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YakFightingFascinatesPeopleofBainang¥DOJEZHAMDUEventhoughIamaTibetannativeandanewspaperreporterforsomeseveneventfulyears,last...  相似文献   

小时候,母亲给我讲过一个蛇吃人的故事。说有个娃娃,他家庄子的田间地头有很多小蛇。这娃总喜欢捉蛇、玩蛇,玩够了就打死它们。娃的妈劝他不要这样的杀生害命,娃不听。  相似文献   

Inflation has been a chronic problem for Latin American economies since the Second World War. In the 1980s, inflation ran out of control in many countries. This article analyses the causes of these high inflation rates and discusses the experiences of Latin American countries in fighting (hyper-) inflation in the 1980s and 1990s. Particular attention is given to the relative merits of orthodox versus heterodox approaches, and to the use of the exchange rate as an inflation stabilizer. The article concludes, among other things, that achieving fiscal balance is crucial, whatever method is used, and that a fixed exchange rate can help to stabilize inflation but contains many risks, in particular with open capital accounts.  相似文献   

姚斌 《满族研究》2001,(3):53-55
明朝鉴于努尔哈赤攻取抚顺,节节胜利,决定于明万历47年(1619年)2月率大军分东、南、北、中四路向努尔哈赤后金政权所在地赫图阿拉发起进攻。本介绍了由明将刘綎率领的东路军在今宽甸境内与后金兵作战的情况。  相似文献   

The connections between archaeology and traditions or folklore may be thought of as a dance, in which archaeological traces complement or constitute elements of folklore, and traces of folklore complement and constitute archaeological interpretation. On the other hand, archaeology and folklore may engage in competition about the “true” past(s). In this paper I will explore the tensions between these perspectives, and the tensions between archaeology and many forms of folklore.  相似文献   

TheTaraMountainwhichtowersoverDojeTownshipinBomemayonedavbeknownasthemostfamousoftheholypeaks.Themoun-tainpeakderivesitsnamefromitsresemblancetothesittinggoddess,Tara,withsevenenchantingeyeslookingdownatSibaVillage.Totherightoftheholypeakisthe1,000-Buddha…  相似文献   

刘慧  赵鹏 《民俗研究》2003,(4):144-154
近读清人沈起凤的《谐铎》一书,其中有一《石贔(尸贝)》篇,深知时人对“龟”的忌讳颇深。其篇幅不大,引文如下:  相似文献   

YI'ONG MUD-STONE FLOWApril 9. When the mud-stoneflow hit the Yi'ong Co Lakearea on the evening of April9,2000, leaders of the Central Government stayed overnight."Do everything possible to ensure thelives of the local people, and minimize thelosses", was the order from the StateCouncil.April 12. On the third day after the disaster, a group of 24 people headed byGyibo, Vice-Chairman of the TibetAutonomous Region, reached the spot.They brought urgently needed materialsand care from …  相似文献   

The two studies under review, by Matthew Levitt and Lina Khatib et al., present very different pictures of Hezbollah, pictures which are not necessarily conflicting and are indeed, in many ways, complementary. Levitt focuses on the group's long record of terrorism dating back more than 30 years to the early 1980s and its violent attacks on US marines and French forces then based in Lebanon. Over that period, of course, as Lina Khatib and her co‐authors demonstrate, Hezbollah has grown in stature as a political party. Khatib and her colleagues portray a party that has deliberately sought to keep Lebanon a weak and divided country, despite the efforts of the West and Gulf Arab states to strengthen the Lebanese state. These two studies add immensely to our knowledge of Hezbollah and its extraordinary rise over the past three decades to become one of the major political and military actors in the Middle East.  相似文献   

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