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生态旅游与世界遗产教育策略拟定之研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
世界遗产促进了旅游,旅游带来了发展.然而,不当的旅游行为也破坏和污染了遗产地独特的环境,对当地的资源构成了威胁,降低了遗产地的特色.因此实施可持续发展策略是世界遗产旅游的必需选择.世界遗产教育有助于促使人们保护世界遗产地生态系统的完整性、尊重当地社区的文化,并使当地居民积极分享社会和经济利益.本文将生态旅游作为世界遗产旅游的一种可持续发展方式,并将生态旅游计划制定的相关权益关系人,依照其影响力和重要性分群,根据每一个分群的特性,拟定生态旅游与世界遗产教育策略,让这些权益关系人了解世界遗产的相关知识和保护世界遗产的重要性,进而唤醒他们对于遗产保育的积极性,从而制定出最佳的生态旅游计划.  相似文献   

In this article, a creative heritage value assessment that was developed on the island of St Christopher (St Kitts), West Indies is discussed and evaluated. A synergetic approach emerged out of a collaboration between local heritage managers and policy officials with foreign heritage researchers and archaeologists. Together, they developed a transdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach based upon capturing values with audiovisual methods, which effectively integrated archaeological-historical research as well as outreach and dissemination activities in the value-assessment process. This effectively brought valorisation as well as the contested and multivocal nature of heritage to the heart of a transparent heritage management process. The practicalities and rationale of this approach are discussed, as well as its potential benefits for the combined three fields of local heritage management, archaeological-historical research, and public outreach.  相似文献   

我国世界遗产地的旅游研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷志明  张铁生 《人文地理》2009,24(6):111-115
"遗产旅游"作为一种世界观现象已经成为人类求取与外部世界高度和谐的有效形式之一,成为高质量回归自然、回归历史的必然性的社会生活组成部分。文章综述了我国世界遗产地旅游研究的现状,提出在以后的研究中应加强我国世界遗产地的旅游发展理论、旅游价值分析与开发模式、旅游发展中的利益相关者、旅游营销、利用信息技术保护遗产资源、旅游研究的定量系统动力学模型等方面的研究。  相似文献   

中国自然、文化资源丰富,是拥有世界遗产类别最齐全的国家之一。中国是遗产大国,但不是遗产强国。中国政府非常重视世界遗产的申报,取得了一定的成绩,但是就实际情况来看,这还不够。通过分析我国的申报世界遗产现状,以预备清单为依据分析申报潜力,进而分析我国世界遗产申报的利益相关者、申报中的亮点与不足,并结合国外申报工作的先进经验,深入探讨我国申报世界遗产新思路  相似文献   

Despite a growing recognition that intangible heritage forms an important part of the significance of heritage sites, and that intangible values are intertwined with material resources and spaces, many procedures for the identification and management of heritage sites remain unchanged and fail to integrate these two sets of values. The conservation of heritage sites continues to be dominated by a process that first identifies a material site and then identifies the associated values that comprise its significance. This paper suggests that rather than identifying the physical expression of heritage as the initial point of heritage assessment, the stories (or intangible values) of a region or national history can form the primary mechanism for identifying physical heritage sites. Using the example of Australian government policies of Aboriginal segregation and assimilation, we suggest how national stories – or intangible values – might be used to identify representative sites.  相似文献   


The predicted impacts of climate change on cultural heritage are likely to be dynamic and complex. Understanding the potential risks at site level is vital to ensure that appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures are put in place. There is, however, a dearth of tools and methodologies suitable for use by heritage managers. In this paper the potential of vulnerability analysis for site-based assessment is explored. A six-step vulnerability framework, adapted for cultural heritage, is illustrated utilizing material from two case-study sites (Brú na Bóinne and Skellig Michael). The implementation of each step in the proposed framework is demonstrated to aid those wishing to apply the method in practice. The ‘values based’ approach taken is suitable for a wide range of cultural heritage including landscapes, monuments, and buried archaeology. The six-step framework and the utilization of indicators provide a method that allows comparison between sites and yet is sufficiently flexible to account for localized concerns. The framework will aid decision makers with planning and prioritization.  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore the ‘Preservation/Heritage Values/Management’ triptych, and we propose a new method for addressing the values attributed to cultural heritage sites. Combining multidisciplinary and cosmopolitan approaches, we propose a way of moving beyond the traditional lens of assessing significance within the imposed categorical framework of ‘aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual values’. We provide an example of our new approach through a worked case study in the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (South African section). Our case study concerns the values associated with the world famous San (Bushman) rock art of this mountain area. Through a thematic analysis of data collected in this area from 2009 to 2017, six cross-cultural interest points are identified and are discussed. Building upon the history of values-based heritage management, we argue that our multidisciplinary and cosmopolitan method is transferable and can be applied to heritage sites around the world. It can facilitate the construction of heritage management plans that are more in tune with local actors and that will therefore prove to be more effective and sustainable.  相似文献   

This article argues that the Somali people have a distinctive view on heritage and a different approach to its preservation relevant to their society. It suggests that a locally appropriate theoretical framework for heritage management and archaeological research can only be achieved if this local approach is taken into consideration and integrated into archaeological and heritage methodologies. The lack of qualified Somalis and indigenous perspectives in the archaeological research and heritage management policies characterizes Somali cultural heritage and archaeological research history. This research shows that previous approaches that have been pursued lacked dialogue and incorporation of local views of heritage practice. This lack of dialogue has been of paramount importance for the failure of the preservation of Somali cultural heritage, evident both in the previous neglect of its preservation and in the current looting and destruction of archaeological sites in Somaliland, Puntland and south-central Somalia. It is demonstrated how Somali indigenous perspectives are concurring and contributing to world heritage management and archaeological research methods. I suggest that any heritage work must integrate local approaches and trained local groups should lead archaeological research and heritage management in order to achieve sustainable development and self-representation.  相似文献   

对我国世界遗产品牌价值的保护策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁学成  邢晓玉 《人文地理》2007,22(5):110-113
我国对遗产旅游以及相关的开发利用都制定了保护措施,然而针对遗产品牌价值的保护问题却一直缺乏相应的规定。加之世界遗产的公共资源属性而使我国许多地区出现企业争抢使用遗产品牌的混乱局面。为此,笔者通过相关网站对我国部分世界遗产品牌的使用状况进行搜索,并通过发放调查问卷等方式,对社会公众的世界遗产品牌认知情况和被企业使用后的态度等问题进行了抽样调查。通过统计软件的分析可以看出世界遗产品牌价值的使用已严重影响了世界遗产文化价值的传播、发展与实现,从而指出保护世界遗产品牌价值的必要性。最后,结合我国世界遗产品牌的使用现状提出了相应的保护策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores a number of issues in regard to the world heritage listing of the World War II underwater cultural heritage sites located in Truk Lagoon. The destruction of the Japanese Naval Base at Truk was an important event in the American strategy to end World War II and it had a profound effect on the indigenous inhabitants. Divers from all over the world visit Truk Lagoon to dive the 50 shipwrecks and numerous aircraft. The paper investigates the significance of the sites in accordance with the criteria for world heritage listing, and in context with Pacific Island Nations requirements.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

This article focuses on what kind of impact Western thought has on cultural heritage management on a global scale. UNESCO seems to provide and exercise a worldwide and unified definition of the character of the past and cultural heritage. Important here is the idea of sustainable development, including the perspective of cultural heritage as a non-renewable resource. Through an actor-network analysis of the UNESCO system and its relation to the assigned state parties, it is shown that the process of managing cultural heritage in itself contributes to the very definition of the past and cultural heritage. However, there are indications that outside the Western world this effect is to a large degree superficial and mainly relevant for the monuments and sites present on the World Heritage List. The suggestion is that the world cultural heritage seems to function as a varnish covering heterogeneous matter, rather than being a phenomenon encompassing a genuine global essence accepted throughout the world.  相似文献   

This paper examines how authenticity and its use as a way of conceptualising the past participates in processes of heritage production, which are here defined as both the social construction of heritage sites and the uses of heritage sites as resources to achieve social goals. We argue that the social production of place and the social values generated by place are linked by a common approach based on the use of ‘place attraction’ as a unifying social concept. The World Heritage Site of Røros has as an attractive place become a resource for the production of cultural capital among various stakeholders, taking the form of a large body of ‘heritage knowledges’. However, a symbolic capital production of ‘attractive authenticity’ has today generated an idealised past and a purified iconic image of Røros as World Heritage. The discourse of ‘attractive authenticity’ reveals a conflict of interests where symbolic capital unfolds and makes power relations evident. This exposes a discussion about cultural heritage management practices at World Heritage Sites.  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下的中国世界遗产(地)研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨效忠  陆林 《人文地理》2006,21(4):51-57
近年来,在遗产旅游快速发展的背景下,中国世界遗产地保护和开发的矛盾愈加显现,遗产研究明显滞后于遗产实践发展需要。该文综述了20年来我国世界遗产(地)研究,研究内容涉及遗产旅游、遗产价值和景观特征、遗产管理和制度、遗产保护利用和可持续发展、遗产营销和形象传播、遗产法律和教育、遗产研究方法和遗产保护技术等。研究进展划分为起步阶段、发展阶段、拓展提升阶段,阐述了各阶段的研究特征。分析认为,旅游发展背景下的中国世界遗产地保护和经营管理体系研究是今后遗产研究的焦点,并提出相应的研究框架和理论方法。  相似文献   

任啸 《旅游科学》2006,20(4):19-23
文章以世界遗产景区九寨沟为例,分析了世界遗产旅游产品的性质,即:由公共资源和一系列服务耦合而成的复合性产品,具有“准公共产品”的性质。政府部门和私人部门结合提供世界遗产旅游产品,能兼顾社会福利与经济效率。而在我国,作为国家公共资源的世界遗产的属地管理体制,导致了世界遗产景区旅游产品定价的利润最大化倾向。文章结合我国国情,提出世界遗产旅游产品定价应采取平均成本加一定比例发展基金的定价方法和政府指导下市场供给定价相结合的方式。  相似文献   

This article calls for a specific form of comparative inquiry within historical archaeology as drawn from diaspora studies. Such a project encourages archaeologists to compare research from emigrant areas alongside work at overseas sites. This diasporic approach provides new potentials for engaging with the modern world by intersecting with both traditional and new aspects of archaeological practice. In order to showcase these aspects of a diasporic approach, the author explores three case studies from Montana, Peru, and New Zealand – connecting each to its related home area. The case studies explore how data drawn from a group’s homeland can support established heritage practices, engage with modern social problems, and illuminate complexities arising within sites based on ethnolinguistic differences within populations.  相似文献   

This paper engages the practical aspects of linking heritage, in particular, archaeological heritage, with both individual and community economic development. In recent years, there has been growing realisation that culture, inclusive of cultural heritage, can be both a driver and an enabler of economic development, especially in developing countries. However, few documented examples demonstrate the validity of such arguments. The paper explores some practical examples of how, at the grassroots level, individuals and communities are attempting to exploit archaeological heritage sites as well as other cultural and natural heritage resources for income generation in Zimbabwe. The major thrust of the paper is to assess the manner of use and the viability of such ventures. Since the ability of archaeological heritage to generate revenue and support people around the sites has a direct effect on long-term survival of such heritage, ultimately, the paper contributes to the discourse on linking heritage and economic development as well as the theme of sustainable heritage preservation.  相似文献   

本文作者参与了受国家文物局委托,由清华大学国家遗产保护研究中心(清华大学建筑学院下属研究机构)承担的“世界文化遗产保护及遗产地经济发展”课题研究(2009年10月至今)。该课题旨在加强世界文化遗产的研究、保护和管理,促进遗产地经济社会的全面、协调和可持续发展。以中国世界文化遗产地大量案例研究和现场调研为基础,依据保护经济学理论,探讨世界遗产地对其依托城镇或地区直接和间接产生影响的主要经济领域、作用模式、遗产地产生的长期效益及其未来发展情况,最终提出有利于遗产地可持续发展的相关政策性建议和措施。  相似文献   

As locations of a distinctively Catholic faith, Mass Rocks are important historical, ritual and counter-cultural sites that present a tangible connection to Ireland’s rich heritage for contemporary society. Recent authors have begun to fill a gap in published literature yet few go beyond traditional assumptions. This paper offers a more contemporary approach to the study of Mass Rocks based on extensive field research in county Cork. It argues for the introduction of new and innovative classifications that expand the accepted archaeological definition and proposes a set of criteria for the more robust verification of potential sites.  相似文献   

2015尼泊尔地震对加德满都谷地的世界文化遗产造成不可估量的损失。为了探究谷地文化遗产震害整体分布特征,对谷地世界文化遗产建筑的震害状况开展实地调查,划分了三类文化遗产震害等级标准,形成了六处世界文化遗产的震害图并对其进行统计分析,加德满都、帕坦和巴德岗三处杜巴广场震后保存基本完好的文化遗产建筑占各自总数的39.5%、53.3%、50%,斯瓦扬布纳特寺、昌谷纳拉扬寺和博达哈大佛塔主体保存基本完好,附属建筑不同程度地破坏。加德满都、帕坦和巴德岗三处杜巴广场地层的松软沉积层放大地震效应使建筑严重破坏,斯瓦扬布纳特寺、昌谷纳拉扬寺震害主要受地形特征影响。考察成果为我国同类遗产建筑的抗震防护提供参考。  相似文献   

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