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The Ruffner collection, a Late Period (AD 500–1800), northern California skeletal sample, was analyzed for osteopathology. A probable fifth-finger dislocation of the right first and second phalanx was observed in a female aged 25–35 years at death. Traumatic adduction forced the second and third phalanges to slip laterally, upward and back about 10 mm, upon the dorsal surface of the first phalanx. Apparently, the medial collateral ligament of the interphalangeal joint was torn, making reduction impossible. As a result of the luxation, the flexor digitorum profundus slipped laterally and was fixed along the lateral surface of the distal end of the first phalanx. Over time, fusion of the joint restricted the flexion movement and left an abnormally aligned finger.  相似文献   

To determine whether ancient DNA (aDNA) can be used to study the palaeopathology of venereal syphilis, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the preservation of human and pathogen DNA in a set of 46 bones of various ages, most of which displayed osteological indications of the disease. Bones came from seven English cemetery sites that were in use during the 9th–19th centuries. Twelve of the 46 bones consistently yielded mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences after replicate polymerase chain reactions (PCRs), and a further 13 bones yielded mtDNA sequences with less reproducibility. The sequence data enabled tentative mitochondrial haplogroups to be assigned to nine of the bones, and the identities and frequencies of these haplogroups were compatible with the geographical origins of the bones. Twenty-one bones consistently gave negative results with all mtDNA PCRs, indicating that at least these bones were not contaminated with modern human DNA, and those bones that gave positive results only yielded one sequence each, again suggesting that widespread modern contamination had not occurred. Mycobacterium tuberculosis sequences were obtained from seven bones, including three of five bones with tuberculous lesions. The cloned and direct sequences obtained from both the mtDNA and M. tuberculosis PCR products showed features typical of degraded aDNA. All of these results suggest that at least some of the 46 bones that we studied were suitable for aDNA analysis. All 46 bones were tested with nine different treponemal PCRs, each optimised to give a detection limit of ≤5 genomes. Although various bones gave PCR products of the expected size with one or more of these PCRs, sequencing showed that none of these products were authentic treponemal amplicons. Our failure to detect treponemal DNA in bones that were suitable for aDNA analysis, using highly sensitive PCRs, suggests that treponemal DNA is not preserved in human bone and that it is therefore not possible to use aDNA analysis to study venereal syphilis. Any past or future paper claiming detection of treponemal aDNA should therefore be accompanied by a detailed justification of the results.  相似文献   

Intervertebral chondrocalcinosis (calcification of intervertebral discs and associated structures) may arise from a variety of causes. This work presents a discussion of intervertebral chondrocalcinosis and the identification of its most probable cause in skeletal remains, using as a case study a skeleton of an elderly male from medieval Ipswich, UK. The skeleton is examined using gross observation and radiography, and the intervertebral calcifications are subject to chemical analysis. In addition to intervertebral chondrocalcinosis (which has resulted in ankylosis of lumbo‐sacral segments), lesions identified include chondrocalcinosis at some synovial joints, various soft tissue calcified bodies, and severe osteoarthritis particularly at the gleno‐humeral joints. Interpretation of the results of the chemical analysis of the calcified deposits is complicated by diagenesis, but they are most consistent with apatite and/or whitlockite. Arriving at a most probable cause of the lesions in this case is difficult, but it is tentatively suggested that ochronosis may be the best diagnostic option. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apical periodontal cysts are benign lesions developing in relation to the apices of non‐vital teeth due to inflammatory response from the infective pulp. These are epithelium‐lined bony cavities containing fluid. Despite being widely reported in medical/dental literature, this common condition is poorly diagnosed and documented in the archaeological literature. We aim to clarify the correct terminology, demonstrate bony manifestations at different stages of pathogenesis of chronic periapical dental lesions into granuloma and apical periodontal cysts, and to describe diagnostic criteria which would provide practical guidelines for the diagnosis of these conditions. Three identified skulls from the International Exchange Collection, housed in the Anthropological Museum at the University of Coimbra, are used to identify the progression of this condition from a small periapical granuloma to a large apical periodontal cyst with expansion of alveolar and facial bones. The pathogenesis of this condition is described, together with its surgical management in the early 20th century in Portugal, which is the period in which these individuals lived. Confusion resulting from the different terminologies can be avoided if the term periapical granuloma is used to define apical bony lesions smaller than 3 mm at their maximum intra‐bony diameter, and the term apical periodontal cysts for the larger lesions. We recommend that these terminologies and parameters be used as a standard in future studies. This will make inter‐observer and inter‐population comparisons more accurate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An archaeological case of clay‐shoveler's fracture was observed in an adult male exhumed from a Roman necropolis dated to the 1st–3rd century AD and located in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Clay‐shoveler's fracture is a breakage of a lower cervical or upper thoracic spinous process as a result of mechanical stress. Different mechanisms have been related to this injury, generally in labour‐related contexts. This paper reviews the literature concerning this uncommon finding, focusing especially on its mechanism and on activity‐related lesions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents some preliminary results on microscopical identification of microfractures in human skeletal remains which may be associated with osteoporosis. A technique is described for the examination of cancellous bone and applied to a number of vertebrae and one radius. All the material used is Romano-British or English medieval. However, microscopical screening for osteoporosis could form a useful part of comparative studies on historically or geographically different populations. The archaeological significance of osteoporosis in terms of skeletal ageing and nutritional status is discussed.  相似文献   

In 2006, two skeletons were analysed that were previously excavated from the periphery of a Scythian burial mound, near the village of Alexandropol in southern Ukraine. Dated to ca. 325 BC, both remains are male. The first is that of a youth in his late teens who exhibits indications of biological stress and degenerative changes to the spine in the form of a Schmorl's node. The second is a middle‐aged individual with extensive healed lesions due to trauma to the right humerus and clavicle with associated bony changes of the elbow and spine. Stable isotope analyses indicate a diet based on C3 plants. Their skeletons suggest a rigorous life on horseback. Both may have served as sacrificial victims. Historical records document the strangulation of attendants and their placement around the periphery of royal burial mounds. Grave goods suggest that both were warriors, although the youth lacks the traumatic injuries exhibited by the older male. The individuals from Alexandropol may have served a Scythian king in life and in death. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measures of disease frequency are discussed and their use in palaeopathology illustrated with examples, both hypothetical and real. It is shown that prevalence rates are the appropriate rates to use when calculating the frequency of diseases in skeletal populations. The extent to which prevalence rates accurately reflect those in the living population from which the skeletons were derived is also considered and it is suggested that they are a reasonable approximation for diseases that do not shorten life span, but not for those that do. Finally, suggestions are made for dealing with missing data.  相似文献   

Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth edited by Frederick Madden. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 8 vols., 1985–2000.

I. ‘The Empire of the Bretaignes’, 1175–1688 (1985, 0–313–23897–9)

II. The Classical Period of the First British Empire, 1689–1783 (1985,0–313–25176–2)

IE. Imperial Reconstruction, 1763–1840 (1987, 0–313–25916‐X)

IV. Settler Self‐Government, 1840–1900 (1990, 0–313–27326‐X)

V. The Dependent Empire and Ireland, 1840–1890 (1991, 0–313–27757–5)

VI. The Dominions and India Since 1900 (1993, 0–313–27317–0)

VII. The Dependent Empire, 1900–1948 (1994,0–313–27318–9)

VIII. The End of Empire: Dependencies Since 1948 (2000,0–313–29072–5, £83.95)  相似文献   

Several bones from the Late Pleistocene archaeological site, Kutikina Cave, in southwest Tasmania, show pathological conditions. The majority of these specimens represent Bennett's or red‐necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus), with a single specimen of the Common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) recorded. While there has been extensive work in this region of Australia since the early 1980s, this is the first record of palaeopathology from the late Pleistocene of Tasmania, and the first from a human accumulation of predominately macropod material. The palaeopathology raises several questions concerning the mobility of these animals which might have increased their susceptibly to predation, while some of the effected elements are fragmented, suggesting that people utilised these bones despite their deformities. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is a part of a larger investigation related to questions of the systemization of neutron activation analysis results. It considers the analysis of experimental data and focuses on the application of a multivariate statistical technique to the characterization and classification of ceramic artifacts in order to establish and assess their provenance. Central to the statistical methodology reported here is the determination of a specific characterization-classification function. This function provides a method of defining a group of archaeological ceramics on the basis of their elemental composition patterns. Conditional and expected probabilities calculated from the function are then used as a means of classifying unknown observations, indicating outliers, and detecting the existence of another group as yet unidentified. The utility of the function is demonstrated in a specific test case. The possibility of using the characterization-classification function to increase the portability of information and to reduce the need for centralized computer data banks is pointed out.  相似文献   

冰岛虽然叫“冰”岛,但地热喷泉却是一大特色,境内很多地方都有丰富的地热和温泉资源,以及间歇喷泉,举世闻名.要知道“间歇喷泉”的英文Geyser就是从冰岛这里的间歇喷泉以及冰岛语而诞生,可见这里间歇喷泉的鼻祖地位.这其中最著名的便是Strokkur Geyser(史托克间歇喷泉),它的特点之一就是喷得够高,可以达到20~30米以上,但更重要的是它的“忠实”,比美国黄石公园的“老忠实”喷泉还勤勉,每5~7分钟就喷一次,所有游客可以看到爽为止,而且可以近距离拍摄,无人不大呼过瘾. 间歇喷泉位于冰岛首都雷克雅未克东北约70公里处,乘大巴一个多小时就可以抵达,很方便.冰岛天气多变,在去之前就有所耳闻,此番夏季前往,没想到就这一个多小时的车程沿途就经历了从万里无云,到时阴时晴,到了山谷区域更是大雨夹带雪珠,令人难以想象.不过好处就是看到了多处彩虹,在一片开阔地带拔地而起,非常壮观.这条景观大道也被称为冰岛旅游黄金圈,因为同时还可以前往距离间歇喷泉不远处的黄金瀑布.  相似文献   

Gout is a disease caused by the abnormal accumulation of uric acid in the body, which can result in sodium urate crystals forming tophi at joints, with associated erosion of bone and cartilage. Only two examples of tophi have been reported from archaeological individuals, and the diagnosis of gout based on dry bone manifestations can be difficult. This paper presents preliminary results of a new technique to aid the diagnosis of gout in palaeopathology, namely high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Five archaeological skeletons with suspected gout (diagnosed using visual and radiological analysis) and three controls were analysed. Two of the gouty individuals had a white powder in their erosive lesions. HPLC showed the presence of uric acid in bone in four of the five individuals with evidence of gouty arthritis and was negative for uric acid in bone from the three controls. The white powder was also positive for uric acid. With reliance on the presence of articular erosions, cases of gout will be missed in archaeological human bone. HPLC measurement of uric acid could prove useful in the differential diagnosis of erosive arthropathy in archaeology. It may also be useful in identifying individuals with an increased body pool of uric acid, linked to conditions included in the term ‘metabolic syndrome’. As a result, HPLC uric acid measurement also has the potential to provide additional information on health and lifestyle in past communities. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以1941年日美政府级交涉为主要考察对象,根据日方的原始档案,验证中国问题和日本开战决策的内在联系.本文以日本决策者的各种自白揭示:中国的对日抗战既是对日本死守既有侵略果实之企图的重大障碍,又是对日本力图进一步实现北进、ⅱ南进和所谓"大东亚共荣圈"等扩张野心的最大牵制,从而也是对美英等国的全球性利益的必不可少的保障.日本当年在中国问题上沉迷不醒,其症结就在这里;美国最终拒绝在中国问题上妥协,其关键亦在于此.运用日本决策者自己留下的证据来重观历史,有助于人们明辨问题的实质.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of the bones of a 6th century case (AD ) of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) showed high levels of Zn, Mn and K in the periosteal new bone. The concentration of Zn in the periosteal new bone appeared to be biogenetic in origin and connected with active mineralization processes in the abnormal bone tissue. Manganese and potassium concentrations were, at least partly, related to diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

Despite an observable increase in the number of studies using ancient DNA analysis to diagnose disease in human remains, there remain issues to be addressed about the quality of the resulting publications. This paper describes the qualitative analysis of published papers that describe the detection of pathogenic DNA in human skeletal and mummified remains from archaeological sites. Its ultimate goal is to provide an overview of the main problematic issues in relationship to standards developed in molecular biology and to make recommendations for future work. Sixty‐five papers published between 1993 and 2006 were surveyed and the quality of each was assessed using 15 criteria. Interesting results emerged. Of particular note was the high number of papers that did not acknowledge the use of even basic contamination control (90%) or procedures to validate results independently (85%). This study illustrates that attention to contamination control and authentication of results is needed in future research, if confidence in aDNA analysis in palaeopathology is to be increased. Additionally, methods of analysis must be described in published papers to ensure transparency in processes utilised to generate the data. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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