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英国现代社会保障制度的建立(1870-1914)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1870-1914年是英国现代社会保障制度建立的时代。社会问题的严重化和济贫法制度的失效是英国现代社会保障制度建立的基本原因。工人运动的发展极大地促进了这一制度的建立,费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为英国现代社会保障制度的建立提供了理论基础。1908年的《养老金法》、1911年的《国民保险法》所建立起来的社会保险制度,标志着英国现代社会保障制度的基本确立。英国现代社会保障制度的建立是英国社会福利制度的一次根本性转变,但它还存在一些明显的局限性。  相似文献   

赵克毅 《世界历史》2001,(3):125-126
英国社会史的研究,特别是英国社会保障制度史的研究,是对我国正在探索和建立中的、有中国特色的社会保障制度具有直接借鉴意义的研究课题。丁建定同志的《从济贫到社会保险——英国现代社会保障制度的建立(1870--1914))(中国社会科学出版社2000年12月出版)一书,可以说是我国英国史研究领域的一项新的重要成果。  相似文献   

一本探索福利国家由来的好书——评陈晓律的《英国福利制度的由来与发展》王章辉英国是世界上第一个福利国家,它在20世纪初就颁布了一系列社会立法,初步建立起社会保障制度。第二次世界大战后,这种制度更加完善,英国遂成为福利国家。实行社会保障是社会现代化的一个...  相似文献   

失业保障制度是每一个国家在市场经济建设过程中的一道必不可少的防护网。在苏联,其所建立的社会保障机制几乎包括了国际劳工组织规定的所有社会保障内容,但惟独就没有失业保障,这主要是与其计划经济模式和拒不承认存在失业有关[1]。俄罗斯独立以后,失业人数不断增加,失业问题已经彰显为阻碍俄社会转型、市场经济体制建设和影响俄社会稳定的一个极其不利的因素。为了适应社会转型和市场经济建设的要求,打破长期的铁饭碗就业体制,推动国家经济结构的优化与重组,保障失业人员的基本生活权利,为社会的改革筑起一道有力的防护网,俄罗斯从一开始…  相似文献   

对“新失业群体”的关注和思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由国有和集体企业失业下岗人员构成的“老失业群体”已达到峰值,失业保障目标群体规模已经大体确定“。新失业群体”问题开始逐步凸现,社会就业形势因新失业人群的增加而愈发显得严峻。随着“新失业群体”比例的增加,中国未来失业人口的主体和结构将发生重要变化。这不仅涉及到一个政策的衔接问题,更有可能引发社会保障制度的重大变革。  相似文献   

从事业单位改革视角看养老保障模式创新的制度取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易石宏 《攀登》2009,28(5):74-77
养老保障制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分。根据国家事业单位的改革要求,必须实现传统的养老保障制度到现代养老保障制度的转型。在这一转型时期里,要求实现养老保障制度的创新。即实行社会统筹与个人账户相结合的办法,建立科学的养老金增长机制,建立企业年金制度和个人养老储蓄计划。  相似文献   

《贝弗里奇报告》是资本主义发展史上一份比较完整的福利政策,是现代福利国家的蓝图,是英国乃至人类社会保障史上的一个重要的里程碑。《贝弗里奇报告》的出现及实施,不仅使得英国成为人类历史上第一个"福利国家",同时也为西方福利国家制度的建立奠定了重要的政策基础,具有划时代的意义。  相似文献   

1927—1937年上海失业人群再就业状况述略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于政局动荡、市面萧条、工商企业衰敝等因素的影响,1927-1937年间上海的失业形势十分严重.在失业群体中,以民族工商业的工人、职员等男性青壮年为主,其文化程度总体上较低,失业的时间较长,谋生的压力较重.他们或力图通过社会中介机构谋求就业机会;或参加各类职业培训,提高再就业技能;或在政府和社会的帮助下,自主就业.就这一时期再就业的特点而言,一是传统的血缘、地缘关系仍是失业者在沪谋生的主要条件,同时市场化就业的趋势也日趋明显;二是就业竞争十分激烈,再就业的成功率不高;三是政府和社会在这一过程中形成了一定的分工.  相似文献   

1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1870—1914年英国的济贫法制度仍然遵循1834年新济贫法所确立的“济贫院内救济原则”。由于社会条件的变化,英国的济贫法制度在1870—1914年进行了一定程度的改革,但是,这种以对贫困的消极被动性救济而不是积极主动性预防为基本特征的济贫法制度已经不能适应英国社会发展的需要。然而,由于特殊的政治原因以及济贫法制度本身的改革,英国的济贫法制度作为以社会保险制度为核心内容的现代社会保障制度的补充而暂时保存下来。  相似文献   

曾翔旻 《沧桑》2009,(3):75-78
建立、健全社会保障制度,关系到经济的可持续发展和社会的长治久安。社会保障制度的改革与完善,也是武汉市建立市场经济体制和深化改革的重大任务之一。武汉市作为一个有着九百多万人口的特大中心城市,在改革开放30年来,社会保障制度创新循着两条路径有所作为:一是根据市情进行单项的或综合的改革试点,为全国的同类改革提供经验准备;二是认真贯彻中央统一出台的改革举措,使武汉市尽快尽好地达到要求。事实上,这两条路径经常是结合在一起互动发展的,在实践中不断探索,不断进行机制创新,一些社会保障制度改革举措在全国引起较大反响,形成了“武汉特色”,得到国家有关部门及兄弟省市的好评。  相似文献   

1950年代英国社会学家T.H.马歇尔提出的公民资格理论,成为二战后英国建立普遍主义福利制度的重要依据。公民社会权利是公民资格理论的核心,它对战后英国社会政策的演变产生了重大影响。1970年代末英国保守党倡导的"消费者主义",以"消费者取向"为原则,以避免个人对国家的依赖、回归个人自助和非正式的照顾为目的,从而否定了公民享有普遍福利的权利;新工党实行了新的公民权利体制,权利和义务的平衡是新工党价值观念的核心,也是贯穿福利国家改革的基本思路,它是对公民社会权利的重新界定。"公民资格"内涵的变化反映了人们对福利国家作用的重新认识以及对公民个体责任意识的强调。  相似文献   

占领美索不达米亚、控制波斯湾本来是英国一个多世纪的追求,但第一次世界大战结束后,英帝国由占领者变为受任国,这并非英国人的初衷和意愿。战时英国在巴士拉的军事管理搬用印度经验;委任统治的第一步则是创建伊拉克政权,扶持汉志哈希姆家族的费萨尔王子管理伊拉克。在伊拉克的委任统治中引进英国式宪政,但并没有触动美索不达米亚和摩苏尔地区的社会基础,甚至保护和强化了当地的部落制。英国较早地允许伊拉克国家独立,但一直从军事和财政方面控制着伊拉克。伊拉克革命彻底赶走了英帝国主义,但英国在伊拉克委任统治的影响并未在短期内消除,相反,给伊拉克后来的发展埋下了隐患。  相似文献   

阎照祥的《英国政党政治史》、《英国政治制度史》和《英国贵族史》构成诠释英国政治现代化的合力体系与传导体系,体现了作者独特的文本解释技术和知识话语生产体系,即基于大史学的治史观念,寻找历史学、心理学与社会学的最佳结合点,并在发挥学科整合群集优势的基础上运用心理一行为流派、结构一功能流派和比较一综合流派的操作范式,对英国政治现代化多元结构的状态、各政治单元的功能及其彼此的关系进行纵向历时维与横向共时维的交叉解读。不仅突破了学术界长期存在的“重社会革命而轻社会改革”、“重政治精英而轻特殊群体”、“重阶级斗争而轻政党政治和政治制度”等思维定式,弱化了史学功能的人为化与工具主义倾向,而且在史学的宏观泛化和微观碎化之间寻找到一种相对的平衡,为回归史学的多样性、复杂性和客观性提供了可以遵循的范例。  相似文献   

英国保守党政府的“有形帝国”政策(1874—1880)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张红 《史学月刊》2000,(6):108-113
1874—1880年英国保守党政府执政期间,为提高英国国际地位,提出了建立“有形帝国”的政策。这一政策的理论基础是迪尔克的种族帝国思想,现实动因则是随着欧洲民族国家的建立,大英帝国的霸权面临严峻的挑战。从实践方面看,重建“有形帝国”政策主要表现在保卫并扩大帝国的版图,其根本目的在于增强英国与欧洲大陆各国竞争的实力,力挽大英帝国霸权的颓势。  相似文献   

计划经济时期中国社会福利制度的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪50年代起,在计划经济体制的历史背景下,中国形成了比较完整的社会福利体系,对促进经济发展和保障人民生活起到了至关重要的作用,其积极贡献不可磨灭。但同时,这一时期的社会福利制度又具有鲜明的计划经济体制的烙印,具有很大的历史局限性。加强其研究对构建与社会主义市场经济新体制相匹配的社会福利制度具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Britain's difficulties with the European Union have deep historical roots. The events of the Second World War served to emphasize Britain's separation from the continent. Because Britain was fortunate enough not to share the wartime experiences of the continent, it was not exposed to the ideology of European unity, an attempt to transcend the forces of nationalism that had twice involved the continent in ruinous wars.
During the immediate postwar years, leaders of both of the major parties in Britain continued to believe in its special global role. Even when Britain finally entered the Community in 1973, differences between its institutions and those of the other member states caused problems. Perhaps these difficulties would have been equally apparent if Britain had joined the European Community at an earlier stage.
It can be argued that the main division in postwar British politics has been between those who saw its separation from the continent as a historically transient phenomenon, and those who regarded it as a defining feature of Britain's experience. This division cuts across left and right and still has to be resolved.  相似文献   

In the year 1900, Sweden probably had the oldest population in the contemporary world. It was also the first nation to implement a universal pension system in 1913. The universal character in early social legislation has certainly been decisive for the development of the Swedish welfare state. This alternative has not been self-evident. Why did the reforms turn universal, when the continental model, the Bismarck social security system, was exclusively directed at industrial workers? Research has concentrated on demographic factors and growing demands for social security, or on the fact that Sweden was still a predominantly rural society with about 2,400 local authorities. This article examines the development of social legislation in the light of local government expenditures and incomes, and suggests an overlooked possibility: the formulation of the first universal national social security reform was a redistributional response to uneven distribution of incomes and general expenditures among the rural districts in Sweden.  相似文献   

In the year 1900, Sweden probably had the oldest population in the contemporary world. It was also the first nation to implement a universal pension system in 1913. The universal character in early social legislation has certainly been decisive for the development of the Swedish welfare state. This alternative has not been self-evident. Why did the reforms turn universal, when the continental model, the Bismarck social security system, was exclusively directed at industrial workers? Research has concentrated on demographic factors and growing demands for social security, or on the fact that Sweden was still a predominantly rural society with about 2,400 local authorities. This article examines the development of social legislation in the light of local government expenditures and incomes, and suggests an overlooked possibility: the formulation of the first universal national social security reform was a redistributional response to uneven distribution of incomes and general expenditures among the rural districts in Sweden.  相似文献   

The article sets out to demonstrate that radar played a central,but hitherto unrecognized, role in the formation of Britishair policy during the 1930s. It is generally conceived thatthe secret of radar was stumbled across, as if by accident,in early 1935, and was then employed to devastating effect inthe Battle of Britain. The article, however, shows that thedesire for an effective instrument for air defence had gestatedduring the First World Wart—when Britain sought to fightoff the Zeppelin and Gotha bombing raids—and the searchcontinued throughout the 1920s and early 1930s. Moreover, theprinciple of radar had been known since 1904, but scientificbackwardness precluded practical progress. There is detailedexamination of the intricate political manoeuvring by PrimeMinister Stanley Baldwin and others which accompanied the adoptionof radar as Britain's primary line of defence against the Luftwaffein preference to the increasingly obsolete doctrine of bomberdeterrence. In conclusion, radar was deliberately developed,and consciously conceived of, as a device that would be slottedinto a proved framework of observation and organization constructedon top of Britain's First World War air defence system.  相似文献   

At the end of World War II the Italian welfare system, which had taken shape under Fascism, was in need of a radical overhaul. Nevertheless, the wait for organic, structural reform dragged on for over two decades without arriving, even in the Sixties, at an efficient framework for the welfare state capable of dismantling the corporatist, familist one inherited from Fascism. This article reconstructs the debates on social security and social rights after World War II. Beginning with the interest that was sparked, even in Italy, by the Beveridge Report, I will investigate the meaning given to the expressions “social security” and “social rights” by politicians and technocrats engaged in trying to reform the Italian Welfare State.  相似文献   

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