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<正>从康熙四十八年(1709年)始建,到1860年被英法联军抢劫后焚毁,圆明园有生之年是151年,而从1860年到2010年的今天,圆明园遗址的年龄恰好是150年。二者相差仅仅一年。圆明园毁灭的原因,除了西方资本主义的掠夺本性外,还存在着中  相似文献   

王旸 《百年潮》2014,(10):27-32
正宪法是一个国家的根本大法,新中国成立后先后颁布了四部宪法,分别是1954年、1975年、1978年和1982年制定的。1982年宪法,是我国的现行宪法,这部宪法的部分内容于1988年、1993年、1999年和2004年进行了四次修改。1954年宪法:新中国第一部宪法新中国成立之初,由于不具备召开全国人民代表大  相似文献   

长尺度高分辨率降水重建是过去全球变化研究的重点内容之一。本文以1724-1904年清代逐日降水记录"晴雨录"为基础数据,结合现代降水观测资料,利用最小二乘法建立了逐日降水等级与降水量的关系方程,方程方差解释量达到85%以上,进而重建了1724-1904年北京的5-9月逐月降水量。同时,结合早期及现代器测降水资料,分析了1724年以来北京的5-9月逐月降水量的变化特征。降水重建序列具有以下特征:存在明显的年际—年代际降水周期,其中年际尺度的波动为2-7年;年代际尺度的波动在1890年以前以61-90年为主要周期,而1890年以后则转为25-40年。1724-1742年,1783-1820年,1871-1890年,1916-1930年,1950-1965年和1981-2000年降水偏多;1743-1782年,1821-1870年,1897-1915年,1931-1949年,1966-1980年和2000年以后降水偏少。  相似文献   

关于元初著名文士王恽的生年,学界历来说法有三:1226年、1227年和1228年,韦家骅考证其生年为1226年,此说一出,几成定论。本文认为韦说计年方法有误,王恽的生年应当为1227年。  相似文献   

目前,学界关于东丹国的废罢时间有天显五年(930年)、天显六年(931年)、乾亨四年(982年)、统和十六年(998年)之后、太平九年(1029年)诸说,其中以金毓黻先生的乾亨四年说最为流行。本文通过东丹国中台省的变迁、东丹国外交往来两个方面进行探讨,认为东丹国废罢时间当在会同元年(938年)。辽朝于会同元年获得燕云十六州之后,辽太宗将东丹国的南京改为辽朝之东京,将东丹国中央机构中台省划归东京,东丹国名存实亡。天禄五年(951年),随着世宗被弑、安端被黜,东丹国名实俱亡。  相似文献   

周其凤,1947年出生于湖南浏阳。1965年考入北大化学系,1970年毕业留校任教。1980年国家公派赴美国麻省理工学院,1983年获博士学位,同年回北大任教。1999年当选中国科学院院士。2001年至2004年,任教育部研究生工作办公室主任、司长。2004年7月,被任命为吉林大学校长。2008年11月,被任命为北大校长(副部级)。  相似文献   

周铎勉(DominiqueDreyer),1999年至2004年任瑞士联邦驻中国特命全权大使。周铎勉1945年出生于瑞士南部小城弗里堡,其母语为法语,精通英语,更能说一口颇为流利的中文。1974年至1978年他来华任瑞士使馆的1二秘和二秘。1984年至1988年再度来华任瑞士使馆文化参赞,1995年至1999年三度来华任瑞士使馆公使。截至2004年离任,他在华任职跨长达30年,可谓终身致力于瑞中外交事业。  相似文献   

蒋仁 《福建史志》2008,(2):29-32
我是1984年进入修志队伍行列,主持编修首轮《浦城县志》的,历时10年,于1994年完成,圆了30年前的修志梦。我的修志夙愿是1964年开始产生的,是年,从公社党委书记任上,调任中共浦城县委宣传部副部长,见到清光绪二十三年(1897年)编的《续修浦城县志》,颇感兴趣,  相似文献   

在清朝中晚期的朝中汉族重臣和封疆大吏当中,多为进士即所谓科举正路出身:陶澍,嘉庆七年(1802年)进士;林则徐,嘉庆十六年(1811年)进士;曾国藩,道光十八年(1838年)进士;李鸿章,道光二十七年(1847年)进士;沈葆桢,道光二十七年(1847年)进士。可是,同样声名显赫的左宗棠,却始终没有通过科举取士进入上层社会,然而他的仕途却也辉煌,口碑似乎比他们中的许多人还要好,这其中有许多机缘。  相似文献   

播州之称始于唐贞观十三年(639年),由郎州易名而来,属黔中道的经制州(正州)。大历五年(770年),泸州僚族(今仡佬族先民)首领罗荣占据播州,开始对播州这块土地实行世袭统治,播州成为唐代"羁靡州"之一。唐乾符三年(876年),僚族杨氏先祖杨端自四川南部入播州,建立了杨氏在播州的统治,至明万历二十八年(1600年),世袭统治播州长达725年。元至元十五年(1278年),杨邦宪降元,置播州安抚司,开启了播州的土司统治。至元十八年(1281年)升宣慰使。明洪武五年(1372年)杨铿降明,受宣慰使职,播州宣慰司归四川布政使司管辖。明万历二十三年(1595年)前后,杨应龙为对抗朝廷,大规模重修海龙屯。海龙屯在13世纪成为四川(明代早期属贵州)地区播州宣慰司杨氏土司专用的山地防御城堡,与播州宣慰司治所穆家川土司城配合使用,是战争时期播州土司的行政中心,于1596~1600年集中重建。播州宣慰司辖川、黔、湖广交界要地,势力强大,属民以仡佬族、苗族为主。明万历二十八年(1600年),明军发动"平播之役",海龙屯毁于战火。万历二十九年(1601年),播州土司改土归流,播州一分为二,设遵义军民府属四川,平越府属贵州。  相似文献   

It is sometimes possible to discriminate between glasses made at different factory sites by using chemical analysis. However, this is not necessarily a means of provenancing them unambiguously because glass of slightly different compositions may have been fused using different proportions of the same raw materials. The determination of oxygen, strontium and lead isotopes can provide the possibility of linking the geological sources of the glass raw materials to the production sites on which the glass was fused. Here we consider the possible isotope contributions made to the raw materials thought to have been used in the manufacture of plant ash and natron glasses found at 8th–9th century al-Raqqa, Syria. The isotopic data from al-Raqqa are compared with published results from other Middle Eastern and German glasses. We show that strontium isotopes, in particular, provide a reliable means of distinguishing between the sources of plant ash glass raw materials and that oxygen and lead isotope signatures are less discriminatory.  相似文献   

The collection of early medieval window glass found in the abbey of Baume‐les‐Messieurs (Jura, France) is exceptional because it dates to the end of the eighth century, and due to the number of fragments as well as their state of conservation. Different colours and forms have been identified. These pieces are a rare opportunity to address the glass craft, its recipes and techniques for a phase of its history that has remained little known. Analyses in PIXE–PIGE prove that, in addition to fragments from two soda glass items, the pieces are made from wood‐ash glass. Most of them probably came from the same production and the raw material is present in the region. At this early stage of wood‐ash glass production, the glassmakers had mastered the glass as well as the colour processes.  相似文献   

青海大通县出土汉代玻璃的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文共对12件玻璃样品进行化学组成分析.其中,部分样品还进行了密度测定,X 射线衍射分析和显微镜观察.此外,还对一颗黄色玻璃珠的表面层进行 SEM-EDX 分析.结果表明,该玻璃珠表面有金箔涂层.根据分析结果,青海大通县出土玻璃的基础成分可归为三类,即铅钡玻璃(Na_2O-PbO-BaO-SiO_2系统玻璃),钠钙玻璃和钾硅玻璃(K_2O-SiO_2系统)。此外,还对玻璃的来源进行了探讨.  相似文献   

none 《英国考古学会志》2013,166(1):142-164

A text scroll in a miraculous mass scene in the parish church of All Saints North Street in York contains a breviary text from the Communion of St Denis. English unfamiliarity with the Communion legend and the unusual iconography of this particular version have both contributed to earlier misidentifications of this scene as a St Gregory’s Mass. In fact, this window contains the only surviving example of the Communion of St Denis in English stained glass. The All Saints’ glass also contains evidence of a now-missing St Gregory’s Mass, arguably in the same window as the Communion scene. These mass scenes were occasionally used separately to signify the feast of Corpus Christi. Combining them in the same window would have created a potent set of images that showed different aspects of the Body of Christ. More complex cross-references between the texts and images in this glass suggest clerical involvement in a choice of iconographies that would have reflected the devotional interests of the probable lay donors, who were members of the York Corpus Christi Guild. Commissioning and funding the creation of this window may therefore have been a collaborative exercise.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of durable blue soda glass dated to the twelfth century from York Minster, both from the windows and excavated within this building, has been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The analytical data are compared with results from specimens of similar date, colour and composition from Old Sarum and Winchester in England and Chartres Cathedral in France. Multivariate analysis of the compositional data reveals that this unusual blue glass may be classified into three principal groups the possible origins of which are discussed. The specimens in one of them are of particular technological interest since they may have been produced from Roman, or slightly later, glass in a manner referred to by the twelfth century monk Theophilus. It is shown that medieval stained glass of the soda-lime-silicate type, vis-a-vis that containing potash as the predominant alkali, is not as rare as hitherto believed.  相似文献   

铅钡玻璃是我国特有的玻璃体系,主要集中在战国至两汉时期。随着越来越多的铅钡玻璃完整器被发现,相关的风化腐蚀研究和保护工作逐渐展开。本研究以陕西临潼新丰秦墓和河南三门峡秦墓出土的两件秦代(公元前221—公元前207)铅钡玻璃为样本,采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、激光拉曼光谱仪对铅钡玻璃的腐蚀层进行成分与结构分析,结果表明铅钡玻璃腐蚀层的钡大部分流失至环境或腐蚀层外侧,腐蚀层的主要物相为碳酸铅。腐蚀层的形成与铅钡玻璃埋藏环境中水位和酸碱度的周期性变化有关。本研究对铅钡玻璃保护工作具有参考价值,也为古代玻璃文物的预防性保护提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

Altare was in the medieval and post-medieval period an important glassmaking center in the Liguria region in Northern Italy. The first historical evidence of glassmaking in Altare is dated to the twelfth century. In spite of that, due to the continuity of glassmaking up to the present time and the contemporaneous intensive urbanization of the territory, no medieval glass from Altare or its immediate vicinity has been analyzed up to now. In this work, glass from archaeological excavations in the center of Savona, city with close ties with the glassmaking center, was studied. Glass fragments, dated from the tenth to the sixteenth century were selected from the collections of the Archaeological Museum in Savona and non-destructively analyzed with quantitative PIXE-PIGE. The resulting compositions, compared with known glass productions of the same time and evaluated on the basis of historical documents, offer an interesting panorama on the variety of glass circulation in Liguria.  相似文献   

The secondary production (working) of glass from imperial to early Byzantine times has been proven at the ancient city of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) by the existence of glass chunks, fuel ash slag and kiln fragments related to glass processing. It had been previously suggested that local green glass might have been recycled from two other locally found glass types (blue glass vessels and chunks and HIMT glass chunks). This paper provides analytical evidence for the recycling of glass next to the use of imported raw glass. The heterogeneous lead isotopic composition of the green and HIMT vessel glass at Sagalassos, with as end members on the one hand the isotopic composition of local blue glass vessels and chunks and on the other hand that of the HIMT glass chunks, could indicate the production of ‘recycled’ glass, although heterogeneous raw materials could have been used. However, the use of Sr-mixing lines confirms local recycling. It is clear that the Sr in the green and HIMT vessels is a mixture of the Sr in the aforementioned end members. It cannot be proved whether the green ‘recycled’ glass was produced from a mixture of chunks alone, or from a mixture of cullet and chunks. Suggestions are made towards the possible origin of the raw materials for the blue and HIMT glass on the basis of Sr isotopic signatures and absolute Sr contents in the glass.  相似文献   

为探讨北京昌平沙河镇墓葬出土的三枚蜻蜓眼玻璃珠的质地和来源,利用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱分析(LRS)、便携式能量色散X射线荧光分析(PXRF)三种无损分析方法,对玻璃珠基体和眼珠分别进行了结构和化学组成的无损伤测试。结果表明,这三枚蜻蜓眼珠的基质为玻璃态物质,其化学成分表明该玻璃属于钠钙硅酸盐(Na2OCaOSiO2)系统;Cu和Co是主要的着色元素。考虑到三枚珠子采用的钴料成分为高铁低锰的进口钴料,同时通过与国内外相似珠子的对比,推测这三枚蜻蜓眼玻璃珠是外国进口物的可能性较高。蜻蜓眼玻璃珠所在墓葬群虽为清代,但根据初步的分析研究可推断,墓主通过收藏或其他途径获得并将其作为随葬品。  相似文献   

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