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地方与认同:欧美人文地理学对地方的再认识   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
地方是现代人文地理学研究的重要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方-空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同之间辩证关系的研究进行系统的述评。  相似文献   

刘庆  冯兰 《人文地理》2014,29(5):25-30
运用武汉市流动儿童的问卷调查数据,采用探索性因子分析方法,对流动儿童身份认同的结构与现状进行了探讨。分析结果发现,流动儿童的身份认同主要包含地域认同、文化认同和群体认同三个因子。从身份认同程度来考察,流动儿童的身份认同已经达到"半"认同水平,但身份认同内部差异较大。从具体影响因子来看,地域认同、文化认同和群体认同程度依次降低。相对较高的地域认同程度反映的是迁入地"城市魅力"的效应,而相对较低的群体认同程度,反映流动儿童具有较强的"外地人"意识倾向的特点。流动儿童的身份认同是社会建构与自我建构共同作用的产物。  相似文献   

流动性语境下的"家"不再被视为稳定不变的概念,而是被不断建构的社会空间。第二居所赋予了传统社会中的"家"更丰富的动态内涵与独特的象征意义。文章以避暑旅游地重庆仙女山镇为例,研究第二居所避暑居民对"家"的空间想象与感知,及产生的特定认同。研究认为,第二居所避暑居民实现了对舒适空间的功能认同、对精英空间的社会认同及对家庭空间的情感认同,三者凸显出家的休闲属性、社会属性与日常属性的有机统一。第二居所表明了一种逃离现代性及满足休闲需求的旅游形式,也是一种规律性、重复性和循环性的生活方式,同时彰显出对身份、情感及真实性的渴望。第二居所的居住过程是家的解构与重构的过程,与第一居所及流动空间一起,构成了完整的"家"。  相似文献   

基于广东惠州巽寮天后宫("大妈")与凤池岛妈祖庙("小妈")案例比较,借助田野调查、半结构式访谈以及非参与式观察法,探讨在资本主导的滨海旅游开发背景下,妈祖信仰空间建构与认同边界重构过程。研究发现,"大妈"与"小妈"妈祖信仰空间建构的逻辑路径和过程不同。"大妈"按照资本塑造、权力的集中化与合法化以及宗教话语标准化的逻辑路径,建构为多元认同的开放性空间。"小妈"由于资本的"缺场",主要通过空间权力的自我赋予与妈祖崇拜话语的地方化来凸显与强化"我者"信仰空间的认同,从而建构为"我者"闭合性空间。在民间信仰空间建构和认同边界重构过程中,资本起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

钱俊希 《人文地理》2013,28(2):45-52
后结构主义是20世纪六十年代以来率先在法语世界崛起的一股学术思潮,亦是欧洲大陆哲学中最重要的流派之一。它有两个特点:一是强调对二元对立的结构进行解构,揭示社会结构的不同要素之间相互依存,相互建构的辩证关系;二是认为身份认同不是先验的和僵化的,而是在复杂的社会过程中被不断重新定义与再生产的。从这两大基本观点出发,本文对两位法国后结构主义代表学者米歇尔·福柯与亨利·列斐伏尔的哲学理论进行评述与总结,提示后结构主义对空间科学的意义,认为后结构视角在空间科学之中的应用需要建立在一个全新的空间观之上。  相似文献   

基于广东惠州巽寮天后宫("大妈")与凤池岛妈祖庙("小妈")案例比较,借助田野调查、半结构式访谈以及非参与式观察法,探讨在资本主导的滨海旅游开发背景下,妈祖信仰空间建构与认同边界重构过程。研究发现,"大妈"与"小妈"妈祖信仰空间建构的逻辑路径和过程不同。"大妈"按照资本塑造、权力的集中化与合法化以及宗教话语标准化的逻辑路径,建构为多元认同的开放性空间。"小妈"由于资本的"缺场",主要通过空间权力的自我赋予与妈祖崇拜话语的地方化来凸显与强化"我者"信仰空间的认同,从而建构为"我者"闭合性空间。在民间信仰空间建构和认同边界重构过程中,资本起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

江晟  郑欢 《世界历史》2023,(1):94-109+162
自宗教改革以来,新教徒数量的增加改变了法国的群体结构,引发了神圣空间内的频繁冲突。这种冲突不仅表现在教堂这一至关重要的神圣空间当中,还延伸到了城市的世俗空间之内。近代早期神圣空间的建构经历了从观念边界的形成到仪式与象征物赋予特定空间神圣性意涵和秩序结构的过程。在城市共同体内遭到压迫或侵害的少数派群体借此建构起了“想象的”神圣空间,成为其延续自身群体身份认同的重要场所;而占据主导地位的群体亦依托“想象的”神圣空间,进一步压制和侵占其他群体的生存空间,最终达到完全独占城市世俗空间的目的。在16世纪法国宗教冲突的背景下,神圣空间发挥了强化空间隔离,塑造群体边界的作用,成为教派矛盾的重要体现;而神圣空间的边界也成为信仰共同体边界的一类重要表征,推动了相互对立的教派身份认同边界的成型。最终,不同教派建构神圣空间导致神圣空间与世俗空间的边界被模糊和混淆,这一结果体现了16世纪法国社会的世俗化转向趋势。  相似文献   

20世纪中期,东南亚多国先后出现排华潮,大量华人华侨以“难侨”身份被迫返回祖国。难侨独特的生命历程和空间实践,使其展演出不同的身份协商过程和国家认同变迁。本文以珠海市原红旗华侨农场的越南难侨为研究对象,采用定性研究方法,剖析其在归国前后不同时期和不同空间的各方互动中身份协商和国家认同的演变过程。研究指出:越南难侨在群体互动、政府政策以及社会支持的影响下,在归国之前、归国初期和归国后期有着明显的身份认同变化;在这一过程中,其对祖国(中国)的国家认同不断加强。研究通过时空耦合视角为移民的身份协商和国家认同研究提供新的分析框架,亦从侧面反映出中国近半个世纪以来在难民治理和侨务政策方面所取得的成效。  相似文献   

向科衡  俞越  洪琴 《人文地理》2022,37(3):39-49
同性恋旅游正在成为一个全新的旅游细分市场,而身份认同作为中国“同志”在旅游过程中的自我认同和身份的确认,在旅游体验的获得上具有较为紧密的关联。身份认同与旅游具身体验的响应研究以中国“同志”赴泰旅游为例,通过16位中国“同志”旅游者五天四夜的赴泰旅游日记的撰写,并结合后续通过3位日记撰写受访者和6位赴泰旅游的受访者的深度访谈逐字稿进行访谈,探讨中国“同志”赴泰的身份认同与具身体验响应的内在关联研究。研究表明,中国“同志”赴泰旅游体验是实现身份认同和自我认同的具身性实践和反思,也是叙事性内容建构的过程,进而得出身份认同与旅游具身体验内在关联的叙事过程性空间模型。本研究将补足深化和拓宽亚洲“同志”的身份认同与具身体验的研究较少的现状,做了进一步的细分旅行者行为和心理的研究。  相似文献   

缅甸华人群体由于不同的居住空间属性而产生内在差异,虽同样来自中国,却出现了华人、果敢人和勐稳人三个群体,并形成不同的身份认同。论文从空间属性的视角,着重对勐稳人的身份认同建构进行探讨。研究发现,居住空间和形态是影响其身份认同建构的重要因素。勐稳人的居住空间和形态的特殊性使其产生地区认同并进一步产生国家归属感,但其民族认同度显得模糊具可建构性:既对当地文化持开放欢迎态度又保留有传承传统文化的自信。  相似文献   

The article is based on research conducted with young people who spend their free time hanging out in a shopping mall and its surroundings in the city centre of Helsinki, Finland. ‘Geographies of hanging out’ is understood here as an interaction between the location and young people: the space offers affordances to the young people and thus affects their ways of being. At the same time, they give new meanings to the space by hanging out and thus take part in the production of that space. Empirical material gathered in the project includes the researcher's observations, in-depth interviews conducted with young people, youth workers, the police and the management of the mall and the photographs taken by the young participants. In this article, hanging out is interpreted as a process where ‘looseness’ and ‘tightness’ of space are negotiated and re-defined. Shopping malls are seen as spaces where boundaries between public and private are often blurred. The presence of young people can make these commercial spaces tighter or looser and thus change the nature of urban space not only for the young people, but for other urban dwellers, too.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the spatial distribution of shopping malls with respect to population and analyses the factors which effect the shopping mall location. According to the results, while the shopping mall space ratio is higher than population ratio in the intermediate zone, the reverse is true in the periphery. The relationships between the shopping mall space and income, population and distance to the central business district (CBD) of the locations are investigated by the use of regression analysis. The results reveal that income is the only factor affecting the location of shopping malls among those considered. In addition, three shopping malls from the inner and peripheral zones of Istanbul were analysed with respect to frequency to shopping centres and characteristics of trade areas. According to the results, the size of the catchment area of the shopping mall from the inner zone is larger then the peripheral ones due to higher accessibility with alternative transportation systems and supporting functions in its surrounding areas. The results fall within the concept of central place theory. Further research is suggested by expending the study to the other areas of the city with different characteristics to calculate their retail potential and their spatial implications.  相似文献   

This article argues critically that the consequences of a binary system of gender norms is experienced as a kind of gender tyranny both for those who transgress gender in their daily lives, but also for those whose lives are lived within such constraints. Feminist geographers and urban theorists have argued that space is gendered and that gendering has profound consequences for women. This article extends this analysis and shows how rigid categorizations of gender fail to include the intersexed and transgendered populations, a small and highly marginalized segment of the wider population. This article uses autoethnographic methods to illustrate the ways that those who transgress gender norms experience a tyranny of gender that shapes nearly every aspect of their public and private lives. The nature of these consequences is explored using citations from the transgender and queer literature as well as the lived experience of this tyranny by the author in a continuum of public to private spaces, including: parking lots, public restrooms, shopping malls, the workplace and the home.  相似文献   

Traditionally, public space has been perceived as an integral part of fully functioning liberal democracy. Yet much research argues that public space is in decline due to regimes of neoliberal governance paralleled with a growth in quasi-public spaces such as shopping malls, casinos and gated communities. It is argued that these new spatial forms posit a commercialised, sanitised and ultimately exclusionary urban form in place of more egalitarian, engaging and ultimately democratic public spaces. Increasingly, however, urban research has questioned the veracity of the claims made about the nature of traditional public space as well as investigating the marginal and contingent nature of publicness as constituted by and enacted in a variety of places. Drawing on Foucault's concept of heterotopic space, this paper reports on a qualitative study based on focus group interviews conducted with users of a suburban shopping mall in Sydney's southwest. The research uncovers both a more complex and less overtly deterministic publicness than has previously been identified in such spaces. From these findings the paper argues for a conception of publicity which moves beyond the zero-sum game approach endemic in much work in this area to one which analyses the qualitative effect quasi-public spaces are having on the nature of publicness in the Australian context. The paper concludes by arguing that a rethinking of publicness allows room for the emergence of a more progressive public ethic.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of how West Edmonton Mall (wem) may be a new and distinctive component of retail spatial structure by analysing the retail and service attributes of the mall in the context of (I) Edmonton's retail structure at the regional shopping centre level, and (2) the internal structure of the mall. It is suggested that wem has added a new level to Edmonton's retail hierarchy, rivalling the downtown as the city's primate centre. The analysis of tenant changes leads to the conclusion that these changes tend to reflect a movement from unconventional to conventional tenant mix, and that wem is not much different, other than in sheer size, from most large regional shopping centres. The only unique structural characteristic appears to be the existence of enclaves not usually found in other malls.  相似文献   


Although modal split is only one of the elements considered in decision-making on new shopping malls, it remarkably often arises in the arguments of both proponents and opponents. Today, this is also the case in the debate on the planned development of three major shopping malls in Belgium. Inspired by such debates, the present study focuses on the impact of the location of shopping centres on the travel mode choice of the customers. Our hypothesis is that destination-based variables such as embeddedness in the urban fabric, accessibility and mall size influence the travel mode choice of the visitors. Based on modal split data and location characteristics of 17 existing shopping centres in Belgium, we develop a model for a more sustainable siting policy. The results show a major influence of the location of the shopping centre in relation to the urban form, and of the size of the mall. Shopping centres that are part of a dense urban fabric, measured through population density, are less car dependent. Smaller sites will attract more cyclists and pedestrians. Interestingly, our results deviate significantly from the figures that have been put forward in public debates on the shopping mall issue in Belgium.  相似文献   

This paper presents research into intergenerational notions of fashion and identity. It uses examples drawn from the case study interviews with mother–daughter family groups and the participatory method of draw and write with the daughters to illustrate the influences on young girls' fashion choices in the key spaces of childhood: the home, school and community. The findings reveal that young girls both identify and disidentify with fashions and identities available to them. Their mothers play a key role in allowing and restricting certain outfits in certain spaces, with particular distinction being drawn between public and private space. This paper contributes to children's geographies by focusing on intergenerational relationships between mothers and their daughters in relation to theories of identity formation. In doing so this paper highlights how both intergenerational relationships and the girls' identities are mediated through fashion, consumption, peers and the home, school and community spaces.  相似文献   

上海市民大型超市购物行为特征研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈零极  柴彦威 《人文地理》2006,21(5):124-128
以上海居民消费行为的问卷调查为基础,探讨零售业态变革下上海居民大型超市购物行为的总体特征以及时空间特征。上海居民选择大型超市购物的比率及频率较高,在大型超市购物的耗时相对较长,并且有集中于夜间的特点,购物出行方式上以步行和自行车为主,陪伴者以家人居多。通过不同类型商品购物行为空间的分析得出,大型超市对居民购物出行空间的影响显著。受大型超市空间分布和周边其他零售业设施发育程度的共同影响,居民购物活跃度的空间差异也较为显著。  相似文献   

李蕾蕾 《人文地理》2021,36(4):44-52
运用历史地理唯物主义和女性主义地理学视角,建立奥斯曼在19世纪巴黎“创造性破坏”的城市规划和空间生产,与第一波女权运动的知识联结,推导女性主义地理学的史前史及其未来方向。研究发现,巴黎都市现代性的形成,使性别问题一开始就与阶级问题构成交叉关系;表现为“城-郊”二元结构及其在家庭私人空间、城市公共空间、拱廊街为代表的阈限空间等展现出来的有关资产阶级沙龙女性、工人阶级贫困女性和都市漫游者的三种不同形态的性别地理,以及表征主义和革命行动的两种性别政治。都市现代性的性别地理研究,为反思生物本质主义的性别体制、关注“后人类”未来基于赛博格、数字媒介城市和星球城市化的人地关系的性别研究,提供了未来方向。  相似文献   

基于手机信令数据的长春市活动空间特征与社区分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
居民时空行为成为透视城市空间的重要视角,本文基于手机信令数据研究长春市活动空间及其社区分异,轮廓性的揭示居住空间、就业空间和消费休闲空间的分布规律,从人地互动的过程与格局的视角认识城市空间。研究发现,居住活动对中心城区依赖明显高于就业和消费休闲活动,就业活动呈现多中心连片发展格局,近郊的欧亚卖场和郊区的净月潭成为人们消费休闲活动的重要选择。就业-居住距离和消费休闲-居住距离的社区分异显著,折射出三类活动空间关系复杂,由此感知城市生活空间质量和社会空间结构。通过对社区分异的空间聚类分析明晰各地域自身问题,从而有针对性的对长春的空间调整优化和居民行为引导提出建议,构建和谐宜居的城市空间。  相似文献   

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