWS2 or ‘start-up incubator’ providing economic and technical support to the entrepreneurs-to-be, CWS3 or ‘real estate incubator’ which are mainly a commercial product. Their locational patterns are then discussed, highlighting the planning implication of their settlement in some in-between urban peripheral areas of Rome. Finally, suggestions for the creation of public/private partnerships or ‘social leases’ are proposed, foreseeing the integration of such spaces in the local offer of amenities. The current research paves the way for further discussion on the renewal of cities’ governance tools, processes of urban regeneration and policies tackling the new urban entrepreneurial class.  相似文献   

广州市外来人口居住隔离及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁媛  许学强 《人文地理》2008,23(5):61-66
利用广州市人口普查街道(部分居委会)数据总结1990-2000年外来人口居住隔离的时空特征:隔离程度呈增加趋势,核心和外围区隔离程度及变化差异大,散点状为主的空间模式,并呈现异质性和非稳定性的社会特征。通过典型社区问卷访谈,对比外来人口与户籍低收入人口,建构影响因素的逻辑回归(Logistic regression)模型,显示户籍的属地差别是产生隔离的根本原因,与户籍属地管理相关的劳动力市场分割和住房政策共同构成了排斥的制度环境,限制了外来人口的住房选择,把其推向低端私人租房市场。在有限的居住选择下,交通和经济等个体择居要素影响了隔离空间的分布和社会特征,以城中村为代表低端私人租房来源的布局特征决定并固化了隔离空间的分布模式。  相似文献   

Master planned estates have been the subject of considerable academic interest since the publication of Blakely and Snyder's ( 1997 ) typology. The growing provision of private assets, facilities, and infrastructure in such estates has been documented and discussed. However, the extent of this form of residential estate in Australia has yet to be systematically documented. This paper seeks to contribute to knowledge in this field by reference to findings from an investigation in Sydney, Australia, using data from 300 private residential estates constructed under the New South Wales Community Land Development Act, 1989 (community title) over a 20‐year period. The aim is to understand the broad trends emerging in relation to the nature and extent of these types of developments and to consider some of their potential implications. This research suggests that there has been a quiet revolution in residential development and postulates that the extent of privatisation of essential neighbourhood infrastructure has been considerable. The study finds that master planned residential estate development has proliferated, particularly in the outer suburbs and in areas of relative disadvantage, and resulted in enclaves of comparative affluence disconnected from surrounding areas. In addition, the restrictive covenants usually applied in these estates are often designed to prevent change, including future densification or environmental adaptation. To this extent, the privatised nature of these estates puts them beyond the reach of broader urban planning goals.  相似文献   

Gated communities are residential developments where access is restricted and public spaces are privatized. They have potential impacts on their surrounding neighbourhoods such as threatening safety, restricting access, and perpetuating social inequality. Although there is an academic and public policy debate in the US, there has been little attention focused on gated communities in Britain. This article looks at how the British planning system deals with this issue by comparing development control of gated communities in two boroughs of London. The conclusion is that the planning system does not adequately consider the impacts of gated communities and specific policies are needed.  相似文献   

西方城市居住行为研究进展及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
穆学英  崔璨  徐伟 《人文地理》2020,35(5):8-17
改革开放40年以来,住房市场化转型使中国拥有了一个相对独特的住房制度环境,对城市空间结构、居民居住状况和民生福祉等各方面都产生了深远影响。中央政府明确强调需加快研究建立符合国情、适应市场规律的房地产基础性制度和长效机制,而这需要对城市居民微观居住行为进行深入研究。居住行为作为城市地理学的重要议题,近年来,相关研究虽不断涌现,但尚缺乏系统的理论梳理和实证研究总结。本文利用知识图谱可视化刻画了居住行为研究热点的演化,从居住迁移、住房产权获得、住房生涯三方面对西方相关研究进展和前沿进行评述,并进一步梳理了居住行为与城市空间的关系,以深化对城市居住空间分异机制的理解;在总结中西方差异的基础上,对中国现有实证研究进行了回顾;立足于中国国情和现有住房政策,分别从理论、内容、数据和方法三个方面对未来中国居住行为研究方向进行展望,旨在引起学术界对居住行为的关注,为推动中国居住行为研究理论构建、理解社会空间重构机制提供参考。  相似文献   

城乡空间互动-整合演进中的新型农村社区规划体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以城乡空间互动-整合演进的理念为依托,横向思考城市与乡村在社会经济发展、居民理想生活诉求层面的异同,着力探讨新型农村社区规划原理及规划体系的核心内容,指出经济空间互动、生活空间延展、社会文化空间更新、城乡交通空间链接及田园生态景观空间表征是城乡空间互动-整合演进不同阶段新型农村社区规划的基本原理,故农业生产空间规划、农村社区居住空间规划、农村社区公共空间规划、农村社区交通空间规划、农田与绿地空间规划构成了新型农村社区规划体系。新型农村社区规划体系的确立必将对城乡空间的合理规划与管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

试论城市规划的政策化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐文跃 《人文地理》2007,22(4):12-15
城市规划的改革与发展是一个倍受我国城市规划界关注的问题。除了传统的城市空间组织功能外,近年来城市规划的利益调控功能受到了研究者的广泛关注。通过对传统城市规划理论与实践的反思,城市规划的公共政策属性得到了更多的认可,城市规划的政策化趋势更为明显。本文在比较"以空间组织为中心"和"以利益协调为中心"两种规划视角的基础上,分析了城市规划的政策化发展趋势,阐述了城市规划中的政策输入与输出过程,并针对我国规划研究中的不足,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

小产权房是一个涉及广泛民生,持续受到关注的社会热点问题。小产权房交易屡禁不止,是目前政策的难点之一。本文从城乡规划的视角出发,通过对南京市城郊结合部典型小产权房小区的实证调查,了解小产权房居民的居住状况和居住满意度。研究内容涉及小产权房居住区的社会构成,居民对小区外部环境、小区建设状况、小区社会生活的满意度状况,以及小产权房小区违规建设导致的问题,并针对居住品质改善提出建议。最后,从城乡规划的角度对现存小产权房的治理提出一些建议。  相似文献   

In light of the ongoing urban shrinkage debate, planners stressed the need for new planning concepts and strategies. In this respect, the relevance of involving civil society in governance of urban shrinkage has been emphasized. So far, however these issues have received limited attention. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by investigating (1) how actors in civil society experience urban shrinkage and (2) their perspectives on the governance of urban shrinkage. We study this in two shrinking medium-sized cities: Heerlen (the Netherlands) and Blaenau Gwent (Wales). To answer these research questions, we make use of the concept of social capital. We follow a comparative case study design, primarily basing the analysis on data from 52 in-depth interviews. In the case studies, specific patterns of social capital can be observed: strong place attachment, strong informal participation and weak trust of civil society in local governments. However, the experience of urban shrinkage and the reaction to shrinkage differs. We conclude that understanding shrinkage and addressing it are predominately context related. Explanations based on historical developments and welfare state provisions are offered. The paper ends with reflections on the implications of these findings for governance of urban shrinkage.  相似文献   

现代中国城市居住空间分异机制的理论研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
通过住宅市场空间分异研究体系的建立,认为城市居住空间分异是社会阶(层)级分化结果通过市场宏观控制、个体择居行为心理的局部调整而实现的空间化过程。因此,居住空间分异机制可以从对住房市场空间分化及个体择居行为机制两个方面来理解。从五个方面具体分析影响城市住宅市场分化的机构、各种机构对城市居住空间、社会空间分异的影响力:(1)政府作为土地所有者及其作用形态;(2)城市建筑商、地产开发商的发展方式;(3)金融信贷业对社会空间和物质空间的空间非均衡的影响;(4)地产物业机构对邻里的操纵和强化;(5)城市规划思想与方法的影响。并认为影响我国城市社会地理空间分异的宏观背景是:(1)国内自1978年以来的政治经济体制改革,它确定我们的主要研究框架;(2)自80年代末期开始强化的经济全球化与区域集团造就的新国际劳动分工;(3)信息技术革命为核心的知识经济及其影响下的经济结构变化。  相似文献   

Research on secularization has increased in recent years, particularly amongst urban geographers. Yet the debate is still dominated by competing theories that generally fail to account for the many institutions that impede and facilitate religiosity on the urban landscape. This article is about the role that land use planning regulations have had on changes to the religious landscape in Toronto. The empirical focus is on former churches that have recently been converted to residential uses. The larger conceptual goal is to explore the extent to which these transitions affect the religious landscape in the city and to determine what they can tell us about broader processes of secularization.  相似文献   


This article aims to highlight the mechanisms through which institutional arrangements influence the morphology of residential development. By comparing the Netherlands, Flanders and North Rhine-Westphalia, which have quite similar socio-economic and landscape characteristics, it investigates how differences in national institutional environments have contributed to differences in the urban morphology of residential areas. This article fits within a broader institutional “turn” in planning research. While most of these studies focus on how institutions affect the behaviour of actors in the process of planning and development, this article focuses on the physical outcomes of these processes. The institutional analysis of physical outcomes suggests that urban morphology is not only linked to planning systems—the subject of this special issue—but also to housing cultures and property regimes.  相似文献   

Australian central cities have undergone fundamental changes during the last decade. They have typically experienced massive office construction, while losing much of their residential communities, architectural and cultural heritage, retailing role and some recreational attractions. Government authorities have facilitated and participated in many central city projects. A metropolitan-wide survey conducted in Perth on these subjects shows increased dependence on the private car, increased preference for suburban living and shopping, but some willingness to consider central city living, a demand for further community participation in central city planning, and a preference for the future expansion of most non-office activities in the central area. The survey indentified notable gaps between government policies for the development of Perth's central area on one hand, and the preferences of Perth's residents on the other.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss institutional capacity building in spatial planning focussing on two experiences of public policy in Portugal involving institutional cooperation. These experiences reveal the importance of factors associated with the roles of the central state and local political leadership in the way integrated tools of urban and territorial policy are implemented. They also show that the capacity to mobilize local agents is mitigated by the deep-rooted presence of highly personalized institutional ties, reflecting a relational model that is particularly characteristic of Portuguese society. We will conclude that territorial policies may be jeopardized when these policies are centred mainly upon the mobilization of local agents. In fact, these two case-studies, as well as similar experiences in Italy, suggest that, in southern Europe, two other aspects are central for the definition of territorial policies on the inter-municipal and local scales: the influence of the state, and the role of political leadership at local level.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between zoning by-laws, as put forward in governmental land-use plans and the viability of urban residential neighbourhood economies. The Dutch planning tradition has long been characterized by strict separation of functions and top-down planning. We argue that profound changes in social and economic structures make land-use planning practices less suitable for the current policy formula of “mixed urban milieus”. Although the residential neighbourhood might not be the location of large firms, it definitely attracts small ones, and facilitates starting businesses whose presence (and potential growth) can be beneficial to the city as a whole. We present a typology of spatial patterns of neighbourhood economies based on land-use plans and describe whether these are related to the distinctive economic development of the neighbourhood over the period 1999–2007.  相似文献   

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