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1935年是班禅返藏途中最为关键的一年,国民政府从形式、经费、护卫等方面为此做了大量筹备工作,这与国民政府的西藏治理政策有着密切关系,也伴生着中央政府的治藏理念。国民政府组织班禅返藏,其过程错综复杂,裹扶着各种国内地方派系、利益团体的利益,甚至还牵涉蒋介石围剿红军的策略。在这种政治环境下,其治藏在形式上努力,但效果式微,而西藏噶厦在国民政府驻藏人员的积极干预下,始终未敢公开对抗中央。  相似文献   

九世班禅额尔德尼自1923年逃离西藏后,在祖国内地居住了14年之久。班禅大师最大的心愿是返回札什伦布寺。1935年6月,国民政府发布密令,决定班禅返藏,并特派专使和卫队护送。但由于英国政府的阻挠和无理干涉,班禅大师返藏受阻,忧郁而终。英国为什么要反对班禅返回西藏呢?反对班禅返藏潜藏着什么样的动机呢?这是本文试图探讨的问题。  相似文献   

略论五世班禅在康雍治藏中的历史作用;抗战时期日本染指我国西藏秘史;国民政府在第三次康藏纠纷中的治藏之策;西藏:社会投资、金融扶持与资本市场;关于20世纪西藏藏语大众传媒的若干基本问题  相似文献   

刘国武 《史学月刊》2004,5(3):60-64,70
抗战前十年是国民政府对藏政策的形成时期。国民政府一直以国家统一问题和边疆问题取代西藏的民族问题,并打下了传统治边政策的烙印。国民政府力图通过使西藏与内地在各方面融为一体的办法来接管西藏。在内忧外患的形势下,国民政府的对藏政策和措施只起到了避免西藏局势更加恶化的作用。  相似文献   

1883年英属印度特使忒涅出访札什伦布,在其报告中记述了班禅朝觐期间清廷治藏方略的调整。对比中方文档并考证忒涅记述,可以确证班禅朝觐期间,乾隆皇帝对治藏方略有两次大的决定。一为乾隆皇帝在承德接见班禅期间,征询其意见,决定八世达赖亲政,六世班禅辅政,召回掌办事务喇嘛;二为乾隆皇帝到北京后修改了承德的初步调整决定,最终决策撤销六世班禅辅政,掌办事务喇嘛留任。这一最终决策是经过多方征询、多次修改做出的,对当时稳定西藏具有重要意义。忒涅报告只包含承德初步调整,完全没有涉及北京最终决策。北京的最终决策在班禅染疾前就已形成,并征询过班禅意见。英属印度开通对藏贸易的打算违背了清朝中央政府对外政策和治藏方略而必定落空,与六世班禅逝世无关。  相似文献   

班禅返藏问题,不仅是十世班禅自己的问题,也是和平解放西藏、实现国家统一和民族团结的一大核心问题。他首先争取中共中央对自己地位的承认,提出解决班禅问题的方案和意见;接着在和平解放西藏的谈判中使班禅问题的解决在协议中规定下来。十七条协议签订后,他又采取积极措施使书面规定得到具体实现,顺利返藏。班禅问题得以解决的根本原因是中国共产党维护国家统一和民族团结的决心与正确的方针、步骤,十世班禅也作出了积极的努力和贡献。  相似文献   

由中国藏学研究中心和中国第二历史档案馆合编之《九世班禅内地活动及返藏受阻档案选编》一书即将由中国藏学出版社出版。该书所辑档案史料,从九世班禅离开西藏出走内地开始,到返藏受阻,于玉树圆寂为止。全书43万字。内容包括:九世班禅派代表出席北京民国政府召开的善后会议,向大会致送“消弭战祸实行五族共和”意见书;段祺瑞册封“宣诚济世”封号;参加国民会议;授封“护国宣化广慧大师”名号;派任西陲宣化使,选任国  相似文献   

1949--1959年,达赖、班禅两大系统的关系是中央政府治理西藏的重要问题之一,相关决策也成为中国共产党和中央人民政府治理西藏总体战略的一个组成部分。本文依据档案文献,论述了这十年间达赖、班禅两大系统关系的演变过程,并探讨中央政府相关的治藏政策。  相似文献   

中国藏学研究中心和中国第二历史档案馆合编之《九世班禅内地活动及返藏受阻》、《黄慕松、吴忠信、赵守钰、戴传贤奉使办理藏事报告书》两书,已由中国藏学出版社出版。前者所辑档案423千字,其主要内容:班禅大师在各地进行讲经说法、启建时轮金刚法会、参与国家大事、主持办理返藏事宜,以及因返藏受阻,隐忧疾发,在青海玉树圆寂后,灵榇自玉树启运护送回藏等等。后者共辑录档案526千字,分别按达赖、班禅各自在民国时期所发生的历史事件,以确切的证据,说明当时西藏地方与中央政府关系不正常的根源,完全由英国政府策划所致。  相似文献   

1951年,西北军政委员会驻班禅行辕代表范明,由彭德怀推荐、毛泽东亲定其率部护送班禅返藏。范明率部打先锋开路,沿着唐朝文成公主进藏的唐蕃古道,千军万马战昆仑,经历了惊心动魄的艰苦历程,克服了难以想像的困难和高山反应,终于征服了青藏高原,胜利完成任务。《为班禅返藏征服唐蕃古道》一文详尽回顾了发生在半个世纪之前这一壮举的经过。  相似文献   

AuthoredbyXiaoHao,thebookrecordshowthePLAtroopsmarchedintoTibetinthechronologicalway.ItshowsthetragiclivestheTibetanserfsandslavesledunderthecruelfeudalserfdom:andhowthePLAtroopsmadefriendswiththeTibetansandbuiltroadsforthemallalongtheway.PublishedbytheNationalitiesPublishingHouse,thelarge32-mobook,runningto230,000words,ispricedat17.80yuanpercopy.AJourneyIntoTibetFortyyearsago,LinTian,authorofthebook,wasreporterwhowenttoTibetasaPLAman.Thebookcontainsfourvolumesofdiarieshewroteduringt…  相似文献   

Article 9 of the Agreement of theCentral Government and the LocalGovernment of Tibet on the PeacefulLiberation of Tibat, signed on May23, 1951, stipulates: "The spokenand written language and schooleducation of the Tibetan ethnicgroup shall be developed step bystep in accordance with the actualconditions in Tibet."In accordance with the Agreement,Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, instructedthe Central People's Governmentto work hard to develop school education in T…  相似文献   

许多人都有坐飞机旅游的机会,并能够从天上看世界,可是很少有人将所看到的画面拍摄下来。我们所以将这组作品推荐给大家,是想说明,当您乘坐飞机旅游的时候,千万不要忘了用相机留下那里的美妙、那里的精彩。——编者  相似文献   


The Irish in Scotland (1798–1845). By James Edmund Handley. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+313+xix. Cork : University Press, 1943. Price 10s. 6d.

British Woodland Trees. By H. L. Edlin. Demy 8vo. Pp. ix+182. 133 illustrations. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1944. Price 12s. 6d.

Brenva. By T. Graham Brown. Demy 8vo. Pp. xv+227. 72 photographs. 4 maps. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price 25s.

British Survey Handbooks. 2. Rumania. By C. Kormos. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. vii+122. Map. Cambridge : University Press, 1944. Price 3s.

British Survey Handbooks. 3. Greece. Compiled by Kathleen Gibberd. Fcap. 8vo. Pp. vii+106. Map. Cambridge : University Press, 1944. Price 3s.

The U.S.S.R. : An Economic and Social Survey. By S. P. Turin, D.Sc. (Econ.). Demy 8vo. Pp. xiii+219. 8 maps, 16 diagrams, 63 statistical tables. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1944. Price 16s.


China. By A. G. Wenley and John A. Pope. Med. 8vo. Pp. v+85. 25 plates. 7 sketch maps. 3 figs. Smithsonian Institution War Background Studies No. 20. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 1944.


Mew Zealand: A Working Democracy. By Walter Nash. Demy 8vo. Pp. vii+290. Frontispiece. 1 map. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price 8s. 6d.


Volcanoes as Landscape Forms. By C. A. Cotton. Demy 8vo. Pp. 416. Frontispiece. 223 figs. Christchurch, N.Z., and London : Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., 1944. Price 32s. 6d.


Pacific Ocean Handbook. By Eliot G. Mears. 7x4 inches. Pp. x+198. 58 figs. 7 maps. Stanford University, California : James Ladd Delkin, 1944. Price $2.00.


The British Isles : A School Certificate Geography. By S. J. B. Whybrow, B.Sc, F.R.G.S. Crown 8vo. Pp. x+196. 66 sketch maps. 20 photographs. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1944. Price 3s.


International River and Canal Transport. By Brig.‐Gen. Sir Osborne Mance, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., assisted by J. E. Wheeler. Demy 8vo. Pp. viii+115. 2 maps. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. London : Oxford University Press, 1944. Price 10s. 6d.

Heresies and Humours. By Major C. S. Jarvis, C.M.G., O.B.E. Demy 8vo. Pp.176. Illustrated by R. A. Young. London : Country Life Ltd., 1943. Price 8s 6d.  相似文献   

西藏有多少温泉中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队将广义的温泉定义为:从地下深部自然涌出或喷出的地下水,泉口温度比当地年平均气温高出5℃以上。超过45℃的温泉可称为热泉,温度达到或超过当地沸点的温泉称为沸泉。国内一些学者倾向于将温泉的下限温度设定在25℃,以避免不同地区有着不同的温泉判别标准。  相似文献   

BeligiousstreamersareusedmainlyininsideandoutsideTibetanBuddhistlamaseriesforpeopletoworshipBuddha.Majoronesincludeflyingstreamers,pillarstreamersandsutrastreamers.RW8~.Tailoredwithsilksandsatins,theflyingstreamersarecoloredlongpieceswithnarrowtopandwidebottom.Threepiecestbrmagroup,andthreegroupsformacom-pleteflyingstreamer.FlyingstreamersareusedtogreettheBuddha.Theyaretieduptol.5-2-meter-longpoles,topofwhicharedel-icatelydecoratedwithbronzepatterns.PlLLAR8TREAMER8.Naturally,suchstream…  相似文献   

Tourism in Tibet     
Tourism in TibetTourisminTibet¥byMaJinkangSituatedintheborderregionofsouthwestChina,Tibetcoversanareaof1.2millionsquarekm,equ...  相似文献   

Tibet, the major part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is composed of a series of giant mountains, valleys and lakes. Skyscraping peaks and deep rivers isolate the plateau from the outside world.  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet. The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique. However, this is what is described in written language. What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet.The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique.However, this is what is described in written language.What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?We sincerely invite our readers and friends to visit in order to see Tibet with their own eyes and talk to our editors.  相似文献   

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