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何郢遗址出土青铜器铜矿料来源的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用地球化学示踪的方法对何郢遗址出土青铜器的铜矿料来源进行了初步研究.采用ICP-AES测试了样品的微量元素,根据元素的地球化学亲和性,探索其在冶炼过程中的化学行为和再分配规律,从而选出对铜绿山和皖南的铜陵、南陵铜矿具有指示意义的特征元素,作为判断其铜料输出路线的综合判别标志.结合文献和地质资料,可初步认为何郢遗址青铜器的铜矿料来自滁县.  相似文献   

根据要想追溯青铜器铜矿料来源,必须先了解古铜矿及其冶炼金属产物的微量元素和同位素特征,研究其输出方向这一思路,以前期提出的以较高含量的Se、Te、Ni(Co/Ni大多小于1)、Ag、Au等及相对低含量的Sb、Bi、Mo等作为安徽铜陵等地古铜矿冶炼产物一铜锭产地的特征指示元素为综合判别标志,用等离子发射光谱仪对皖南沿江地区出土的部分青铜器进行多元素分析。结果表明,样品Tc2007、Tc2005、fc12所用铜料不大可能来自铜陵地区,其余样品可能来自当地。鼎、(虚瓦)等大件样品可能在其它地区铸造后传人本地。研究结果说明,利用微量元素判断青铜器铜矿料来源是可行的。  相似文献   

利用微量元素示踪青铜器矿料来源的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过仿古范铸实验和微量元素分析研究,可以初步得出利用微量元素示踪青铜器产地及矿料来源或探索古代矿冶产品输出路线是可行的,但要走新的技术路线的看法。  相似文献   

张懋镕 《文博》2008,(5):19-24
本文从分析一件定名有争议的青铜器--伯湄父簋入手,认为青铜器的定名是个十分复杂的问题,不能孤立地看待某一件器物,必须了解这一类器物发展、演变的全过程,以及它与其它器物(同出的陶器和其它铜器)的关联与区别,才能把握住它的性质,给它以正确定名.利用这些定名原则与方法,本文总结出包括伯湄父簋在内的豆形簋的基本特征以及它与豆的区别,认为伯湄父器是簋而不是豆,并据此分析了其它几件定名上有争议的青铜器.  相似文献   

为研究湖北随州叶家山西周墓地出土6件典型青铜器残片的锈蚀特征,利用超景深三维视频显微分析、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、离子色谱、拉曼光谱(Raman)及扫描电镜能谱面扫描分析(SEM-EDS Mapping)等方法对其进行了综合分析。研究结果表明:叶家山墓地墓葬多为中性/弱酸性、贫氯埋藏环境,有利于青铜器的保存。其锈层结构丰富,符合基于水与青铜器模拟腐蚀过程所推导的锈层结构类型。唯M46为弱碱性、富氯的埋藏环境,该墓出土残片锈蚀中存在有害锈,属于典型"粗糙疏松"锈层类型,亟须对该墓出土其他铜器进行相关保护处理。本研究系利用拉曼及扫描电镜能谱面扫描分析等方法对古代青铜器锈层结构进行原位、综合分析的工作。实践指出,利用拉曼及扫描电镜能谱面扫描分析等方法,可快捷、高效、有针对性地分析古代青铜器的锈层结构。  相似文献   

目前,对古代青铜器的真伪及时代鉴定没有一个科学的鉴定标准,仍仅靠专家的个人经验来判断。作者长期在山西博物院从事文物保护修复工作,经常利用现代科学仪器对青铜器进行检测分析,积累了大量数据资料,发现这些古代青铜器在成分配比、锈蚀结构、铜锈成分及铸造特征等方面有其独特的信息,从中归纳出了利用现代科学仪器鉴别古代青铜器(主要为汉代以前)与仿古青铜器的几种方法。  相似文献   

为研究出土墓葬青铜器铸造地,利用X射线荧光光谱法对湖北襄樊的余岗、沈岗、团山、陈坡四处墓地出土的部分青铜器泥芯、陶片进行测试分析,试验结果与山西侯马、武汉盘龙城遗址进行比较分析。对比研究显示,襄樊地区泥芯与当地墓土、陶片在常量元素上具有高度一致性,而与黄河流域的侯马和长江中下游的盘龙城有明显区别,说明襄樊地区这部分铜器应为本地铸造,暗示江汉流域存在自己特有文化。本项研究工作首次尝试利用同墓葬陶器化学成分探索青铜器铸造地,是泥芯研究青铜器铸造地的重要补充,泥芯和陶器相互配合,为青铜器铸造地研究提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

为研究出土墓葬青铜器铸造地,利用X射线荧光光谱法对湖北襄樊的余岗、沈岗、团山、陈坡四处墓地出土的部分青铜器泥芯、陶片进行测试分析,试验结果与山西侯马、武汉盘龙城遗址进行比较分析。对比研究显示,襄樊地区泥芯与当地墓土、陶片在常量元素上具有高度一致性,而与黄河流域的侯马和长江中下游的盘龙城有明显区别,说明襄樊地区这部分铜器应为本地铸造,暗示江汉流域存在自己特有文化。本项研究工作首次尝试利用同墓葬陶器化学成分探索青铜器铸造地,是泥芯研究青铜器铸造地的重要补充,泥芯和陶器相互配合,为青铜器铸造地研究提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

(三) 今天我讲第三讲,中国青铜器的演进和发展。青铜器的研究,同金文研究不太一样,它比金文研究更重要,更广泛,它除对其铭文研究外,还要从形制、纹饰、功能、组合和工艺等方面作综合的研究。关于青铜器的起源,在第一讲已经简单  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜-能谱仪(SEM-EDS)及金(矿)相显微镜等研究手段,对江西九江共青城市博物馆馆藏唯一一件曲柄铜盉进行金相组织观察和成分检测分析,并初步进行考古研究。结果表明:此曲柄铜盉的材质为铜-锡-铅(Cu-Sn-Pb)三元合金,制作工艺为铸造而成,其成熟的铜锡铅配比和加工方法佐证了商周青铜器的铸造技术。虽然曲柄铜盉的出土地为江西地区,但是通过形制初步判断其为群舒文化典型青铜盉,在一定程度上说明了吴、楚、越文化和群舒文化在先秦时期的融合情况。截至目前,此曲柄铜盉在江西地区尚属首次和唯一出现,填补了江西此类型青铜器研究的空白,对于揭示江西先秦青铜器冶金技术内涵及探讨江西与其周边地区的交流传播具有重要的价值意义。  相似文献   

Copper isotope ratios differ between hypogene sulfidic, supergene sulfidic and oxidized ore sources. Traditional lead isotope signatures of ancient metals are specific to deposits, while Cu isotope signatures are specific to the types of ore minerals used for metal production in ancient times. Two methodological case studies are presented: First, the mining district of Faynan (Jordan) was investigated. Here, mainly oxidized copper ores occur in the deposits. The production of copper from Fayan’s ore sources is confirmed by the measurement of the Cu isotope signature of ingots from the Early Bronze Age metal workshop from Khirbat Hamra Ifdan. Based on our results illustrating differences in the Cu isotope composition between the ore mineralizations from Timna (Israel) and Faynan, it is now possible to determine these prehistoric mining districts from which copper artifacts originated by combining trace elements and Pb isotopes with Cu isotopes. The second case study presents data on Late Bronze Age copper production in Cyprus. Oxhide ingots from the shipwreck of Uluburun (Turkey) were tested for their lead isotope signatures and assigned to Cypriot deposits in the recent decades. The oxhide ingots from Uluburun show a Cu isotope signature which we also found for oxidized copper ores from Cyprus, while younger oxhide ingots as well as metallurgical slag from the Cypriot settlements Kition and Enkomi show a different signature which might be due to the use of sulfidic ore sources from a greater depth of deposits. We assert that there could be a chronological shift from oxidized to sulfidic ore sources for the copper production in Cyprus, requiring different technologies. Therefore, Cu isotopes can be used as a proxy to reconstruct mining and induced smelting activities in ancient times.  相似文献   

Archaeological underwater investigations in the coast of Mersin and Antalya districts of the Turkish Mediterranean have been carried out with the permission of the Ministry of Culture of Turkish Republic since 1999. Many shipwrecks, sunken settlements, port structures, ancient harbour facilities and other archaeological remains have been documented and lodged in the national archive. The most important discovery within the scope of our study in 2018 has been revealed at the boundaries of the Ancient Lycia-Lukka Region in Kumluca at the west coast of Antalya. It is a pleasure for us to announce that a new Bronze Age shipwreck has been discovered in the same waters as the Gelidonia and Uluburun shipwrecks excavated by George Bass and Cemal Pulak. This new shipwreck could probably be dated to 16-15th Century BC, earlier than the Gelidonia and Uluburun ships. The main part of the shipwreck consists of at least 73 pillow-type ingots (copper?) and at least 4 bun (pita) type ingots (copper or tin?). Pillow-type ingots are compatible with Buchholz / Bass Type 1 ingots, which are usually dated to 16th-15th century BC and rarely to 14th century BC. Part of the shipwreck cargo continues under the sand and the remaining part of it, probably including its anchor, is also under natural camouflage. In order to avoid damaging the in situ position of the shipwreck, no samples have yet been taken. The different findings observed under the sand and the part forming the main cargo were untouched.  相似文献   


We consider the archaeological contexts in which copper objects have been recovered at the ancient Maya site of Lamanai in northern Belize and the significance these objects had for the residents of the community during Postclassic (ca. A.D. 950–1544) and Spanish colonial (post 1544) times. More copper objects have been recovered from controlled archaeological contexts at Lamanai than any other site in the southern Maya lowlands area. Bells make up the majority of the assemblage during the centuries just prior to and during historical times, but high status objects such as rings and clothing ornaments found in elite burials dominate in the Early Postclassic period. All of these objects were imported from outside the Maya area. Utilitarian objects, including needles, axes, and fish books, are found in a variety of contexts during Late Postclassic and Spanish colonial times, as are bells and rings. Production materials, including prills, blanks, and pigs/ingots, in addition to mis-cast objects that are production failures, also appear during this time. Nearly all of the copper objects found at Lamanai are distinctly Mesoamerican in form and design, and based on metallurgical analyses it appears that manufacturing technologies were distinctly Mesoamerican as well. The presence of production materials and mis-cast piecesy along with the results of chemical compositional and microstructural analyses, support the idea that the Maya at Lamanai were engaged in the on-site production of copper objects by late precolumbian times.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and microstructure of objects excavated in three hoards from the end of the Late Bronze and Iron Age sites in Israel were studied using energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis and optical metallography. The objects are industrial in origin (scrap or jewelry pieces) and include differently shaped ingots, mainly so-called hacksilber, in various sizes. The primary composition is Ag with typically several percent of Cu and Au and less than 1 % of Pb. The concentrations of these metals in each hoard differ significantly. The microstructure of the hacksilber ingots shows a typical dendritic as-cast structure and a surface cold work deformation, probably caused by chiseling the ingot piece off a larger cast bar. Relatively high concentrations of Au, as in the above samples, were observed previously in Egyptian ancient silver which differs from the ancient Greek silver that contains a significantly lower Au content.  相似文献   

将微量元素示踪法与铅同位素比值法结合起来对青铜器矿料的溯源会起到相得益彰的效果。先前对虢国墓地青铜器的铅同位素比值测定表明,其青铜器铅同位素与山西中条山和长江中下游地区都有重合。本次微量元素分析结果显示,虢国墓地青铜器与山西中条山古矿冶遗址微量元素特征不同,而与长江中下游地区的湖北铜绿山古矿冶遗址铜锭的微量元素特征相似,推测长江中下游地区可能为虢国墓地青铜器提供了大量的铜料。此外,微量元素与铅同位素都表明虢国墓地不同墓葬的青铜器基本具有一致的矿料来源。  相似文献   

Nearly 200 new lead isotope analyses of sulphidic and oxidized ores from 26 copper mines on Cyprus show that the mines from different geological regions group in five distinctive isotopic groups, each with a substructure, related to the geological history of the ore formation. Comparison of lead isotope compositions of Bronze Age artefacts with these data can in many cases reveal the actual mines from which the copper for particular artefacts was obtained. The particular case of the provenance of the copper for 78 Late Bronze Age copper ‘oxhide ingots’found in Cyprus, Crete, Greece, Sardinia, Turkey and Bulgaria is discussed. The data show that all oxhide ingots so far analysed, dating to the fourteenth century BC and later, were made of copper consistent isotopically with only one mining region in the geographical north of Cyprus, and especially the Apliki mine. The study provides further evidence which supports the validity of the conventional approach to the use of lead isotope analysis for provenancing metals; this evidence is antithetical to recent suggestions of a model for the production of copper oxhide ingots which involved widespread mixing of copper from a number of ore sources throughout the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

We describe here the first combined isotopic and impurities study on 27 copper artefacts found in the north‐west of Spain. This study follows previous studies on the lead isotopic composition of copper ores in three local mines that were exploited during the Bronze Age. The levels of impurities found were clearly different from ingots and axes, with ingots having much higher levels of impurities. It was not possible to differentiate the origin of the artefacts only by the impurities present. On the other hand, the lead isotopic composition indicated that all artefacts were prepared from local ores, the ‘La Profunda’ mine being the most probable source for most artefacts that carried out a clear radiogenic lead signature. The copper isotopic composition seemed to be able to differentiate artefacts from the ‘El Aramo’ mine from those from the ‘El Milagro’ and ‘La Profunda’ mines. On the other hand, the antimony isotopic signature was not useful for source allocation.  相似文献   

Analysis of residual stress in archaeological copper alloy artefacts by neutron diffraction has considerable potential for the investigation of early fabrication processes. However, residual stresses in metals are known to relax due to conditions similar to those encountered during burial, corrosion and conservation. In this pilot study, we investigate the effects of corrosion and conservation on a small group of replica copper ingots. Although corrosion and light cleaning do indeed cause some relaxation of stresses in the metal, corrosion having the most significant effect, the basic patterns and major features of the stress profiles may still be seen.  相似文献   

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