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建成环境对个体健康行为的影响已成为城市地理学的重要议题,对生活圈规划和健康城市发展具有重要研究意义。本文从时间地理学的理论和方法出发,借由企划概念对建成环境和健康行为的关系进行了重新梳理,认为时空间行为视角下的健康行为研究思路需要在场景、视角及视野三个方面发生转变,并整合现有时间地理学以及健康行为分析方法,构建新的分析路径,设计新的可视化方法,同时纳入新的指标体系。文章构建了时空间行为视角的健康行为作用机制,并提出了建成环境对健康行为影响的时空间行为研究框架。最后,本文提出了三个可能的未来研究方向:(1)建成环境时空间制约导致的健康企划中计划与行为不匹配;(2)建成环境在长期健康企划形成中的作用;(3)建成环境在个体健康企划与其他企划交织权衡中的作用。本研究通过时空间行为视角,为客观建成环境与个体主观属性对健康行为的协同影响机制提供理论框架,探索未来研究方向,为健康城市规划提供学理依据。本研究对抽象的企划概念及过程进行了解构及梳理,并在时空棱柱与路径中予以运用和表达,拓展了时间地理学的研究范围,促进了时间地理学在健康行为研究的应用。  相似文献   

城市转型背景下的社会极化与社会融合问题是城市地理学研究的重要议题。国内外文献多关注社区尺度上的社会融合特征及其地理环境要素,由此形成了基于居住空间视角的社会融合研究传统。但这一研究视角过于静态和片面,难以在个体移动性不断提高、日常活动空间不断拓展的背景下深刻揭示社会融合的动态过程以及地理环境要素的微观影响机理。本文在对城市社会融合的国内外研究文献进行梳理的基础上,讨论基于居住空间视角的社会融合研究存在的不足,构建时空间行为视角下的城市社会融合研究理论框架。本文提出,从微观层面的个体移动性与时空行为约束的视角,能够基于个体日常活动—移动行为更准确地刻画个体社会交往的动态地理情境,并从居民日常生活的时空约束、公共接触潜力、时空间行为策略等方面来识别地理环境要素影响社会融合的过程与机制。在此基础上,本文展望城市社会融合研究的可能研究议题与方法论发展方向,有助于推进中国城市社会融合研究的多元化和人本化。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾时间地理学的理论发展背景,介绍时间地理学的综合生态世界观,解说其深入人心的符号系统的特点。本文总结瑞典Kajsa Elleg?rd时间地理学团队的研究进展,从研究视角、研究方法、理论突破及应用研究等方面给予述评。Kajsa团队在研究视角上实现了从"家外"转向"家内"、从"个体"拓展到"组织"、从强调"物质空间"制约转向"社会文化"制约的创新;从研究方法上突破了从绝对时空观下的"路径"到相对时空观下"情境"的转型,以及构建了人类活动的复杂情境性的研究方法;在理论发展上实现从"外在"行为转向"内在"行为,初步构建"企划—活动—企划"的"闭环"行为决策过程链;在应用研究上坚持社会—自然—技术互动的综合视角进行综合地域研究,把时间地理学方法创新地应用于家庭能源消耗与家庭分工等方面。本文最后从中国城市转型的现实与理论背景出发,探讨"新"时间地理学在中国城市空间与社会研究中的应用前景与方向。  相似文献   

城市居民健康生活方式研究的时空行为视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在宜居城市和健康城市的建设背景下,健康生活方式成为政府和公众共同追求的重要目标。已有的环境-行为-健康关系的研究主要从静态时空间的视角出发,探讨邻里环境要素与居民健康水平的相关关系,并分析健康相关行为或活动特征的中介作用。本文立足于个体导向和强调制约与企划的时间地理学、基于活动-移动模式的活动分析法、以及移动性转向下情境单元的选择问题,以个体整日活动-移动模式作为生活方式的外在行为体现,从时间、空间、个体行为和群体行为的角度,构建了基于移动性的城市环境暴露-日常活动移动模式-个体健康效应三者关系的综合分析框架,以期促进城市环境与社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

复杂情境中的日常活动可视化与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间地理学以时空路径为代表的符号系统由于具备抽象、简明、直观等特点,在地理学及其他社会科学领域得到了广泛传播与应用。随着GIS与地理可视化技术的不断进步、高精度时空行为数据的批量生产等,真实地理环境中个体时空运动轨迹的三维可视化技术也在不断进步。信息化社会的到来与城市社会转型等使得现代社会中的人类日常活动变得十分复杂,时间地理学由于直观刻画时空间中人类活动的时空连续性与复杂情境性而备受关注。本文首先界定了人类日常活动复杂情境的分析维度,包括日常情境、企划情境、地理情境、社会情境、技术情境等,并在此基础上将绝对时空间坐标系下的时空路径拓展到相对时空观下多维活动序列的可视化表达。其次,简单说明Daily life与VISUAL-Time PAc TS/energy use等可视化工具,介绍时空路径在复杂情境性下的可视化、模式挖掘及个案分析。最后,案例分析个体与群体尺度上活动情境可视化方法在家庭成员间分工与互动、日常活动模式差异与家庭能源消耗差异等方面的应用。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对居民日常活动与社区治理带来巨大挑战。本文从新时间地理学企划和活动的地方秩序概念出发,基于北京双井街道社区工作者在疫情不同时期的活动日志和深度访谈以及社区报纸《今日双井》等多源数据,分析社工工作活动的时空特征变化,社区地方秩序的变化及其对居民日常活动的影响。研究发现,疫情不同阶段社区组织企划明显调整,社工工作时间延长且规律性被打破,工作地点由室内转向室外,工作活动更加多元化、破碎化;社工、居民、物业、周边商铺等社区生活圈中多元主体互动加强。本研究对后疫情时代社区生活圈服务与治理优化提升有重要意义,也丰富了新时间地理学对社区生活圈中个体与组织互动、多行为主体互动过程的解读。  相似文献   

张光英 《人文地理》2010,25(6):36-41
对微观个体行为空间研究已经成为人文地理学空间研究的重要内容。本文以曹雪芹《红楼梦》中核心人物的活动信息和空间信息为资料依据,在国内首次从地理学微观个体行为的视角,在理论和方法论上对小说核心人物行为空间进行思考和研究,尝试将行为地理学研究方法引入文学文本研究领域。研究认为:从地理学视角对小说核心人物的空间信息、活动信息进行统计,以此作为人物微观个体行为空间信息要素是可行的;从地理学行为空间视角思考作者对小说文本内容设计意图,有利于对小说文本进行理性的解读与思考,避免文本被意识形态化。  相似文献   

时空间行为研究为透视中国城市转型与发展提供了重要视角,但已有研究对中国西部城市关注较少、未能形成反映西部城市特色的结论。选取西宁市作为案例,基于2013年居民时空间行为调查数据及城市设施分布数据,分析居民时间利用、时空路径等时空行为特征及其与城市设施分布的匹配关系,以此补充微观行为视角下的中国西部城市研究,为中国城市时空行为方法论提供西部城市的验证。主要结论包括:①相比于东部城市,西宁市存在工作活动比例低、平均时长短,早通勤时间延后,午休返家,时间安排灵活等特点; ②西宁市与周边地区间存在具有高原地区特色的跨城市通勤和休闲行为; ③居民活动分布与城市设施布局存在一定的空间错位。  相似文献   

个体日常活动行为的时空特征及秩序反映出个体对空间利用的时空需求。本文选取潮州古城作为案例地,以周末为典型日,采用日常活动地图收集居民与游客活动数据,基于活动分析法及ArcGIS空间分析从流动、分布与状态三个方面探究大型旅游社区的主客活动秩序。研究结果表明:古城的空间功能在原有的生活功能基础上演化出旅游功能,并保持着主客活动的秩序性,但其流动模式由于交通管制条例的约束及主客的共同占用,暗藏潜在矛盾;由于主客活动意图的不同,决定了活动安排上时间与空间的错位,在时空资源配置上表现出“分时共地”、“共时异地”的嵌合特征;“共时共地”之时,由于古城的空间足以容纳主客的活动,加之“商业性好客”的驱使,使得主客活动仍能保持秩序化。由于潮州古城具有着相对独立的社区结构,社区旅游发展成为社区秩序重构的重要机遇,合理的规划内容和途径能有效促进旅游社区生活功能与旅游功能的协调,在利益主体的协商与适应中构建了主客活动的新秩序。  相似文献   

广州市低收入群体户外活动的时空排斥及其影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低收入群体的社会公平问题是城市发展中的重要问题之一。随着时间地理学的兴起,居民时空间活动为探讨低收入群体的社会排斥提供了一个新视角。文章引入“活动排斥”概念,构建了一套定量衡量居民活动时空排斥程度的指标体系,归纳出时空排斥的衡量因子,将对时空排斥问题从描述统计层面深入到排斥衡量与解释层面。研究发现:低收入群体在活动空间范围与活动等级、丰富度等多个层面与整体评价水平存在差异,户外活动确实受到排斥。这种排斥现象受到受刚性活动时间及个体的社会经济属性等因素的明显制约;居住社区周边的设施服务供给、邻里社交网络等因素分别作用于各个时空排斥维度。  相似文献   

基于地方秩序嵌套的人类活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活动的地方秩序嵌套"这一概念源于瑞典时间地理学者哈格斯特朗对人类活动复杂性及其背后蕴含的社会规则的思考,强调人类活动与其发生所需的时空资源配置之间的关系,隐含人类行为背后所需的各种资源在时间上的排列和空间上的组合规律。本文系统解读了"(活动的)地方秩序嵌套"的概念内涵、形成与符号表达,借助已有研究案例梳理不同地理空间尺度下地方秩序及其嵌套过程,以及目前这一领域的最新研究进展,在此基础上尝试提出这一概念在中国城市空间行为与规划中的研究与应用方向。  相似文献   


The management of biodiversity represents a research topic that needs to involve not only several (sub-) disciplines from the natural sciences but, in particular, also the social sciences and humanities. Furthermore, over the last couple of years, the need for the integration of other kinds of knowledge (experience based or indigenous knowledge) is increasingly acknowledged. For instance, the incorporation of such knowledge is indispensable for place-based approaches to sustainable land management, which require that the specific ecological and social context is addressed. However, desirable as it may be, such an engagement of the holders of tacit knowledge is not easy to achieve. It demands reconciling well-established scientific procedural standards with the implicit or explicit criteria of relevance that apply in civil society — a process that typically causes severe tensions and comes up against both habitual as well as institutional constraints. The difficulty of managing such tensions is amplified particularly in large integrated projects and represents a major challenge to project management. At the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research — UFZ, several integrated research projects have been conducted over the past years in which experience has been gained with these specific challenges. This paper presents some of the lessons learned from large integrated projects, with an emphasis on project design and management structure. At the centre of the present contribution are experiences gained in the coordination and management of LEGATO (LEGATO stands for Land-use intensity and Ecological EnGineering — Assessment Tools for risks and Opportunities in irrigated rice based production systems, see www.legato-project.net), an ongoing, large-scale, inter- and transdisciplinary research project dealing with the management of irrigated rice landscapes in Southeast Asia. In this project, local expertise on traditional production systems is absolutely crucial but needs to be integrated with natural and social science research to identify future-proof land management systems.  相似文献   

Six rural communes in Norway participated in a national project ‘Commune planning on women's conditions’ where participative methods were used to engage inhabitants in strategic planning for local development. The planning process was organized in stages, which corresponds with the basic stages of the strategic planning and management model. All six communes followed this process, which started with education and training in planning methods and processes in autumn 1989, both at national level (project leaders and project groups) and at bed level (local leaders: administrators, politicians, local organizations, etc.). This support was deemed to be significant for the planning process by approximately 50% of respondents who completed an evaluation questionaire. The training was followed by a broad mobilization of inhabitants where visions and strategies were formulated and selected. All projects produced a strategic plan on women's conditions and a 4‐year action programme, as expected. This process worked well in all communes, but the political and administrative engagement in mass meetings, in group work and in hearings was lower in Bremanger and Nesna than in the other four communes.  相似文献   

张洋  张敏 《人文地理》2016,31(3):27-32
大型购物中心成为研究现代都市女性身份与社会、空间关系的三棱镜。本文聚焦于"幼童母亲"这一群体,探究其身份认同与购物中心的相互建构过程。通过南京市虹悦城购物中心的研究发现,幼童母亲在购物中心内建立起了多种身份认同,并在身份认同驱使下形成多重实践。这一过程使得幼童母亲在购物空间中突破了传统的公共空间与私人空间的二元划分,借助私密空间的综合性和社会化实现了女性自我个性的释放,实现了社会性别空间的重新定义,同时也重新定义和建构了大型购物中心这一现代都市消费空间。  相似文献   

陈昆仑  侯秋炜  张祚 《人文地理》2015,30(2):126-133
近年来以空间视角对非正规经济的研究不断得到城市研究者的关注,同时中国现阶段的高速城市化过程又引发了新的非正规经济现象。以全国闻名的大型城市开发项目——武汉"楚河汉街"中伴生的武重非正规小市场为例,对大型城市开发项目中存在的非正规经济现象进行了深入研究。研究发现,该非正规小市场有着特殊的存在状态,表现为经营空间固定、经营场所临时、消费群体广泛、经济活动事关生存、城市景观反差强烈。其存在动因主要是大型城市开发项目自身正常运转的需要、待迁居民维持正常生活秩序的需要、大项目建设中商业服务供给的空白、有关城市管理部门的默许。  相似文献   

There is a tendency in policy to reduce the complexity of planning and decision-making by simplifying both the process and the scope of projects. However, by framing a planning project's scope or process in a narrow way at an early stage, the possibility of adapting to changes in the context, and thus dealing with unexpected challenges, is limited. This paper explores the mechanisms that enhance or limit the adaptive capacity within the process of decision-making and planning. We develop the concept of adaptive capacity using organizational learning theory and use empirical data from a mega project in The Netherlands to identify the moments of adaptation and to discern these mechanisms. Mega projects are especially useful objects of analysis as the complexity of their planning and decision-making is extreme, with characteristically very long and controversial processes dotted by recurring deadlocks. In this empirical research we find that incremental adaptations such as mitigation measures are the initial response to deadlocks, but that for deadlocks caused by strong opposition, radical adaptations are needed. A more proactive approach to enhancing adaptive capacity is desirable and might paradoxically even lead to cheaper and more relevant projects and faster planning and decision-making.  相似文献   


Local authorities have moved many entrepreneurial activities outside the direct control of the municipal council. This includes land development activities relating to planning policies which involve both private development and public infrastructure. Many studies have shown that positioning activities outside the control of elected bodies undermines public accountability. Less is known, however, about public accountability in contexts where entrepreneurial activities are still run by the local authority. This issue may be particularly relevant when it comes to projects that are already underway because entrepreneurial activities imply flexibility and the choices made as part of this flexibility also need to be justified. This paper is based on a study of five key projects in a single municipality, Midden-Delfland in the Rotterdam/The Hague metropolitan region in the Netherlands, and analyses how land development projects are organized within a local authority. It shows that while they are structured to allow for flexibility in the process, the level of public accountability is not ideal. The quality of arguments used and the way in which decisions are justified leave room for improvement, which might be promising because they are organized within the local authority.  相似文献   


A new site management plan for Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula was approved in late 2011. In this paper, we examine its institutional setting, preparation process, and contents from organizational and administrative perspectives. The result of a participatory process, the plan is professional, logically consistent, and effectively identifies challenges facing cultural heritage. The heart of the plan is a complex architecture of Objectives, Strategies, and Actions that are integrated into forty-nine Project Packages. Surprisingly, however, the plan specifies neither concrete activities nor financial resource­s. Moreover, cultural heritage is consistently downplayed: rather than substantive interventions at monuments or museums, attention is focused on managerial and urban planning buzzwords (coordination, capacity-building, participation, awareness-raising, marketing). This arose from the preparation process, which was participatory but nonetheless dominated by urban planners and government agencies. The case suggests the potential risks of the uncritical application of managerial and urban planning tools to cultural heritage.  相似文献   

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