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Night-time thermospheric temperatures, T63o, and mesospheric rotational temperatures, T(OH) and T(O2), have been measured at Cachoeira Paulista (23°S, 45°W, 16°S dip latitude), located in both the equatorial ionospheric anomaly and the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly, with a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a multi-channel tilting filter-type photometer, respectively. The thermospheric temperatures are obtained from the Doppler line broadening of the OI 630.0 nm emission and the mesospheric rotational temperatures from the OH(9,4) and O2A(0,1) band emissions. Measurements made during three geomagnetic storms showed that the nocturnal mean values of T630 during the recovery phase of the storms were lower than those observed during quiet time and from model predictions. Also, the nocturnal mean value of the T630 soon after the SSC event on 27 June 1992 was higher than the quiet time and model predictions. The observed mesospheric nocturnal mean rotational temperatures, T(O2) and T(O2), were unaffected by the storms. A comparison of the night-time observed temperatures T630, T(OH) and T(O2) with those calculated using the MSIS-86 model is also presented.  相似文献   

Equatorial ionospheric irregularities in the F-layer have been the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigations during recent years. The class or irregularities which continues to receive much attention is characterized by large scale plasma depletions, generally referred to as ionospheric plumes and bubbles. The OI 630.0 nm F-region night-glow emissions arising from recombination processes can be used to observe the dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and smaller scale plasma irregularities. In a collaborative project between the Center for Space Physics of Boston University and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE), an all-sky imaging system was operated at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7° S, 45.0° W, dip latitude 15.8° S), between March 1987 and October 1991. In addition to the imager, photometer and VHP polarimeter observations were conducted at Cachoeira Paulista, with ionospheric soundings carried out at both C. Paulista and Fortaleza, the latter at 3.9° S, 38.4° W, 3.7° S dip latitude. For this longitude, the observed seasonal variation of the airglow depletions shows a maximum from October through March and a very low occurrence of airglow depletions from April through September. This long series of OI 630.0 nm imaging observations has permitted us to determine that when there are extended plumes, the altitudes affected over the magnetic equator often exceed 1500 km and probably exceed 2500 km at times, the maximum projection that can be seen from Cachoeira Paulista. This holds true even during years of low solar flux.  相似文献   

Lunar and solar semidiurnal tides have been determined from winds measurements in the 82 to 100 km height range at Christchurch and Scott Base made during 1983–1984. At Christchurch, the solar tide has maximum amplitudes in April and December, while at Scott Base, only the December maximum is present at all heights. Phases at Scott base mostly agree with those measured earlier at Mawson, but vertical wavelengths are always long. The lunar tide was difficult to isolate at Christchurch, but the winter to summer phase reversal was clear. This was also seen at Scott Base.  相似文献   

In the altitude range 70–100 km, high-resolution wind profiles have been measured during the summers of 1987 and 1988 at Andenes (69°N). We report on the wind corners observed in these profiles and compare their properties with those of wind corners seen in the winter of 1983–1984 and autumn 1987. Five of the main results are as follows. (1) The occurrence rates for wind corners in general are similar in summer and in winter. The database for autumn (only 7 flights) was too small to draw any firm conclusions. A strong wind corner was seen, roughly, on every third experiment, both in summer and in winter. (2) The results obtained on the temporal occurrence of wind corners suggest that wind corners seem to have no preference to appear at certain hours of the day. (3) Wind corners tend to appear at preferred heights which are higher in summer than in winter. The spacing between these preferred heights is about 5 km in summer and about 3-3.5 km in winter. (4) In strong wind corners the sense of rotation of the wind direction is positive in summer and negative in winter (with positive being defined as a rotation of the wind direction from northward towards eastward with increasing altitude). (5) At altitudes below 90km wind corners tend to occur at or close to atmospheric layers having Ri ≈ 0.25.  相似文献   

The total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere at 31°S (geographic) has been calculated on the basis of Faraday rotation measurements made between September 1967 and January 1975 using geostationary satellites. The day-to-day, diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle variations of TEC are illustrated and discussed in relation to the maximum electron density of the F-layer, NMAX. A regression analysis is used to derive curves corresponding to fixed high and low levels of activity. The variations of slab thickness S = TEC/NMAX are also illustrated and discussed. The results overlap the observation periods of other published results and general agreement is found with these other results.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the 015 57.7 nm, O2 atmospheric (0,1) band, NaD and OH (9,4) band emissions obtained during the period October November 1989 at Cachoeira Paulista (23°S, 45°W), Brazil, have been analysed to study gravity waves in the mesospheric region at a low-latitude station in the southern hemisphere. It was found that, when these emissions showed large temporal intensity variations, there were also short period quasi-coherent temporal variations superposed on them, suggesting a possible passage of internal gravity waves in the emission layers. Cross-correlation analysis indicates that the time lag between the different emissions is smaller for short period variations compared with the long period variations. The wave parameters, namely a vertical wavelength of 12 km, a horizontal derived wavelength of 200 km with a period of 80 min, estimated from one of the observed short-period coherent oscillations, are typical of the internal gravity waves at the airglow emission height.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the quasi two-day wave, as observed in meteor wind data recorded at Grahamstown (33°19′S, 26°30′E) between April 1986 and April 1989, are described and discussed in the context of existing knowledge. As is typical, the wave amplitude has been largest during the summer months December–February with a maximum in late January, but this amplitude has differed markedly from year-to-year. The period and phase are found to be variable and, where possible, have been obtained as functions of date. January 1987 and 1989 were both characterised by clear drifts toward longer periods, with corresponding drifts in phase. At each of the summer maxima observed the period was found to be close to 48 h, with the phase of the meridional component within 3 h of local midnight. Direct comparison of local data for January 1987 with published data obtained simultaneously in Australia and Antarctica confirms the well-established westward propagation of the wave, but with an apparent zonal wavenumber somewhat smaller than the expected value of 3. It is shown that the discrepancy could arise from a combination of observational effects and a northward tilt to the wave velocity. The best result of an attempt to detect a horizontal phase gradient from local data alone is, however, more consistent with a southward tilt. There is theoretical support for both conclusions, but the matter cannot be resolved with the data presently available. It is also concluded that the background circulation at meteor heights has little influence on the wave parameters, and that indications of wave activity outside the summer season are of doubtful significance.  相似文献   

The potential of the EISCAT radar system for observing plasma convection patterns at high latitudes has been explored in a preliminary experiment on 27 November 1982. Using a beamswinging technique, plasma velocity was measured at slant ranges of 645–1170 km, enabling velocity vectors to be derived for invariant latitudes 70°–77°. Although operational problems limited the experiment to 80 min, some interesting observations of high-latitude flows were made. Typical afternoon westward flows of about 1 km s−1 were recorded over much of the interval, but important temporal and spatial variations were also seen as a result of the good time and space resolution of the experiment (5 min and 75 km, respectively). In particular, the westward flow was interrupted for about 10 min by a surge of poleward flow, possibly related to dynamic coupling occurring at the dayside magnetopause, such as a flux transfer event.  相似文献   

A quasi 2-day oscillation in the meridional winds near 90 km altitude has been observed at Adelaide (35°S) during late summer of the years 1966–1975. The mean amplitude in mid-January is 48 m s−1, and the phase variation with height is indicative of a wave with downward phase propagation and a vertical wavelength greater than 100 km.  相似文献   

An imaging Doppler interferometer (IDI) radar was operated during the three AIDA '89 campaigns in Puerto Rico over the period March–May of 1989. The output of the IDI analysis characterizes radar scattering in terms of a number of discrete ‘scattering points,’ also referred to as ‘multiple scattering centers,’ IDI/MSC for short. For each of these points the three-dimensional location, radial velocity and amplitude and phase are determined, similar to the output of meteor radars. We have applied the conventional Groves [(1959) J. atmos. terr. Phys. 16, 344–356] meteor wind radar analysis to the scattering points to produce the mean apparent motions over the height range from 70 to 110 km which are presented here. The mean apparent motion of the scattering centers is the quantity that would correspond to the neutral atmosphere wind or bulk motion if the scattering points are physical entities (such as turbulent eddies) whose motions are determined solely by advection. This is the quantity which is treated as the ‘wind’ in the analysis which follows and which should be compared to the wind measurements as deduced from the other methods employed during this campaign. There is, however, a caveat which supports the contention of Hineset al. [(1993) J. atmos. terr. Phys. 55, 241–287] that extreme care must be used in interpreting the velocities measured by partial reflection radars as winds. The current application of the Groves method of analysis has revealed motions from which one would infer a typical equatorial easterly circulation, with mean meridional circulation becoming significant only above 96 km. A periodogram analysis of the complete data interval (5–11 April) has shown the diurnal tide to be the most significant feature of the wind field at these altitudes, with zonal amplitudes up to some 50 m/s and meridional amplitudes approximately half this value. The 12 and 6 h tides become as significant as the diurnal above 100 km. The two day (48 ± 5 h) wave is the next most significant feature, with zonal amplitude increasing with height up to 30 m/s at 110km. The semidiurnal tide is not at all well developed below 100 km. However, analysis on a day by day basis reveals a significant semidiurnal component which is not phase coherent over the total interval. Mean vertical velocities are of the order of tens of centimeters per second and are considered to be more realistic than the meters per second velocities usually inferred from analyses of meteor trail drifts.  相似文献   

When seasonal variations were eliminated by evaluating 12-month running means, the ionospheric parameters foE, foF2 and hmF2 at Juliusruh (54.6°N, 13.4°E) showed large solar cycle variations. However, when further 3-yr running averages were evaluated and subtracted, QBO (Quasi-biennial oscillations) were noticed in all these parameters. Sunspot series did not reveal a QBO, but geomagnetic Ap did show a QBO. The peaks of the ionospheric QBO and QBO of Ap could be roughly compared, with lags or leads of a few months. Also, these compared roughly with the well-known QBO peaks of tropical stratospheric (50 mb) zonal winds. Similar analyses at other locations are warranted.  相似文献   

First results on the behaviour of thermospheric temperature over Kavalur (12.5°N, 78.5°E geographic; 2.8°N geomagnetic latitude) located close to the geomagnetic equator in the Indian zone are presented. The results are based on measurements of the Doppler width of O(1D) night airglow emission at 630 nm made with a pressure-scanned Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) on 16 nights during March April 1992. The average nighttime (2130-0430 IST) thermospheric temperature is found to be consistently higher than the MSIS-86 predictions on all but one of the nights. The mean difference between the observed nightly temperatures and model values is 269 K with a standard error of 91 K. On one of the nights (9/10 April 1992, Ap = 6) the temperature is found to increase by ~250 K around 2330 IST and is accompanied by a ‘midnight collapse’ of the F-region over Ahmedabad (23°N, 72°E, dip 26.3°N). This relationship between the temperature increase at Kavalur and F-region height decrease at Ahmedabad is also seen in the average behaviour of the two parameters. The temperature enhancement at Kavalur is interpreted as the signature of the equatorial midnight temperature maximum (MTM) and the descent of the F-region over Ahmedabad as the effect of the poleward neutral winds associated with the MTM.  相似文献   

Winds data from three radar systems in the U.S.S.R. G.D.R. and Canada, which are well-spaced along the 52°N latitude circle, are used to illustrate longitudinal/regional variations in the dynamics of the upper middle atmosphere 80–97 km. Responses to the stratospheric warming of 1982/3 are noted at all three locations, but the zonal wind does not reverse at Badary, consistent with the flow there being eastward during all months of the year. Planetary wave period oscillations (2–30 days) are observed at all locations, and highly significant cross-spectral coherences exist between the three stations.  相似文献   

Mean winds and tides have been measured by the LF and MF radar systems at Collm and Saskatoon respectively. Semidiurnal tide amplitudes and phases near 90 km evidence very similar monthly variations. A detailed comparison of mean wind and tidal profiles (85–110 km) in the Septembers of 4 years shows some differences however, which are consistent with regional (Europe-Canada) differences in the mean background winds.  相似文献   

Observations of the OH (8-3) band airglow emission, using a multichannel tilting filter type photometer, have been carried out at Calgary (51°N, 114°W), Canada, since 1981. In this paper recent measurements of the nocturnal, seasonal and solar flux variations of the mesopause temperature, obtained from the rotational temperature of the OH (8-3) band observations, are presented. The data presented span the ascending phase of the present solar cycle viz. 1987–1988 (low solar activity) and 1990 (high solar activity). Good correlations (r = 0.73) between the OH (8-3) band rotational temperature and the 10.7 cm solar flux were observed. The mean temperature for the period investigated was about 210 K. The seasonally averaged nocturnal variations show only small irregular excursions, possibly associated with solar tides and the passage of gravity waves in the mesopause region. However, the observed rotational temperatures show considerable night-to-night changes.  相似文献   

A partial reflection radiowave system (2.2 MHz) has been used at Saskatoon, Canada (52°N, 106°W; L = 4.4) to obtain electron densities (~65–85 km) by the differential absorption experiment, and winds (52–118 km) by the spaced antenna drifts experiment. These data have been compared during the winter (December–March) of 1974/75, eleven selected days during January and February of 1976, and during 10 days in each of the four seasons of 1976. There is consistent evidence for a correspondence between increasing ionization and decreasing northward or increasing southward winds, during winter months. This is consistent with the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO), created during magnetic storms by the associated auroral activity, contributes to electron density variability by way of circulation changes and atmospheric waves. It has not been possible to distinguish between a latitude gradient of NO or isolated accumulations of this minor constituent.  相似文献   

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