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In systems theory, nature appears as an intricate interweaving of homeostatic processes–processes that mankind disrupts at its own peril. For many non-French ecologists, only respecting nature's "intrinsic value" will avert catastrophe. Such reasoning is rare in France. In its place, theorists like Edgar Morin and Michel Serres promote a systems-inspired ecologism that skirts the problematic dualism of nature and humanity by questioning skeptically how we understand both the world and ourselves.  相似文献   

法国宗教战争与欧洲近代政治思想的产生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王加丰 《世界历史》2000,2(5):59-66
在欧洲宗教改革的研究中,有一种矛盾的现象:一方面大力肯定宗教改革运动,称之为第一次资产阶级革命,特别推崇加尔主义的资本主义性质;另一方面,忽视或贬低法国宗教改革和法国宗教战争(胡格诺战争),还往往强调其贵族性或反动性。加尔是法国人,他一生中最关心的是法国的宗教改革,他的学说也产自法国的特定环境,这些明显的事实被惊人地忽视  相似文献   

江伟 《史学月刊》1999,(1):115-120
推荐书江伟同学的《试论中国政治思想中的传统法治观》的前半部分,总结了中国传统的法治思想,有独到见解;后半部分引发了当今法治思想中的一些问题,不落俗套,颇有新意。该文尚未发表,愿向贵刊推荐。江伟同学已于1997年5月通过博士论文答辩,并于1997年10...  相似文献   

émulation乃是18世纪法国精英经常谈及的概念,在启蒙时代的文化与社会生活中扮演了颇为重要的角色。该词具有竞争之含义,但它所指的不是对于利益、权力与财富的争夺,而是在美德、优点和荣誉方面追赶甚至超越他人。18世纪后期,此概念在保有其追求美德与优长之意蕴的同时,逐渐深化了参与竞争,获取成功的内涵。这一趋向与当时法国教育、艺术领域以及各省学院中盛行以竞赛、展览和征文等形式鼓励竞争意识的现象相一致。启蒙时代的某些法国精英力图将本质上体现了贵族精神的竞争意识转变为一种民族精神,从而实现社会改良之目的。他们希冀通过倡导竞争观念重塑法国人的道德风尚与精神面貌,并且推动农业和商业的发展。  相似文献   

用于经济管理的会计,在中国古代为适应中国经济的发展而不断地变革和发展,使中国在世界会计史上处于领先地位,为世界会计史作出过辉煌贡献,与之相随的理财理念也不断演进与完善。  相似文献   

The French Idea of History: Joseph de Maistre and His Heirs, 1794–1854 (Cornell, 2011) is a monograph by Carolina Armenteros describing the historical thought of Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821) and recounting its posterity among French traditionalist, socialist and positivist thinkers. This article presents Armenteros's reflections on some of her book's themes and on the place they occupy in current scholarly debates. She notes that commentators today tend to assume politics' primacy over spirituality as a human motivator. A product of the de-spiritualisation of human experience in late modernity, this view is associated with the polarisation of the concepts of tradition and Enlightenment, and with ideas of liberty and reason ill-adapted to interpreting Maistre's thought. Armenteros shows how her portrait of an anti-absolutist, empiricist and reasonable Maistre disappointed with kings and bent on resolving the problem of violence through spiritual means is the necessary consequence of investigating his historical and political thought in context.  相似文献   

The deep, and persistent, colonial roots of many contemporary environmental policies around the world have been increasingly recognized over the last decade. Research in the sectors of agriculture, forestry, human medicine, and public health has illuminated how environmental policies were constructed and utilized during the colonial period, as well as how many of these policies remain influential today. This paper examines the as yet little explored contribution of colonial veterinary medicine to the development and implementation of environmental policy. By comparing the experiences of the French in North Africa and the British in India, it demonstrates that some colonial veterinarians had a great deal of influence on environmental policy while others had very little. In French North Africa veterinarians played a significant role in developing rangeland management policies that impacted large swaths of these three territories, policies that can still be felt today. In British India, by contrast, the role of colonial veterinarians in developing environmental policy was much more circumscribed and, in the end, largely inconsequential. The paper suggests that three primary factors account for most of this dissimilarity: the differences in animal diseases present in India and the Maghreb; the differences between French and British veterinary education before the twentieth century; and the differences in colonial administration between the two European powers.  相似文献   

The ‘end of nature’ and the attenuation of tradition, associated with accelerated modernization on a global scale, increase the need for conscious reflection on many aspects of life formerly considered to be givens. Thus in developed and developing countries alike, new questions of personal choice and ethics form the basis for a kind of life politics which is different from — and supplements, but does not replace — the longer-established practice of emancipatory politics, concerned above all with issues of social justice. This essay invites us to consider how life politics can generate new strategies to reduce inequality and alleviate poverty.  相似文献   

This article examines the thesis that international law is evolving in ways that reflect the requirement of world justice rather than international order and that are appropriate to an emerging world society rather than the traditional society of states with which international law is normally associated. After considering arguments for and against this thesis, the article concludes that neither adequately describes the nature of international society at the end of the millennium.  相似文献   

刘恩元 《四川文物》2005,13(1):34-39
本以贵州省考古发掘出土资料为线索,从旧石器时代、新石器时代、商周至秦汉时期等三个时期不同遗址出土的大量实物为依据,论述了贵州史前至秦汉时期农业起源与发展历程。  相似文献   

甘肃民间驱鬼方式五花八门,这些方式强烈地体现了原始的器物、色彩、动植物、符号等崇拜。从民间俗信角度来看,其中遗留了许多古老的文化信息,较好地保留了先民原始思维向度及宗教观,折射出人类童年期的生存状态。  相似文献   

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