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Everyone has a sacred place deep in his or her heart. I have two such places:one is my hometown Lhasa who gave me my life;the other is my alma mater Peking University who gave me not only knowledge,but the ability to think for myself instead of following the herd and swimming with the tide. I was born in Lhasa,and finished my primary and secondary education there.Most of the teachers in my primary school,Lhasa Experimental Primary school,were  相似文献   

The Norbu Lingka Road running for two km between Norbu Lingka andthe Potala Palace was built in 2000 with investment of 20 million Yuan.It is lined with snow pine trees and its sidewalks are paved with galzed tileslike those used to pave the sidewalks of the Chang'an Boulevard in Beijing.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):101-105

Most of the things I know about Bennie Keel, he would not want to hear repeated. However, as Bennie generously remembered me at my retirement symposium, I will attempt to honor him with equal dignity, without releasing too many skeletons from the closet! I first met Bennie in 1964 at the Society for American Archaeology meetings he hosted with Joffre Coe in Chapel Hill. Our paths next crossed in 1972, when I began graduate school at the University of North Carolina. Bennie taught me everything I learned about archaeology during that first year. Although he left the following year, we have remained close friends and colleagues, sharing both triumphs and defeats with a candor that only redneck buddies can appreciate.  相似文献   

画堂春   《世界》2008,(9):124-124
之所以说这趟希腊之旅是“走调”的,是因为除了希腊的浪漫景色外,用北京话讲,我也见识了这个国家“不靠谱”的一面。  相似文献   

In his youth, he worked for sixteen years in northern Tibet where he put his heart and soul into this snow-covered plateau. According to his friends, it is impossible to give a complete portrayal of his life with limited words. He is Wu Yuchu, head of the Yok Museum of Tibet. Mr. Wu is known as"Mr. Yak", a mon in his 60s working tirelessly for the preservation and promotion of yak culture.In 2017, Mr. Wu agreed to start writing a column called"Colorful Choracters of Tibet"about real Tibetan people he knew over the years on China'sTibet magozine. We will select some of the bestpieces to share with our readers.  相似文献   

李维思  鱼儿 《世界》2008,(5):118-118
惊心动魄的泰国面条;瞠目结舌的韩国烧烤;奇特的巴黎奶酷火锅;哭笑不得的斐济西餐;无从下咽的炒菜;恐怖的辣椒陷阱  相似文献   

Back in 2014,during the opening ceremony for the Tibet Yak Museum,a hoard of guests came in from Beijing as well as from areas throughout China.An adequate venue for accommodation for such a large event was an absolute must.Tibet Hotel was one suggestion.The location of its grounds was rather close to the museum's campus.The idea indeed made it convenient to hold various sorts of activities,regardless of the fact the hotel was somewhat old with little to no luxurious facilities,though the staff is known for excellent service.  相似文献   

Return to Lhasa     
“Return to Lhasa, return to the Potala Palace. In the Yarlung Zangbo , River cleanse my heart, on top of snow mountains awake my soul...”  相似文献   

Written in weekly instalments, Michelle Munyikwa's Covid-19 diary reflects upon the experience of an unfolding pandemic from her dual role as a medical trainee and anthropologist living in the United States. Her observations centre on everyday encounters with scenes or objects that reflect the growing crisis, from the absence of masks outside patient rooms to emergent forms of care through telemedicine. The diary follows the author as she experiences grief, ambivalence and disorientation in the first weeks of the pandemic.  相似文献   

大宝 《世界》2008,(3):66-75
在Morgan Lefevre的相册里,有一张他在凡尔赛(Versailles)家里的照片。远处红瓦黄墙的乡间小屋,阳光透过繁茂的绿荫投下斑驳的影子,院子里红花绿草长得狂放不羁。突然明白了为什么当年路易十四(Louis XIV)会选中这里建造他的“太阳宫”,400年间历史更迭,铅华洗尽,可土地依然保持着旺盛的美。这是个见过大世面的小城市,传奇就在身边。当世人朝圣般地涌向凡尔赛宫,而对像Morgan这样的当地人来说,那就如同自家后院的—块大草坪,是他们真实生活的一部分。  相似文献   

Changes in Lhasa     
LHAZHOIN&BENGYIECONOMY&SOCIETYVarietiesoffruitareavailabletotheLhasanstoday.ColddrinksenjoyareadymarketinLhasa.Fashionstores....  相似文献   

西藏的天然药浴,拉萨沐浴节沐浴节,诚如其名,是高原人民集体沐浴的节日在拉萨众多的节日之中,沐浴节绝对称得上是美妙而壮观的。据藏民间传说,沐浴节洗浴可以洗去疾病,男人强身健体活血化瘀,同时也能带来来年的吉祥和好运。所以,每年沐浴节来临之际,男女老少不约而同走进就近的天然浴场,进行一场身心的洗涤。  相似文献   

Trees in Lhasa     
Trees are flourishing in Lhasa wherever the history exists. There is such a man. He has already been through cus-toms after his annual trek to Lhasa, which he has been doing for over twenty years in succession to visit his tree.Although he has been making this journey for so long,it is neither to visit friends or family,nor is it his hometown.It is a tree that is tied so profoundly to his heart.When the wind blows fiercely on the bare tree and winter snow falls,he stands be-fore the tree with tears of jo...  相似文献   

十几年前.差不多是在当时中国摄影界的舆论经常指责什么“边疆热”,“西藏热”的时期.我开始踏上了西去之路。之后几年.我有了《天莽》和《藏人》两本影集。许多朋友都劝我见好就收.不要一年年地再跑西藏了。年迈的父母更是语气强硬。这也难怪.有几回进了藏北.实在没地方去打电话.遇到了大雪灾.家里一个月都没有我的音信。  相似文献   

Kurt 《世界》2014,(11):20-29
西飞14小时,从约翰内斯堡继续向西驱驰十公里,Shamwari保护区的茫茫四野之上,菲洲大草原的一天正辉煌落摹。乘上路虎吉普车韶过崎岖的山路,在时差煎熬和发现的兴奋交替恍惚之中,捻角羚、大羚羊、狮子、猎豹、长颈鹿在金色的草原中登上任重南非旅行的第一摹。在地平线红如烈火的一瞬,任重登上山坡俯瞰狂野的草原和峡谷,连手上细细的香槟杯子都闪耀起光晕,如黄金般珍贵的一则,任重频步按下菜卡相机的快门,在清脆的机械幕帘卷起又落下的声响中,夜幕和寒冷便接踵而至。次日清晨的猎游想必会弥补昨日的意犹未尽,天刚刚擦亮便整装完毕,大家再次登上越野车,拉起厚厚的毛毯,这间隙,任重却拿出相机,LCD显示屏上是昨夜非洲大草原之上的璀璨银河,星宿如织,天穹纯净,树影婆娑,宁静隽永的照片背后看来是继续熬夜的付出,任重手中的相机绝非摆摆样子。  相似文献   

“我的脸简直可以煎蛋了”——休息不规律、饮水不及时,最基本的面部护理都难以保障,旅途中出现面子问题在所难免。从现在起,实施我们为你制定的“油分干预计划”,彻底迎来一个清爽的旅程。  相似文献   

Juri Li 《世界》2010,(6):164-167
所谓间隔年(Gap Year)。指的是年轻人在两段学业或工作之间,刻意为自己空出一段比较长的时间去旅行,拓宽视野。增长见识。这个在国外很流行的生活方式.现在在国内也悄然火了起来。李文华的间隔年,便是以两年半尼泊尔的义工生涯度过的。  相似文献   

The Day in Lhasa     
Procession at Sunup As the sun rises,pilgrims,one after another,come from various directions and gradually form a procession around the Potala Palace.Undeniably,in the short term,this daily procession has been reduced due to the negative impact of the tragedy that occurred on March 14~(th) in Lhasa. Notwithstanding,today it seems everything has returned to normal.  相似文献   

ocated at the Lingkor Road in thesouthern part of Lhasa and at thesouthwestern part of the Yaowang-shan;a rock stands conspicuously with aheight of over 20 meters and a width ofsome 30 meters.  相似文献   

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