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明清时期安庆地区的渔业经济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本对明清时期安庆地区的河湖水系形态及其演变做了较为详细的阐述,揭示了部分湖泊水体逐渐淤塞湮废的过程,并初步探讨了导致其迅速淤浅湮塞的原因;本还从该地区的渔税征收机构河泊所的设置分布及裁革情况,渔课的数量、比重及变化等分析和探讨了明清时期这一区域的渔业经济状况夏其变迁。  相似文献   

明清时期湖北地区的渔业经济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以河湖水系十分发达的湖北地区为研究 对象,探讨了明清时期该区域渔业经济的发展及其兴衰变迁。 文章揭示出在特定背景下明代对渔业的重视,明初建立了一 整套完备的渔政制度,渔业得到了长足的发展。渔业课税成为 政府财政收入的重要来源之一,渔课在课税总额中所占比例 相当突出,渔业经济在总体经济结构中居于颇为重要的地位。 但自明中叶以后,由于人口的迅速增长、土地压力的加大,围 湖圩垦的现象较为严重;河流湖泊逐渐淤浅、淤废,故明代后 期渔利有所下降、渔业渐趋衰落。清代以后,围湖圩垦、河湖淤 废、洪涝灾害更形成恶性循环,河湖渔利进一步迅速减少,渔 业经济日渐萎缩。  相似文献   

李勇 《安徽史学》2009,(4):126-128
苏南自古号称鱼米之乡,渔业为苏南的原始生业之一,渔业生产历史悠久。建立在渔业经济发展基础之上源远流长的渔文化,独具特色。本文对此问题进行考察,以求教于方家。  相似文献   

古代北方游牧民族留下的众多文化遗存当中,匈奴墓葬分布的区域最为广阔,数量也较多.匈奴墓葬主要分布在蒙古国大部分区域、俄罗斯外贝加尔和中国内蒙古自治区及其周边地区.今天的蒙古国是古代匈奴民族统治的中心地带,分布其境内的匈奴墓葬数量最多,除巴音乌勒贵和东戈壁两省以外,其他省市境内均有发现.从目前的统计数字看,蒙古国境内的70多个地区共发现4000余座匈奴墓葬,其中已发掘约400座.随着考古工作的不断深入,匈奴墓葬发现的数量将会不断增加.  相似文献   

本文从聚落分布、规模、内涵、年代、等级等方面对关中地区西周时期的聚落进行了梳理和分析。关中西部地区聚落数量明显多于关中东部区域,这主要与考古发现情况和关中地区的地貌有关。西周早期是关中地区聚落数量最多、分布最为广泛的时期,西周中晚期之后聚落数量逐渐减少并集中到关中中部的岐山、扶风、武功、西安一带,说明周人此时在畿内地区已经开始逐渐丧失其实际控制的领土。  相似文献   

豆海锋 《江汉考古》2012,(3):69-80,68
本文以安徽沿江平原地区的商时期遗存为考察对象,将该地区商时期遗存划分为两种,其中沿江西段为"薛家岗遗存",东段地区为商文化"大城墩类型"。通过与周边地区比较,对两类遗存的年代、性质及文化特征进行了分析。为了揭示沿江平原地区商文化的来源,本文将该地区所见商时期遗存与周边的江淮西部、宁镇及江汉东部地区进行比较,得出了商文化南下对安徽沿江平原的东、西两段地区的影响存在明显差异,其主要原因应与商王朝对铜矿资源追求及南下路线的不同有关。  相似文献   

渔业是鄱阳湖区的传统产业,明清至民国时期在区域经济中占有重要地位。20世纪下半叶鄱阳湖区出现明显的"农进渔退",农业主体地位空前加强,渔业迅速衰退。这一进程的动力机制主要包括人口增长、制度与政策变化、便于围垦的自然环境以及稻田比水面更具经济价值等。农进渔退与后来鄱阳湖区乃至长江中下游地区的生态环境恶化具有因果关系,主要表现为水旱灾害频发和加剧、生物多样性遭到破坏。对此,应以马克思主义的历史主义观点予以具体分析,这样才能为产业转化及区域经济的绿色发展提供有益的历史借鉴。  相似文献   

明清时期,江南进士在全国数量最多,比例高达近15%;而江南进士在地域分布上,苏州府考中的进士数量之多,为他府所不及。明清苏州府科甲如此兴盛,与苏州的经济条件、文化氛围等因素密切相关。但是,从其内部分布来看,却极不均衡。本文对明清时期苏州府地区进士的数量、地域分布等情况作了详尽分析,并初步探析了其进士总数众多的原因。  相似文献   

刘琪 《四川文物》2020,(3):82-91
唐三彩是唐代重要的陶瓷手工艺品,作为陪葬品在唐墓中被大量发现。其中,很多三彩人俑都以胡人为形象。从时间上看,这些三彩胡俑最早出现于武周时期,中宗时数量剧增,玄宗时期制作工艺渐臻成熟,安史之乱以后则逐渐减少直至消失;从空间上看,三彩胡俑在以长安、洛阳为中心的两京地区发现最多,其他北方地区也有少量分布。南方地区发现的主要是中晚唐时期的三彩胡俑。三彩胡俑时空分布的演变,为认识唐代区域经济文化变迁及域外文化传播提供了生动的历史见证与线索。  相似文献   

董哲  战世佳 《东南文化》2023,(3):100-107
20世纪90年代,安徽省文物考古研究所在地处沿江地区的池州、铜陵、枞阳、庐江、潜山和怀宁等地发现、发掘10余处旧石器地点,获得一批石制品,文化面貌主体属中国南方砾石工业。为了厘清沿江地区旧石器的分布范围与埋藏规律,2020年10—11月和2021年3月,安徽省文物考古研究所在上述区域开展旧石器考古调查,新发现20处地点,获得476件标本。石制品原料以脉石英为主,大部分埋藏于南方第四纪红色风化壳中,与周边地区既往测年结果对比后,推断这些地点的年代可能为晚更新世。石核剥片与石器加工均使用硬锤直接锤击。沿江地区新发现的石制品,整体上属于简单的石核—石片技术体系,既往归纳的“小石器文化”更有可能是受原料尺寸的制约所致。  相似文献   

新中国成立初期,浙江省洞头列岛一直处于人民解放军与国民党军对抗的最前沿。其间,为争夺对洞头列岛的控制权,两军进行了多次战斗。在这一战乱频仍、政权更迭的特定背景下,洞头列岛渔业社会深受影响,渔业的生产环境、渔业生产方式、渔产品购销方式和渔民思想观念等都发生了重要变化,从而使得整个渔业社会发生了历史性的变迁。  相似文献   

A vibrant artisanal fishery of the brackish water marsh clam (Polymesoda acuta) is located in the lower Río Tempisque, Costa Rica. Fishermen harvest clams from shoals according to tidal and lunar cycles. They take most clams directly to riverside processing stations to be cooked and sold as salted meat, although some cooked clams are dried, and others sold live. Processing activities result in the formation of shellmounds that share significant similarities and some differences with ancient marsh clam shellmounds of coastal Chiapas, Mexico. In this study, procurement and processing activities are described and quantified, revealing the substantial amount of labor and skill involved in the modern fishery. Implications for archaeological preservation and predictions from optimal foraging theory are evaluated.  相似文献   

Becky Mansfield 《对极》2007,39(3):393-405
Abstract: The Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) is an economic development program that allocates a portion of regional fisheries to groups representing poor, mostly indigenous people of western Alaska. The CDQ groups lease their quota to industrial fish firms and reinvest their revenues back into the fishery. In this way, quota becomes a form of property used for capital accumulation. The CDQ is conceptually confusing because it appears as neoliberal privatization and as redistribution motivated by social justice. Rather than choosing between these, this paper argues that quota‐as‐property brings together these seemingly opposed goals. Once the idea of property is expanded to include interdependence and reasons for property relations, it is possible to see that privatization in the CDQ embodies multiple logics without being incoherent. The paper concludes that the complex social relations of property open up space for identifying diverse practices within neoliberalism.  相似文献   


Kettle Falls, located 1125?km from the mouth of the Columbia River in present-day Washington State (USA), was the second-most important salmon fishing and trading locus on that river in the early historic era. We encapsulate the late Holocene history of the fishery by deriving a summed probability distribution function (SPDF) from 50 radiocarbon ages from 13 archaeological sites within 2?km of the falls. When compared to an SPDF from 307 sites from elsewhere on the Columbia Plateau, and a null model, the Kettle Falls SPDF exhibits two phases of elevated activity at 1700–1300?cal BP and 800–500?cal BP, and an intervening lull. These phases are not related to the excavation history or differential exposure of sites to taphonomic processes, but they are concordant with episodes of glacial advance in the local mountains, which reflect hemispheric-scale changes in climate. Modern returns of summer-run Chinook salmon to the Columbia River are inversely correlated with sea-surface temperature regimes in the northeast Pacific Ocean, and we propose that the occupational history of the Kettle Falls fishery echoes long-term variations in the returns of salmon to the upper Columbia River linked to climate change.  相似文献   

The north‐western part of Hong Kong is a marsh with traditional freshwater fish farming; however, this brackish area has been agriculturally diversified to include cultivation of red rice, reeds, shrimp and fish, and has only largely concentrated on freshwater fish farming starting from the 1960s. By looking into the geographical and social changes that have taken place in the brackish area, I will explain how the coastal landscape was changed in the 1910s through the introduction of large‐scale rice production in Tin Shui Wai which has turned into a high‐density residential new town, and the wetland conservation of Mai Po marshes. This article aims at understanding the meanings of intangible as well as agricultural/fishery heritage and the local politics among indigenous communities, conservation groups, the government and developers in post‐handover Hong Kong society. Inland freshwater pond cultivation was actually a major industry in the 1970s since it supplied most of the freshwater fish for the local market. Nowadays, the industry is shrinking because of lack of manpower and high operation costs compared to the mainland. With various kinds of social, economic and physical pressures, the local communities which are located at the buffer areas of the wetland in Mai Po are actually facing the tremendous dangers of losing those fishponds; most importantly, the fishponds have been serving not only as mitigation zone and source of a traditional local food but also as a major food supplier for migratory birds, adding to the conservation value of the Mai Po marshes and Inner Deep Bay in Hong Kong at large.  相似文献   

皮后锋 《史学月刊》2008,(11):41-50
严复在英国皇家海军学院留学期间,日本东乡平八郎在英国商船学校学习海军技术,其政要井上馨在英国进修财政经济,还有一些中日留学生同在法国学习造船技术。基于此,总理各国事务衙门1896年最早提出当时日本执政大臣多与福州船政学堂首批留学生"同堂肄业",陈宝琛1921年继之明言严复有"日本同学"。直到1932年,林耀华、钱基博将"日本同学"细化为伊藤博文,严、伊"同学"传闻遂告定型。严复本人并无借伊藤抬高自己的动机,更不可能从生前并不存在的传闻中受益,据伪造"严复书札"断言严复是"同学"说的始作俑者,显然不正确。  相似文献   

唐代南宁州都督府属州交通与地望研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宁州都督府是唐朝西南边疆战略要地,下属十四羁縻州的具体地望至今多不清楚。本文根据文献记载,结合多学科研究方法,从分析交通格局入手,基本复原了这些羁縻州的具体地望。  相似文献   

傅斯年的大学理念及大学研究所构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅斯年高等教育思想中最有价值者,当数其对德国讲座制度的阐释及对大学设置研究所之构想。大学不仅仅是知识传授的中心,更是学术研究的中心,大学教育应当以学术教育为中心,其理想的大学应当是德国研究型的大学。故傅斯年反对在大学中实行年级制,主张实施选课制度。除了实行选课制度和讲座制度之外,傅斯年主张大学应该创办研究所。大学研究所与专业研究所有着明显的不同:前者为大学师生共同研究的性质,是大学教授指导学生共同研究的学术机构,包含着研学相长之意;后者则是专业研究员进行专门研究的机构,无需学生参与。傅斯年的大学研究院设想,基本上是接受和效仿德国讲座制度和研究所制度而来的,与当时教育部仿效美国大学体制而设立研究生院的规定,存在着明显的差异。傅斯年主张大学以讲座制度为基础自然形成专科研究所,进而建成研究型大学。这种认识,直到他主持台湾大学时仍然没有改变。  相似文献   


Fisheries are a major source of food for the burgeoning human population of Earth, and their management is an extremely complex process. Management of these limited resources invariably arouses emotional responses from those participating in their harvest, processing and consumption.

A review of pertinent marine fishery management literature reveals an increasing recognition of the necessity for molding the sociopolitical, economic, biological, chemical, and physical sciences into a cohesive system that will provide managers with a sound basis for making decisions. This review discusses fishery management planning in world, US, regional, and state markets. Emphasis is on the northern Gulf of Mexico fisheries, where the authors have performed most of their research. The Gulf of Mexico region accounted for 34% of US commercial landings in 1979. In the Gulf region, fishery management plans have been developed and implemented over the past several years. Regional plans for management of resources in territorial and internal waters were produced in a state–federal–university-user effort. The interdisciplinary task force included state and federal marine fishery managers and specialists, economists, cultural anthropologists, marine biologists, marine fishery industrial representatives and management specialists.

The conceptual model of the management system provided a basis for the decision-making process. The strategic plans developed in this planning process were adopted and implemented in the five Gulf States. Several fishery management models are depicted and discussed. All show either directly or by implication that both science and politics are integral parts of the management of the several fisheries. An expanded model illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of fishery management. Some recommended political structures for fishery management are also discussed.  相似文献   

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