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从台湾社会的发展看台湾留美运动的兴衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战后台湾留学生运动的兴起、发展及衰落 ,与台湾现代化的萌芽、发展与成熟息息相关。 1 95 0年代至 1 960年代 ,台湾经济筚路蓝缕 ,到先进国家留学 ,成为一代青年的最高愿望。同时 ,台湾与美国经济发展的巨大悬殊使留美学生很容易做出滞留不归的抉择。从 1 970年代台湾开始经济起飞 ,到 1 980年代台湾完全脱贫致富 ,台湾留学生经济状况改善。同时 ,从 1 980年代起 ,美国劳工市场的不景气与台湾社会经济的发展吸引一部分留美学生返台工作。到 1 990年代 ,留美学生的返台率进一步提高 ,反映了台湾经济进入国际中心 ,劳工人才开始流向台湾。 1 990年代后期 ,留学美国运动开始衰落 ,许多台湾青年不再视留学为“正途”。这一现象不仅体现了台湾学术研究水平的提高 ,本土培养的研究人员已具有国际竞争力 ,也反映了台湾经济国际化、信息化的开始  相似文献   

Long seen as an unexpectedly successful example of international cooperation, the NPT is now like a wisdom tooth that is rotten at its root and the abscess is poisoning the international body politic. The price for agreement to the substance of the treaty was the inclusion of Article 6, which committed the Nuclear Weapon States (NWS) to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons. With the strategic arms race underway, in 1968 the NWS saw Article 6 as an empty aspiration; 25 years later it had acquired a whole new significance. The first half of the 1990s was a period of constructive optimism as non-signatories hastened to sign the treaty and the non-nuclear weapon states were persuaded to agree to its indefinite extension. The second half brought disillusionment as it became increasingly clear that the NWS had no intention of meeting their Article 6 obligations or the promises made at the five-yearly review conferences (1995, 2000, 2005), and that Washington was set on developing useable nukes for pre-emptive prevention. The bad faith and double standards fuelled wide-spread resentment (particularly in the Non-Aligned Movement) and contributed to the post-9/11 image of the 'The West against the Rest', a corrosive concept that is reinforced by US rhetoric. Rather than 'cooperative security', America is explicitly set on global military supremacy, which will evoke countervailing power and inevitably lead to nuclear arms racing and the renewed danger of inadvertent nuclear war. The likely long- and short-term consequences of the present situation require a fundamental response involving a major policy initiative. Only Britain is in a position to take such an initiative, but it will require us to withdraw from our self-appointed role of 'loyal vassal' to America and to adopt a role that has the potential of being not only more important and influential, but also more appropriate to our history, capabilities and talents.  相似文献   

Jess Walsh 《对极》1999,31(4):398-420
Despite sustained disciplinary interest in the social and institutional regulation of labor markets, the relations between welfare provision and work have received scant attention from geographers. This paper charts the functional and spatial interdependence of the urban welfare system and the agricultural industry in Southern California in the 1920s and 1930s. Employer groups actively constructed this interdependence and negotiated its unintended effects with strategies to discursively and physically manage the population of Mexican workers using welfare resources. These strategies, dependent on local grower control of the welfare apparatus, undergirded the racialized division of labor that concentrated Mexicans in casualized farm work.  相似文献   

This article traces the rise of humanitarian interventionist ideas in the US from 1991 to 2003. Until 1997, humanitarian intervention was a relatively limited affair, conceived ad hoc more than systematically, prioritized below multilateralism, aiming to relieve suffering without transforming foreign polities. For this reason, US leaders and citizens scarcely contemplated armed intervention in the Rwandan genocide of 1994: the US 'duty to stop genocide' was a norm still under development. It flourished only in the late 1990s, when humanitarian interventionism, like neoconservatism, became popular in the US establishment and enthusiastic in urging military invasion to remake societies. Now inaction in Rwanda looked outrageous. Stopping the genocide seemed, in retrospect, easily achieved by 5,000 troops, a projection that ignored serious obstacles. On the whole, humanitarian interventionists tended to understate difficulties of halting ethnic conflict, ignore challenges of postconflict reconstruction, discount constraints imposed by public opinion, and override multilateral procedures. These assumptions primed politicians and the public to regard the Iraq war of 2003 as virtuous at best and unworthy of strenuous dissent at worst. The normative commitment to stop mass killing outstripped US or international capabilities—a formula for dashed hopes and dangerous deployments that lives on in the 'responsibility to protect'.  相似文献   

This article examines the office of advocate at the abbey of Saint-Martin of Tours. It studies what was regionally distinctive about its emergence there in the late ninth century and suggests a reason for the office’s demise in the early tenth century. In doing so, it draws out the important discursive shifts which were part and parcel of both the setting-up and the fading-away of Carolingian ‘reform’, suggesting that the changes seen in the advocatial office were ones of mentality first and of administrative change only secondarily.  相似文献   

With a few exceptions, the existing scholarship on the relationship between the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) and Irish nationalism has largely overlooked the experiences of the Irish diaspora. This article seeks to redress this neglect by exploring the ways in which Irish nationalism has historically been produced, reproduced and contested amongst members of the GAA in the USA. In light of their status as focal points of Irish immigration and as centres of Gaelic games activity in America, the article focuses on the cities of Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. It draws on extensive archival and interview research conducted in each locale since 2000 and reveals that while intensely politicised and ethnic versions of Irish nationalism have historically weaved their way through US branches of the Association, since the mid-1990s there have been a number of socio-economic and political developments both in Ireland and in America that have seen the GAA begin to articulate a more civic, less ethnically bounded version of Irish nationalism.  相似文献   

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