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Richard Overy. The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia. London: Allen Lane, Penguin, 2004. Pp. xl, 848. £25.00.  相似文献   

本利用一种广泛的结构方法,考察了自公元前3500年以来国际体系与世界秩序的演变,特别是对国际体系和世界秩序构成影响的单位(“UNIT”)规模与影响的变化,从而对世界秩序提出了一种新的解释,并对美国以肯尼思·沃尔兹为代表的新现实主义世界秩序理论进行了批判。  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2009,28(1):126-136
Urban history as a sub-discipline within history began to emerge in Britain in the 1960s and early 1970s. Attention initially focused heavily on the 19th century, but the Tudor and early Stuart town also soon attracted attention. Academic interest in the post-restoration and 18th-century urban world emerged a little more slowly, but the closing decades of the 20th century produced a mounting volume of research on the subject. Geoffrey Holmes was one of a group of post-war historians rewriting the history of Augustan Britain and re-establishing its significance in the longer-term development of the country. Though not a specialist urban historian, Holmes saw towns playing a vital part in shaping the character of the period. His research anticipated and inspired many of the facets of the rapidly-emerging historiography on the 18th-century town, intersecting with it in three particular areas. First, in demonstrating the important role played by towns, in particular as the home of four-fifths of the seats in the house of commons, in the broader political system; second, in highlighting the position of London at the hub of the Augustan world; and third in revealing the part played by towns, and especially those who inhabited them, in promoting social change at the same time as securing long-term political stability.  相似文献   

<正>什么样的购物体验最舒服?想到这个问题时,我的第一反应是从自家冰箱里拿东西——没有频繁商品推荐的打扰,没有收银台前让人焦虑的长队,需要什么拿什么且扣费自动完成……这样的商店存在吗?秦皇新天地的无人超市就能给人带来这样的体验。不得不说,人工智能技术的快速发展使人类  相似文献   


After telephone, radio, television, telex and data networks, it will be communication satellites, comsats, which will bring the greatest benefits to the Developing World, particularly through direct broadcasting. A warning is given for the future, to choose wisely between competing facilities and the distinction between regulations and controls is emphasized. An end of censorship is foreseen, as freedom of information will inevitably come about and even poor countries will be able to rent the facilities of 'electronic tutors'. It is forecast that by the year 2000 these 'weapons of peace' will be available for all Mankind.  相似文献   

<正>优越的地理位置,优质的产品服务,先进的经营理念,创造了秦皇岛市的商业新地标——秦皇新天地。秦皇新天地北接秦皇大街,东临西环路,西靠森林体育公园,山倚水绕,风景旖旎,以现代主义的设计风格、国际水准的管理理念、丰富的水岸景观资源,全情演绎秦皇岛市唯一的公园情景式餐饮休闲体验街区。120米水幕电影,500米水岸实木栈道,近800平方米欧式婚礼广场,秦皇岛市最大旱喷音乐中心广场……诸多休闲景观的设计,在提高项目水准的同时,也不断刷新着秦皇岛市商业的高度。  相似文献   

Loretta Lees 《对极》2014,46(4):921-947
This paper discusses the urban injustices of New Labour's “new urban renewal”, that is the state‐led gentrification of British council estates, undertaken through the guise of mixed communities policy, on the Aylesbury estate in Southwark, London, one of the largest council estates in Europe. In this particular case of post‐political planning I show how the tenant support for the regeneration programme was manipulated and misrepresented and how choices were closed down for them, leaving them ultimately with a “false choice” between a regeneration they did not want or the further decline of their estate. I look at what the estate residents thought/think about the whole process and how they have resisted, and are resisting, the gentrification of their estate. I show revanchist and post‐political practices, but ultimately I refuse to succumb to these dystopian narratives, very attractive as they are, for conflict/dissent has not been completely smothered and resistance to gentrification in and around the Aylesbury is alive and well. I argue that we urgently need to re‐establish the city as the driver of democratic politics with an emancipatory agenda, rather than one that ratifies the status quo or gets mired in a dystopic post‐justice city.  相似文献   

The prevailing archaeological consensus on Paleoindian origins and colonization of the Americas has been shaken by recent wide acknowledgment of pre-Clovis occupation at Monte Verde, Chile, and by claims that ostensibly non-Mongoloid skeletal remains might represent a precursor population. Recent mitochondrial DNA studies have been interpreted by some as indicating an earlier and more complex peopling of the continent. This paper reviews the current archaeological and biological evidence, in America and northern Asia, for the origins of Native Americans, assesses models of the colonization process in the light of new data and a revised chronology, and suggests avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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