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《西安市志》的编纂工作始于1989年8月,全志由三十三个分志以及若干个分篇组成,分七卷本出版。所有志稿分别由一百多个部门承编,志书编纂采取三级审稿,即承编单位、市志编委会、省志编委会审稿,两级总纂,即分志、分卷两级总纂,分卷总纂主要由市志办承担。  相似文献   

近期 ,武汉铁路分局方志馆正式开门 ,为有关方面提供服务 :1 .史志资料查询 ,备有各类志书、年鉴和史料书籍 1 0 0 0余册 ,并正在收集全国铁路系统所有单位及分局铁路沿线市、区、县、厂的志书、年鉴 ;2 .网上资料查询 ,包括铁路及国际互联网信息的查询和网上信息资料的搜集、选编、储存和综合管理 ;3.报刊阅览 ,订有 1 0 0余种报纸刊物 ,每天定时开放 ;4.图书阅览 ,以工具书籍、史料书籍和知识趣味性书籍为主 ;5 .档案文件查阅 ,开发微机档案管理系统 ,提供案卷查阅和档案资料服务。武汉铁路方志馆的建立 ,旨在充分利用铁路分局现有的史志…  相似文献   

海珠区地方志编纂委员会及其办公室自成立以来,在区委、区政府的正确领导下和上级主管业务部门的具体指导下,紧密围绕党在各个时期的中心工作和主体业务工作,有条不紊地、较好地完成了各项工作任务,达到了预期的效果,取得了一定的成绩。  相似文献   

潘琦 《广西地方志》2002,(1):3-4,11
新春佳节即将到来,尽管其他会议再多、团拜会再忙,还是忘不了我们地方志的座谈会,一定要参加的。因为:一是这条战线工作的同志非常辛苦,工作非常艰苦,工作非常有意义。在新年到来之际,作为编纂委员会的副主任,我应当来对大家表示慰问、表示感谢。二是这项工作有很多老同志、老学者、老专家,可以说是人才济济。俗话说“家有老是个宝”,过年的时候,要想到老人、老同志,孝敬我们的老同志、爱护我们的老同志。  相似文献   

首先,我代表自治区地方志编纂委员会、自治区地方志办公室对来宾市地方志编纂工作会议的召开表示热烈地祝贺!向获得表彰的来宾市和所属城区、市、县地方志工作先进集体、先进工作者表示热烈地祝贺!向来宾市和所属城区、市、县的修志工作者致以诚挚的问候和崇高的敬意!来宾市和所属城区、市、县修志工作做得比较好,取得了显著的成绩,第一轮修志任务早已完成,还编纂了年鉴和部分部门志、乡镇志等地情书。在已出版的志书、地情书中,有6部志书、地情书在广西地方志优秀成果评奖中获奖,其中《柳州地区志》、《象州县志》获得一等奖,《金秀瑶族自…  相似文献   

新千年、新世纪伊始,大地回春,千舟竞发,各行各业在改革开放中前进,一派欣欣向荣之气。地方志事业也硕果累累,令人振奋,在此,我们谨向方志界同仁致以春节的问候和新千年、新世纪的祝贺!  相似文献   

近日,西夏区志编纂委员会在西夏区政府召开了编纂工作启动大会。来自西夏区各部门的86位编纂工作人员参加了启动仪式,银川市志办、区委、政府的主要领导出席了启动大会。会上,学习了《地方志工作条例》,通过了《西夏区志编纂方案》,与两镇、各街道、各部门签订了《西夏区志》部门任务编写责任书。市志办主任翟新军要求大家认真学习贯彻好《条例》,以《条例》为指导,做好地方志工作,依照《条例》办事,确保地方志编纂质量。各编写单位充分认识到编纂地方志工作的重要意义和地方志存史、资政、育人的重要作用,表示要切实加强对编纂工作的领导。会后举办了《西夏区志》编纂工作培训。市志办业务科科长蔡一楠关于编纂基础知识、方法及应注意的问题等进行了全面、系统的讲解。  相似文献   

军事志编纂的体例规范既是个理论问题,也是一个实践问题,更重要的是理论如何与实践相结合的问题。众所周知,“读史知兴衰,览志得明达”,隔代编史、当代修志,数千年来经久不衰,其功能不言而喻。然而真正要编纂一部无愧于时代和具有鲜明地域军事特色的新一届军事志书,则必须观点正确、内容全面、资料翔实、体例统一、行规范、图并茂、印装精良,正确处理政治性、  相似文献   

志书续修,已“箭在弦上,引弓待发”。首轮修志是在学术理论准备不足的情况下仓促上阵的,编志人员只能边干边学,“摸着石头过河”。甚至对于很多人是旱鸭子下水。但是修志毕竟在志海里学会了游泳,苦尽甘来。回顾编志历程,看着洋洋百万字的志书,心里万分感慨。今天人们能“盛世修志”,却不负历史之重任。社会主义第一轮新方志作为中国艺苑瑰宝正以它独特的魅力,走向社会,  相似文献   

70世纪80年代初,胡乔木同志提出新编地方志要努力达到“思想性、科学性和资料性的统一”的要求,为社会主义地方志的编纂工作指明了方向。中国地方志指导小组1985年制定的《新编地方志工作暂行规定》和1998年发布的《关于地方志工作的规定》也都对此作了明规定。70年的修志实践证明,关于地方志“思想性、科学性和资料性的统一”的要求,在本届修志过程中起到了积极的指导作用,成为地方志工作所遵循的方法原则和衡量志书质量的重要标准。  相似文献   


In this, the third Finniston Lecture, the recent advances in aero engine technology made possible by interdisciplinary collaboration between materials scientists and design and manufacturing engineers are reviewed. Of crucial importance is the efficient and cost effective design of component geometries with due regard for material properties and manufacturing process capability. The three operating parameters that most directly define the thrust and fuel consumption of an aircraft gas turbine – fan airflow, or diameter, overall pressure ratio, or compressor delivery temperature, and turbine inlet temperature – are in turn largely dependent on these capabilities. As bypass ratios of commercial turbofans increase, the weight of the large diameter components becomes increasingly important. Titanium and composite materials, each with their own advanced manufacturing techniques, allow thrusts of 100 000 lb to be achieved at acceptable weight. Overall pressure ratio is a major influence in improving fuel consumption. The resulting temperature determines the choice of material – nickel alloy or advanced titanium, and detail design of components in this area is important to make full use of the material capability. High pressure turbine blades represent a most complex design challenge. Nickel alloys have developed to a third generation single crystal standard and ceramics offer a prospect of even higher temperature capability. It is concluded that planning from the start to have dual use application in civil and defence markets is the most cost effective route to further progress.  相似文献   

青海省文化馆始建于1957年,肩负着全省群众文化活动的组织、调研和业务指导,全省群众文艺队伍的辅导和培训,搜集整理民间文化遗产和群众文化理论研究等工作。内设八个工作机构。现有职工45名,其中副高职称专业人员14名,中级职称专业人员15名。  相似文献   

民族精神、先进文化和历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化是经济发展和社会进步的强大精神动力,是衡量一个国家综合国力的重要标志之一。在当代中国,坚持和发展社会主义先进化的重要任务之一,是培育和弘扬民族精神,为建设有中国特色的社会主义,提供精神的和智力的支持。发展先进化,培育和弘扬民族精神的重要途径之一,是发掘丰厚的中国历史化资源。优秀的中国史学遗产,不仅是中华民族精神发展的记录,同时也是当今为实现中华民族的伟大复兴,培育和弘扬中华民族精神的取之不竭、用之不尽的宝藏。  相似文献   


Ethnographic and technological observations of iron smelting among the Raya people of NW Tanzania during 1976 and 1979 have contributed important new evidence for a technologically advanced culture in East-Central Africa. The ethnoarchaeology of Haya iron working shows that the Raya practiced an iron-smelting technology that employed preheating of the air blast—a highly efficient technique—and formed a massive steel altogether different from that known in the European tradition of iron production.

Excavations in 1977 at the KM2 site near Kemondo Bay west of Lake Victoria in Kagera Region, Tanzania, provided abundant evidence for an ancient technology, dating to the first six centuries A.C., that shared many similarities to the living iron-smelting technology. Excavations during 1978–1979 at the KM3 site, also located near Kemondo Bay, yielded physical evidence for the antiquity of the preheated process and provided definitive proof for a technology similar to the process in historical times. These discoveries affirm that one of the most advanced technologies in the ancient world developed in Africa independent of European influence.  相似文献   

Formal research training is integral to research degrees in human geography completed in UK higher education institutions today. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has been the driving force behind the formalization of research training. Arguably less well known among the ESRC research training recommendations is the stipulation that postgraduate research students complete advanced research training. This paper will draw upon the authors' experiences of the collaborative ESRC/Royal Scottish Geographical Society Advanced Research Training for Scottish Postgraduate Human Geographers. A detailed account of the advanced research training provision will be given, followed by staff and student reflections on the training. The paper concludes by considering what advanced research training offers to the PhD process and future developments in advanced research training.  相似文献   

The conservation of historic stone buildings and sculptures is recently receiving growing attention and becoming a focus of research because of rapid changes in weather conditions (pollution, acid rain, etc.). Presently, techniques for stone conservation primarily involve the use of organic coating treatments, but their side effects have been recognized. In contrast, some traditional materials used in historic stone buildings function well for thousands of years. In this paper, we report our research on the reasons why traditional protective materials can provide an unexpected long-term protection. First, calcium carbonate was prepared according to a formula for making Chinese traditional consolidating materials, and its structure and morphology were examined by different instruments. Second, the reinforcing effectiveness of the prepared CaCO3 powders was tested and analyzed by investigating its surface characteristics. The experimental results reveal that a biocontrolled process occurs, in which an organic template can induce the precipitation of a mineral structure, which in turn results in a great improvement in the conservation of the historic stone buildings protected by these traditional protective materials. This provides a contribution toward the development of new researches on biocontrolled processes and on some protective materials with excellent performance through biocontrolled synthesis.  相似文献   

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