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Calculations using a numerical model of the convection dominated high latitude ionosphere are compared with observations made by EISCAT as part of the UK-POLAR Special Programme. The data used were for 24–25 October 1984, which was characterized by an unusually steady IMF, with Bz < 0 and By > 0; in the calculations it was assumed that a steady IMF implies steady convection conditions. Using the electric field models of Heppner and Maynard (1983) appropriate to By > 0 and precipitation data taken from Spiroet al. (1982), we calculated the velocities and electron densities appropriate to the EISCAT observations. Many of the general features of the velocity data were reproduced by the model. In particular, the phasing of the change from eastward to westward flow in the vicinity of the Harang discontinuity, flows near the dayside throat and a region of slow flow at higher latitudes near dusk were well reproduced. In the afternoon sector modelled velocity values were significantly less than those observed. Electron density calculations showed good agreement with EISCAT observations near the F-peak, but compared poorly with observations near 211 km. In both cases, the greatest disagreement occurred in the early part of the observations, where the convection pattern was poorly known and showed some evidence of long term temporal change. Possible causes for the disagreement between observations and calculations are discussed and shown to raise interesting and, as yet, unresolved questions concerning the interpretation of the data. For the data set used, the late afternoon dip in electron density observed near the F-peak and interpreted as the signature of the mid-latitude trough is well reproduced by the calculations. Calculations indicate that it does not arise from long residence times of plasma on the nightside, but is the signature of a gap between two major ionization sources, viz. photoionization and particle precipitation.  相似文献   

An intense solar proton event causing enhanced ionization in the ionospheric D-region occurred on 12 August 1989. The event was partially observed during three successive nights by the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsa, Norway. Ion production rates calculated from GOES-7 satellite measurements of proton flux and a detailed ion chemistry model of the D-region are used together with the radar data to deduce electron concentration, negative ion to electron concentration ratio, mean ion mass and neutral temperature in the height region from 70 to 90 km, at selected times which correspond to the maximum and minimum solar elevations occurring during the radar observations. The quantitative interpretation of EISCAT data as physical parameters is discussed. The obtained temperature values are compared with nearly simultaneous temperature measurements at Andøya based on lidar technique.  相似文献   

The EISCAT incoherent scatter radar, operating in a full tristatic mode, provided data on the ionospheric plasma drift above northern Scandinavia, during the 24 h period, 11 UT 25 November to 11 UT 26 November 1982. For the hours of darkness, 14 UT until 05 UT, observations of thermospheric winds were made by means of a ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) operated at Kiruna Geophysical Institute (21° E, 68° N). During this period, the radar observations describe well the ebbing and flowing of regions of strong convective ion flow associated with the auroral oval. As individual geomagnetic disturbances occur, the overall ion flow pattern intensifies and moves equatorward. The zonal thermospheric wind observed by the FPI responds rapidly to surges of the local ionospheric convection, while the meridional wind response is slower and apparently to much larger-scale features of the geomagnetic input to the high latitude thermosphere. From the data base, periods of strong heating of the ionospheric ions and of the thermospheric gas can be identified, which can be compared with Joule and particle heating rates deduced from the observations of ionospheric drifts, neutral winds, electron densities and auroral emission rates. A three-dimensional, time-dependent global thermospheric model is used to distinguish local and global features of the thermospheric wind field. Meridional and zonal wind components at 312 km may be theoretically derived from the EISCAT data using an appropriate model (MSIS) for neutral temperature. The EISCAT-derived meridional wind is within about 50 m s−1 of the FPI observations throughout the period of joint observations. The EISCAT-derived zonal wind is systematically larger (by about 50%) than the FPI measurement, but the two independent measurements follow closely the same fluctuations in response to geophysical events until 03 UT, when the EISCAT solution is driven away from the FPI measurement by a sharp increase in both neutral and ion temperatures. Between 03 and 05 UT the EISCAT-derived zonal wind is 200–400 m s−1 westward. Allowance for the neutral temperature rise would reduce the EISCAT values towards the very small zonal winds shown by the FPI during this period. We describe the relatively straightforward analysis required to derive the meridional wind from the radar data and the limitations inherent in the derivation of zonal wind, using the ion energy equation, due to the lack of precise knowledge of the background neutral temperature from the EISCAT data alone. For analysis of EISCAT ion drift observations at 312 km, the ground-based FPI temperature measurements do not improve the accuracy of the analysis, since the median altitude of the FPI measurement is probably in the range 180–240 km throughout the observation period. This median altitude and the temperature gradient both fluctuate in response to local geomagnetic events, while the temperature gradient may be considerably greater than that predicted by standard atmospheric models. When the neutral temperature is well known, or when there is a large enhancement of the ion temperature, the EISCAT-derived zonal wind exceeds the FPI measurement, but the consistency with which they correlate and follow ion-drag accelerations suggests that the differences are purely due to the considerable altitude gradients which are predicted by theoretical models.  相似文献   

The INDI experiment consisted of a series of joint observations between EISCAT and a Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) situated at Kiruna. The FPI measured the 630 nm neutral oxygen emission at eight positions on a 30° elevation circle, giving a spatial average of the neutral wind field with a time resolution of about 15 min. The radar performed a seven-position, near-meridional scan in a region common to the optical measurements. Such simultaneous observations of the ionised and neutral components of the Earth's atmosphere allow a study of the ion energy balance and the coupling between species. The first stage of the analysis was to derive the neutral wind from the EISCAT data using the simplified ambipolar diffusion and ion energy equations. This was then compared with the direct measurements from the FPI. There was good agreement between derived and measured meridional winds, but the zonal wind values, although showing the same trends, differed in magnitude by a factor of 3–5. The reasons for this are discussed. The meridional wind data was used to derive the ion-neutral collision frequency. This was a factor of 2 or 3 less than recent model values. Preliminary comparisons of the measured electron densities with the 630 nm emission intensity gave clues to the chemistry of the emission process.  相似文献   

It is clear that polar cap convection during times of northward IMF is more structured and of lower mean speed than at times of southward IMF. This, coupled with the fact that the polar cap is smaller, means that empirical models are more difficult to construct with certainty. It is also clear that sunward flow deep in the polar cap is often observed, but its connection with the rest of the flow pattern is controversial.At present, empirical models are of three types: ‘statistical’ models wherein data from different days but with similar IMF conditions are averaged together; ‘pattern recognition’ models, which are built up by examining individually hundreds of passes to derive a ‘typical’ pattern which embodies features frequently observed; and ‘assimilative’ models, which use data of different types and from as many locations as possible, but all taken at the same time, in order to derive a snapshot (or series of snapshots) of the entire pattern.Each type of model has its own difficulties. Statistical models, by their very nature, smooth out flow features (e.g. the convection reversal, and the locus of sunward flow deep in the polar cap) which are not found at precisely the same invariant latitudes and magnetic local times on different days. Pattern recognition models are better at reproducing small-scale features, but the large-scale pattern can be a matter of interpretation. Assimilative models (such as AMIE) hold out the best hope for creating instantaneous, global convection patterns; however, the analysis technique tends to be most irregular (and least reliable) in the regions which are not well covered by in situ data. It appears that, at least at times, a four cell model with sunward flow at the highest and lowest latitudes, and antisunward flow in between, is consistent with the observations. At other times, the observations may be consistent with a two-cell convection pattern, but which includes significant meanders within the polar cap.  相似文献   

With the help of incoherent scatter (EISCAT) data the thermodynamics and electrodynamics of the auroral E-region north east of Andøya Rocket Range has been investigated between 1740 UT and 2040 UT on 31 January 1984. This time period covers the D salvo of MAP/WINE and the EISCAT incoherent scatter data comprise a useful supplement to interpret the rocket data. Good agreement has been found between the EISCAT temperatures and those derived from mass spectrometer data. Neutral wind velocity estimates from EISCAT and from a falling sphere rocket experiment are in satisfactory agreement for the zonal wind component, but disagree for the meridional component.  相似文献   

We compare the DE-2 electric field measurements used by Heppner and Maynard [(1987) J. geophys. Res.92, 4467] to illustrate strongly distorted, BC convection patterns for IMF Bz > 0 and large |By|, with simultaneous detections of particle spectra, plasma drifts and magnetic perturbations. Measured potentials >50 keV, driven by the solar wind speeds exceeding 500 km/s, are greater than published correlation analysis predictions by up to 27%. The potential distributions show only two extrema and thus support the basic conclusion that under these conditions the solar wind/IMF drives two- rather than fourcell convection patterns. However, several aspects of the distorted two-cell convection pattern must be revised. In addition to the strong east-west convection in the vicinity of the cusp, indicated by Heppner and Maynard, we also detect comparable components of sunward (equatorward) plasma flow. Combined equipotential and particle precipitation distributions indicate the presence of a lobe cell embedded within the larger, afternoon reconnection cell. Both types rotate in the same sense, with the lobe cell carrying 20–40% of the total afternoon cell potential. We detected no lobe cell within morning convection cell.  相似文献   

The dynamics and structure of the polar thermosphere and ionosphere within the polar regions are strongly influenced by the magnetospheric electric field. The convection of ionospheric plasma imposed by this electric field generates a large-scale thermospheric circulation which tends to follow the pattern of the ionospheric circulation itself. The magnetospheric electric field pattern is strongly influenced by the magnitude and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. Previous numerical simulations of the thermospheric response to magnetospheric activity have used available models of auroral precipitation and magnetospheric electric fields appropriate for a southward-directed IMF. In this study, the UCL/Sheffield coupled thermosphere/ionosphere model has been used, including convection electric field models for a northward IMF configuration. During periods of persistent strong northward IMF Bz, regions of sunward thermospheric winds (up to 200 m s−1) may occur deep within the polar cap, reversing the generally anti-sunward polar cap winds driven by low-latitude solar EUV heating and enhanced by geomagnetic forcing under all conditions of southward IMF Bz. The development of sunward polar cap winds requires persistent northward IMF and enhanced solar wind dynamic pressure for at least 2–4 h, and the magnitude of the northward IMF component should exceed approximately 5 nT. Sunward winds will occur preferentially on the dawn (dusk) side of the polar cap for IMF By negative (positive) in the northern hemisphere (reverse in the southern hemisphere). The magnitude of sunward polar cap winds will be significantly modulated by UT and season, reflecting E-and F-region plasma densities. For example, in northern mid-winter, sunward polar cap winds will tend to be a factor of two stronger around 1800 UT, when the geomagnetic polar cusp is sunlit, then at 0600 UT, when the entire polar cap is in darkness.  相似文献   

The effect of a prolonged period of strongly northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on the high-latitude F-region is studied using data from the EISCAT Common Programme Zero mode of operation on 11–12 August 1982. The analysis of the raw autocorrelation functions is kept to the directly derived parameters Ne, Te, Ti and velocity, and limits are defined for the errors introduced by assumptions about ion composition and by changes in the transmitted power and system constant. Simple data-cleaning criteria are employed to eliminate problems due to coherent signals and large background noise levels. The observed variations in plasma densities, temperatures and velocities are interpreted in terms of supporting data from ISEE-3 and local riometers and magnetometers. Both field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma flows at Tromsø showed effects of the northward IMF: convection was slow and irregular and field-aligned flow profiles were characteristic of steady-state polar wind outflow with flux of order 1012 m−2 s−1. This period followed a strongly southward IMF which had triggered a substorm. The substorm gave enhanced convection, with a swing to equatorward flow and large (5 × 1012 m−2 s−1), steady-state field-aligned fluxes, leading to the possibility of O+ escape into the magnetosphere. The apparent influence of the IMF over both field-perpendicular and field-aligned flows is explained in terms of the cross-cap potential difference and the location of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

On 17 December 1990 a series magnetic impulsive events (MIEs) were observed at high latitudes near local noon. EISCAT, situated some 5 hours of MLT away from the noon sector, detected simultaneous impulsive electron density enhancements at heights between 90 and 120 km. The MIEs at noon were also associated with riometer absorption spikes. The correlated EISCAT and riometer observations indicate that there was an elongated electron precipitation region some 3000 km wide stretching from local noon to morning. In close association with the impulsive electron precipitation, VLF emissions were observed by groundbased stations in the morning side. We interpret the large scale electron precipitation and VLF emissions as signatures of a global compression of the Earth's magnetosphere. This is confirmed by the specific type of magnetic variations simultaneously recorded at the worldwide network of magnetometers. We conclude that the small scale MIEs with their drifting ionospheric current vortex structures can (but do not necessarily have to) occur in conjunction with large scale SIs. Moreover, MIEs and SIs have a common origin: the interaction of solar wind inhomogeneities with the Earth's magnetosphere. They do, however, represent different effects of the same primary agent.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations by EISCAT and an HF Doppler system of a TID are presented. Crossspectral analysis of the data allows the vertical variation of the neutral temperature and horizontal wind in the thermosphere to be determined.  相似文献   

The University College London Thermospheric Model and the Sheffield University Ionospheric Convection Model have been integrated and improved to produce a self-consistent coupled global thermospheric/high latitude ionospheric model. The neutral thermospheric equations for wind velocity, composition, density and energy are solved, including their full interactions with the evolution of high latitude ion drift and plasma density, as these respond to convection, precipitation, solar photoionisation and changes of the thermosphere, particularly composition and wind velocity. Four 24 h Universal Time (UT) simulations have been performed. These correspond to positive and negative values of the IMF BY component at high solar activity, for a level of moderate geomagnetic activity, for each of the June and December solstices. In this paper we will describe the seasonal and IMF reponses of the coupled ionosphere/thermosphere system, as depicted by these simulations. In the winter polar region the diurnal migration of the polar convection pattern into and out of sunlight, together with ion transport, plays a major role in the plasma density structure at F-region altitudes. In the summer polar region an increase in the proportion of molecular to atomic species, created by the global seasonal thermospheric circulation and augmented by the geomagnetic forcing, controls the plasma densities at all Universal Times. The increased destruction of F-region ions in the summer polar region reduces the mean level of ionization to similar mean levels seen in winter, despite the increased level of solar insolation. In the upper thermosphere in winter for BY negative, a tongue of plasma is transported anti-sunward over the dusk side of the polar cap. To effect this transport, co-rotation and plasma convection work in the same sense. For IMF BY positive, plasma convection and co-rotation tend to oppose so that, despite similar cross-polar cap electric fields, a smaller polar cap plasma tongue is produced, distributed more centrally across the polar cap. In the summer polar cap, the enhanced plasma destruction due to enhancement of neutral molecular species and thus a changed ionospheric composition, causes F-region plasma minima at the same locations where the polar cap plasma maxima are produced in winter.  相似文献   

During two 24 h periods of EISCAT observations in the summer of 1982, the F-region ion temperature and density responded differently before and after midnight to large ion convective flows. Such observations were recently reported at Chatanika (Alaska), however, the mechanism invoked to interpret these measurements (large day-to-night variation in electron density affecting the coupling between ions and neutrals) appears insufficient, for summer conditions, to account for the EISCAT observations. Hence, it is proposed, with the support of Fabry-Perot observations and numerical models, that in addition to the electron density asymmetry, the presence of a large southward neutral wind around midnight induces, through Coriolis coupling, a zonal neutral wind of an opposite direction to the convective flow. This enhances considerably the frictional energy and momentum transfer between ions and neutrals in the post-midnight sector.  相似文献   

The magnetopause and adjacent boundary layers of the Earth's magnetosphere play important roles in transferring momentum and energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The details of the different boundary processes, their ionospheric signatures and relative importance are not well known at present. Particle precipitation, field-aligned current, auroral emission, ionospheric ion drift and ground magnetic perturbations are among the low-altitude parameters that show signatures of various plasma processes in the LLBL and the magnetopause current layer. Magnetic merging events, Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, and pressure pulses excited by the variable solar wind/magnetosheath plasma are examples of boundary phenomena that may be coupled to the ionosphere via field-aligned currents. In this paper, attention is focussed on a specific category of auroral activity occurring in the cusp/cleft region predominantly during the southward directed interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Co-ordinated observations from the ground and satellites in polar orbit have been used to study the temporal/spatial development of the events in relation to the background patterns of particle precipitation and ionospheric convection as well as the field-aligned current and ion drift characteristics of the individual events. The auroral phenomenon is characterized by a sequence of elongated forms moving laterally into the polar cap. Spatial scales of major events repeating every 5–10 min are ∼200 km (N-S) times 300–1000 km (E-W). Smaller scale auroral structures with more irregular occurrence rates are observed at times. The preliminary evidence suggests that the motion pattern is regulated by the IMF orientation, that is, the direction of longitudinal motion along the polar cap boundary is determined by the IMF BY polarity. The examples reported here occurred within 1000–1400 MLT, near the zero point potential line separating the morning and post-noon convection cells. During nonzero IMF BY the auroral structures are associated with channels of enhanced zonal ionospheric ion flow and Birkeland current sheets of opposite polarity, imbedded within the larger scale IMF BY-related cusp-mantle current system. These characteristics are discussed in relation to model predictions of ionospheric signatures of magnetopause plasma transients, with particular emphasis placed on impulsive magnetic merging events.  相似文献   

In this paper 16 geomagnetic storms in 1968–1978 recorded at 8 magnetic observatories located from polar to equatorial regions in the λ= 120°E longitudinal zone and its vicinity have been analysed. The horizontal component H traces of 27 h intervals have been sampled once every 1.5 min. The time sequences of the data thus obtained have been processed by the method of digital filtering and maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA).The results of the analysis are compared with the associated solar wind parameters. It confirms that the geomagnetic disturbances are controlled by the solar wind in several ways, i.e. geomagnetic disturbances respond differently to various solar wind parameters or to the different ranges of them. The north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz., the IMF latitude θ and the solar wind velocity V play the most important part in inducing geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

The unexpected patterns of high-latitude auroral luminosity and ionospheric convection that are observed when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a northward orientation have inspired a variety of theoretical interpretations. The existing models, all referring to steady-state conditions, can be classified according to the topology of the polar magnetic field lines and of the polar-cap convection streamlines. The classes of model include: (1) a closed magnetosphere model, (2) a conventional open model with a distorted, but topologically unchanged, polar-cap boundary, (3) a conventional open model with distorted, but topologically unchanged, polar-cap convection cells, (4) a modified open model with ‘lobe convection cells’ contained wholly on open magnetic-field lines, and (5) a modified open model with a bifurcated polar cap. The third and fourth types require significant regions of sunward flow on open polar-cap field lines, a concept that presents serious theoretical difficulties. The other three types appear equally viable from a theoretical point of view, and the comparison against observations is an ongoing enterprise. Outstanding theoretical questions include (a) how do observed structures in the polar ionosphere map along magnetic field lines into the magnetosphere?, (b) what is the mechanism that drives the observed sunward convection at highest latitudes on the day side?, and (c) what role does time dependence play in the observed phenomena?  相似文献   

The effects on the horizontal ionospheric velocity vectors deduced from radar beam-swinging experiments, which occur when changes in the flow take place on short time scales compared with the experiment cycle time, are analysed in detail. The further complications which arise in the interpretation of beam-swinging data, due to longitudinal gradients in the flow and to field-aligned flows, are also considered. It is concluded that these effects are unlikely to seriously compromise statistical determinations of the response time of the flow, e.g. to changes in the north-south component of the IMF, such as have been recently reported by Etemadi et al. (1988, Planet. Space Sci. 36, 471), using EISCAT ‘Polar’ data.  相似文献   

Ground-based and spacecraft observations of polar cap geophysical phenomena during periods of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) show specific patterns of electric fields, field-aligned currents, aurora and particle precipitation. These are basically different from those when the IMF is southward. The total combination of observational data for northward IMF indicates rather a closed magnetosphere. This topology has led to the formation of a specific convection pattern in the distant plasma sheet. As different theoretical studies show, the connection of the IMF to geomagnetic flux tubes poleward of the cusp region may serve as the driving mechanism for plasma sheet convection and as the dynamo of current systems. Unfortunately, the direct observations of processes in the distant magnetosphere are too scarce either to accept or reject the concept of a closed magnetosphere. There are also some experimental data that are inconsistent with the closed magnetosphere topology. Definitive open or closed models must await future measurements.  相似文献   

During the last two decades measurements of polar cap ionospheric electric fields and currents, field-aligned currents, and global auroral forms have been made from ground-based and space-based platforms. An attempt is made to unify these observations into a large-scale view of polar phenomena. In this view, plasma convection patterns and the corresponding electrodynamics in the polar region can consistently be ordered by the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The different patterns of the electric potential and of field-aligned currents depend on where the main interaction between the terrestrial and interplanetary fields occurs, on the morning or evening side of the central polar cap, or on the dayside portion of the ‘closed’ cusp region, or on the nightside portion of the ‘open’ cusp region. One of the essential elements of this unified view is that it is possible to account for various convection patterns ranging from the four-cell pattern (during periods of strong northward IMF and By ~ 0), to the three-cell pattern (Bz > 0 and |By| 2> 0), to the conventional two-cell pattern (Bz < 0) with its possible deformation into a convection throat near the dayside cusp (during southward IMF). We also discuss the way in which the complicated field-aligned current systems can consistently be accounted for in terms of these convection patterns.  相似文献   

Intense (105 A) electric currents flow into and from the Earth's two polar ionospheres near magnetic noon. These currents, called Birkeland or magnetic field-aligned currents, are the agent by which momentum couples from the flowing solar wind plasma to drive plasma motions in the high latitude ionosphere. Coupling is strongest when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a southward component and when this occurs there exist two principal regions of Birkeland current near magnetic noon called the region 1 and the cusp systems. We present a simple model bringing theoretical order to the many patterns proposed previously for the morphology of these dayside Birkeland currents as observed by orbiting satellites in the topside polar ionosphere. Specifically we show that the cusp Birkeland current system is not a latitudinally separate region but is instead the extension in longitude of the region 1 Birkeland current from either dawn or dusk; which particular one depends on the sign of the east-west (Y) component of the IMF. The presence of an IMF Y-component therefore leads to two region 1 current systems near magnetic noon, with the poleward one being that previously called the ‘cusp’ system.  相似文献   

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