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<正>有我,省得想起时空着恼,只当是一个梦,一个幻想;只当是前天我们见的残红,怯怜怜的在风前抖擞,一瓣,两瓣,落地,叫人踩,变泥。——徐志摩《翡冷翠一夜》  相似文献   

刘继生  陈彦光 《人文地理》2002,17(1):24-28,18
基于中心地假设,从城市人口分布的Sherratt模型和Naroll Bertalanffy的城乡人口异速生长关系出发导出关于人口分布空间动力学和城市扩展时空过程的数学模型,然后借助Batty等关于城市生长的DLA -DBM模拟结果证明人口的区位选择过程与城市的分形形态存在着内在关系。文章提出了关于区域人口运动和城市形态演化的三个基本原理:信息火商增原理、异速生长原理和Logistic发展原理。  相似文献   

王志勇  叶祥松  林仲豪 《人文地理》2021,36(1):94-103,134
文章运用2003-2017年珠三角9市的相关数据,构建空间杜宾模型和城市地理系统分形模型,分析了城市功能对经济增长的影响.研究表明:①城市功能专业化基础上的城市间功能互补,或者说注重城市间功能互补的城市功能专业化对本地经济增长有显著的促进作用,对其他城市也有显著的溢出效应;②只追求功能专业化对本地经济增长有促进作用,但...  相似文献   

基于新人本主义理念的城市社区生活空间公正结构探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王立  王兴中 《人文地理》2010,25(6):30-35
本文以城市各阶层日常生活行为的工作(上学)、家务、购物、闲暇活动完成的区位空间结构为议题,运用行为地理学的人本主义研究方法,以社区为基本研究尺度,探讨微观领域社会空间公正体系的结构与模式。得出城市社会空间体系发育阶段,影响城市社区生活空间结构的基本因子为城市资源、社区资源、社区类型-体系与场所体系,社区资源与城市资源在城市内部空间的布局呈"点-轴"结合模式,城市资源的线性空间体系格局与社区资源与场所的点状空间镶嵌映射了市场经济规律下城市社区生活空间结构的"集聚-碎化"倾向,缺失空间公正。最后,尝试性提出了人本、公平理念下的城市社区生活空间公正结构。  相似文献   

The article discusses the phenomenon of urban abandonment as a result of environmental hazards. Seen as an outcome of environmental drivers, the underlying assumption is that a characteristic of environmental hazards is their spatial and temporal constancy of impact, whereby processes and phenomena having taken place in the past have their analogies in the present. In order to generate insights for future research and policy development, there is a need to pay greater attention to the precarious relationship between humans and the natural environment, not least by drawing lessons from the past through the study of historical cases. The article clarifies the dynamic interactions of drivers and their progression through various stages of urban abandonment. This is done by recourse to an analysis of some general trends and an in‐depth examination of three selected case studies from Poland. It has two objectives. The first is to identify the historical role of environmental drivers in the process of urban abandonment, while the second one is to contribute to the typology of environmentally related processes of urban abandonment in order to better identify future calamities. With respect to the former, the findings reveal that the relation between environmental hazards and urban abandonment is pertinent in regions with specific geographic conditions and pertains only to certain categories of urban settlements. With respect to the latter, by drawing on these findings, we propose some alterations and amendments to McLeman's comprehensive model of settlement abandonment in the context of global environmental change.  相似文献   

Third World solid and semisolid urban wastes may contain human faecal matter, which is particularly hazardous to health. A survey of a typical West African city revealed five behaviours and five attitudes or perceptions associated with public and domestic refuse and its disposal, and some relationships with gender, educational level, and ethnicity. Actual health hazards were not generally perceived, nor was urban waste considered one of the three major urban problems. In the Third World as in the First World, urban waste constitutes a multifaceted problem whose resolution requires co-ordinated efforts on many fronts—economic, ecologic, and cultural.
Au Tiers-Monde, les déhets urbains solides et semisolides peuvent contenir des matières fécales humaines qui sont des facteurs de risque pour la santé humaine. L'enquête menée dans une ville typique d'Afrique de l'ouest revele cinq comportements et cinq attitudes ou perceptions associés avec les déchets publics et domestiques et leur enlèvement, et des relations statistiques avec le sexe, niveau d'éducation, et l'ethnie. Les dangers réels pour la santé n'ont pas été retenus, et, les déchets urbains n'ontpas été considérés comme étant un des trois problèmes urbains majeurs. Au Tiers-Monde comme dans les pays développés, les déchets urbains constituent un probléme très complexe dont les solutions requièrent les efforts coordonnes de plusieurs champs d'activité, que ce soit au niveau konomique, ecologique ou culturel.  相似文献   

现代城市管理新模式:城市网格化管理综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王喜  范况生  杨华  张超 《人文地理》2007,22(3):116-119
随着现代城市的快速发展,传统的城市管理手段和方式远远不能满足现代城市管理的要求,将现代城市管理理论与"数字城市"技术相结合而形成了新的城市管理模式-城市网格化管理。该模式将城市管理过程分为信息收集、案卷建立、任务派遣、任务处理、处理反馈、核实结案等环节,它采用的网格管理法、城市部件管理法、两个轴心的管理体制等是对现代城市管理模式的极大创新。  相似文献   

梁增贤  保继刚 《人文地理》2014,29(5):127-133
以广州和西安两个省会大城市为例,通过比较广州和西安旅游人数和旅游收入的增长差异,指出广州城市旅游呈现显著的结构性增长,而西安城市旅游的结构性增长不明显。进一步基于层次与等级的旅游供给分析框架,解释大城市旅游结构性增长的驱动力。研究表明,城市功能和地位的提升是大城市旅游的结构性增长的主导驱动力。大城市要实现旅游的结构性增长,要重点提升旅游相关的城市功能和地位,如政治、文化、现代服务业、交通、商业和城市接待功能等,并配合旅游核心要素的建设以及旅游主题和特色的营造。结构性增长是判断大城市旅游发展效率的重要指标,也是指导大城市旅游发展的重要参照。  相似文献   

Insights from social system–environmental system coevolutionary thought experiments are abstract, mind opening, and can only be conveyed by leading readers through the experiment themselves. Undertaking applied coevolutionary analyses requires one to bound processes and fix some of the categories, contrary to the nature of the broad, opening nature of coevolution itself. Being conscious of these contradictions makes it difficult to engage in a sustained research programme or form a community of coevolutionary scholars. In this article we engage with the epistemological tensions of conducting coevolutionary research and put forward tentative strategies for managing them.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Theories featuring multiple equilibria are widespread across economics. Yet little empirical work has asked if multiple equilibria are features of real economies. We examine this in the context of the Allied bombing of Japanese cities and industries in World War II. We develop a new empirical test for multiple equilibria and apply it to data for 114 Japanese cities in eight manufacturing industries. The data provide no support for the existence of multiple equilibria. In the aftermath even of immense shocks, a city typically recovers not only its population and its share of aggregate manufacturing, but even the industries it had before.  相似文献   

Encouraging environmental action by citizens in developed nations has become a major priority for governments who are seeking to reach environmental targets by exhorting individuals to participate in a range of behaviours to ameliorate the negative impact of their lifestyles. Such activities conventionally include energy saving, water conservation, waste management and forms of ‘green’ consumption. Current policy discourses are focused around a linear model of behaviour, which assumes that an awareness of environmental problems and knowledge of how to tackle them will lead to individual ameliorative actions. This paper explores these assumptions by applying a previously developed conceptual framework (Barr et al. 2001) to a range of environmental actions, to show how a variety of different factors influence environmental action. Using data from a major (UK) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded research project in Devon, United Kingdom, data on environmental actions collected during the project are interrogated to uncover the relationships between environmental actions and how these are influenced by values, personal situations and attitudes. The research demonstrates that environmental action is structured around people's everyday lifestyles (rather than a compartmentalized notion of behaviour) and that these have radically different antecedents.  相似文献   

张勇  何深静 《人文地理》2015,30(2):65-71
借助对城市企业主义的简明定义,即以"企业化表述"和"企业化方式"来实施"企业化战略",通过考察中部小城河南省济源市20年来的发展历程,发现其城市企业主义经历了由萌芽到深化的"全球城市化"进程。进一步分析表明:在中国,城市企业主义是多重尺度共同作用的产物;市场化和全球化构成相互交织的推动力量;城市体系中的位置直接影响城市企业主义的战略与行动内容。  相似文献   

创新投入在城市群内的空间格局是城市群内城市间创新功能分工的综合体现,对城市群整体创新绩效有着较为深刻的影响。基于此,本文以长江经济带6 大城市群为样本,借用城市基尼系数和城市首位度方法,计算了其创新投入的空间格局和演化趋势,并运用面板协整的方法分析了城市群整体创新绩效与创新投入空间格局之间的均衡及因果关系。研究发现:①6 大城市群中长三角城市群、武汉城市群和长株潭城市群的创新资源配置属于单核结构模式,其余的城市群为"双中心"或"多中心"模式;②城市群整体技术创新绩效与创新投入空间格局的城市首位度之间存在"倒U型"关系;③城市群技术创新绩效与城市首位度之间互为长期因果关系,但是从短期看,仅存在城市首位度对技术创新绩效的单向因果关系。  相似文献   

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