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This paper examines the feasibility of deriving a climatology of the diurnal variations of the wind in the 85–120 km region from the tidal components of temperature, density, and composition contained in the new COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere, CIRA-1986, Part I: Thermosphere Models [(1988), Adv. Space Res.8, 9]. To derive the wind field, we used the zonal and meridional momentum equations which have been modified from the characteristic scales of the tidal components observed in the 85–120 km region. The CIRA temperature and density model was used to derive the eastward (westerly) and northward (southerly) pressure gradient forces which serve as the forcing functions in the coupled momentum equations. Ground-based wind data from the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere (MLT) radar network is used as an independent data set to check the accuracy of the derived tidal wind model. At midlatitudes, the model reproduces some of the general features observed in the radar tidal data, such as the dominant semidiurnal tide with increasing amplitude with height and clockwise (counterclockwise) rotation of the velocity vector observed in the northern (southern) hemisphere. The model overestimates the semidiurnal amplitudes observed by radar by 50–75% during most seasons with the best agreement found during the equinoctial months. The model exhibits little phase variation with height or season, whereas the radar data exhibit a downward phase progression during most seasons (other than summer) characteristic of upward propagating tidal waves, and large seasonal phase variations associated with seasonal changes in vertical wavelengths. The diurnal tidal amplitudes, which are generally 5–20 m s−1 at mid-latitude radar stations and are dominant over the semidiurnal amplitudes at lower latitudes, are less than 5 m s−1 at all latitudes in the model.  相似文献   

The changes in the ionospheric composition and temperature profiles, in the altitude range of 120–1000 km, due to different mechanisms currently considered important during storms, are estimated quantitatively for a low latitude station, Delhi, for moderate solar activity conditions using the computer method of Stubbe. The theoretical results reported here are discussed in the light of the available ion composition and temperature variations observed at low latitudes during storms with satellite data in the topside ionosphere. The results are presented for the three atomic ions O+, H+ and He+ which are important in the F-region and topside ionsophere. It is found that all the three atomic ions increase or decrease in phase with the change in the concentration of n(O) when there is no change in total neutral density. When the change in the exospheric temperature T with its consequent change in neutral composition and an additional storm time increase in N2 by a factor of 2 is considered, O+ is found to increase in the topside and decrease in the bottomside ionosphere, whereas H+ and He+ decrease all throughout except for a small increase in He+ above 800 km during day. The effect of eastward electric field or southward (equatorward) winds during the day is to increase all three ions in the topside ionosphere and to decrease them in the bottomside ionosphere and vice versa for westward fields or northward (poleward) winds. At night, O+ shows the same type of behaviour as for day, while He+ shows an increase above 900 km and a decrease below that height for eastward fields or soutward winds and H+ shows an oscillating behaviour.Electron and ion temperature (Te and Ti) during the day shows anticorrelation with the change in the electron concentration Ne (equal to total ion concentration), whereas at night it does not show any significant change except for the case of change in T and N2.  相似文献   

Substantial increases of the ion temperature can be observed at high latitudes as a consequence of strong convection electric fields. We have measured, with EISCAT, three independent components of the ion velocity vector and temperature in the same scattering volume, at about 300 km. During periods of strong variations in ion velocity (consequently of the E-field), the ion temperatures derived at the 3 sites are different. This difference, which appears to be systematic for the two experiments studied, can be interpreted in terms of different ion temperature perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field, i.e. Ti greater than Ti. Assuming that a bi-Maxwellian distribution is present for convection electric field strengths as large as 50 mV m−1, one obtains an anisotropy factor of approximately 1.5. It also appears that resonant charge exchange is the dominant collision process. During the evening sector events studied, the electron density was decreasing, whereas the electron temperature was generally increasing. Such events are strongly related to variations in the magnetic H component detected on the ground.  相似文献   

The system of differential equations, describing the behaviour of the concentrations of minor neutral constituents and charged particles within the height range 30–150 km have been numerically solved and the effect of variations in the turbulent diffusion coefficient upon the ion structure of D-region evaluated. Two cases have been analysed. In the first complete mixing of the atmosphere is assumed to 90 km. In the second the effect of rapid transport through the 95–105 km region is considered. In the latter case the concentration of nitric oxide is increased compared with the first in the height interval 70–100 km, i.e. at those altitudes where the winter anomaly phenomenon is localized. The maximum excess is about 19 times. The distribution of concentrations of charged particles in the second case is also in agreement with values observed experimentally during the winter anomaly period.  相似文献   

Measurements of electron densities at Saskatoon (52°N, 106° W, L = 4.4) from 1976 to 1979 reveal seasonal variations which cannot be explained solely by solar zenith angle variations. These profiles have been used to infer the variations of nitric oxide density with season and solar activity for quiet-time conditions. It is found that while nitric oxide varies with season, it remains unchanged with the change in solar activity. The summer and spring profiles are much lower than the measured values of Baker et al. (1977) for heights below 85 km, while the winter estimated values show differences from the measured values in the height range 77.5–85 km. Above 85 km the values for all the seasons are close to the measured values. A dip in the nitric oxide distribution is obtained in all the cases around 80–82 km and the values of nitric oxide at the minimum are less than those measured by Baker et al. (1977) or Meira (1971).  相似文献   

During July 1987 the EISCAT radars were used to study thin layers in the ionospheric E-region. This paper outlines the observing campaign, describes the GEN-type radar program used for the UHF experiments, and discusses the ‘descending’ or ‘sequential’ layer observed on the afternoon of 12 July during a period of strong wave activity, which could be traced throughout the whole E-F1 transition region. Following the descent of one particularly marked wave, a thin layer developed around 120 km height and lasted about 100 min, with temporary disappearances and periods of upward motion which were related to variations of field aligned ion velocity, and in particular to ‘convergent nulls’ in the velocity profile. The layer was eventually dispersed by a rapid upward surge of ion velocity. Composition analysis shows that the layer contains both long-lived light ions and heavy ions, most probably Fe+.  相似文献   

The association of sporadic ion and sporadic sodium layers in the low-latitude, 90–100 km altitude region suggests that we must look beyond the windshear theory for details of the formation mechanism of sporadic layers in the 80–150 km altitude region. We present evidence, including specific 85–105 km results from the AIDA-89 and the ALOHA-90 campaigns, that 80–150 km altitude sporadic layers—including sporadic sodium layers—are generated in a complex interplay of tidal and acoustic-gravity wave (AGW) dynamics with temperature-dependent chemistry where wave-produced temperature variations are both adiabatic and dissipative or turbulent (non-reversible) in origin. We suggest that layering processes are best studied with an instrument cluster that includes sodium and iron lidars, MST radar (turbulence), incoherent scatter radar (electron concentration and winds), meteor radar techniques (winds), passive optical/IR imaging techniques, and appropriate rocket payloads to study a significant volume of the 80–150 km altitude region. We introduce the concept of volumtric radar and lidar techniques.  相似文献   

Measurements of incoherent scatter spectra from the auroral D-region were obtained during the summer of 1985 using a sophisticated pulse-to-pulse correlation technique with the EISCAT UHF radar. The spectral width variations with altitude are interpreted in terms of ion-neutral collision frequency, neutral temperature, mean positive ion mass and negative ion number density. Close agreement with predictions of currently available atmospheric models is obtained, except for a narrow layer around 86 km altitude. This layer showed evidence of increased positive ion mass for most of the experiment, and for short intervals indicated a mean ion mass close to 200 a.m.u. It is suggested that the layer is composed of proton hydrates in the vicinity of a structured noctilucent cloud, and that the index of hydration is occasionally large.  相似文献   

Using an equivalent gravity wave f-plane model it is shown that longitude variations in diurnal insolation absorption by tropospheric H2O can account for longitudinal variations of at least ± 12–15% about zonal mean values in the diurnal wind amplitude at low latitudes (0–20°) between 80 and 100 km, by virtue of the non-migrating propagating tidal modes which are excited. Phase variations of about ± 0.75 h also occur. These percentage variations are conservative estimates, since the background migrating (1,1,1) mode appears to be slightly (20–25%) overestimated in amplitude. In addition, the assumed eddy dissipation values, which appear necessary to model the breaking (1,1,1) mode, are larger than generally considered ‘reasonable’ by photochemical modellers. For a photochemically more reasonable eddy diffusion profile, estimates of longitude differences in diurnal wind amplitude are quite similar to the above values below 87 km, but increase to ± 17–25% near 100 km, with accompanying phase variations of ± 1–2 h about zonal mean values. In addition, it is shown that radiative damping by CO2 parameterized by a scale-dependent Newtonian cooling coefficient accounts for no more than a 20% reduction in the amplitudes of diurnal propagating tides above 80 km.  相似文献   

The meridional distributions of both total solar and net radiative heating rates have been obtained between 30 and 110 km at both the solstice and equinox using Fomichev et al.'s total radiative long wave cooling data in the calculations of the net radiative heating. The contributions to the solar heating of O3, O2, CO2 and H2O have been investigated. For the ozone heating, the absorption of diffusive solar radiation from the ground and troposphere has been estimated. The 50–90 km layer is close to radiative equilibrium on a globally averaged basis. The importance of radiative cooling as an energy sink in the 90–110 km layer is apparently not less than that of the vertical eddy heat conduction. The ordered meridional circulation has been obtained under the assumption that the temperature variation, due to net radiative heating, is balanced by the adiabatic and temperature variations due to vertical air motion. The circulation model obtained is compared with other empirical models, which are reviewed. For the hemisphere and the 60–80 km layer, the two-cell circulation with the rising motion near the equator and pole from spring to autumn and above 80 km, the one-cell circulation with the sinking motion near the equator and equinox, seem to be most realistic. Also quite realistic for the period near the solstice is the same type of two-cell circulation in the 40–50 km layer and the sinking motion at low latitudes in the 50–60 km layer.  相似文献   

Seasonal mean night-time variations of ion and electron temperatures, electron density, ion drift velocity, and light ion composition of the F2 region are derived from incoherent scatter observations at Arecibo based on 19 nights of observation over the latest sunspot minimum years 1974–1976. It is shown that the downward flux of ionization is sufficient to maintain the nocturnal F2 region against recombination at low latitudes. The difference in the electron density decay rate from summer to winter is consistent with the seasonal variation in magnitude of the ionization flux. The mean eastward electric field, which is responsible for any vertical component perpendicular to B, is very small throughout the night. However, the southward electric field, i.e. east-west ion drifts, shows a substantial systematic variation during the night, being southward (eastward ion drifts) before midnight and northward after midnight, with a mean amplitude of 1–2 mVm−1. The H+ ion concentration shows a marked seasonal variation. The mean relative concentration of H+ ion to electron density at 500 km sometimes exceeds 50% before sunrise in winter. A strong anti-correlation of H+ ion concentration with magnetic activity is observed. The observed ion temperatures average about 20–30 K higher than the prediction of the Jacchia (1971) neutral model for the observed range of the 10.7 cm solar flux.  相似文献   

The characteristics of metallic and molecular ion sporadic-E (Es) layers, formed by the action of strong electric fields at auroral latitudes, are examined using computer simulations. It is found that, for electric fields directed between northward and westward (northern hemisphere), thin metallic ion layers (<2 km thick) can be formed above about 105 km altitude. For electric fields directed from westward, through southward, to south-eastward, slightly thicker (4–6 km thick) metallic ion layers can form between 90 and 105 km altitudes. Thin layers of molecular ions can be formed by electric fields directed between north and west if the ion density is low. Examples of Es layers observed by the EISCAT radar, together with simultaneous observations of electric fields and ion drifts are presented which show good agreement with the simulations. The relationship between the lower-altitude Es layers and sudden sodium layers (SSLs) is discussed leading to an explanation of some of the characteristics of SSLs at high latitude. A possible involvement of smoke particles in the formation of both Es layers and SSLs is proposed.  相似文献   

A long series of monthly 36 h observations, plus a series of observations at the same local time each day over two months at Arecibo, have been analyzed for tidal structure and variability. Some of the results are as follows. (1) A diurnal tide with vertical structure similar to that of the S1,1 mode dominates the wind field up to heights of the order of 110 km over Arecibo. A semidiurnal oscillation dominates above that height. For non-winter conditions the semidiurnal oscillation in the 80–200 km region closely resembles the S2,2 mode, though there is the possibility of contributions from higher order modes in the 100–120 km region. (2) Larger semidiurnal amplitudes are observed in the lower thermosphere for winter conditions. The data appears roughly consistent with Bernard's (1979) hypothesis that S2,2, S2,4 and S2,5 modes are thermally excited, with the S2,4 and S2,5 modes out of phase in the meteor region in summer and in phase in winter. (3) The day-to-day variability of the tides is at least half the amplitude of the mean oscillations. The maximum wind variability was observed to occur in the 100–110 km region where the diurnal tide is strongly dissipated. (4) The day-to-day deviations in the wind and temperature oscillations from a long term mean at one local time tend to be wave-like structures which are generally correlated from day to day. The structures tend to move upwards, i.e., appear at a later local time, from day to day.  相似文献   

Two long-standing problems in the atmospheric sciences have been the correct modeling of the ion chemistry in the earth's atmosphere and the proper determination of the ion species and densities through in situ measurements. Comparison between experimental data and simulations of the data by computer modeling of atmospheric chemistry is a means of validating the model as well as indicating which processes are in need of further study. The DAIRCHEM computer code is used here to simulate data taken in the midlatitude D-region during quiet conditions. On the one hand, comparison between the total positive ion density profile derived from rocket measurements and the one computed by the code shows very good agreement in the 30–90 km range, with the exception that the simulated ion profile is somewhat smaller than the experimental one in the 60–75 km region. Such discrepancy is only partially explained by the inherent uncertainties in the NO density profile or the total ionization rate profile. On the other hand, comparison between the measured and the computed electron density profiles shows that the measured profile is consistently smaller than the computed profile in the 65–85 km range. We interpret this discrepancy as a deficiency in the modeling of the negative ion chemistry. Also, this deficiency is probably the main cause of the disparity between the total positive ion density profiles in the corresponding altitude range. It is felt that the positive ion chemistry of the D-region is reasonably well understood. However, the negative ion chemistry is in need of further study. Specifically, alternate electron attachment/detachment processes should be considered, as well as an as yet undetermined, possibly very massive, negative species which may affect the ion recombination rates.  相似文献   

A brief outline is given of the experimental technique used during the Cold Arctic Mesopause Project to record the first D-region ion line spectra with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. The data analysis shows that echoes from mesospheric heights between about 70 km and 90 km can be detected during disturbed periods of enhanced electron density during particle precipitation events. Electron density profiles were determined which show a fairly high density, up to 5 × 1010 m−3 in the upper D-region. The measured meridional winds were lower than 10 m s−1. A fit of the measured height profile of spectral width to temperature and neutral density models yielded a measured temperature profile in good agreement with simultaneous rocket data. The mesopause temperature was determined to be as low as 130 K. This detailed analysis of the spectral width profile indicates that below about 77–80 km the ratio of negative ions to electrons exceeded unity. Finally, some discussions are added on the limitations and significance of these first mesosphere observations.  相似文献   

For the first time a ground based technique, i.e. incoherent scatter observation of the mesospheric spectra has been utilized in identifying the ‘transition height’ of simple molecular ions to complex cluster ions around 80–90 km in the D-region. This transition height also matches with the electron density ledge. A substantial diurnal variation of this height is observed. The transition height varies by about 10km during the course of a day, the lowest being 80 km, near noon. There is also a strong likelihood that both the neutral temperature and effective positive ion mass vary during the course of a day.  相似文献   

A realistic model for the temperature variation along geomagnetic field lines is described. For high altitudes (>1500 km) the temperature is taken to increase as the nth power of radial distance (n−2), giving temperatures consistent with those measured in situ by high altitude satellites. For realistic temperatures at low altitude an extra term is included. The temperature gradient along the field line is then 0.9–1.6° km−1 during the day and 0.5–0.7° km−1 during the night at 1000 km, reducing to about half these values at 2000 km, for the latitude range 35–50°. This is consistent with calculations made from nearly simultaneous satellite measurements at 1000 and 2500 km. It is shown that assuming diffusive equilibrium, including the new temperature model, more realistic equatorial electron density profiles result than for isothermal field lines.The temperature gradient model is also purposely formulated to be of a form that enables the temperature modified geopotential height to be obtained without numerical integration. This renders the model particularly suitable for ray-tracing calculations. A ray-tracing model is developed and it is shown that unducted ray paths are significantly altered from the corresponding paths in an equivalent isothermal model; there is greater refraction and magnetospheric reflection takes place at lower altitudes. For summer day conditions, an inter-hemispheric unducted ray path becomes possible from 26° latitude that can reach the ground at the conjugate.  相似文献   

During early spring, 1985, the MAE-3 (Middle Atmospheric Electrodynamics) Program was conducted at Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska to study the origin of wintertime mesospheric echoes observed with the Poker Flat MST radar there, by probing the mesosphere with in situ rocket measurements when such echoes occurred. Pre-launch criteria required the appearance of echoes exhibiting some wave structure on the MST radar display; these could be met even under weak precipitation conditions with riometer absorption near or above 1.0 dB. Two morning rockets were launched under such conditions, the first (31.048) on 29 March 1985, at 1703 UT and the second (31.047) on 1 April 1985, at 1657 UT. Both payloads were deployed on a high altitude parachute near a 95 km apogee to provide a stable platform for data acquisition within the mesosphere (below 80 km). Each payload carried a solid state detector to measure energetic electrons between 0.1 and 1.0 MeV and an NaI crystal detector to measure x-rays from >5 to >80 keV. Payload 31.048 also carried a positive ion ‘turbulence’ probe which measured ion density changes (ΔNi/Ni) during payload descent, whereas 31.047 carried a nose tip ‘turbulence’ probe designed to measure electron density changes (ΔNe/Ne) during upleg ram conditions plus a Gerdien condenser for the measurement of bulk ion properties during downleg. The energy deposition curves for each event exhibited peak deposition rates between 75 and 80 km with a half width of 16–18 km, almost exclusively induced by precipitating relativistic electrons. They also showed a maximum bottomside gradient between 65 and 75 km. Radar echoes and atmospheric turbulence were observed in the same altitude domain, consistent with the anticipated need for adequate free thermal electron gradients to make such phenomena visible on the radar. The vertical wave structure from radar echoes was found to be consistent with that observed in horizontal wind and temperature profiles measured by Datasondes flown shortly after each large rocket. An analysis of the wave structure from radar data has shown that although large scale waves (λz ~ 7 km) were found to be present, a higher frequency shorter wavelength (∼ 1–3 km) component probably played a more significant role in modulating the signal-to-noise structure of the radar echoes.  相似文献   

An intense solar proton event causing enhanced ionization in the ionospheric D-region occurred on 12 August 1989. The event was partially observed during three successive nights by the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsa, Norway. Ion production rates calculated from GOES-7 satellite measurements of proton flux and a detailed ion chemistry model of the D-region are used together with the radar data to deduce electron concentration, negative ion to electron concentration ratio, mean ion mass and neutral temperature in the height region from 70 to 90 km, at selected times which correspond to the maximum and minimum solar elevations occurring during the radar observations. The quantitative interpretation of EISCAT data as physical parameters is discussed. The obtained temperature values are compared with nearly simultaneous temperature measurements at Andøya based on lidar technique.  相似文献   

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