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The military is an important factor for the success or failure of democratisation processes. Portugal and Spain provide two paradigmatic cases. Despite their socio-economic, political and cultural similarities, these countries developed very different civil-military relations which significantly impacted their transitions. After having handed power over to a civilian dictator, Salazar, the Portuguese military eventually caused the downfall of his authoritarian Estado Novo regime and steered the transition to democracy. In contrast, the Spanish military, which had helped Franco defeat the Second Republic, remained loyal to the dictator’s principles and, after his death, obstructed the democratisation process. Drawing on primary and secondary sources, this interdisciplinary article contrasts the challenges posed by the military and the policies implemented by the Iberian governments to depoliticise and control it. It shows that the failed coups d’état in these countries helped tighten civilian control and paved the way for democratic consolidation. Using a policy instruments comparative framework, this paper demonstrates that not only the attitudes of the military but also the tools used to keep them under control were substantially different in Portugal and Spain. Historical legacies from the Spanish Civil War, Second World War and Colonial conflicts, as well as contextual factors, serve to explain this variation.  相似文献   

Scholarship on European imperialism in the Americas has become increasingly prominent in the historiography of early America after a long period when the subject was hardly discussed. Historians have come to see that local experience in the Americas needs to be placed in a wider, comparative Atlantic context. They have realised that what united most peoples’ experiences in the Americas was that they lived as colonial subjects within colonies that were part of imperial polities. This article examines recent writings on European empires in the Americas, relating imperial history to related developments in fields such as Atlantic history. It suggests that renewed attention to imperialism allows historians to discuss in a fruitful fashion the relationship between power and authority in the formation of colonial societies and draws attention to the continuing importance of metropolitan influence in the articulation of colonial identities.  相似文献   

EXCAVATION OF THE 500 sq. m. waterfront site at Trig Lane in the City of London revealed a well-preserved series of timber and stone revetments on the medieval foreshore. They survived to heights of up to 3 m. and had been erected during the piecemeal reclamation and subsequent consolidation of the riverfront between the mid 13th and late 15th century.

The structures are described in detail, and their form and function discussed. Ninety-four oak samples were submitted for dendrochronological analysis, the results of which enabled a relative chronology for part of the revetment sequence to be established and absolute dates postulated.  相似文献   


The former Conservative and Unionist prime minister, Arthur Balfour, contributed an article in 1912 to the German magazine Nord und Süd in which he explained why the ‘English point of view’s viewed Germany with ‘deep uneasiness’s. His theme was the role of narrative in Anglo-German relations: British anxieties stemmed from the interpretation that people ‘have thought themselves obliged to place upon a series of facts, or supposed facts, each of which taken by itself might be of small moment, but which taken together can neither be lightly treated nor calmly ignored’s. The building of a large fleet, the arms race, the demands for territory, and the threats to Europe's small states, notably the Netherlands and Belgium, made an Anglo-German war appear increasingly likely. If Germany wanted to improve relations with Britain, Balfour concluded, it had to prove its love for peace by co-operating with other states. A longer narrative underlay the famous memorandum written five years earlier by the head of the western department of the foreign office, Eyre Crowe. For him, the ‘maintenance of a state of tension and antagonism between Third Powers’s had characterized German foreign policy since the time of Prince Bismarck, whose bid for colonies had been an act of ‘direct and unmistakable hostility’s to Britain. By the time Crowe put pen to paper, in January 1907, German antagonism had become a feature in the landscape of British foreign policy-makers.  相似文献   

The identification of substantively similar policy proposals in legislation is important to scholars of public policy and legislative politics. Manual approaches are prohibitively costly in constructing datasets that accurately represent policymaking across policy domains, jurisdictions, or time. We propose the use of an algorithm that identifies similar sequences of text (i.e., text reuse), applied to legislative text, to measure the similarity of the policy proposals advanced by two bills. We study bills from U.S. state legislatures. We present three ground truth tests, applied to a corpus of 500,000 bills. First, we show that bills introduced by ideologically similar sponsors exhibit a high degree of text reuse, that bills classified by the National Conference of State Legislatures as covering the same policies exhibit a high degree of text reuse, and that rates of text reuse between states correlate with policy diffusion network ties between states. In an empirical application of our similarity measure, we find that Republican state legislators introduce legislation that is more similar to legislation introduced by Republicans in other states, than is legislation introduced by Democratic state legislators to legislation introduced by Democrats in other states.   相似文献   

王艳云 《敦煌学辑刊》2007,1(1):133-139
敦煌莫高窟众多的经变画中,涅槃经变共有十五铺,历经北周隋唐时期,发展到晚唐时期涅槃经变的绘制突然中断,以后的五代宋元莫高窟涅槃经变很少见到.但在河西榆林窟、东千佛洞以及肃北五个庙的石窟中,西夏时期的涅槃经变却纷至沓来,达到了五、六铺之多.目前的敦煌经变研究,多关注隋唐宋元时期的鸿篇巨制和传承流变,很少注意敦煌经变艺术发展的尾声阶段--西夏时期的经变艺术,即便有专业文章偶尔涉及,也多是点到为止,所给的结论也有些仓促,很值得认真的比较和研究.为此,本文试就河西石窟中西夏涅槃经变艺术同莫高窟进行比较与分析,展现西夏涅槃经变的时代特色,从而促进和完善敦煌经变艺术的整体研究.  相似文献   

走向田野回归文本--中国神话学理论建设反思之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,民间文学这门自五四运动以来多次成为显学的现代人文科学,遭遇到空前的冷遇,引起了学界的反思。一门学问是冷是热,因素甚多,民间文学的主体产生于农耕时代,它在以现代化建设为中心的  相似文献   

刘信芳 《江汉考古》2002,(2):78-80,84
本文认为楚简《诗论》的整理者对1号简“文”字、4号简“豫”等字、4号简“戚眷”、8号简“危”字、8号简“同”字、9号简“病”字、9号简“华”字、16号简“独”字、16号简“蓠”字、16号简“其”字、20号简“触”字的考释不准确,并提出了新的解释。对这些字的正确理解将有助于《诗论》的研究。  相似文献   

叶卡特林娜二世以开明专制君主称于史,莫定她这一历史地位的献,就是致法典编篡委员会的《指导书》。《指导书》是叶卡特林娜二世开明专制的政治宣言书和精神境界的本,也是18世纪自由主义政治理论实践性的登峰造极之作。它反映了叶卡特林娜二世具有比较明显的启蒙思想意识,是她实行开明专制统治的指导性件。  相似文献   

The riot at Glasgow harbour in January 1919 was the first ina wave of rioting around Britain's ports in 1919. Violence wastriggered by increased job competition in the merchant navyat the end of the war. Seamen's unions fuelled animosity betweencompeting groups as they sought to protect white British accessto jobs by imposing a ‘colour’ bar on sailors fromracialized ethnic minorities. Many of the seamen targeted inthis way were British colonial subjects from Africa and theCaribbean. Black colonial sailors in Glasgow resisted attacksby white rioters and asserted their rights to employment asBritish subjects. The riot was connected to wider industrialunrest on Clydeside as leaders of the union campaign for a reducedworking week (to maintain full employment following demobilization)brought unskilled labour, including merchant seamen, into ageneral strike alongside skilled workers. Strike leaders, includingShinwell and Gallacher, linked the 40-hours movement to theseamen's unions’ protests against overseas labour by stressingthe common interests of both in preserving the job prospectsof (white) labour. The campaigns proved unsuccessful in theface of government fears over the revolutionary potential ofthe general strike and as the merchant shipping industry slidin to depression.  相似文献   

郑珍《古本〈大学说〉序》描述了这样一个过程《大学》如何从古本到二程改本,到朱子章句,再到后世诸改本“纷纷益不可胜记”,以至成为笑柄。然见邻水甘秩斋《大学说》,不仅赞叹,以为虽“又一新异本”,实与王守仁《大学古本序》“大义复不相乖忤”。郑珍遂表彰王守仁“复古之功不可没”。守仁复古本之思萌自龙场,经多年思考和反复论证,于正德十三年刻《古本大学序》,正式公布了他表彰古本正当性的观点。  相似文献   

西汉刘向的《列女传》以其传、颂、图三位一体的编撰方式在中国古代典籍中别具一格,正因为如此,《列女传》文本及其图像在后世流传过程中,必然涉及到其文本(语言文字)与图像的关系问题。不同时代,不同类型的《列女传》文本与图像中,其语图关系的紧密程度也有所区别。一方面,《列女传》中语象与图像在这种相互模仿、相互斗争的模式中共同发展、共同进步;另一方面,语象与图像结合程度的不同也带来了叙事强度上的区别。  相似文献   

"玄舍"戈考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"玄舍"一语金文首见,"玄舍"当同于"玄室",为墓室之意;"左"系"左库"之省,"玄舍左"为视死如生观念的反映,意指为死者在墓室中建造专供储存或铸造兵器之所.  相似文献   

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