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This article examines research on embodiment published in Gender, Place and Culture (GPC) over the past two decades. We searched using the keywords ‘body’, ‘bodies’, ‘embodiment’, ‘embody’, ‘flesh’, ‘fleshy’, ‘corporeality’ and ‘corporeal’, the titles and abstracts of all the articles that have appeared in GPC since it first began publication in 1994. Articles containing these keywords were listed in a searchable bibliography. What we found was a growing volume of research inspired by ‘body politics’ produced over a 21-year period that compares favourably to cognate geography journals. We also found that various themes have emerged including maternal and geopolitical bodies. In other areas, we identified gaps. Throughout the article, we engage with the question: has the upsurge of interest in embodiment, as expressed in the pages of GPC since 1994, led to an upheaval of masculinist ways of thinking in the discipline? We conclude by expressing our feelings of ambivalence.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an evening event at the Community Centre, Jacksdale, Nottinghamshire, UK in 2001 featuring a group called The Chase, performing folk music and dance from France and other European countries. It raises a series of issues concerning the relationships between folk culture and modern everyday life. These questions intersect with debates concerning authenticity, tradition, working-class culture, community and sense of place. The paper develops the concept of vernacular culture within a dynamic and plural conception of place as a means of theoretically locating folk music within modern everyday life.  相似文献   


For six years between 1994 and 2000, Patrick McCarthy contributed occasional articles to the Bologna section of La Repubblica. These writings were intensely personal interventions on various themes that reflected their author's lifelong interest in literature, culture, politics and sport. Many of them addressed issues of civic life in a city that had once enjoyed a reputation as a showcase of Communist local administration in Italy, but which in 1999 elected a right-wing mayor. In contrast to an impersonal urban modernization that he saw as destructive, McCarthy championed a humane ideal of community that was not ‘traditional’, but rather open and flexible.  相似文献   

Este artículo rastrea la historia del World Archaeological Congress desde una perspectiva sudafricana-una posición estratégica apropiada, dado que el WAC se formó entorno al tema del apartheid y la relación entre el estudio del pasado y la política del presente. Mientras el apartheid fue una cuestión bien definida, los asuntos que el WAC ha tenido que afrontar con posterioridad no han resultado tan sencillos, e incluso en ocasiones han llevado a la incertidumbre. El concepto de Una Arqueología Mundial que el WAC adopta puede ser visto como una serie continua de meditaciones ligadas con una propuesta fundacional. Sin embargo este mundo ha cambiado. Las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación suponen el fin de las distancias que en el pasado supusieron un factor limitador para los movimientos mundiales progresistas. En pocos a?os, la red de banda ancha tendrá un coste bastante inferior en todas las ciudades del mundo. Las organizaciones mundiales que luchan contra intereses establecidos serán redes flexibles que se organizarán entorno a cuestiones locales, compartiendo al mismo tiempo la información y los recursos a nivel global. De este modo se abren grandes oportunidades para los movimientos mundiales que enlazan, a una y al mismo tiempo, las complejidades de las circunstancias locales y las oportunidades de las alianzas globales.
Résumé Le r?le de l'apartheid et de la localisation de Cape Town sont des éléments utilisés dans le survol du développement du Congrès Mondial de l'Archéologie et du mouvement One World Archaeology depuis 1986. à l'époque un boycott académique a empêché la participation des Sud-africains au congrès de Southampton durant lequel fut formaliser le CMA. Le terme un monde, une place, caractérise la proposition d'adopter une nouvelle approche et l'opportunité de repositionner le mouvement One World Archaeology. L'approche un monde, une places'oriente sur le concept de place, de sites locaux d'engagements et de connections entre la question de l'identité, le patrimoine culturel, l'interprétation historique et les droits humains. Un accès élargis aux nouvelles technologies de communication peut faciliter cette approche et offrir le potentiel de se préoccuper de la diversité des localisations et rendre possible le développement d'un réseau de communication stratégique d'une ≪archéologie engagée.

<正>"古树高低屋,斜阳远近山,林梢烟似带,村外水如环"那怀旧般的诗意。那里,但见蓝天、青山、碧水,小桥、流水、人家,粉墙、青砖、黛瓦,相映成趣。它,就像是无数文人笔下的诗,小桥流水、山明水秀、恬淡宜人。有水的地方就有村子,有村子的地方就可以看见溪流。乡村小道两边飞檐翘角,灰瓦白墙的徽州民居,错落有致地镶嵌在修竹掩映的林间。  相似文献   

The article examines emotion and identity in the Greek death cult to clarify certain contemporary political phenomena in the Mediterranean where the cult of the dead is a common cultural pattern. Why is this cult so persistent? What is the death cult and how does it manifest itself? The article delves into its importance in Greece, where the author has had several periods of ?eldwork. To illustrate the persistence of this cultural pattern, its characteristic aspects are discussed. Festivals which are dedicated to deceased persons and domestic death rituals are compared with ancient sources. Based on this, a survey of the relationship between the death cult dedicated to deceased mediators, as it is manifested through laments, burials and the ensuing memorial rituals is made. Modern domestic rituals in? uence of?cial rituals, and vice versa. A study of modern cult practices reveals many parallels with the of?cial cult of the ancients, and suggests ways in which modern rituals can illuminate ancient rituals. The article seeks to demonstrate how new ideologies must be adjusted to older rituals and beliefs and how public and domestic rituals are connected. The article ?nally suggests how these similarities might represent a common way of expression within a larger geographical context.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to further understandings of performances of family position, place and masculinity in what I call ‘embodied intergenerationality'. I build on research with 38 men across three generations within 19 families of Irish descent to discuss masculinity, intergenerationality and place. These men are living, or have recently lived, in the region known as Tyneside, in the North East of England. Secondary to this contribution is an acknowledgement of the significance of changing positionalities as research insider and participant observer by addressing both intersectional and intergenerational identities involved in geographic research. The article therefore responds to recent work in the discipline which has called for more critical attention towards experiences in the field, with its central contribution – embodied intergenerationality – advancing knowledge of masculinities and place for those who analyse masculinities within the research encounter. This work explores the performances and relationalities of masculinities amongst men of Irish descent on Tyneside as well as between the participants and the researcher. In working with men of different ages both within and between families, I draw conclusions on masculinity, intergenerationality and place: the roles of researcher and participant can become embodied as ‘son' and ‘father' in the research encounter and where the research takes place matters.  相似文献   

The complexities of black geographies—shaped by histories of colonialism, transatlantic slavery, contemporary practices of racism, and resistances to white supremacy—shed light on how slave and post-slave struggles in the Americas form a unique sense of place. Rather than simply identifying black suffering and naming racism (and opposition to it) as the sole conceptual schemas through which to ‘understand’ or ‘know’ blackness or race, it is emphasized that a black sense of place, black histories, and communities are not only integral to production of space, but also that the analytical interconnectedness of race, practices of domination, and geography undoubtedly put pressure on how we presently study and assess racial violence.  相似文献   

Modern social theory, by and large, has aimed at reducing the complexity of action situations to a set of manageable abstractions. But these abstractions, whether functionalist or linguistic, fail to grasp the indeterminacy of action situations. Action proceeds by discovery and combination. The logic of action is serendipitous and combinative. From these characteristics, a number of consequences flow: The whole field of our intentions is engaged in each action situation, and cannot really be understood apart from the situation itself. In action situations we remain aware of the problems of categorization, including the dangers of infinite regress and the difficulties of specifying borders and ranges of categories. In action situations, attention is in permanent danger of being overwhelmed. We must deal with many features of action situations outside of attention; in doing so, we must entertain simultaneously numerous possibilities of action. Emotional expression is a way of talking about the kinds of possibilities we entertain. Expression and action have a rebound effect on attention. “Effort” is required to find appropriate expressions and actions, and rebound effects play a role in such effort, making it either easier or more difficult. Recent theoretical trends have failed to capture these irreducible characteristics of action situations, and have slipped into a number of errors. Language is not rich in meanings or multivocal, except as put to use in action situations. The role of “convention” in action situations is problematic, and therefore one ought not to talk of “culture.” Contrary to the assertions of certain theorists, actors do not follow strategies, except when they decide to do so. Actors do not “communicate,” in the sense of exchanging information, except in specially arranged situations. More frequently, they intervene in the effortful management of attention of their interlocutors. Dialogue, that is, very commonly becomes a form of cooperative emotional effort. From these considerations, it follows that the proper method for gaining social knowledge is to examine the history of action and of emotional effort, and to report findings in the form of narrative.  相似文献   

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