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狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗的对立统一关系是尼采借助于古希腊的宗教和神话传说提出的一种艺术原则,但这种关系只是尼采应其时代的需要而做的一种创造,与两神在古希腊宗教体系中的实质关系还有一些差别。对古希腊的宗教来说,狄奥尼索斯崇拜不仅不是一个外来的因素,而且在时间上还早于阿波罗崇拜,两者之间的对立成分很少,而且存在着很多联系和相似性。同时,狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗通过这种联系,确立了彼此在古希腊宗教里的层次和地位。  相似文献   

阿波罗被认为是最具希腊性的神。然而,他最初并不是一个希腊本土的神。依据古代典籍的记载、结合语源学和考古学的成果来考察,可以得出的结论是:阿波罗是一个多种文化元素融合后塑造成的希腊本族神。阿波罗崇拜形成发展过程中所体现的文化交流和融合,正是希腊文明吸收周边文明的具体体现。对阿波罗崇拜起源和传播路线的考察,一方面是在文明交流的母题下进行的微观考证,另一方面又为文明交流史的研究提供了具体史料的佐证。  相似文献   

‘The temple of Apollo and Diana’ is Vitruvius' example of the diastylos type, with comparatively wide‐spaced columns. Since there were only two Apollo temples in Rome, and that of Apollo ‘Sosianus’ outside the Porta Carmentalis was of the pycnostylos type, Vitruvius must have been referring to the temple on the Palatine dedicated by Imperator Caesar (soon to be Augustus) on 9 October 28 BC. That conclusion is normally contested or ignored, on the grounds that it is inconsistent with the remains of the concrete core of the platform on which the Palatine temple stood. I argue that the archaeological evidence should not be treated as decisive, and that the identification of the Palatine temple as a joint dedication to Apollo and his sister, perhaps with back‐to‐back cellae, may help to resolve the recent controversy over which way the temple faced.  相似文献   

By focusing on the key book‐length studies of the Apollo program that landed American astronauts on the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s, this essay seeks to evaluate the historiography about Apollo in the first decade of the twenty‐first century, dividing the subject into five major areas. The first area is the foreign policy and public policy antecedents of Apollo and its immediate ramifications; some of these efforts have yielded significant studies. The second area involves the evolution of space hardware, in many instances these are overwhelmingly detailed studies of rockets and other space flight technologies. Third, there is a great fascination with the astronauts and their actual flights, and a rich tradition of memoir and narrative exists in this arena. The fourth area receiving attention from historians of Apollo and the lunar voyages emphasizes the history of science, in which much of the focus is on the scientists, scientific findings from the voyages of discovery, and the use of this evidence in developing larger theories about the origin and evolution of the solar system. Finally, and increasingly so in the last 20 years, the Apollo story has been recontextualized through social and cultural investigations of its meaning in modern America. Assessing the five major areas enumerated above, this essay also offers some possibly fruitful avenues of future research.  相似文献   

The ruins of Hierapolis are located a few kilometres North of Laodicea in the Lycus Valley (western Turkey). This area is characterised by a large geothermic field that produces several hot water springs along tectonic structures (fractures and faults).  相似文献   

Derek Freeman. Margaret Mead and Samoa; the Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983. 375 pp. $20.00  相似文献   

The columns of monumental buildings in ancient Greece were provided with a pair of timber “empolia” (plugs) and a “pole” (pin), at interfaces between stone members (drums, capital). In order to reinstate this connection system, in columns capitals that were repaired, during the ongoing restoration of the classical temple of Apollo Epikourios (Greece), new poles and empolia made of titanium were installed. The titanium elements were designed to have similar shape and shear strength to the estimated respective characteristics of the ancient poles and empolia. Moreover, their effect on the seismic behaviour of the temple columns was numerically investigated. The investigation showed that, within the range of strong earthquakes which are anticipated in the area of the monument, the installation of a single pole at the interface between the capital and the uppermost drum leads to limited reduction of the expected maximum and residual deformations of the column, without altering significantly the main characteristics of its rocking response. Furthermore, poles located at every column interface ensures significant limitation of the column residual deformations. Prior to implementation of the titanium poles and empolia, the main aspects of their design were verified through specially designed experiments.  相似文献   


The Apollo project which landed a team of American astronauts on the Moon is generally considered as one of the greatest technological endeavors in the history of mankind. But in order to achieve this, a managerial effort, no less prodigious than the technological one, was required, and is here described. There were many aspects to the successful management, and often these had to be learnt during the project, and more important still, they had to be changed a experience accumulated. In this review, demonstrating dearly the interdisciplinary nature of the management process, the authors evaluate amongst other considerations, the political support, funding, manpower and industrial team management, the visibility of the project and the basic question of reliability of the millions of components. Finally, Apollo is compared with other, successful and unsuccessful, projects. The review was written whilst Dr Robert C. Seamans Jr held the position of Administrator, US Energy Research and Development Administration.  相似文献   

方燕明 《华夏考古》2012,(2):47-67,157,158
河南位于中原腹地,在龙山时代和早期青铜时代,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化在中华文明起源与发展进程中,对以中原为中心的趋势的形成和夏王朝的建立,起着举足轻重的作用。对新中国成立60年来,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化的考古发现和研究成果的回顾和总结,将有利于我们对中华文明形成的机制、动力和规律等问题作持续的新的探索。  相似文献   

The ruins of an ancient Greek temple on a Cycladic island form part of an Orthodox Christian shrine. To local people and returning migrants, the site is that of their patron saint; its pre‐Christian past is irrelevant except in so far as it establishes their specific link with the ancient world, and thus with national claims of unbroken continuity between modern and ancient Greece. To early travellers and antiquarians, and to today’s archaeologists, it has been primarily the ancient site which is of interest, while tourists are more concerned in finding “an unspoilt island”. A historical survey of information about the ancient and the Christian site reveals ambiguities and confusions about both. These multiple meanings for locals and scholars are discussed.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2009,28(1):41-58
Every political movement has watershed moments when decisions are taken with very long-term consequences. This article explores one such moment with respect to the jacobite movement during the reign of Queen Anne. Implicitly building on Geoffrey Holmes's model of the workings of the whig and tory parties in the age of Anne, the article analyses the turn to the Scots that took place within jacobite politics between 1702 and 1710. Throughout the 1690s the English jacobites had dominated the politics of the jacobite movement. Cementing their hold on the jacobite court's outlook and policies there was, too, an intrinsic anglocentrism at royal and ministerial level. Yet by 1715 the Scots jacobites were clearly equal partners with the English within the movement, and this parity was to shape the entire subsequent history of the jacobite cause. This shift within the politics of the movement was, moreover, not simply a corollary of the union. This article argues that the shift to the Scots was far more fundamental in terms of the outlook and policies of the movement, and ultimately did not depend on the immediate military utility of the Scots jacobites, but on a new perception of them as a uniquely important resource.  相似文献   

Chronological evidence for the Iberomaurusian is currently very limited and there are problems with some of the published radiocarbon dates. In this paper we present new AMS dating results from well-stratified cave sequences at Ghar Cahal, Kehf el Hammar and Taforalt in northern and eastern Morocco. The longest of these sequences, from Taforalt, shows an intermittent occupation history spanning the period ca. 18,000–11,000 bp (radiocarbon determinations presented in this paper are expressed as ka bp or bp, whilst approximate calendar ages are expressed as Cal bp) with a marked intensification of cave use soon after ca. 13,000 bp. Using calibrated AMS ages in comparison to sea surface temperature evidence from the Alboran Sea core MD95-2043 and more generally to Greenland ice δ18O core records, we suggest that there may have been a relationship, albeit a complex one, between climatic events and cave activity on the part of Iberomaurusian populations.  相似文献   

试析宋代官员官年与实年不符现象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高楠 《史学月刊》2004,(7):27-31
宋代官员官年与实年不符现象非常普遍,既反映出仕途中人的种种心理,也折射出宋代官僚体制运作过程中的某些弊端,两的结合又使官年与实年不符现象屡禁不止、日益加剧并公开化。  相似文献   

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