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1976年,人本主义地理学之父段义孚在《美国地理学家协会会刊》发表的论文中首次使用了"人本主义地理学"这一称法。人本主义地理学的出现由20世纪60年代末的人本主义思潮所带动,其通过关注人类自身状况而反映出与地理学学科的其他分支息息相关的各种现象,因而从属于地理学。段义孚将融合了地理学与哲学的、曾被称为"地理知识学"的学科推向一个新的高度。段义孚认为,"对生命意义的探求"是人本主义地理学的实质性核心,也是一直以来推动其进行人本主义地理学研究的动力。正如人本主义研究以人类的经验、意识以及知识为出发点,本文从人本主义视角出发,对段义孚人本主义地理学思想的形成过程进行系统化梳理。通过追溯段义孚人生经历中对其有重大影响的人物和经典著作,指出时代背景与个人经历共同促成段义孚人本主义关怀的形成。  相似文献   

段义孚人文主义地理学的哲学视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李溪 《人文地理》2014,29(4):8-12
段义孚的人文地理学思想,在很多方面来源于20世纪哲学的发展。本文侧重于对他影响最大的实用主义、现象学和符号学三个领域,探索这些哲学思想如何或明确或潜在地影响了他的人文地理学观念。实用主义主要启发了他"日常经验"及其连续性和关联性的关注,符号学为他阅读建筑和城市的一些地理特征关系提供了帮助。而现象学则在更深远的意义上影响了他,从他最初批判地理科学的数学化方法,到后来他对时间和知觉问题的关注,以及由此产生的地方感问题,均在现象学的视野下展开。此外,他以描述和归纳呈现一个"人"的地理经验的视野,也源自与现象学"面向事实本身"的主张。本文最后提及中国哲学和智慧对他的影响,他有效地融合了东西方的思想,使之对人文地理学的发展起到了开创性的作用。  相似文献   

刘苏 《人文地理》2017,32(3):44-52
段义孚的《恋地情结》核心方法论为理念论,以此为基础实现环境研究的综合性。首先,《恋地情结》从理念出发的"规范性视角"实现了环境研究的综合性。其次,理念论的核心内涵为荣格精神分析学所提倡的圆形(曼陀罗)意象,象征人类对理想环境的追求,是"恋地情结"研究的根本出发点。圆形(曼陀罗)意象跨越历史与地域呈现在不同的城市空间里,并在现代化进程中展现出形式的演变,这构成段义孚城市本体论思想的核心内容。目前,中国地理学对人文主义地理学的思考,倾向于注重其地理知识的差异性,忽略其规范性;对环境中人的理解,也体现出了单向度人的特征,《恋地情结》理念论体现出的规范性与整体性视角,无疑能给予新的启发。  相似文献   

历史哲学的全部问题都能够被归纳为历史是否具有本质结构以及本质结构能否被把握。胡塞尔所反对的"历史相对论"与波普所反对的"历史决定论"截然相反。本文通过对历史现象学与历史主义概念的分析,结合不同视角下历史现象学与历史主义发展的探讨,最后分析了观念历史本质。  相似文献   

作为中国人文地理学鉴镜的段义孚思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段义孚的人文主义地理学在西方学界和社会引起巨大反响,但中国地理学界对其认识还非常欠缺,相关研究更是迟滞。针对目前常见的对段义孚的研究是否属于地理学以及如何把握和推广等问题,本文进行了回应和解释,并探讨了段义孚的思想与学术对中国人文地理学的启示与借鉴意义。作为中国人文地理学发展的一面镜子,段义孚不但具有开创精神,而且40多年的坚持更是令人敬佩;广泛取材于历史、人文以及其他学科,经验的方法,流畅生动的文风值得学习和推广;对其的专门研究应当得到鼓励;其理论不但具有较大普适性,而且是治疗人文素养和精神欠缺的中国人文地理学的一剂良药。  相似文献   

段义孚的地方空间思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方与空间思想是段义孚人文主义地理学的核心,以人的生存为旨归,从人的感官、感情、美学的多重维度,揭示人与地方、空间两种地理环境的本质联系,呈现了人类认识地方、认识空间、重构地方的崭新视角。本文从思想内涵、历史渊源、学界评价及影响、当代价值方面对段义孚的地方空间思想进行了体系性与初步理论建构式研究,认为段义孚地方空间理论以人为本,地方是具有既定价值的安全中心,代表着真实与安定;空间跟时间一样,构成人类生活的基本坐标,代表着向往与自由。二者对立统一,在人的生存中相辅相成、缺一不可,人类生活就是穿梭于地方与空间的辩证运动,揭示了人与生存环境的本质关系,蕴含深厚的人文关怀。有助于人们进一步探讨人与地方和空间的内在联系,改善人的生存环境,为缓解身份危机和环境危机、维护精神生态和环境生态提供新的理念。  相似文献   

<正>随着段义孚的《回家记》中译本于2013年出版,学术界和社会各界又掀起了一股关注段义孚与人本主义地理学的风潮,连凤凰卫视也大力推荐了该书。段先生的著作在美国就有荣登畅销书排行榜的历史,这次在国内引起强烈反响也不足为奇。当我在网上看到这本书引起的热烈讨论后,马上想到了一直关心段先生并对人本主义地理学思想有研究的叶超博士、陆小璇博士生以及素未谋面的宋秀葵博士、李溪博士等,邀请他们撰稿讨论并在《人文地理》开办一个关于  相似文献   

人文地理学研究中对空间的再认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
作为人文地理学的核心概念,空间在全球化、信息化、人文主义、后现代主义、地理学社会与文化转向等语境下需要重新认识。首先对空间认知转变的背景进行阐释,在此基础上重点辨析国内外研究成果中对于"空间"的核心论述,把对空间的认知转变归结为4点:(1)从科学的空间到人性的空间;(2)从物质的空间到非物质的空间;(3)单纯的空间到复杂的空间;(4)从"外壳"的空间到空间里面的空间。最后提出对我国当前人文地理学研究的3点启示:(1)注重学科基础概念的重新认识;(2)重视微观层面的细化研究;(3)加强跨学科的整合研究。  相似文献   

张芳芳 《神州》2012,(11):224-224
感觉”是指人的大脑对直接作用与感觉器官的事物的个别属性的反映;”认知”是指一种复杂的心理活动过程,不同的人对认知有不同的认识和看法。认知是感觉的高级形式,感觉是复杂认知的基础,没有感觉也就不会有认知。在声乐演唱和学习中,我们需要正确理解从感觉到认知的逻辑思维过程,并将他声乐实践到我们的艺术活动,才能够将作品完美的呈现给观众。  相似文献   

贺智波 《人文地理》1988,3(1):90-91
行为地理学是本世纪六十年代末在美国诞生的一门新兴学科,它研究不同阶段、不同阶层和不同群体在各种环境下所作的行为和决策。具体地说,它主要研究人的主观因素(如心理状态、感觉经验、感应环境和理性思维等)对地理环境变化和分布规律的影响。行为地理学不仅是地理学与心理学之间的边缘学科,还是人文地理学的一种研究方法,同时代表了人文地理学的综合研究方向--用心理学方法、从社会学角度分析人与环境之间的相互关系七十年代以来,欧美行为地理学迅速发展,并以新的面貌为人文地理学研究"创造"出许多"全新"的内容,成为近年来世界上社会科学"行为革命"的主要方面之一。  相似文献   

“地方”概念对人文地理学各分支意义的辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方是文化地理学的核心概念之一.当文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支交叉时, “地方”则为其他人文地理学分支提供了分析的基础.本文结合英美地理学刊物中若干涉及“地方”研究的文章,挖掘了地方的概念和内涵,以期对人文地理学诸分支提供学术支撑.本文的结论是:地方研究可支撑经济地理学文化转向和制度转向的研究;支撑区域地理学地方营销和旅游地理学旅游目的地营销的研究;支撑城市地理学公众参与式城市规划方案的制定;支撑政治地理学的选区策略制定.因此, “地方”作为文化地理学的核心概念,其存在意义是为其他学科提供学术营养,同时,文化地理学对地方的研究也可以使得文化地理学的社会应用能力更强.  相似文献   

Geography is a product of colonial processes, and in Canada, the exclusion from educational curricula of Indigenous worldviews and their lived realities has produced “geographies of ignorance”. Transformative learning is an approach geographers can use to initiate changes in non-Indigenous student attitudes about Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies. This study explores non-Indigenous student perspectives concerning a field school and digital storytelling as transformative experiences within the context of an “Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Management” course; they were asked to reflect on their course experience. Findings indicate that students found both to be effective and important steps in the transformation of their own worldviews.  相似文献   

Initiated by geoscientists, the growing debate about the Anthropocene, ‘planetary boundaries’ and global ‘tipping points’ is a significant opportunity for geographers to reconfigure two things: one is the internal relationships among their discipline's many and varied perspectives (topical, philosophical, and methodological) on the real; the other the discipline's actual and perceived contributions to important issues in the wider society. Yet, without concerted effort and struggle, the opportunity is likely to be used in a ‘safe’ and rather predictable way by only a sub‐set of human‐environment geographers. The socio‐environmental challenges of a post‐Holocene world invite old narratives about Geography's holistic intellectual contributions to be reprised in the present. These narratives speak well to many geoscientists, social scientists, and decision‐makers outside Geography. However, they risk perpetuating an emaciated conception of reality wherein Earth systems and social systems are seen as knowable and manageable if the ‘right’ ensemble of expertise is achieved. I argue that we need to get out from under the shadow of these long‐standing narratives. Using suggestive examples, I make the case for forms of inquiry across the human‐physical ‘divide’ that eschew ontological monism and that serve to reveal the many legitimate cognitive, moral, and aesthetic framings of Earth present and future. Geography is unusual in that the potential for these forms of inquiry to become normalised is high compared with other subjects. This potential will only be taken advantage of if certain human‐environment geographers unaccustomed to engaging the world of geoscience and environmental policy change their modus operandi.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):341-363

In light of the "theological turn" in recent phenomenology, a question arises for contemporary thought of how the relationships among philosophy, religion, and democratic politics might be recontextualized and understood from a specifically phenomenological perspective. Essential in addressing this question is a critical examination of the method of reduction, or epoche instituted by Edmund Husserl as the original, core practice of phenomenology. Reinterpreting the epoche in terms of its social, historical, and political dimensions, later phenomenologists Enzo Paci and Jan Patocka demonstrate how phenomenology's conception of truth is necessarily coordinated with a commitment to collective democratic praxis. In Paci, the practice of epoche initiates critical resistance to ideological and idolatrous social and political forms through contrast with the infinite openness of truth's real universality. In Patocka, phenomenological method as applied to historically-embedded religious and philosophical traditions helps to clarify what in particular distinguishes democratic from autocratic forms of life. By drawing the insights of Paci and Patocka into conjunction, a new conception emerges of the unique religio— the collective, existential commitment— of phenomenology as such: to express the experience(s) of truth through democratic praxis in collaboration with other analogous philosophical, religious and scientific traditions.  相似文献   

Geography is perceived to be a relevant contributing discipline within a growing Canadian studies community in the United States, and the Association of American Geographers (AAG) retains a viable Canadian Studies Specialty Group. Since the early 1990s, however, the number of American geographers affiliated with Canadian studies organizations has not significantly increased: the community of scholars remains small and geography holds a peripheral position in terms of its actual contribution to US‐based Canadian studies programs. This article documents and interprets these trends using membership data collected by prominent professional organizations in Canadian studies and geography. It also explores the question of why American geography's Canadian regional specialists are not engaging formal Canadian studies initiatives in greater numbers. The observations that emerge suggest that a diversification of research themes in Canadian studies, particularly in the realms of environmental and physical science, would both increase participation by American geographers and enhance the field's ability to address pertinent aspects of the Canadian experience. Although observations presented pertain directly to the state of Canadian studies in American geography, they may also shed light on the lack of involvement by geographers in a variety of area studies fields in the United States and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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