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Bell-Beaker culture artefacts are not unequivocal expressions of male status, but helped instead to maintain ritual and symbolic demarcations of gender difference. The gendered nature of cultural production explains part of the variability seen in Beaker assemblages. More generally the spread of the Bell-Beaker culture cannot be explained by regional trajectories of social evolution or structuration. It is a spatially extensive phenomenon and interpretations/explanations must recognise this. A scenario is presented which links the eastwards spread of Beaker pottery in central Europe to the importation of copper metallurgy into north-west Europe.  相似文献   

摄政制度是君主制国家中的一项重要政治制度,是在国王不能理政时期代行国王权力的一种制度.英国摄政制度经过近500年的发展,最终于1937年以成文法的形式确立.都铎中期是摄政制度的形成时期.亨利八世通过议会立法和遗嘱拟定了爱德华六世时期的摄政形式,但是,依据死去国王的授权来统治国家在现实中是难以推行的.爱德华六世继位以后,遗嘱执行委员会发起了一场摄政改革,以探求摄政的形式和摄政者合法性的来源,并最终制定了单一摄政者的摄政形式.这种摄政形式在爱德华六世时期被认为是合法且可行的,并得到了后世的继承.1547年摄政改革开启了都铎后期的政治制度变革,并成为有限王权体制的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

Much has changed in Reformation historiography over the last two decades. Long established temporal and geographical frameworks have been thoroughly revised and reappraised. If theology, politics, social movements, and economic trends were once treated as discreet areas of study, nowadays scholars in the field are much more appreciative of how these themes inform each other. This review essay appraises a selection of works that are indicative of the richness and variety that characterizes Reformation and Counter-Reformation scholarship today.  相似文献   

<正>2010年3月29日—4月9日,应中国社会科学院文学研究所民间文学研究室和北京师范大学文学院民俗学与文化人类学研究所的共同邀请,德国著名民俗学家和欧洲民族学家、柏林洪堡大学欧洲民族学研究所所长沃尔夫冈·卡舒巴(Wolfgang Kaschuba)教授前来北京进行学术交流,并先后在北师大和社科院举行了四场学术报告。  相似文献   

In recent years the pace of research on the late prehistoric Mississippian societies of eastern North America has accelerated. New data, methods, and theoretical goals are changing perspectives in Mississippian archaeology. Regional overviews and site syntheses provide unprecedented insights into the Mississippian phenomenon at local, regional, and continental scales. Traditional culture history, processualism, historical processualism, iconography, and neo-Darwinian archaeology are active theoretical orientations. Important research focuses on variability in Mississippian sociopolitical formations over time, organizational diversity among contemporaneous societies, and sources of political power. The new historicism and iconography place agency, identity, origins, factionalism, ideology, and meaning at the center of culture change, while many processualists continue to focus on developmental histories, economy, and control of material resources. Advances in physical and chemical analyses and the availability of remote sensing techniques are changing how Mississippian archaeology is conducted and expanding the kinds of data that are recovered. These diverse interests, methods, and goals have created considerable eclecticism in Mississippian archaeology.  相似文献   

The origin of sail has been debated for a long time, but the linguistic evidence has rarely been taken into account. The word sail has a cognate in two Celtic languages, and a good linguistic chronology is available for these. The reconstructed historical development of Celtic and Germanic words indicates that the word existed in West Germanic well before the Anglo-Saxon migrations and the confinement of Celtic to the British Isles. An origin of both word and technology in the Celtic world is proposed, both being passed into the Germanic world in the Rhine region.  相似文献   

早在旧制度末期,法国启蒙精英阶层就已意识到公众舆论在当时政治与社会中的重要影响。19世纪以来,史学家们也在不断地谈论旧制度末期的社会精神或公众舆论,希图从中找出革命的精神源流。但直到20世纪80年代左右,法国旧制度末期的公众舆论才成为史学家专门关注的对象。西方学者或追踪政治话语的变化,或关注民众的日常言论,或研究旧制度下的公共交往机制,以把握该时期法国社会集体政治意识的转变状况。  相似文献   


This special issue is presented as a thematic issue devoted to tropical coastal and island tourism. Included in the issue are articles on (eco)tourism in Madagascar, collaboration theory and tourism partnership models on an Indonesian island, development pressure and resilience on a Malaysian island, a survey of cruise passengers in Colombia, perception and limits to development in Costa Rica, and perception and reality on Pitcairn Island. Placed within theoretical or conceptual frameworks, these case studies can be applied to development challenges of tropical coastal and island destinations worldwide.  相似文献   

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