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<正>中国古人均着长袍束腰带,所以对腰带十分讲究,常在腰带上缀饰数块乃至十几块扁平状玉板,这种镶嵌有玉板的腰带称为玉带(见图1)。玉带上的每块玉板称为玉带板或带饰板。玉带板有两种:一是镶在玉带两端的圆角矩形玉带板,称为双铊尾;二是中间多种形制的玉带板,称为玉銙。玉銙有正方形、长方形、半月形、桃形等,正面常雕琢各种浅浮雕图案,也有些是素面的,背面有穿孔,可以缝缀在腰带之上。有的铸有孔或附环,用以悬挂物件。  相似文献   

明代以胡人戏狮纹作为主体纹饰的玉带板目前所见的主要有三副,分别出土于南京与北京。本文分析了这三副玉带板的纹饰特点及时代风格,考证了胡人戏狮纹的发展、变化及其在宋代成为带板装饰题材的原因。  相似文献   

袁伟 《收藏家》2003,(6):52-58
玉带是一种饰玉的束腰器。带饰的种类很多,除玉外,尚有金、银、铜等,然而尤以玉带饰最受古人的重视。一条完整的玉带由四部分组成:一是供给扎玉饰用的革或绸缎制成的带(古称鞓);二是结扎在玉带两端形如圭状的铊尾;三是其它结扎玉饰即带板(古称銙);四是供佩戴时用的带扣。玉带虽系腰间之物,却是古代统治者显示职务高低、身份尊卑的象征,是古代礼制的重要内容之一,因此后来玉带  相似文献   

浅谈玉带銙的造型及纹饰的演变李星带俗称"带板",是封建社会后期官场上表示地位尊卑的玉带上的饰物。质地按品级分别有:金、银、铜、玉等,其中以玉最受古人重视。同时随着社会的发展,人们审美观念的转变,玉带的造型及图纹也发生了很大的变化。因而,从某种意义上讲...  相似文献   

南京明代墓葬出土玉带为玉之带,即镶玉片的革带,用于腰带上,既是装饰品,又是实用器,同时还代表着佩带者的身份。以此为依据,本文结合明代墓葬考古及相关文献资料,试对南京地区明代墓葬出土的玉带板,按其装饰方法之不同进行归类,并根据早、中、晚三期时代特点作简要分析。  相似文献   

王斌 《沧桑》2009,(1):19-21
辽代玉带在中国古代玉带发展中具有承前启后的作用,在继承发展唐代玉带的同时又对金、元、明代的玉带产生深远的影响。一方面辽代玉带借鉴吸收中原汉文化、西域文化精华,另一方面继承本民族的游牧文化传统,使辽代玉带在形制、纹饰、雕刻技艺等方面呈现包容性和创新性的特征,是研究中国古代玉带的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

郑成功是中华民族伟大的民族英雄和爱国主义者,也是十七世反抗西方殖民势力的世界典范。郑成功一生是短暂的,他留下的经考证的实物遗存更是稀少。正是如此,郑成功墓出土的玉带更显珍贵。馆藏的郑成功玉带銙只有17件,少于明朝玉带标准形制规定的数量。本文通过解析郑成功玉带及明玉带标准形制,来考证和还原完整的郑成功玉带。  相似文献   

<正>玉带在古代服饰中扮演着重要的角色,通常由鞓带、尾、带銙、带扣四部分组成。玉带銙是玉带的组成部分之一,形制以方形、拱形等为多见,其上多装饰龙纹、兽纹、花鸟纹、人物纹、植物纹。玉带上带銙块数的多少和纹饰的不同,代表官阶和身份的差异,同时也反映出不同的时代风格。本文以西安博物院藏玉带銙为例,择其佳者,供同好赏析。一、唐代玉带銙唐代玉带銙多呈方形和长方形,也  相似文献   

《唐实录》载:"高祖始定腰带之制。自天子以至诸侯、王、公、卿、相,三品以上许用玉带。"玉带在唐代才正式出现于职官的冠服制度中,成为朝廷礼仪用带,文献中多有关于当时朝廷对玉带使用制度规定及其具体使用的记载。本文将从玉带使用方式、艺术特色、文化内涵以及玉带本身艺术等方面,对唐代玉带的社会地位作以梳理和探讨。  相似文献   

1970年南京市博物馆考古人员在南京北郊中央门外张家洼明洪武四年汪兴祖墓中清理出一副镶金托云龙纹玉带①。。这副玉带做工精细,型制特殊、纹饰精美,不仅是中国玉雕工艺的杰出作品,也是迄今所见明代职官最高规格的赐授王带,出土后影响很大(图一)。近几年曾在美国、新加坡等国展出,并著录于《中国玉器全集》、《中国美术全集》、《中国文物精华辞典》等大型图录中。在这副玉带出土27年后,我们对它进行进一步观察研究,又获得一些新的认识。关于汪兴祖玉带(一)、汪兴祖玉带的现状及其结构复原江兴祖玉带采用上等和闻玉料制作,玉色…  相似文献   


Commercial map publishing firms between the mid‐sixteenth and mid‐nineteenth centuries needed to prolong the life of their copper plates for as long as possible. In order to avoid the costs of engraving new plates, the famous Dutch publishing house of Covens & Mortier of Amsterdam (1685–1866) amended existing plates for topographical and politico‐administrative changes, engraving errors, imprint alterations and marks resulting from general wear. Not only were the plates altered, but the printed maps themselves were sometimes also modified: a new title cartouche might be pasted on or a date or part of the text scratched away. In these ways the map publishing firm was a master of creative solutions as regards both the re‐use of old copper plates and the ‘renewal’ of old printed maps.  相似文献   

The article addresses the topic of composite bows from nomadic sites in Tien Shan and Zhetysu. Horn plates from bows discovered in 2008–2009 at Uch-Kurbu on the Tosor River, the Issyk-Kul Depression (Kyrgyzstan), are described and analyzed. The original design of the wooden core of the bow and the location of horn plates thereon are reconstructed. Based on our earlier classification of weapons, these are composite bows of the Xiongnu-Xianbei period. Two subtypes are identified, based on the design of plates at the ends of the bow. Evidently, composite bows with end, medio-lateral, and medio-frontal plates were the most efficient range weapon of the period.  相似文献   

Metal plates, which probably decorated wooden vessels from Afanasyevo burials, are described. The plates bear punched designs and were clearly related to female symbolism, implying that they were probably used for ritual purposes. Their expansive distribution area from the lower Katun in Gorny Altai to the middle Yenisei in Khakassia points to the similarity between the two local variants of the Afanasyevo culture across the Altai-Sayan region. These vessels might have marked the high social status of the women in whose graves they were placed.  相似文献   

Environmentally-related wear conditions and pathologies affecting the dentition of fossil lungfish from freshwater deposits in Australia have been analysed and compared with similar changes in the dentition of the living Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsten. Fossil populations from the Namba, Etadunna, Wipajiri and Katipiri formations in central Australia, and the Carl Creek Limestone and the Camfield beds in northern Australia were assessed.

Tooth plates from populations of living lungfish from the Brisbane River and Enoggera Reservoir in southeast Queensland were analysed for comparison. Tooth plates were measured to determine the numbers of different age groups in each population. They were assessed for abrasion, attrition, spur and step wear, erosion and caries, and for trauma and pathological conditions such as malocclusion, hyperplasia, abscesses, osteopenia and parasitic damage. AH of these conditions are related to the environment where the fish lived, are found in living members of the group, and can be compared directly with those of fossil relatives.

The results suggest that some of the fossil populations were at risk before climatic changes late in the Cainozoic destroyed their habitats. Some fossil lungfish populations, such as those of the Wipajiri Formation, exhibit active spawning and recruitment, good growth rates and a low incidence of disease and environmentally related damage to the tooth plates. Others, like those of the Katipiri and Namba Formations, include no young, and the adult fish were ageing and show environmentally-related damage to the dentition. Etadunna lungfish had active recruitment, but the tooth plates show a high incidence of attrition and caries. Riversleigh lungfish were actively spawning but did not grow large. Tooth plates from this latter deposit have a high incidence of pathological conditions. Fish from the Camfield Beds, where food was severely limiting, had little serious pathology but high levels of caries. Pathologies among living lungfish are common, but fossil fish were comparatively healthy, with few serious dental problems. Information from studies of fossil lungfish confirms that conservation of the few living species of lungfish depends on the maintenance of clean environments that provide adequate supplies of food and suitable sites for spawning and for the growth of young fish.  相似文献   

瓷器文物修复需要经过多道工序方可完成,修复后的瓷器经过1~3年不等的时间均会出现修复部位不同程度的变色。为不影响瓷器文物的展陈效果,往往进行再次修复,多次修复对瓷器文物带来一定的损伤。为此,本研究以传统瓷器修复材料为研究对象,开展瓷器修复材料变色成因分析研究,以期为提高瓷器修复材料耐久性的研究提供一定的研究思路。本研究通过模拟瓷器修复工艺处理市售白色瓷板,然后进行干热、湿热和氙灯老化,利用色差仪和光泽度仪表征了老化前后各模拟样品的色差和光泽度。结果表明:作色处理色差变化最大,而且引起变色的环境因素主要是光和温度,故瓷器在修复后需避光和低温保存。  相似文献   

Clay plates with stylized representations of birds found at Section VI of the Gorbunovo Peat Bog (Trans-Urals) in 1926 and 2009 are described here with regard to technology, typology, function, and age. Similarities with Suzgun and Late Cherkaskul artifacts (13th – 12th centuries BC) point to the date of the plates. Suzgun sanctuaries and Andronovo burial sites suggest that the site with which the plates are associated might be either ritual or memorial.  相似文献   

Late prehistoric pottery is found in abundance at archaeological sites around Southern Indian Lake. Black residues, found on the two dominant vessel forms, flat plates and round pots, are presumed to be the remains of prehistoric meals. 13C cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (CPMAS NMR) and13C and15 N isotopic ratios and C/N ratios are used to reconstruct prehistoric diet and to shed light on possible uses for the plates. Samples of foods were cooked in clay pots, on a wood fire, to simulate the conditions of burning that could have produced the residue. Decomposition of carbohydrates, protein, and fat during cooking is studied with 13C CPMAS NMR, and the effect of cooking on isotopic and C/N ratios documented. Predominantly fish and fat were cooked in the pots, whereas the residues from plates contain a greater proportion of fat and could have been used as frying pans or possibly as fat-burning lamps placed on the ashes of a wood fire.  相似文献   

Traditional timber frame walls are constructive elements representative of different timber frame buildings, well known as efficient seismic-resistant structures. They were adopted as a seismic-resistant solution in Lisbon’s reconstruction after the 1755 earthquake. To preserve these structures, a better knowledge of their seismic behavior is important and can give indications about possible retrofitting techniques. This article provides a study on possible retrofitting techniques adopting traditional solutions (bolts and steel plates). Static cyclic tests were performed on retrofitted traditional timber frame walls. The experimental results showed the overall good seismic performance of steel plates and the more ductile behavior of bolts retrofitting.  相似文献   

河北抚宁县潘庄古瓷窑遗址调查简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经初步调查,潘庄窑址产品以元代日用的瓷碗、盏、盘、碟为主;釉色以仿官窑的青瓷和白瓷占大宗。在装饰及装烧方法上也反映出南北方技术交融的时代性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the anatomical illustrations and physiological demonstrations of sixteenth-century Flemish-born anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius concerning the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Although Vesalius was primarily an anatomist, he also used vivisection as a pedagogical device to help his students understand the function of structures within the fabric of the body that they had previously studied in anatomical detail. Vesalius’s masterwork, De humani corporis fabrica or simply the Fabrica (1543, 1555), was ostensibly an anatomy text, but Vesalius included textual and figural references to his use of vivisection to explicate the function of specific structures. Even as he began to criticize the errors in Galen’s anatomical works, Vesalius nevertheless adopted some of Galen’s classic physiological demonstrations, in particular the ligation (and subsequent release) of the recurrent laryngeal nerves of a pig to demonstrate their role in generating the pig’s squeal. Vesalius’s illustrations concerning the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the Fabrica were of two types: elegant anatomical woodcut plates—unsurpassed for their clarity, accuracy, and detail — and the distinctly inelegant historiated initial Q, depicting a throng of putti busily engaged in vivisecting a pig. Vesalius’ anatomical plates were heavily plagiarized while the historiated initials, showing the rough work of an anatomist or surgeon, were largely ignored and remain little recognized today. While Vesalius’ anatomical illustrations of the recurrent laryngeal nerves contained some errors, they were a dramatic departure from prior meager efforts at medical illustration and indeed far surpassed all contemporary published illustrations by others. Vesalius was also influential in reviving Galen’s approach to vivisection, at least for pedagogical purposes, if not really then yet as a full-fledged investigative technique.  相似文献   

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