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受商业文化和大众文化思潮的影响,电视文化应该对受众起到好的引导作用。电视文化作品的内容直接反映了电视制作人的文化品位和审美驱动力,同时,电视文化还肩负着对传统文化的传承与弘扬。电视文化在传播的过程中,应确立明确的文化传播立场。电视艺术符号也要在电视文化中得到正确的应用,发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

对外文化传播与我国文化软实力的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李月明 《攀登》2009,28(1):124-128
文化的传播能力是衡量国家文化软实力的重要因素。不断提升对外文化传播能力有利于塑造良好的国家形象,营造中国和平发展的国际舆论环境;有利于拓展中华文化的国际影响,保证国家文化安全;有利于推动中国文化参与国际竞争,改变中国文化贸易严重逆差的不利格局。对外文化传播必须坚持正确的导向;加快构建传输快捷、覆盖广泛的传播体系;必须积极开展文化外交和对外文化贸易,增强国家文化影响力和竞争力。  相似文献   

传播优秀文化是博物馆的基本职责之一,是公众了解历史文化的重要渠道。在当今社会,公众对精神文明的关注度不断提高,文化治理成了社会热门话题,受此影响,博物馆可以打破传统束缚,推动自身发展。在文章中,作者以文化治理视域为背景,针对博物馆文化传播工作展开了详细论述,供相关人员参考使用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着《来自星星的你》等韩剧的热播,韩流热再次来袭,而每每韩流来袭必定伴随着热热闹闹的中韩文化之争,韩国文化传播本无可厚非,但国内众多哈韩者的过激甚至看起来崇洋媚外的行为令国人十分反感,于是乎,哈韩者与反韩者的争论愈演愈烈。本文通过韩流文化对中国文化的主体地位、文化传承、文化发展与创新方面深刻解析韩流文化对中国文化影响的弊端。并通过分析一些挺韩流文化的观点,客观真实剖析韩流文化传播的真正意图,坚决拥护本国文化,呼吁提起对某些过度传播的他国文化的防范意识,做自己文化的主人。  相似文献   

苏鹏 《旅游纵览》2023,(9):191-193
加强旅游文化传播对旅游经济提升的影响研究,对助力地区旅游业发展具有重要意义。基于此,本文从旅游文化传播的内涵和目的阐述出发,从多个角度分析旅游文化传播对旅游经济的影响,并分析旅游文化在传播过程中存在的问题,提出旅游文化传播与旅游经济协同发展的可靠路径,以期实现旅游文化传播与旅游经济可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

陈浩天 《攀登》2014,33(5):108-112
我国公共文化之间的区域"鸿沟"和城乡间"二元结构"的存在,致使文化下乡的强农逻辑贯穿于以公共文化服务为切入点的文化传播进程中。目前,农村公共文化传播的强农逻辑表现出文化传播与农户需求的三重张力,即文化政策的推行与农户需求的脱节,传播媒介的嵌入与文化政策执行的异化,村落共同体的解构与城镇化的冲击。对于传播媒介的服务路向而言,有必要理清"三农"信息与政府服务传播的互动关系,依照农民的职业分化进行传播内容的更新,逐渐拓展多元媒介的宣传渠道,凸显"文化下乡"在公共文化服务体系中的战略地位。  相似文献   

满族文化经过漫长的历史变迁发展到今天,人们对它还有多少认识取决于对满族文化的宣传力度.满族文化的传播,不仅对大众了解这一民族意义重大,对整个中华民族的文化发掘也有着巨大的现实意义.在当今时代,满族文化传播产业化,不仅对弘扬满族文化可以收到良好效果,同时也会促进其他相关产业的发展.本文探讨了满族文化传播产业化发展的意义,分析了目前的现状,并对今后满族文化传播产业化发展提出了可行性对策和意见.  相似文献   

赵林栋 《攀登》2014,(1):122-127
为了回应全球文化竞争的加剧,促进社会转型过程中的价值整合,需要充分挖掘优秀传统文化的软实力价值,促进传统文化转化为文化软实力.硬实力的提升、丰富的文化资源、对软实力的重视等因素是转化的有利条件;对传统文化的认识偏差、文化管理的创新性不足、文化资源的开发与保护力度不够等因素是转化的不利条件.传统文化的国际影响力还受到来自文化语境、文化传播和文化受众的限制.在转化中应考虑文化传统性与文化现代性的统一;文化民族性与文化世界性的统一;文化对内凝聚力与对外影响力的统一;文化理想性与文化现实性的统一;文化传播主体与文化传播受众的统一.文化资源——文化传播一文化认同是传统文化转化为文化软实力的主要路径.  相似文献   

王元 《攀登》2013,(3):61-63
在经济全球化向纵深发展的今天。跨文化传播已成为国际交往的重要内容。目前,西方发达国家在跨文化传播体系中居于支配地位,侵蚀和冲击着发展中国家的传统文化,这对发展中国家的文化振兴提出了严峻考验。实现中国文化的振兴任重道远、时不我待。因此,探索一条跨文化传播背景下的中国文化振兴之路,对于巩固国家文化安全和提升中国的国际形象与话语权。都具有较强的现实意义。  相似文献   

文化传播是一种文化在空间上横向发展,而文化传承是一种在时间上纵向发展,文化传播与文化传承相互影响。以现实的传统文化或传统技艺为例,探讨影响文化传播与文化传承的因素。希冀为传统文化的传播与传承提供一些建议与对策。  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been sustained critique of the conceptual and normative foundations of UK cultural policy – the paternalism of ‘excellence and access’ and the neoliberal logic of ‘creative industries’. Whilst these critiques are well established, there is little work offering alternative foundations. This paper makes a contribution to this task. It does so in three ways. Firstly, by identifying ‘cultural democracy’ as a key discourse offering a counter-formulation of what the aims of cultural policy could and should be, and analysing uses of this term, it highlights the need to more effectively conceptualize cultural opportunity. Secondly, drawing on research with one UK-based initiative, Get Creative, the paper identifies a particularly consequential aspect of cultural opportunity: its ecological nature. Thirdly, it shows that the capabilities approach to human development provides ideas with the potential to help build new conceptual and normative foundations for cultural policy. Proposing a distinctive account of cultural democracy characterized by systemic support for cultural capabilities, the paper concludes by indicating the implications this may have for research, policy and practice.  相似文献   

中国文化现代化与东亚合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙英春 《攀登》2010,29(4):27-34
本文尝试将中国文化现代化与东亚合作议题结合起来进行整体性思考,以探讨区域文化传统的传承、大众文化与文化产业合作以及有益于共同利益的、面向未来的"文化共同体"建构。首先,提出了观察和思考中国文化现代化路径的三个维度:民族本源、地区基础和全球视野。其次,梳理了东亚文化传统的同质性内容和共同演进逻辑,讨论了以东亚文化传统为基石构建面向未来的"文化共同体"的可能性。其三,以全球范围内的文化"同质化"趋势为背景,提出应立足东亚三国文化产业领域的既有优势、合作基础和共同市场,构造一条成熟有序的大众文化生产与传播"链条"。  相似文献   

From the 1990s, academia has paid increasing attention to cultural rights and cultural citizenship. This paper reviews existing literature on the construction of cultural rights and cultural citizenship and argues that cultural citizenship expands the concept of ‘citizenship’, promotes citizens’ consciousness, and confirms the content of ‘cultural rights’. The concept of cultural citizenship provides a new perspective from which to examine the challenges of cultural inequality, taste differences, symbolic struggle in cultural participation, and consumption. Based on western theories, this paper discusses the development of cultural citizenship and cultural rights in cultural policy in Taiwan and China, and it finds the tension between control and autonomy and between the government and the civil society in the practice of cultural citizenship. In Taiwan, most cultural policies are developed and implemented by the government, and those affected by them often do not have the necessary critical awareness to judge or examine them. In China, the protection of cultural rights provides a new type of control rather than autonomy from the Chinese Government. In both Taiwan and China, it is important to empower civil society to balance the governments’ control over the practice of cultural citizenship.  相似文献   


Cultural policy archetypes have been fundamental to comparative cultural policy study and continue to be influential in both everyday and scholarly characterizations of national cultural policy systems. This paper explores the proposition that cultural policy archetypes reflect what people believe to be true about culture – their cultural ideologies. Cultural ideologies are integral to the formation of cultural policy and, thus, must be considered in any theory that hopes to measure the extent to which and explain why cultural policies differ. Cultural ideologies embody ideas about why culture is important and how it should be governed. Those ideologies spotlight certain administrative mechanisms, overemphasizing their role in systems that actually are deeply administratively hybrid. This makes archetypes poor tools for analyzing the mechanisms of cultural policy; however, because archetypes tell us about cultural ideologies in straightforward and powerful ways, it is essential that they continue to be a part of comparative cultural policy study.  相似文献   

During the last decade, we have witnessed an increased interest in Ecosystem Services (ES), including the so-called ‘cultural ecosystem services’ and its subcategory of ‘cultural heritage’. In this article, a review of academic literature of ES and cultural heritage is carried out. ES has primarily been developed by scholars from the ecological and economic disciplines, and in this article, we discuss how this impacts the way in which cultural heritage is used and conceptualised in ES literature. Based on the conceptual review, we initiate a discussion of what the implications for cultural heritage management could be if the heritage sector adopts the rationales in the ES framework.  相似文献   

城市文化资本与文化旅游发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市文化与旅游发展的关系需要从文化资本即文化因素不断积累和文化价值增值的角度进行考察。城市文化资本传承和累积受到文化资本的基础差异、获取能力和保障力度三个方面因素的影响,其综合作用的结果,决定了城市文化资本的质量及其势能强弱。文化资本质量高的城市,文化旅游无疑会有更好的发展。作为文化资本价值实现的一种具体形式,文化旅游同文化资本之间存在着一种双向选择互动关系。由于文化所具有的公共属性以及市场选择的某些消极作用,互动过程中就需要公共调节机制的介入,以保障城市文化资本和文化旅游发展的永续性动力。从文化资本的视角来看,可以从城市文化资本积累、文化的传承与创新关系、文化旅游系统化开发、城市旅游形象整体定位等方面考虑旅游目的地建设的措施。  相似文献   

Singapore, a leading country in the Asia‐Pacific region, is currently attempting to transform its cultural industry into creative economy. Creative economies capitalise on how knowledge can be marketed by merging arts, technology and business. They ensure a nation's competitiveness within an integrated global economy. This paper critically examines Singapore's recent cultural policy developments in tourism, broadcasting and new media. It argues that new creative industries have produced new consumption patterns and identities that harness the place‐branding of “New Asia” as a form of cultural capital and a strategy of regional dominance. Cybernetics is proposed as an approach to frame creative cultural governance and consumption in Singapore.  相似文献   

康丽 《民俗研究》2020,(1):13-18,156
2003年《保护非物质文化遗产公约》(以下简称《公约》)的出台与推行,令非物质文化遗产及其保护工作在世界范围内获得了广泛关注。这种关注不仅表现在《公约》缔约国数量的增加与各国相关实践的深入,也展现在《公约》及其相关国际文书中所强调的多边对话、相互尊重、以社区为中心等一系列由理念构成的工作原则在各缔约国保护实践中的逐步内化。只是在内化过程中,上述国际理念与缔约国复杂的文化事实磋磨出各种"水土不服"的现象。检省这些现象所展露的困境与经验,探讨其背后的新文化保守主义的行动哲学,有助于为非物质文化遗产保护的中国模式寻求更多的可能性,让上述理念不至变为囿束,转而成为推动中国乡村振兴与非物质文化遗产可持续发展的动力。  相似文献   

This paper develops the concept of ‘cultural brownfields’ and discusses how organic cultural projects developed in derelict sites have been progressively included in mainstream cultural and urban planning strategies and policies over the last 10?years. To do so the paper assesses the transformation of three mature cultural brownfields in Berlin, Marseille and Lausanne and their distinctive internal and external dynamics. It develops a typology of cultural brownfields which stresses the diverse nature of these spaces and their differential role in cultural and urban planning policies. The paper concludes by highlighting a series of policy lessons for urban planning and cultural strategies.  相似文献   

文化遗产是人类创造的文明结晶,物质文化遗产包含着精神内涵,非物质文化遗产必然依托于物质载体。文化遗产兼具物质性和非物质性两种因素:物质文化遗产与非物质文化遗产相互依存、互相作用。认清两种文化遗产之间的区别和联系,对于文化遗产的保护具有理论指导作用。  相似文献   

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