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《War & society》2013,32(1):43-51

Sun Tzu asserts that true success is not winning every battle fought, but subduing the enemy’s will without fighting at all. The author asserts that the U.S. planning efforts for post-WWII Japan from 1942 to 1945 reveal a unique period where military and political planners actively pursued a greater understanding of the role an enemy’s will-to-fight plays in conflict. The historical record reveals an iterative — and often heated — discourse among experts in diplomacy, governance, political culture, anthropology, and military intelligence. Consequently, Allied commanders entertained and ultimately executed a war plan for the occupation of Japan with fewer forces and less fighting than called for by the alternative plan for invasion. The fundamental difference in the two plans — an assumed effect that safeguarding the Imperial Institution would have on the Japanese people’s will-to-fight. In the end, meaningful discourse enabled Allies to target the enemy’s will separately from their means, enabling conditions where subduing the Japanese will required the Allies not to fight.  相似文献   

The turn of the millennium has produced much thinking about the current direction of American foreign policy. In an interpretative essay on the broad patterns of American foreign relations during the twentieth century, Michael Dunne traces some recurrent themes in American diplomatic practice and its underlying ideologies. His conclusion is that the traditional introversion of American culture is likely to be projected abroad, as it has been in the past, by a rhetorical mixture of national and supranational idealism couched in the peculiar and self-referential discourse deriving from the earliest days of the Republic.  相似文献   

耿昇  ;Song Yan 《丝绸之路》2014,(11):122-135
丝绸之路是沟通中西经济、政治、人员、文化和思想交流的一条大动脉。陆路丝绸之路东起中国长安,穿越西域、古印度、阿拉伯-波斯社会,一直通向希腊-罗马世界。丝路输送的并不仅仅是丝绸,从时空和交易额方面综观全局,丝路上的丝绸交易量所占比例始终甚小。从狭义上讲,丝路上的文化交流实际与物产交流平分秋色,甚至还可能有过之;从广义上讲,正如联合国教科文组织所提倡的那样,“丝绸之路是对话之路”。由陆路丝绸之路又衍生出了诸如海上丝绸之路、西南丝绸之路、瓷器之路、草原之路、皮货之路、茶叶之路、沙漠之路和骆驼队之路等不胜枚举的名称。虽然这些耳熟能详的名称的科学性和历史真相,尚有商榷余地,但它们在中外关系史上的作用却不容小觑。  相似文献   

Richard Southern's most recent book proposes an interpretation of the intellectual life of twelfth–century Europe that deserves both close attention and critical scrutiny. Particular issues questioned in this review are the dominant centrality of the "scholastic enterprise," Southern's idiosyncratic definition of "humanism," and his prolongation of the twelfth–century renaissance through most of the thirteenth. It is argued that Southern's interpretation has led to the undervaluation of regions of western Europe such as Germany, and of non–scholastic communities such as Benedictine monasticism.  相似文献   

20世纪的世界史学史   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对 2 0世纪出现的具有全球视野的各种世界史研究范式进行了综合评述。真正的具有全球意义的世界史研究在 2 0世纪出现 ,它们可以分为历史哲学、社会科学和专业历史研究三种。 2 0世纪早期的历史哲学超越了民族国家的分析框架 ,提出了不同文化传统之间交流的有意义的问题。五六十年代流行于美国学术界的现代化分析理论关注于经济发展、城市化、工业化等理解现代社会的重要问题。坚持依附论和世界体系分析的学者认为 ,帝国主义和殖民主义的世界体系是理解现代世界的关键。工业历史学者注重具体历史过程的分析。 80年代后 ,全球史观的世界历史研究根据不同的生态史。这些研究各有突破和不足 ,但都对全球视野的世界历史研究做出贡献。  相似文献   

émulation乃是18世纪法国精英经常谈及的概念,在启蒙时代的文化与社会生活中扮演了颇为重要的角色。该词具有竞争之含义,但它所指的不是对于利益、权力与财富的争夺,而是在美德、优点和荣誉方面追赶甚至超越他人。18世纪后期,此概念在保有其追求美德与优长之意蕴的同时,逐渐深化了参与竞争,获取成功的内涵。这一趋向与当时法国教育、艺术领域以及各省学院中盛行以竞赛、展览和征文等形式鼓励竞争意识的现象相一致。启蒙时代的某些法国精英力图将本质上体现了贵族精神的竞争意识转变为一种民族精神,从而实现社会改良之目的。他们希冀通过倡导竞争观念重塑法国人的道德风尚与精神面貌,并且推动农业和商业的发展。  相似文献   

选择17至19世纪中叶暹罗对外贸易中的华人作为研究对象,分不同阶段,对其在暹罗的对外贸易活动进行了描述,对暹罗华人在暹罗对外贸易中的角色和作用进行了探讨。由此得出结论,华人在暹罗对外贸易中,利用其自身优势,逐渐成为主要参与者和经营者。他们通过对外贸易活动,发展了自己的商业,积累了财富,同时满足了暹罗王室对海外贸易的需求,享受到国王赐与的特权,为其在暹罗事业的发展打下基础。  相似文献   

18世纪欧洲的古史研究继承了文艺复兴的遗产,在文献搜集和整理、史实考订、考古学和碑铭学等领域都取得了一定的进展。法国和英国学者在此基础上,撰写了一批多卷本、大部头的古代史、希腊史和罗马史著作。虽然这些著述的质量无法与19世纪专业史学的成果相比,但它们为19世纪的讨论设定了问题的框架,提出了众多值得重视的看法。学者们经世致用的精神,为后世树立了良好榜样,对当时实际的政治生活和思想发展都产生了一定影响。  相似文献   


Contemporary democratic theorists focus on democratic processes to the exclusion of the substantive goods which motivated their predecessors. This undermines the legitimacy of democracy, especially in an era of emerging democracies. This article critiques underlying deficiencies in contemporary theory and prescribes revisiting early modern, natural-law-based democratic theory exemplified by John Locke. Locke argued that the ultimate legitimacy of democratic processes depends on their serving the good of the people, as distinct from the will of the people. The authors argue that this conclusion is unavoidable, because it is impossible for democratic legitimacy to rest ultimately on any kind of process at all, even a democratic process. Legitimacy must rest on a substantive norm used to govern (create or repair) processes. Contemporary democratic theory seems unwilling to revisit this important problem.  相似文献   

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