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We present here a reproduction of a daguerreotype of Phineas Gage that came into our possession more than 30 years ago. It is, as far as we know, the only image of this famous patient. We describe how we identified the subject in the image, describe how daguerreotypes are made and set out our comparisons of the image with the Phineas Gage life mask and tamping iron held in the Warren Anatomical Museum, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine.  相似文献   

王巨  代名 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):34-37
<正>佐拉的脚让世界足球王国之风捷足先登4月20日消息:意大利国足将到秦皇岛进行小组赛。谁人能不喜欢看意大利的足球呵!意甲独树欧洲足球五大联赛中的一帜;意大利的国队是世界杯的常客,4次世界杯冠军的得主;那里有世界足坛王子罗伯特·巴乔,他忧郁的眼神、指点江山的经典手势让很多中国球迷在记忆  相似文献   

在奥运年、奥运月,《旅游纵览》国际摄影俱乐部成员徐彦夫从汶川重建家园的前沿传来令人振奋与欣喜的镜头,这是绽放在奥运举办月中尤为动人的笑脸。  相似文献   


The spectacular relief of the sandstone inselbergs is maintained by an interplay of geological structure and weathering/erosion processes, in that vertical joints and faults provide the foci along which most weathering and erosion take place. There are three major varieties of sandstone breakdown; the first is failure of large rock masses along vertical joints, leading to rockfall. Associated with this process is the mechanical breaking of falling blocks upon impact, in some cases right down to the origjnal sand grains. Rockfall maintains vertical or steep slopes, provided basal talus is removed. The second variety is liberation of small blocks by weathering along closely-spaced joints and bedding planes. Rock prone to this style of erosion tends to be less steep and may have basal slopes buried by rubble. The third variety is grain by grain weathering by solution of cement. This process is the most fundamental, as it not only wears away the surfaces but attacks joints, leading to the processes described above. Grain by grain weathering is slowed or prevented on some surfaces by development of oxide rinds, particularly where run-off is concentrated.

These processes result in deposition of debris at slope bases, but in most cases the debris is quickly reduced to sand and removed by wind and water. Relatively clean slope bases allow slopes to retreat parallel to themselves. Where debris collects faster than it is reduced to sana, slope angles tend to decline until they reach the angle of repose of the debris.

Differences in structural expression of the various lithological units result in differing erosional characteristics. The Saleb Formation is typified by relatively gentle slopes littered with debris, due to thinly spaced joints. The Ishrin Formation, witll widely spaced vertical joints, is typified by rockfall of large masses. It is the major cliff-former. Grain by grain weathering, influenced by variations in varnish development, has produced spectacular tafoni on some Ishrin cliffs. The Disi Formation is extremely friable and although slopes are relatively gentle they are mostly rubble free. The Disi in many places forms rounded domelike shapes which may be due to exfoliation along pressure-relief joints. The Um Sahm Formation is highly fractured and similar in appearance to the Saleb.

Igneous rocks, where exposed below the sandstones, are undergoing chemical weathering, particularly along joints. The results are tors, tafoni, and large amounts of grüss.

The desert floor between inselbergs is in some places a bare bedrock surface with an integrated drainage network, and in other places a sand or playa surface. Running water seems to have been a major agent in shaping the floor, but is less important now than in the past. Transportation of sand by wind is common but there is no evidence for significant eolian aggradation or degradation at the present time.

A minimum rate of surface retreat by grain by grain weathering is 5 cm./1,000 years, based on weathering ofNabataean ruins. Overall slope retreat should be significantly greater, due to added effects of rockfall and removal of blocks by running water.  相似文献   

In traditional Tibetan society, Tibetan medicine and pharmacy mainly existed in monasteries. Generally, a comparatively sizable monastery would often be equipped with a medical school. The Tibetan Medical College is one of the biggest schools for the study of Tibetan medicine and pharmacy in the monastery. Its curriculum consists of Tibetan medicine, pharmacy,  相似文献   

Catholic reforming policies and Council of Trent rules encouraged and expanded the more public roles and responsibilities of lay confraternities, changing the nature of some old brotherhoods, and promoting new ones. The public images became more important for members, the wider church institutions including associated religious orders, and the public. This article considers some significant aspects of the "public face": processions, Forty Hour devotions, philanthropy. Confraternities contributed to the theatricality of post-tridentine, "baroque" religion in cities like Bologna, Naples and most especially Rome, where the Spanish national confraternity played a spectacular role.  相似文献   

This article evaluates Jonathan Lear's account of radical hope in light of the phenomenon of social acceleration. According to Lear's philosophical exegesis of the life of the Crow Nation's last chief, Plenty Coups, radical hope is hope based on the conviction that the world's goodness transcends but includes the goodness of human culture. Such hope enables a culture to persevere in the face of its own collapse through political humility, by which a culture draws on the resources of other cultures in order to revive itself. Social acceleration—which results in the warping of our sense of time as tensed between past, present, and future—demands a more primordial form of radical hope, based on the affirmation of the world's own temporalities as simultaneously resisting and sustaining our own cultural temporalities. This in turn involves a more self-critical form of political humility.  相似文献   

The Lower Angara rock art database includes relatively complete information on 42 petroglyphic sites with 155 representations of anthropomorphic faces. The classification of these images and their chronology, assessed on various grounds, suggests that they are roughly contemporaneous and are associated with Okunev art of the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age (3rd – 2nd millennia BC). Having originated in the Stone Age, the tradition of depicting anthropomorphic faces was practiced by the taiga tribes of the Lower Angara until recent centuries.  相似文献   

Iconic news photographs, particularly those taken during wars and national crises, provide visual synopses of important historical events – events about which stories of triumph and tragedy are superimposed. In this paper, we systematically trace the appearances and discussions of a single, iconic image, given the moniker Face to Face, over time. In the twenty plus years since its initial publication, media discourses around the image referenced Kanien'kehaka /Mohawk, Indigenous, Quebecois and Canadian nationalisms. We conclude that discourses surrounding war and conflict imagery can be read as reflecting plural nationalisms and that while a dominant meaning can be projected onto such imagery, this is neither singular nor fixed.  相似文献   

<正>In traditional Tibetan society,Tibetan medicine and pharmacy mainly existed in monasteries. Generally,a comparatively sizable monastery would often be equipped with a medical school. The Tibetan Medical College is one of the biggest schools for the study of Tibetan medicine and pharmacy in the monastery.Its curriculum consists of Tibetan medicine,pharmacy, disease diagnosis and treatment.Obviously,Tibetan medicine and pharmacy still holds an important position in Tibetan Buddhism.  相似文献   

Looking into the state-sponsored creation and presentation of a German-language film on the Danish social state, this article discusses the complexities of Danish–German relations during the German occupation of Denmark, 1940–1945. The film, Das soziale Gesicht Dänemarks, was screened in Berlin to a full house, including a number of Nazi notables, and followed by a presentation by the Danish Minister of Labor and Social Affairs. Based on archival research and film analysis, the article argues that the screening in Berlin informs an understanding of an asymmetrical power relationship between occupiers and occupied, in which the promotion of the Danish social model countered the hegemony of the dominant Nazi state. It did so by seeking to assert Danish sovereignty on social policy in accordance with German intentions to respect Danish sovereignty as stated at the very beginning of the occupation; in other words, for the Danish state, social policy became a means for an intentional but subdued resistance – even a form of counter-power – to the power of the German occupier.  相似文献   

玉石覆面是玉敛葬的重要形式之一,本文在型式分析的基础上,对玉石覆面的分期和各期特征、定名与功用、产生与消亡的原因等问题作了深入探讨.认为,玉覆面出现于西周中期,西汉前期以后消亡.形制上经历了从简单到复杂的变化,西汉前期之后,逐渐演变成较为简单的窍塞和更复杂的玉衣这两种形式.玉石覆面具有殓尸、防止尸体腐烂、引导灵魂升天和体现身份等级的功用,一般只有贵族才能使用.  相似文献   

Present and prospective global environmental change offers both challenge and opportunity to ‘socially and ecologically responsible geographers’. However, although degradation on the surface, and a warming trend due to trace gases in the atmosphere are well enough established, the amount of hard data available is small and sound bases for prediction of the consequences are lacking. Geographers, like others, should beware of working and writing on the basis of ‘artificial certainties’. A more cautious approach is suggested through risk assessment based on present problems of sensitive environments, since short- term future risk –which is as far as we should yet seek to predict–can be deduced from present risk. Two simple examples are outlined ‘Responsibility’ can best be discharged by a cautious and scientifically-sound approach.  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭有一个长而扁的大嘴,嘴的前端呈圆勺状,就像中国的古典乐器琵琶,因此人们称它为琵鹭.琵鹭体态优雅,黑色从喙部一直延伸到脸部,遮盖了眼睛,仿佛是戴着面罩的大侠佐罗;与嘴相呼应,它有一双漆黑的长胫和阔足,除此而外,其它的剁毛通体雪白,仿佛是佐罗肩上飘飞的大氅.它飞翔起来舒展如芭蕾舞演员,因而人们称它为"黑面舞者".  相似文献   

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