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刘鹏 《中国土族》2011,(4):35-35


彭清深 《丝绸之路》2003,(12):21-22
河湟人是西北汉族主要族群之一,主要分布在甘青黄河上游地区和湟水流域的29个县市,人口约313.6万。河湟人以秦陇语支的河(河州)湟(湟中)方言为基本特征。河湟地区是多元文化荟萃之地,是中原地区与边远少数民族地区的过渡地  相似文献   

“文化”对人的熏陶是深刻的,所以我认为某些民族或某些地方的传统是骨子里就带着的。而对于我们河南移民来说,青海民间习俗却很快在我们身上打上了烙印,并且越来越重。  相似文献   

回族茶文化是中国茶文化的重要组成部分,也是中国茶文化一奇葩,“熬茶”和“盖碗茶”是回族茶文化的瑰宝,内涵丰富,具有民族特性.回族茶不仅丰富了回族的饮食文化和礼仪文化,而且其药膳功效也是名扬天下.回回人好茶,以茶敬客,以茶会友,以茶送礼,以茶谈心,饮茶保健,一时一刻也离不开茶.  相似文献   

农活有忙闲。 进入农历六月底,满地的麦子黄熟了。搁从前,庄稼人要一个捆子、一个捆子放倒它们,再把它们用牲口一驮子一驮子运到场上,这至少要半月时间。接着碾场,天天碌碡转,紧赶慢赶得一个多月,到了八月十五,早晨地上都见霜了,一些场上还不得干净。  相似文献   

论到青海饮食——特别是农村饮食,肉多菜少、干多稀少曾经是两大突出特点。 人类饮食都是特定环境下的创造,并逐渐沿袭成为传统,这比如一个游牧民族,无法不叫其餐桌上经常摆放奶和肉。青海肉多是因为有牧区,有牛羊。菜少是因为青海地势高寒,不宜种菜,也就缺少吃菜的习惯。这一点叫河南移民拿老家比较得非常凸显:啧啧,这儿过年吃多少肉,叫咱在老家不吃一年?  相似文献   

“快去拾粪” “快!快起来……”这是母亲在窗外喊着。我揉着眼,嘟哝还早。 母亲说:“早?去晚了还会有粪叫你拾哩,有土坷垃……” 母亲催促我起来,就是催我快去拾粪,这在寒假和暑假里几乎是每天每天、每天每天的事情,学期中的星期天也很少例外。  相似文献   

杀猪请吃 1967年我还在住校读高中,临近腊月的一个星期日回家,母亲郑重其事地对我说:“下星期你早点回来,咱们杀猪!” 那一年我们还住在文昌庙里,那也是母亲迁来青海后养的第一头肥猪,短腿短嘴,粗壮身板,膘情非常好,后来杀了一百五十多斤。所以她把杀猪的事看得重要是自然而然的。  相似文献   

彩礼事大 1973年,我挣工资两年了,开始说媳妇。当年我24岁,在青海农村已属大龄。"说",在这里有采访和寻找的意思,也有提亲的意思,似含混不清,却涵盖面广。青海汉人婚娶程序与内地大同小异,  相似文献   

"Stael-Holstein"(i897-1937) should be a memorable name in Asian academic field, but it's a pity that today it has been almost forgotten by us. His full name in German is Alexander von Stael-Holstein. And ever since he inherited his baronage in I897, everybody called him Baron Alexander von Stael-Holstein. The Chinese translation 钢和泰 is just from the last part of his German name, i.e. the family name: Stael- Holstein. 钢 is the translation of the German "Stael" which means "steel" and 和泰 is the transliteration of "Holstein". The most familiar Chinese translation today is of course 钢和泰 or 钢和泰男爵, but there are many variants in Chinese scholars' writing, such as 钢和泰, 钢和泰太, etc.  相似文献   

<正>不上升到万米高空,很难看到这条地球的"伤痕"——东非大裂谷。这条大裂谷是一座天然的储水库,集中了非洲30多个湖泊。其中,博戈尼亚湖(Lake Bogoria)、纳库鲁湖(Lake Nakuru)、埃尔门泰塔湖(Lake Elementaita)三个浅水盐湖,总面积达320.34平方千米,是大裂谷中湖泊价值的核心体现。这片区域是世界上鸟类种类非常丰富的地区之一,有13种鸟类是濒危物种。这里不仅是小火烈鸟最重要的觅食之所,也是白鹈鹕筑巢和繁殖基地,还生活着大量大型哺乳动物,如狮子、黑犀牛、长颈鹿、扭角林羚、狮子、猎豹、野狗等。基于这片区域具有为数不少的濒危物种,及对研究重大生态过程具有重要价值,2011年"肯尼亚东非大裂谷湖泊系统"被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。  相似文献   

《史记》中的董仲舒不过是专治《春秋》的纯儒,而这一认识在《汉书》中发生了变化。我们看到在武帝朝并未被过于重视的《春秋》纯儒董仲舒,随着汉代政治形势及学术倾向的变化,至元帝时地位已经远远高于武帝时期。至刘向时董仲舒始被鼓吹为对武帝朝政治有重大影响的儒宗。班固接受了刘向的说法,并为使得董仲舒符合两汉的儒宗标准而刻意通过种种手段提高了他在武帝朝的政治参与度,于是董仲舒从《史记》的纯儒一变而为《汉书》中"于世有益"的儒宗。  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):151-162

For a quarter of a century Dr Thomas J. Chaplin (1830–1904) held the position of director of the British Hospital for the Jews in Jerusalem. During these years he acted to improve the medical situation in the city and engaged in scientific researches in a variety of fields. The article critically reviews his activities in the Holy Land and shows that the impact of his works and the contribution of his achievements are diverse. However, by virtue of these achievements and his gracious personality, the Jewish people in Jerusalem named Chaplin as 'The Great English Doctor'.  相似文献   


Defining an appropriate and adequate survey area is usually the first and most difficult step in survey research design. This paper presents an example from the Egiin Gol Survey project in which current models for nomadic polity development were evaluated against spatial data collected from a valley in north central Mongolia. The survey presented methodological challenges since no prior systematic survey had been conducted in Mongolia and the mobility of steppe groups likely produced significant variation in social scales across the region in question. To address these factors, we did not select a pre-defined survey area with a fixed boundary. Instead, we expanded our regional perspective by creating zones of different survey resolution and applying knowledge of site location from higher resolution surveys to areas still unstudied. Through this nested resolution method, we acquired data at progressively lower cost, enlarged our survey coverage dramatically, and accounted for shifts in socio-spatial scales relevant to our research problem.  相似文献   

Aesthetic responses to landscape may be emotional, sensory, or experiential, or a combination; it is a difficult value to identify and assess. This paper considers changing perceptions of the aesthetic values of the Yarra Valley landscape using a heritage methodology that involves examining artistic, creative, and published sources accounting for a lengthy period of changing land use. Scenic quality mapping, where available, is used as a support, and extensive reference is made to Australian impressionist art. Artworks for Yarra Valley landscapes may be considered as being among the cultural heritage indicators of significance and there is a new aesthetic of land art in private venues for the visiting public. The paper also illustrates how aesthetic values have been more broadly recognised in the post‐World War II era and become the domain of planning authorities as well as artists. It is for regional planners to be aware of and maintain these aesthetic values in the landscape.  相似文献   

四川德阳文庙调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德阳文庙是四川境内迄今保存最好、规模最大、建筑等级最高、地方特色最浓、社会影响最大的一处文庙。本文对其历史沿革、整体布局、单体建筑形制进行了介绍和分析,认为德阳文庙在布局上采用了传统地方文庙的风格体系,同时又具有一定的灵活性;主体建筑大成殿既有北方建筑的庄严雄伟,又不失南方建筑的华丽灵动,具有较高的建筑艺术水平。  相似文献   

如何进行中西方史学比较研究以及在新的世界史背景下认识中国史学传统,是当今中国历史学界面临的重要问题,海内外学人倍加关注。刘家和先生长期从事希腊、印度与中国的古史研究,近些年来开始从思想的层面检视中西方史学,因为有着深厚的古史研究基础与通贯中西的理论修为,刘先生总能见人所不能见,于中西史学颇多新识,尤其是在方法上多能予人以启导。当然,由于中西方语文背景与思想进路的迥然不同,双方史学的比较研究,特别是西方的逻辑理性与中国的历史思维如何对接与融通,仍然存在诸多值得进一步深思的问题。  相似文献   

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