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志于道、据于德、依于仁、游于艺是古人圣贤对一个有着整全修养的日常生活比较全面的概括.志于道是向远处的企望引导,志于天道,使生活有超出日常繁琐事务的眼界;据于德是向近处的落实出发,据于人道,修行以达远方;依于仁是友人互相讲习促进,以明道修德;游于艺则是在六艺的领域中悠游自乐,在优游涵泳中成德达道.这些思想在中国的绘画、书法中也有充分的体现.  相似文献   

首轮新方志的编修出版,在广东省乃至全国已接近尾声.首轮志书设艺文志的极少,造成这种情况的原因,固然有首轮志书编修过程中对人文重视不够的氛围,更有着面对汗牛充栋的古代的乃至当代的著述,如何选择记载的难题.于是,付之阙如不失为权宜之计,但因此也就使首轮修志留下了一个普遍的遗憾.近日,<惠州志*艺文卷>一卷付梓惠州市惠城区地方志编纂委员会编,邹永祥、吴定球编纂:<惠州志*艺文卷>,中华书局2004年版.,笔者阅后感到耳目一新.  相似文献   

sayuri  guthrie-shimizu 《外交史》2005,29(2):361-364
Book reviewed:
Emily S. Rosenberg. A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory . Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003. 216 pp. $24.95 (paper).  相似文献   

Emergency centers, communication systems, and hospitals are essential infrastructures for emergency rescue and subsequent reconstruction activities. An investigation into the Nepal 2015 earthquake sequences found that the visited government offices were functioning normally 40 days after the main shock; that the local media failed to coordinate with the entire society at the beginning, but mobile phone-based communication recovered quickly; and that the hospitals in high-intensity areas were badly damaged as a result of improper design and adverse site configuration. Recommendations are proposed to enhance the aseismic capacity of structural and non-structural components using earthquake early warning and base isolation.  相似文献   

Bogdanov is a major rival to the philosophical orthodoxy of Plekhanov and Lenin. We explicate the foundational notions of his philosophy—praxis and experience—and trace his revisionism to Kant, Fichte, Mach, and Spencer. We show that Bogdanov's approach represents a predominantly pragmatic reading of Marx, influenced by the empiricism of Mach and Spencer as well as by Kantian apriorism. Bogdanov's version of Unified Science—Tektology—is considered against his philosophical background. The concept of praxis is at the center of the controversy between Marxist orthodoxy and revisionism. We analyze the connection between Bogdanov's philosophy of praxis, and the constructivism of the young Marx. Consequently, we see how Bogdanov's quest for infinite creativity is conceptually connected with the Fichtean–Marxian quest for infinite growth. Furthermore, we consider the issue of technological growth in a framework of the contemporary limits to growth debate.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):317-328

This article considers the development of the Yorkshire College, the setting up of the federal Victoria University as an examining institution, its subsequent dissolution with the granting of separate charters to its member colleges (Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds) and to Sheffield which had been seeking to move to membership. The resources available to Manchester and Liverpool supported their ambition for independent charters while the Yorkshire College with fewer local resources was opposed to the dissolution. In the later years of the nineteenth century the Privy Council had not agreed to the principle of individual teaching institutions examining and granting degrees to their own students, fearing that this would undermine standards. The change implicit in the granting of separate charters to these Northern universities was to set the pattern for university development nationally for much of the twentieth century. Moreover, earlier fears notwithstanding, experience at Leeds after 1904 also showed the subsequent benefit of this change in terms of resources. One institution which owed its creation to the new charters of 1903 and 1904 was the Joint Matriculation Board.  相似文献   


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