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NEIL SMITH 《对极》1979,11(3):24-35

The ideogram for saffron has long been recognized on the Linear B tablets from Knossos. Close examination of this corpus allows a distinction in content to be made between the LM II–LM IIIA1 tablets of the Room of the Chariot Tablets and the later LM IIIA1–2 tablets from the North Entrance Passage. It is suggested here that the later material demonstrates an increasing control over saffron production by the palace, with a greater overall quantity of the spice recorded, larger individual contributions, potential supervisors in charge of collection, and pressure to reach targets. This increase in organization coincides with a dramatic decrease in crocus imagery in other media, and may indicate a deliberate Mycenaean rejection of the symbolic world of Minoan floral iconography, and an interest only in the commercial value of the precious spice. Possible antecedents of the saffron ideogram in Linear A and Cretan Hieroglyphic are also considered.  相似文献   

The concepts of ‘structure’ and ‘agency’ have been of central significance to geographic research. This paper focuses on recent debates in critical social geography, and the contributions of Marxist, feminist, and postmodern perspectives to rethinking the structure-agency question. Significant changes in conceptualizing structure and agency are outlined, from early work in Marxist geography to current efforts to grapple with postmodern culture and identity. The paper demonstrates that critical geographic approaches to structure and agency have become more inclusive and nuanced, as researchers have addressed challenges posed by critiques and new perspectives. It concludes by considering the significance of place, space, and social difference in mediating processes of social change and thus in concrete explanations of how the ‘dialectical dance’ of structure and agency unfolds within particular locales. Les concepts de «structure» et d' «action» ont une importance capitate dans les recherches en géographie. Cet article porte sur les débats qui ont récemment eu cours dans le domaine de la géographie sociale critique et sur les contributions apportées par les tenants des points de vue marxiste, féministe et postmoderne dans la reconceptualisation du rapport entre la structure et faction. On y mentionne les importants changements qui ont eu lieu dans le domaine de la conceptualisation des structures et des actions, des premiers travaux effectués en géographie marxiste jusqu'aux récents efforts dé-ployés pour mieux saisir la culture et I'identité postmoderne. Ce texte démontre que dans le domaine de la géographie critique, on voit la structure et faction d'une manière plus englobante et plus nuancée à mesure que les chercheurs se sont penchés sur les défis soulevés par les critiques et les nouvelles perspectives. Nous finissons par évaluer la place qu'occupent I'endroit, I'espace et la différence sociale dans la médiation des processus du changement social - et ainsi dans les explications concrètes des variations de la « danse dialectique » de structure et de faction dans des milieux particuliers.  相似文献   

The long-held conviction of a mutually exclusive relationship between psychoanalysis, which allegedly proceeds purely in terms of individual psychology, and historical social science, which is interested primarily in the analysis of collectives, has significantly hindered dialogue between the disciplines. Norbert Elias's “figurational” sociology, which has been strongly influenced by psychoanalysis and group therapy, has the potential to indicate a way in which social science-oriented historical research might investigate the network of relations between individual and “collective” psychic processes without relying on artificial dichotomies. Elias's figurational theory, for its part, does not sufficiently take into account the question of a collective or social unconscious, so this article examines approaches that attempt to explore and conceptually define a supra-individual unconscious.  相似文献   

The geography and internal structure of Ukrainian block settlements in western Canada illustrate the strength of social ties transferred from the homeland. Settlements were structured according to kinship, village, district, provincial, and national loyalties. In this respect the internal geography of Ukrainian block settlements in Canada replicated that of the western Ukraine in microcosm. Although Settlement within a familiar social- cultural milieu offered many advantages for the immigrant, the ultimate result was not always beneficial, since a determination to pursue social advantage in settlement led to the occupation of much agriculturally marginal land.
La géographie et la structure interne des implantations en masse des Ukrainiens dans l' ouest du Canada montrent la force des liens sociaux transmis du pays ď origine. Ces implantations furent structurées en fonction d'affinityés provenant de liens soit de parenté ou de loyauté qui existaient à des niveaux diffgrents, tel que dans le village, ou dans le quartier, au même en province ou dans des coins lointains du pays. A cet égard, la géographie interne de ce type d'implantation au Canada fut la réplique en microcosme de celle de l' ouest de l' Ukraine. Bien que l' implantation au sein d'un milieu socio-culturel connu ait offert beaucoup d'avantages à l' immigrant, le résultat final n'a pas toujours étéà son avantage, surtout lorsque la détermination de maintenir ces liens sociaux mena à l' occupation de nombreuses terres qui étaient faibles en rendements agricoles.  相似文献   

在信息技术深度融合的网络社会进阶中,移动互联网支撑城市环境的即时共享与未来愿景,非在地的空间感知生成元宇宙类现实/虚拟的城市意象,网络媒介叠加于建成环境主/客观作用的传统经验感知,形成感知拼贴、地方再构、时间重叙、认知分异的意象特征。研究通过梳理互联网语境下的城市意象研究,揭示网络社会背景下城市意象的先验式建构过程,发现了意象节点偏离于城市社会经济活动峰值区域的一般规律,并归纳了互联网环境下城市意象研究的图片、文本和轨迹等应用素材,以丰富人本主义城市设计理论。  相似文献   

李广全 《人文地理》2005,20(2):21-24
近年来,东北地区产业结构正处于由资源型向加工型转变阶段,几乎成为当地政府,乃至专家的共识。但是,对比数年来东北地区资源型工业和加工型工业的工业总产值、基本建设投资、更新改造投资的变化表明东北地区的产业结构类型属于典型的资源型地区。之所如此,其根本原因在于:市场经济的发展强化了在计划经济时期形成的资源型产业结构的发展模式,资源型产业潜在的效率增长空间因技术改造获得迅速的释放。  相似文献   

温州大都市区形成机制及其空间结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大都市区是发达的城市化区域,它包括城市核心区和与之在经济、社会、文化上有紧密联系的地区。21世纪到来之际,大都市区发生了巨大的变化。大都市区,无论是走向繁荣还是衰退,都面临着经济发展、基础设施建设、环境保护、社会平等发展战略问题。本文以温州为例,在对区域经济发展水平差异和客流、物流分析的基础上,界定了温州大都市区范围;通过对温州大都市区的研究认为,宏观政策机制、市场机制、工业化模式、温州人精神和温州社会网络是温州大都市区形成的重要动力源泉;最后,作者以上述研究为依据,提出了近期和远期温州大都市区空间结构设想。  相似文献   

Differences in the support structure for tourism in various parts of the USSR are analyzed as a consequence of such factors as natural conditions, proximity to major population centers and tourist attractions, route connectivity, and the variable shares of private (e.g., dacha) and rental accommodations. Elements of both dynamism and stability in the current spatial pattern are identified and comparisons of tourism infrastructure for 1976, 1980, and 1986 are used to analyze changes occurring in subregions within four broad macrozones. Tourism infrastructure and interregional tourist travel both are concentrated in the central and southern parts of the European USSR. Translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK from: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1990, No. 1, pp. 86-94.  相似文献   

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