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The unseating of decks is one of the most prevalent failure modes of bridges after earthquake events, as observed in the 2010 Chile Earthquake. Damaged bridges in Chile often had skew angles and were supported on elastomeric bearings. Similar bridge construction practices with decks supported on elastomeric bearings are also common in the central and eastern U.S. (CEUS). The seismic displacement demands on skewed bridges are more complicated than those on bridges without skew angles due to the coupling of translational modes with the rotational mode of vibration. The study presented in this article seeks to understand the seismic response of skewed bridge decks supported on elastomeric bearings. The scope of the study is limited to one- and two-span bridges, which constitute a large portion of bridge inventory in the CEUS. The vibration modes of skewed bridge decks are derived in closed form and the modes are compared when the gaps between the bridge deck and the abutment are open and when one of the gaps is closed due to seismic excitation. Nonlinear response history analyses are carried out to understand the effects of vertical ground motion, skew angles, aspect ratios, and different ground motion types on the seismic displacement demand in these cases. Amplification factors that approximate the increase in the displacement demand due to the skew angle are proposed.  相似文献   

In 1891, Sigmund Freud published a book on aphasia. Although Freud's contribution to aphasiology could have been important in retrospect, it was hardly acknowledged for three quarters of a century. It may have had an impact on psychoanalytic theory, but this was not acknowledged by Freud. If there are neurological roots in psychoanalysis, they are buried by paradigmatic shifts in Freud's theory.  相似文献   

Australian governments are facing some confusion about public sector accountability. This paper argues that the opaque nature of accountability which persists is the result of changes being wrought, separately and together, by a number of macro factors of which public sector reform and corruption inquiries are but two. This explanation is developed by an examination of some fifteen specific issues which are symptomatic of the lack of transparency in Australian public sector accountability, and simultaneously, contribute to it. The paper contends that clarity is likely to emerge only slowly as gaps and anomalies are recognised and gradually remedied. The paper seeks to contribute to the process by offering a definition of accountability and an outline of several different types of accountability frameworks now operating in Australian governments.  相似文献   

In a recent two‐part article on the nature of kinship, Marshall Sahlins maintains that performative criteria for kin‐reckoning are at least as salient as procreative ones, and that, at conception, an individual is endowed with a wide circle of kin, including the ancestral dead. For both reasons, he argues, there is no warrant for granting privileged status to what anthropologists have called ‘primary’ kinship. The contentions here are that performative criteria are modeled upon procreative ones; that ties to ancestral figures are seen as antithetical to procreative ties; and that, therefore, all kinship constructs are derived from nuclear family relationships. Evidence in support of these contentions is provided from the Mae Enga, Fiji, the Trobriands, and Aboriginal Australia.  相似文献   


This paper calls attention to the difficulties of broaching issues of 'race' and 'sex' in the classroom in the context of nation-wide institutional calls for multiculturalism. I argue that critical multicultural objectives can only be successful if: (1) faculty who take curricular and pedagogical risks are able to count on strong support from colleagues, departmental chairs and university administrators; (2) classroom realities of homophobia, sexism and racism are acknowledged at an institutional structural level to be societal in reach and global in scale; (3) we engage in evaluative strategies that are educative about the learning process; and (4) we stress to students the emotional realities and practical skills involved in learning about, and working through, social conflict and difference.  相似文献   

"英国民族国家的形成"研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳蓉 《史学月刊》2002,(8):5-12
英语中“国家”一词内涵含混、概念不周密,造成史学界长期以来对“英国民族国家”的概念争论不休。英国民族国家形成的重要基础是英格兰国家主权的建立,暴力与合法性原则奠定了英国民族国家的形成基础。尽管英国人拥有各自不同的血统身份,但是他们享有共同的公民身份。  相似文献   

基于SCP框架的我国旅游企业集团化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游市场竞争日趋激烈。本文根据新产业组织理论,应用SCP框架分析我国旅游产业组织结构特征,发现,旅游企业规模偏小、竞争手段单一是我国旅游产业市场绩效差的直接原因。本文提出,建立现代企业制度,优化企业治理结构,消除企业进出的人为壁垒,组建大型旅游企业集团是增强我国旅游产业国际竞争力和提高行业整体效益的有效方法。  相似文献   

The importance of travel-time constraints in spatial choice is widely recognized in the literature of geography and related disciplines, but little work has been done toward developing operational models of spatial choice wherein these constraints and their effects are made explicit. The purpose of the paper is to test the accuracy of predictions produced by a destination choice model that does not take explicit account of travel constraints under the assumption that observed choices are made from choice sets delineated by a constraint of maximum travel time. Observed choices are generated by simulation from a new random utility model consistent with the constrained nature of individual choice sets. Results show that the characteristics of constraints are a decisive factor in the accuracy of the unconstrained choice model. Choice probabilities of the constrained reality are predicted with a reasonably good accuracy in some instances, but predictions are less impressive, and even poor, in many others.  相似文献   

殷周金是地下出土字材料,《尚书》语言是传世献,二大体可以认为是共时的语言材料。前局限于格式,后损失在历代流传抄写过程。将二进行参互比较,对于降低两种语言材料的读解难度,认识该时段语言及用字特点、频率,建立专家数据库,具有不可替代的价值。华东师大中国字研究与应用中心开发研制的《金资料库》,所收青铜器铭释对应的青铜器囊括2001年上半年以前所出土并发表共13271器,为以往任何金录形式所不及。本是在对《尚书》历代传本基本用字调查的基础上,开展基于计算机《金资料库》的《尚书》献用字研究。本所给出的有关数据,就目前而言都是穷尽性的。章的第一部分刊于‘中国字研究》第3辑。  相似文献   

《南唐书》有胡恢、马令、陆游三家,胡书现已很难见到,仅马、陆二书存世。今就胡恢《南唐书》的流传踪迹作了相关的考证,并对马、陆二书现存版本情况进行了全面梳理,希望能对南唐史研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的美国游客中国意象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游目的地意象是入境游客对目的地认知的核心内容,也是其对外传播中国形象的主要载体.本文以旅华美国游客为研究对象,以旅游目的地意象为研究内容,通过4批次全程客流跟踪的调研方式获取了开放式语句资料.采用扎根理论的研究方法,开放式编码抽取了旅华美国游客对中国意象认知的11个主范畴,主轴编码构建了典范模型,继而开发了入境游客目的地意象认知的故事线.研究结果表明:旅游吸引物、自然环境、人文环境及社会特征是游客目的地意象形成的因果条件;目的地所提供的各项旅游服务以及人际互动成为重要的中介条件;目的地意象形成的主要脉络是情感涉入;游客的目的地城市意象会刺激并促使游客产生行为意图.  相似文献   

Wooden pile foundations are quite common in Venice historical building. Very short, small-diameter piles are embedded into the soft shallowest soil layer under the groundwater level, but wood degradation is not prevented as anaerobic bacteria can flourish even in anoxic condition. This study couples the behavior of the masonry structure and the foundation as result of pile degradation. The numerical analyses, relative to the ancient piling, consider wood decay and secondary settlement of soil. The effect of deterioration as a function of the pile spacing and the possible presence of a stiff layer under pile tips are also investigated. The geotechnical results are then used as input for the structural model. The behavior of the masonry as result of different states of wood conservation along the wall is studied numerically.  相似文献   

The problem of locating facilities to maximize their accessibility on networks where costs are functions of flow volume is considered. In particular, an accessibility model developed by Leonardi is extended to bipartite and tree networks whose arc costs are determined by a flow-dependent congestion function. The resultant nonseparable equilibrium problem is solved heuristically, and numerical simulations are used to explore the model's behavior under varying conditions.  相似文献   

基于市场调查的中国旅加游客旅游期望研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄向 《旅游科学》2008,22(2):44-48
本文以加拿大旅游委员会(CTC)授权的2006年入境加拿大的1400个中国游客样本为基础,通过因素分析法将样本游客的55个期望内容提炼为活动敏感因子、文化敏感因子、娱乐敏感因子等12个因子。对12个因子的聚类分析发现中国出境游客期望模式主要为“娱乐期望型”、“寻异期望型”和“健康/价格期望型”,在游客中的比例约为2:2:1。而“娱乐期望”和“寻异期望”是中国游客出境旅游的两大差异期望,前者体现为购物、时尚、夜生活、博彩等,后者体现为文化、原住民、异国风情等。  相似文献   

关于利用历史文献信息进行环境演变研究的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对如何更好地利用我国丰富的历史文献记录,开展历史时期环境演变研究,本文提出四点看法:从地球系统科学与全球变化研究的前沿中寻找研究的主题,在诸多不确定中寻找确定性答案,构建历史文献信息共享的环境演变研究平台,培养文理兼备的复合型人才。  相似文献   

青铜器饕餮纹研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
饕餮纹是商周青铜器上最为常见的纹样,具有鲜明的宗教文化特征。近百年来,学术界从不同的角度对其进行了较为全面的研究,成果与结论甚众。这些论述在一定意义上都有着其自圆其说的合理性,但从整体上考察却都不完善,或是臆断的因素较多,值得我们加以深入研究,以期得出更为合理而全面的结论。本文从名实、源流、型式及内涵等几个层面对前人的研究成果进行了系统地梳理与分析,并试图对其学术价值进行一种历史地评判,以期为后继研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

陕西安康紫阳北五省会馆壁画颜料分析研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
陕西安康紫阳北五省会馆壁画是目前陕西省境内发现的最大的一处建筑壁画,为了解其颜料组成,本工作采用X射线荧光、偏光显微镜、X射线衍射、激光显微拉曼光谱及扫描电镜能谱分析相结合的分析方法,对颜料样品进行了分析。结果表明,北五省会馆壁画除正殿发现一处红色染料外,其他均为无机颜料;红色颜料主要是铅丹、朱砂、铁红;绿色颜料为氯铜矿、石绿、斜氯铜矿;蓝色颜料的主要成分是普鲁士蓝、smalt、石青;黄色颜料为雌黄、铁黄;褐色颜料的主要成分是铁红及铅丹的变色产物二氧化铅;黑色为炭黑;白色颜料主要是铅白,且多使用铅白作为调色颜料。研究结果对于了解清代民间壁画的制作工艺,丰富对陕西建筑壁画的认识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人们对古瓷铭文的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果。但是作为古瓷铭文史上的一个特例--越窑单字款出现的社会意义却缺少探究。本文试从单字款出现的可能性和必要性探索单字款出现的原因。认为当时宽松的烧窑制度是单字款出现的前提条件,而窑业规模和窑工分工是单字款出现的决定性因素。  相似文献   

The articles in this symposium address four themes in relation to the question of American national character: citizenship (Rogers M. Smith), community mores (Rick Santorum), participation (W. B. Allen), and governance (Philip A. Wallach). They are the beginning of our effort to investigate, assess, articulate, and perhaps claim—or reclaim—an ethos shared by the American people. Emerging out of the first phase of our American National Character project, they are far from exhausting the subject but represent an auspicious commencement of a contemporary effort no less important that that described by Washington during the founding era. “[W]e are either a United people, or we are not.” Let us hope that we are and that we can rediscover the roots of America's common cause and act as a nation.  相似文献   

从上世纪80年代以来,随着地方史研究的复兴,区域性历史研究也日益繁荣,并逐渐成为中国近代史学研究的一个新取向.在这种形势下,近代东北史的研究也逐渐突破了传统的地方史研究模式,兴起了一股区域史研究的浪潮.然而,在近代东北区域史研究中也存在着概念混淆、理论研究不足、研究方法单一等问题,只有解决好这些关键性的问题,才能更好地推动近代东北区域史研究工作向纵深方向发展.  相似文献   

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