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1932年,南京国民政府曾一度迁都洛阳,并定洛阳为“行都”。因国民政府在洛仅10个月时间,故这一段史实渐为人们所淡忘,为史家所忽视。然而,作为民国时期的一件大事.我们有必要对其背景、经过和影响细加探究。  相似文献   

1920年7月,广州护法国会迁往昆明,谋求组织新的中华民国军政府,再举“护法”大旗.这是护法运动时期滇桂矛盾激化、护法军政府内部分裂的表现与发展,也是民国宪政发展史的组成部分,反映了云南在民初政治斗争中的地位和影响.非常国会在云南的活动,名不符实,受到多方面的批评与责难.  相似文献   

Moving on up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Archaeological filmmaking is a relatively under-examined subject in academic literature. As the technology for creating, editing, and distributing video becomes increasingly available, it is important to understand the broader context of archaeological filmmaking; from television documentaries to footage shot as an additional method of recording to the informal ‘home videos’ in archaeology. The history of filmmaking in archaeology follows innovations within archaeological practice as well as the availability and affordability of technology. While there have been extensive analyses of movies and television shows about archaeological subjects, the topic of archaeological film has been characterized by reactions to these outside perspectives, rather than examinations of footage created by archaeologists. This can be understood to fall within several filmic genres, including expository, direct testimonial, impressionistic, and phenomenological films, each with their own purpose and expressive qualities. Footage taken on site can also be perceived as a form of surveillance, and can modify behaviour as a form of panopticon. Consequently, there are considerations regarding audience, distribution, and methods for evaluation, as these films are increasingly available on social media platforms. This paper explores the broad context for archaeological filmmaking and considers potential futures for the moving image in archaeology.  相似文献   

The contributors to this forum each reflect on a particular aspect of the future of academic publishing. James Mussell outlines how the form of the online academic journal, and in particular ongoing use of pdf, remains resistant to the potential that the digital environment can offer. Lucinda Matthews-Jones continues the conversation by explaining how journal blogs, such as JVC Online, act as digital spaces that facilitate more creative engagement with multimedia and which allow authors to foster and to interact with new and often broader networks of readers. Finally, Helen Rogers surveys the current landscape of academic publishing and urges us, as scholars, to move beyond the traditional schema and embrace the potential that Web 2.0 can offer. As more and more of our scholarly lives are lived online, the investment of the scholarly journal in print culture becomes apparent. These essays recognize the value of longevity, of scholarship’s commitment to both the past and the future, but they also suggest that scholarly publication needs to attend more closely to the times in which it is published.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a dynamic model of urbanization in the regional system consisting of the central business district (CBD), the urban, and the rural areas. Processes of “eating up” the rural land by the residents and firms in the urban area are endogenously determined. Spatial and temporal land prices of the urban and rural areas are described by partial differential equations. The boundary between the urban and rural areas is temporarily moved by “eating-up” forces of the urban area. Movement of the boundary is determined by interactions between the urban and rural areas near the boundary. The model consists of three partial differential equations under appropriate boundary and initial conditions. It describes how the actual regional pattern is disturbed far away from the equilibrium by inflationary forces. An analytic solution of the fixed rural land price is given.  相似文献   

Spatial Moving Behavior of Two-Earner Households   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economic theory suggests that job choice, residential choice and commuting behavior are simultaneously determined. The case of two-earner households deserves special attention because the two wage earners share a dwelling but have different workplaces. We base our analysis of spatial moving behavior on search theory. We demonstrate that job mobility depends positively on the distance between the workplaces of the two wage earners. Residential mobility seems to be negatively influenced by the distance between the workplaces of the two wage earners. The search model also indicates that two-earner households will, on average, move less often than single wage earners.  相似文献   

jean  张琪 《风景名胜》2011,(2):71-75,70
葱郁的森林和湛蓝的湖泊,纯种马背上的田园牧歌和顶级高尔夫球场,旖旎的花园和浪漫的古堡,对于奢华人士来说,爱尔兰是一个绮丽的天堂,在这个绿色环抱的翡翠之岛更能体验自驾随风的乐趣。  相似文献   

While the term "industrial policy" has come to be associated by many Americans with too much government involvement in private markets, the United States is nevertheless moving rapidly towards a more active and explicit industrial technology policy. The American policy is certainly different from those of Japan and Western Europe; but the recent emphasis on civilian technology and targeted manufacturing sectors, along with the continuing efforts of state-level technology programs, add up to a much more coherent industrial technology policy than in the past. Although this trend comes at the end of the Cold War and is related to defense conversion efforts, it is part of a larger trend tied to increasing pressure in the area of international competitiveness of American industry. A more pragmatic, less ideological approach emerged, first in numerous state capitals, and is emerging gradually in Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Archaeologists have explored how politics affect the way we see the past. They have investigated how constructions of the past naturalize present political conditions, and have explored uses of the past in current politics. Few have examined how politics in archaeology can relate to the future. In this article I develop ideas on a transformational politics in archaeology that focuses on critiquing oppressive relations in the past and present, and works towards building more just relations for the future. I examine how we can achieve this through building more democratic relations in the places we work.  相似文献   

According to the United Nations over 3% of the global population or 232 million people currently live outside their country of birth. Their significance as a growing proportion of the labour force in many European countries is widely known. It is also evident that women – many of them young – are increasingly represented among economic migrants and asylum seekers. However, the longer term contribution of women, as migrants and as workers, is less well recorded. Here, I explore the connections between migration and employment, through the lens of oral histories undertaken with women who moved to the UK. Their life stories illustrate the growing diversity among female migrants as well as the changing nature of women’s employment. My key focus is, however, not on the work these women migrants undertook in the UK, but on precarious forms of waged work engaged in during the migration journey itself. I also reflect on oral history as a method and the problems of writing difference for feminist scholars working with and on women migrants.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯羊绒衫无疑是我国家喻户晓的驰名品牌,给140多万人口的鄂尔多斯市带来了巨大的经济效益。在较长的时间里,鄂尔多斯是以蒙古族歌舞闻名于世,鄂尔多斯祝酒歌传唱一时,在青海的酒席上也时常可以听得到那首《金杯银杯》。著名的蒙古族歌唱家腾格尔就出生在这片富饶美丽的草原上,我们有多少次在酒酣之际为他深沉悠扬的歌声所陶醉啊!到鄂尔多斯的第一天,在下榻的鄂尔多斯饭店,亲耳聆听了蒙古族姑娘和小伙子美妙的歌声,蒙古长调似长空掠过的雁阵、似马头琴深情的吟咏,听得人心儿似在颤动呢!蒙古民族人人会唱歌跳舞,辽阔的蒙古草原上还不知…  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Research - Growing interest in bioarchaeology and its ability to address complex questions tied to social and biological identities in the past has led to the development...  相似文献   

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