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The Conference on Greece as a Member of the European Union: Sixteen Years after its Accession was the result of intensive work and commitment for a successful event. It gave the opportunity to both scholars and experts to contribute to high level discussions on the role of Greece in the EU from the point of view of political, economic as well as cultural developments.  相似文献   


The papers in this special issue examine the nuclear order that began to emerge in the 1970s after the entry into force of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1970 and the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks agreements in 1972. Several general themes are discussed: the international economy and the nuclear order; strengthening the non-proliferation regime; reactions to US non-proliferation policy; the East–West arms race; the nuclear order in 1980; the international system and nuclear order. The argument is made that the changes in the international system in the 1970s had important effects on the nuclear order, creating a North–South axis alongside the existing East–West axis; provoking disagreements and disputes over the transfer of nuclear technology; and giving greater prominence to nuclear power in a period of energy crises. This is still an order of states in which transnational and international NGOs play a secondary role. There were a variety of responses to the new order: acceptance; resentment; attempts at modification; independence; evasion and circumvention. The constitution of the order was a matter of great interest to a good number of states and the focus of many debates and much political conflict.  相似文献   

A pair of articles appearing recently in this journal (Whitley & Clark, Journal of Archaeological Science12, 377-395, 1985; Kvamme, Journal of Archaeological Science17, 197-207, 1990) apply spatial autocorrelation analysis to the distribution of terminal long-count dates from southern Lowland Classic Maya monuments. The authors employ similar techniques yet arrive at contradictory conclusions regarding the presence of geographical patterning in the collapse of the Classic Maya civilization in this region. Kvamme's contention, however, that Whitley & Clark conducted an inappropriate analysis and arrived at an erroneous conclusion is unsubstantiated. Both articles present appropriate analyses and report results which support the presence of spatial patterning in the Lowland Maya dates.  相似文献   

邹志明 《安徽史学》2016,(4):105-111
冷战之初,面对中国内战局势的变化和美国改变对日政策可能导致的日本重新军国主义化威胁,菲律宾将确保国家安全的希望寄托于美国,积极寻求与之订立"太平洋公约",但该构想不符合当时美国的战略考虑,屡遭拒绝。朝鲜战争的爆发,促使美国加快对日媾和。由于媾和方案在安全和赔偿方面未能满足菲律宾等国需求,遭到反对。为平息盟国不满,美国改变对"太平洋公约"的态度并提出自己的方案,但该方案将日本包括其中,被菲否定。经过博弈,在美国提供正式安全保证的前提下,菲律宾最终接受了媾和方案。  相似文献   

梁占军 《世界历史》2000,45(2):39-44
1935年6月18日签订的英德海军协定是30年代欧洲国际关系史上的重要条约之一,它的缔结对于当时欧洲的国际形势影响巨大,英法两国之间的关系甚至因此~度恶化。有关该协定缔结的原因和影响的研究,国外学者多有涉及,国内学者则鲜有著述。本文试图从英法关系的角度,对该协定缔结的原因及其对英法关系的影响作~初步的探讨,借以揭示两国当时在对德政策上存在的矛盾与分歧。  相似文献   

浅析1871年李鸿章、曾国藩对中日缔约意见之异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶伟敏 《史学集刊》2007,57(5):15-20
李鸿章和曾国藩对中国与日本缔结通商条约,都是持赞同的态度,但他们二人的想法又有所不同。李鸿章所注意的是通过缔约拉拢或牵制日本,曾国藩所重视的是条约的平等性。因而,曾国藩对被李鸿章回避的“一体均沾”问题,予以了特别的强调。  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of an early criticism of the stimulation studies of Fritsch and Hitzig and Ferrier for localized brain functions. Fritsch and Hitzig and Ferrier concluded that motor centers reside in the cortices of the hemispheres. Their studies were replicated, but their conclusions were not generally accepted initially. The most salient, laboratory-based criticism was that the electrical current used for stimulation diffused well beyond the cortex making their conclusion of cerebral motor centers unacceptable. The diffusion argument was essentially a French suggestion. Ferrier's and American research and interpretations provided data and arguments against it.  相似文献   

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