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One of the most important yet complex contemporary political projects of belonging relate to rapidly diversifying societies. While prior research has tended to focus on how young people work to fit into the nation, this study sought to examine the processes by which ethnic minority young people (re)produced, reimagined and challenged narratives of national belonging. Underpinned by feminist theoretical understandings of citizenship and everyday nation, the study examined how young people (n = 180) attending four superdiverse high schools in Aotearoa New Zealand deliberated and negotiated the parameters of who belonged to the nation. The use of a qualitative participatory strategy – self-directed peer focus groups – opened up opportunities for young people to debate and contest complex ideas about belonging and national identity. Ethnic minority participants expressed widespread dissatisfaction with traditional narrow, monocultural narratives of national identity and drew on illustrations from their own everyday encounters with diverse others to offer more inclusive alternatives. Many employed affective notions of national belonging that centred on ‘feeling’ like, or choosing to be a ‘Kiwi’, rather than being chosen. Their deliberations and dialogue demonstrated agentic ways in which ethnic minority young people were ‘rewriting’ the narratives of national belonging to ensure that they and their peers were located as legitimate citizens of the nation, and in doing so, revealed the formation of their citizenship subjectivities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses missionization in New Zealand and Australia during the nineteenth century. Despite sharing aspects of colonial history and a geographical proximity in the South Pacific, the development of missions in both countries was disparate, leading to two very different types of missions, types I have identified as the “household” mission in New Zealand and the “institutional” mission in Australia. In both types common themes can be found, concerned with the “civilizing mission,” domesticity, and gender roles. These two types of missions were replicated in other parts of the globe, such as North America and the Pacific.  相似文献   

The events of 11 September 2001 have prompted many states throughout the world to reinvigorate and strengthen their focus on countering terrorism. Surprisingly New Zealand, arguably a relatively unlikely target for terrorist action, already had in place a very comprehensive set of counter-measures both prior to this more recent event and even before the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in the mid-1980s. This article investigates why and how a state as 'secure' as New Zealand has purposely created a comprehensive set of counter-terrorist measures over the years. Reasons of caution and prudence in the domestic arena are perhaps sufficient, but this article further asserts that various other 'international' elements have also been, and will continue to be, major factors in the development of legislative and substantive counter-terrorist measures in New Zealand.  相似文献   

新西兰中国大陆新移民初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文基于统计数字,分析了新西兰移民政策对中国大陆移民的影响、中国大陆移民在新西兰的定居状况以及近期新移民的政治诉求。得出结论,新西兰中国大陆新移民群体的形成始于新西兰在1987年所颁布的新移民法案,此后分别于20世纪90年代中期和2000年以后共两次大批的中国大陆人士移民新西兰;近年的新移民包括数以万计的留学生转化的移民以及数额可观的商业移民,尤其是投资移民;如此数万之众的留学生和新移民的到来,对新西兰华人社会经济产生了巨大影响;很多中国大陆新移民对参与新西兰政治表现出了浓厚的兴趣;未来的研究应做多角度和深度研究,如探讨新西兰中国大陆移民的身份认同问题,他们与其他华裔移民及土生华裔的关系以及这个群体中的"空中飞人"和海归现象等。  相似文献   

This is a report on a workshop on feminist geography organised by the Department of Geography, University of Waikato, Te Whare Waananga o Waikato, held at Pirongia Forest Park Lodge, 29-31 July 1994.  相似文献   

In place of a ‘tolerant no more’ narrative, this article proposes a different conception of nationalism's re‐articulation in the Dutch context. The salience of nationhood in public and political life, particularly concerning issues of immigration, religion and diversity, is not reconstructed as a backlash against a purported multiculturalism. Instead, attention is given to a re‐articulation of the very notion of nationhood. A long‐term historical move away from characterology is assessed and applied in understanding the emergence of a national‐identity discourse. This discourse not merely embellishes talk of Dutchness with new terms, but indicates – so the articles aim to demonstrate – a different conception of nationhood all together. Apart from what the nation is – about which very little disagreement took place – discussions formed about how Dutchness was imagined and to what extent people themselves were able to form a national image. The emergence of national‐identity discourse is empirically reconstructed. Not only is it made clear how a logic of popularity begins to be reiterated across a variety of positionings, but public debate and dissensus acquire a new significance and performativity in the process.  相似文献   

As the most visible element of the marketing communications mix, advertising has had its critics and, given the choice, developed countries usually select a self-regulatory approach to deal with unacceptable or irresponsible advertising. This article reviews the literature in this area and incorporates thoughtful contributions from research conducted with New Zealand's Advertising Standards Authority. This approach helps bridge the gap between theory and practice and assists advertising practitioners and regulators concerned with advertising control to eliminate undesirable features of such systems in the future. Findings indicate that practice differs from theory in the areas of complaint acceptance procedures and code enforcement. A challenge for future research lies in addressing these two key components of the model in more detail and less breadth.  相似文献   

<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

沈旻 《旅游纵览》2014,(6):64-69
<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

<正>新西兰南岛是一个真正见仁见智的地方,爱者恨不得马上移民过去,但也有些人感觉这里的境况让人一言难尽,我就是后者。好在新西兰独特的野生动物甚得我心,作为生态摄影爱好者,秉承一贯的拍写过程,来讲述一下这里珍稀的黄眼企鹅。  相似文献   

吴刚毅 《旅游纵览》2016,(7):94-100
蓝宝石般的湖泊新西兰是一个拥有众多湖泊的国家,尤以南岛为甚。在这块神奇的岛屿上,一个个璀璨的、如蓝宝石般晶莹的湖泊点缀其间。一路行来,短短数十天,我们邂逅了大大小小十几座风格各异的湖泊,目不暇接,流连忘返。首先走进我的视线的是新西兰第二大湖——蒂阿瑙湖,也是南岛的第一大湖。由于到达的时候已是夜幕低垂,湖水的样子看得并不清晰,于是第二天我黎明即起,迫不及待地来到湖边,但见一汪清澈的湖水如一面巨大的镜子,平整地安放在山脚下,没有一丝风,湖水安静得出奇。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article argues for a close relationship between national identity and the institutionalisation of the visual arts in Grenada. Art, which is intrinsic to all humans, predates its institutionalisation: it is only institutionalised in societies with a strong sense of national identity. In order to explain the role of national identity in the formation of national art, the article begins by examining the period following World War II, when Grenada – still under British colonialism – was undergoing intense social and political changes. To understand these changes, the analysis of the stratification system is paramount. The article delineates three groups on the basis of the value systems developed historically: the elite, the masses and a small, growing middle class situated between these two groups. The works of three prominent Grenadian artists illustrate the argument that institutionalisation of art requires a strong sense of national identity, and through this process the artistic development of a society occurs. Furthermore, understanding this process requires a focus on the ways in which social and political groups or classes impeded the development of a national identity, preventing the institutionalisation of the arts.  相似文献   


Notwithstanding its isolation and very small population New Zealand has a remarkably interesting legacy of industrial archaeology. Early industries were stimulated by a rugged colonial self-reliance and in spite of the temporary nature of many structures there is a reasonable measure of visual evidence remaining. Fanning and gold-mining generated other industries, in particular the manufacture of agricultural equipment and mining machinery. In addition to shipbuilding, refrigeration of meat and dairy produce, timber milling, flaxmilling and coalmining there were many service industries leaving industrial monuments and relics. Unlike Britain there is only a very small number of people committed to the study, recording and preservation of industrial archaeology.  相似文献   

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