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Ceramic provenance studies have helped archaeologists examine trade and exchange in multiple scales, the organization of production, and even vessel function. Yet, they may go even further, to provide a venue for the examination of past people’s perception of their landscape. To do so, a methodology is needed that links the choices prehistoric potters made, as reflected in their ceramics, with the choices their landscape could afford them, as reflected in the extent and distribution of local clays, and the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of these clays. Using the region of Bova Marina in southwestern Calabria as a case study, we have combined a raw materials survey with field and laboratory experiments, along with chemical and mineralogical analyses of the collected sediments to understand the distribution and the physical, chemical and mineralogical variability of locally available clays and provide baseline data against which prehistoric ceramic materials from the region may be compared. We show that the local sediments can be divided into three major units, based on their macroscopic, mineralogical and chemical characteristics, that correspond well with the major geological units outcropping in the study area. While two of these units have internally consistent properties, the third is variable.  相似文献   

Archaeological excavation in an Etruscan room tomb, from the Monterozzi necropolis in Tarquinia led to the recovery of four individuals. It was hypothesized that they could be members of a single family group. As both archaeological data and classical anthropological analysis provided little information in this direction, ancient DNA (aDNA) was extracted from bone and tooth fragments of the individuals. For each subject HVR-I of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was cloned and sequenced. To identify the sex of the individuals, amelogenine and SRY genes were analysed. Short tandem repeat (STR) characterization was also performed. DNA studies were preceded by the evaluation of amino acids racemization extent and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), to evaluate, respectively, degradation and quantity of organic matter preserved in the samples.Results show that two subjects are males, whereas two are females. Furthermore, three of them share the same mtDNA sequence, and, as such, they could be related by maternal lineage. This evidence supports the hypothesis that the occupants of the tomb can be considered members of a family group composing two parents and their son and daughter. Molecular study supplies new data to better define the reconstruction previously proposed, based only on a morphological and archaeological approach. Multidisciplinary investigation also allows comparison of the different methods and integration of their contributions.  相似文献   

In 2005, the remains of a Roman villa, dating from the early fourth to the sixth centuries ad, were discovered at the archaeological site of Aiano-Torraccia di Chiusi (Siena, Italy). After being abandoned in the sixth century ad, the complex was occupied by a group of Ostrogothic or Lombardic artisans in the period between the sixth and the seventh centuries ad. Many ceramic remains (coarse pottery and red slip ceramics) from the first to the seventh centuries ad have been discovered on this archaeological site. These findings have been analysed using different analytical techniques (optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), and micro-Raman in order to characterize the ceramic body, the coating, the temper, and to investigate the compositional relationship between the different kinds of ceramics. The use of different techniques on the same samples yielded information at different scales. OM and SEM-EDS yielded interesting information on the coarse pottery: the analyses performed on some minerals and rock fragments suggest that stone tesserae from the Roman villa (in the form of numerous marble fragments) were used in the production of this pottery. Bulk analyses (XRD and XRF) and subsequent micro-analyses (SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR, and micro-Raman) of the red slip pottery revealed clear chemical, mineralogical and textural differences: some ceramics (the TCC sample group) typically have a Fe-enriched coating while others (the INGR sample group) present a clear difference in grain size but no chemical or mineralogical differences between the ceramic body and the coating.  相似文献   

The results of geophysical survey carried out at the archaeological site of Tindari, located 70 km west-north-west of Messina (Sicily, Italy), are presented and discussed. The site is one of the most important archaeological sites, about 90 ha large, on the north-eastern side of Sicily and it was one of the last Greek settlements in Sicily. Keeping in mind the vastness of the site, according to the archaeologists an area, of about 1200 m2 was selected, for a geophysical survey. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), including induced polarization (IP) measurements, and seismic refraction tomography were applied in the course of geophysical exploration in the area. The objective of this preliminary geophysical investigation was to verify the effectiveness of the technique for a spatial definition of the buried archaeological structures (mostly walls, columns, etc.) to determine their characteristics and to study the presence of collapsed columns within the zone of archaeological interest, in view of their application in the rest of the site, that, for obvious reasons, could not be entirely excavated in brief times. The geophysical data, visualized in 3D space, revealed a distribution of low-contrast shallow anomalies that indicate the presence of different types of buried structures in the surveyed area. Also, the probable accumulations of collapsed columns could be determined. These results confirm the hypothesis of a large northern extension of the archaeological site and provide useful information to design a more efficient excavation plan.  相似文献   

This paper presents new chronological data applied to the problem of providing a date for the construction of a prehistoric building, with a case study from the Old Scatness Broch, Shetland. The innovative methodology employed utilises the combination of radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates with the archaeological information, which includes the stratigraphic relationships of sampled deposits, context information, and evidence relating to the formation of the deposit. This paper discusses the scientific validity of the dates produced, and the advantages that the methodology employed at this site offers for archaeological interpretation. The combined dating evidence suggests that the broch at Old Scatness is earlier than the conventionally accepted dates for broch construction. More broadly it shows the value of integration of the specialists at the planning stages of the excavation. The application of a Bayesian statistical model to the sequences of dates allowed investigation of the robustness of the dates within the stratigraphic sequences, as well as increasing the resolution of the resulting chronology. In addition, the value of utilising multiple dating techniques on the same deposit was demonstrated, as this allowed different dated events to be directly compared as well as issues relating to the formation of the sampled deposit. This in turn impacted on the chronological significance of the resulting dating evidence, and therefore the confidence that could be placed in the results.  相似文献   

It is common procedure today to use geographic datasets to supplement archaeological investigation; however, static and modern-day data are often used rather than more accurate paleo-data. This article underscores the importance of employing such dynamic paleo-landscapes, and describes a new approach for developing richly-furnished and detailed spatial surfaces, referred to as “total” landscapes. GIS and computer simulation programs are critical to the generation of such surfaces, along with geospatial data of sufficient quality and quantity. The approach is articulated vis-à-vis a case study from the central Netherlands.  相似文献   

This work describes the compositional characterisation of coccciopesto and natural pozzolanic mortars sampled in the Regio VI area of the archaeological site of Pompeii, with particular reference to the Casa di Pansa in Insula 6 and Casa 17 in Insula 2. Samples were studied by optical microscopy and analysed by XRF, SEM-EDS, LA-ICP-MS and XRPD. The XRF and SEM-EDS data, subjected to multivariate analysis (cluster analysis), identified the three main construction phases involved in building the Casa di Pansa. In addition, mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of the aggregate were determined and found to be compatible with pyroclastic deposits from the volcano Vesuvius. Study revealed C–S–H phases in the binder, due to pozzolanic hydration phemomena of hydrated lime with cocciopesto and natural pozzalana.  相似文献   

Excavations at Punta Secca, Sicily (Italy), in 2008 uncovered a substantially built tomb of ca ad 625/630 inside a private house and accompanying evidence for libations and funerary feasting in honour of the deceased. Inside the tomb were the skeletal remains of an adult female aged approximately 20/25 years and a child aged approximately 3/5 years. DNA analysis showed the child to be female and the adult and child to have been consanguineous. Archaeological and epigraphic evidence demonstrates that they were Christians. The cranium of the adult female showed an enlargement of the central portion of the occipital bone and a circular depression that terminated in a bifurcated foramen (diameter 3.25 mm). The former is likely an instance of occipital bunning; the latter is the first attested example of atretic cephalocele from an archaeological context. Tombs do not normally occur in ancient houses, and the hypothesis is advanced that the individual may have suffered from medical side effects, such as seizures, which caused rejection of the adult female by the local Christian community but veneration of her by her family as a holy woman. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A high resolution geophysical survey was carried out in the archaeological site of Rossano di Vaglio (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy), where an important ancient sanctuary is located. It was built during the IV century B.C. and devoted to the goddess Mephitis. The sanctuary rises in an area affected by a multiple and retrogressive rototraslational landslide, historically and presently subject to reactivation. The main objective of this work was the identification of buried structures of archaeological interest in an area designated by the Archaeological Superintendence of the Basilicata Region. The study was performed by means of the use of high resolution geophysical surveys. In particular, we made use of the joint application of three highly sensitive and non-invasive geophysical techniques, namely the Geoelectrical, the Magnetic and the Ground Probing Radar (GPR) methodologies. In such a way, we obtained two important results: first, we provided the archaeologists with information about the limits of the areas to be excavated; second, we could verify in real time the reliability of the geophysical results. The experimental results showed four main magnetic anomalies in the area of study, in agreement with the GPR results obtained for the same target. Finally, a partial excavation test of the investigated area revealed a buried building structure, located in correspondence of an anomaly identified by means of the geophysical prospecting.  相似文献   

In order to take full advantage of the archaeological information contained within buried archaeological sites, it is important to apply an integrative approach combining complementary prospection methods. In this study, geochemical prospection data are combined with archaeological and geophysical survey results on an unexcavated site in suburban Sagalassos (SW-Turkey), with the aim of obtaining better insights into the structural shapes and past functionalities of the area. Spatial and multivariate statistical analyses of the chemical data reveal anomalies of K, P and Zn on a location where archaeological and geophysical results suggest the presence of ceramic producing kilns. These elemental enrichments are thought to result from burning wood or dung as fuel for the detected kilns. In addition, local anomalies of Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ni were found to reflect the working and storage of ophiolitic clays, employed as a raw material for ceramic production. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal in a 2.5 m deep drill core in this zone provides ages between AD 120 and 350 at depths of 50 and 60 cm. Al, As, Ba, Ca, Na, Sr, Ti and Pb are considered geogenic elements in this study. The present study supports the theory that geochemical prospection holds potential as a surveying technique, as it was found that chemical data facilitate the interpretation of structures detected by geophysical and archaeological methods, thereby creating an extra dimension to the interpretation of survey data. The results further argue in favour of using strong-acid extractions and the consideration of a large suite of elements when applying chemical soil survey as an archaeological prospection technique, and highlight the importance of considering site lithology. Multivariate statistics proved to be invaluable in distinguishing anthropogenic from lithological soil patterns.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the analysis of the structural and textural features of the colluvial (deluvial) deposits in the Suwałki Lake District (NE Poland) and their absolute age. The colluvium has a thickness of up to 150 cm. The dates of the peat under colluvium or lowermost fossil humus-rich horizons point to the ages from 5405±80 BP to 480 BP. Deposition of material at the footslope is a result of a denudation triggered by human action (surface water erosion and tillage erosion) and usually corresponds with the settlement stages. The 14C dating of deposited sediment sometimes indicated to older dates of colluvium then the archaeological evidence available for examined sites. Locally, the overlying fossil humic horizon was older then the lowermost one. The textural features of the colluvial deposits such as: the content of fine fraction, weak sorting and relationship between the mean grain-size (Mz) and the sorting index (σ1) were used to recognize sediment redeposited from the upper part of the slope. Basing on the mineral composition and electrical conductivity of fossil humus horizon it is possible to say whether the soil was degraded or aggraded. These features of the humus-rich horizons occurring between colluvial sediments can be used to explain discrepancy between the radiocarbon dating and archaeological evidence.  相似文献   

The joint application of electric and magnetic techniques for near-surface exploration represents a very useful tool for archaeological investigation and can provide a quantitative contribution to describe the spatial distribution of buried objects. In this work we show a new advanced tomographic approach, based on the parallel inversion of magnetic and electric observed data, aimed at the reconstruction of the subsoil of a still unexplored area of the archaeological site of Pompeii (Southern Italy). The survey was performed in collaboration with Pompeii's Archaeological Commission. The comparison between the results obtained from the tomographic inversions of both electrical and magnetic data was carried out in terms of the data inversions, which allowed us to obtain information about the location of the buried geophysical sources in the investigated subsoil. The results obtained seem to be in a good agreement, both for the position of the geophysical sources and for their dimensions.  相似文献   

The flora of the archaeological area of Maxentius’s villa (Rome) was tested as bioindicator of buried remains of masonry and pavements. A total of 53 floristic surveys provided the occurrence of each species in sample units, as well as some their phenological features. The data were elaborated through multivariate statistical analysis in order to assess floristic affinities/differences among sample units, and define their ecological characteristics. The fuzzy set methodology was applied to evaluate relation between floristic richness, plant cover and soil depth. Results showed that the buried remains of stonework create a discontinuity in the ground, influencing the flora growing above it. This phenomenon may give rise to differential presence of some species (e.g., Cota tinctoria, Trifolium scabrum ssp. scabrum on thin soil; Ranunculus bulbosus, Trifolium pratense on deeper soil), but will not have such a great effect on floristic richness. The bioindication of this phenomenon also occurs through phenological irregularities in single specimens and changes in plant cover. Nevertheless other environmental factors (soil moisture/aridity, trampling, enrichment of nitrogen, cutting, ground depression) can interfere with the use of plants as bioindicators of buried structures. It is therefore necessary to consider other factors ecological influencing each site when you want to use plants as bioindicators in archaeological prospection.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a multispectral reflectometry and ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence study on the entrance wall of the Tomb of the Blue Demons in the Necropolis of Monterozzi (450–430 bc ) in Tarquinia (Viterbo, Italy), which is a UNESCO site. The technique is based on the acquisition of a multispectral set ranging from 10 to 25 images, acquired at wavelengths between 370 and 1120 nm, with a spectral width of 50 nm per image, using both halogen lamps for visible and infrared images and high‐purity UV diodes for fluorescence. Blind‐source separation algorithms were then applied to the whole image set to extract from the resulting images the details not otherwise visible in the single spectral images. The multispectral technique presented was tested and improved upon over the last decade on ancient Etruscan and Roman wall paintings and, because of its quickness and cost‐effectiveness, it can now be proposed as a powerful tool for the study of poorly conserved archaeological wall paintings and a preliminary diagnostic survey before any future conservation intervention on them.  相似文献   

The morphological evolution of a carbonate fault line scarp from southern Italy, generated by transpressional faulting and evolved by slope replacement, has been reconstructed. 14C dating of faulted slope deposits (ages included between 18 ka and ~8 ka BP) have been performed to constrain the Late Pleistocene — Holocene evolution of that scarp. Long-to short-term denudation rates have been also evaluated for the understanding of the mountain front origin. The slope shows well-defined triangular facets combined with the presence of N-S-striking mountainward-dipping fault planes. The envelope of the slope foot appears slightly curved in a planimetric view and shows an E-W-trending offset in its southern part, making such a feature quite different from the recurrent rectilinear fault scarps, often related to normal faulting. Morphostructural analysis showed that: i) the oldest displacement was generated by a fault with a reverse component of movement; ii) the slope represents an inherited feature, only recently exhumed, and developed starting from a high-angle curved surface; iii) the upper Pleistocene — Holocene extensional faulting has only affected the slope foot and associated waste deposits, causing a series of collateral morphological effects, as fluvial cut of preexisting valleys and the genesis of conspicuous mass movements.  相似文献   

Practices of cultural production within a peripheral urban neighbourhood can contribute to foster the sense of place, community belonging and local collective action. Starting from a critical perspective on the interconnections between cultural practices and urban regeneration, and developing on the concept of place-making, the paper has two main purposes: to investigate the nature of embeddedness of these practices and explore the ways of self-organization of cultural actors and their relationships with public policies. The case study concerns ‘Barriera di Milano’, a large peripheral area in Turin (Italy), formerly one of the most industrialized zones of the city. Over the past few years, and particularly after the real-estate bubble burst of 2007–2008, in Barriera a lively concentration of initiatives of culture has been taking place, redefining the urban and social space. These initiatives seem to be innovative for many reasons: firstly, while demonstrating a peculiar but significant embeddedness in the neighbourhood, they are mostly self-generated; secondly, the institutional assets, the economic self-sufficiency and the low degree of connection among initiatives support new forms of citizenship and place-making based on a ‘not-for-profit entrepreneurship’.  相似文献   

Since 2002 a non-invasive investigation integrating aerial photography and high-resolution magnetometry has been carried out for reconstructing extensive ancient settlements in Tavoliere lowland (Southern Italy). Relevant magnetic anomalies were detected in all the surveyed sites allowing a precise mapping of the buried structures over more than 150 ha. Next to this research susceptibility measurements, PXRD, XRF and optical analysis were also performed in order to explain the origin of the notable magnetization contrast between the anthropogenic structures and the embedding materials, generating the measured signals. This last study was accomplished, in 2006, in Monte S. Vincenzo site, a vast Neolithic village where the remotely sensed data were also used to guide some direct inspection. Trial archaeological excavations brought to light parts of C-shaped compounds, providing complete information on the geometry and location of the sources of magnetic signals. Profiting by the archaeological feedback, the susceptibility contrast between the soil filling the ditches and the calcareous substratum was assessed in situ. A synthetic model based on this information was created and compared with the experimental data. The infilling material was also sampled for laboratory analysis: the presence of several magnetic minerals (pyroxenes, monometric magnetite, haematite) was ascertained. Furthermore optical analyses showed different types of volcanic and igneous products such as pumices, melanite garnets and lava fragments. Geomorphological and archaeometric evidence allowed us to relate these materials to activity of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano. Eventually their possible spatial distribution was inferred from recent studies on ash transportation and deposition during explosive activity.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the chemical characterization of the original contents of an Egyptian origin alabaster unguentarium, found in an Etruscan burial in Chiusi (Tuscany, Italy) and dated 150/125–100 B.C. The unguentarium, found in an intact tomb belonging to a noble woman of Chiusine society, preserved a good part of its original contents owing to a protective layer of clay. The chemical characterization was carried out using a combination of two analytical procedures based, respectively, on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS).  相似文献   

The identification of the chaff used as temper in ancient ceramics represents a possible source of information about the area of origin of the pottery. This paper studies the occurrence of rice (Oryza sp.) chaff in potsherds from the archaeological site of Sumhuram (Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman). The information gathered at the site offers insight into commerce routes and networks to which the town belonged in the first centuries AD. The analysis of the plant material in the pottery and potsherds can also furnish interesting data on the ancient technologies of pottery production.  相似文献   

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