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山东沂源发掘的一座战国晚期墓葬,保存完好,随葬品丰厚。其中有皮革制品,这在北方考古发掘中十分罕见。对出土皮革文物的研究,为研究北方地区战国时期的皮革制品提供了重要的实物依据。因此,本研究利用衰减全反射—傅里叶变换红外光谱(ATR-FTIR)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对战国皮革文物材质进行了分析鉴别,初步判定沂源出土战国皮囊为羊皮革制品。研究结果对皮革文物材质的科学鉴别提供了借鉴,为科学、有效保护奠定了基础。  相似文献   

一、引言 本文就考古发掘出土的西汉中前期铁质文物作为科学检测对象,进行文物专项保护修复研究。由于大部分铁器年代久远,已经锈结,质地较为脆弱,处理操作具有一定难度。为此,首先需要对铁质文物保存现状进行评估(表1),其次侧重对铁质文物做科学分析研究,再次拟定技术路线,确定保护处理方案,选择保存环境条件等。  相似文献   

19世纪末,我国西北地区开始有纸质文物的考古发现,其后纸质文物在多地考古发掘中均见出土.它们品种多、数量大,加工工艺、写印材料独特,时代自汉代至明清,其中的早期文物尤为珍贵.因其出土环境复杂,保护修复工作难以直接借助传统技术和现有科技,特别是潮湿环境和干燥潮湿交替环境下出土纸质文物的保护修复往往遭遇瓶颈.目前学界在科学分析检测、造纸工艺研究、科学信息提取等科学化研究方面取得了一定成就,但对糟朽类文物的病害机理、保护修复技术等研究还远远不够.因此,当务之急是开展本体材质、劣化与粘连机理研究,探究多因素协同作用对本体的长期影响和作用方式,研发新材料与新技术,并致力于探索这类文物的活化利用.  相似文献   

木质文物出土后环境发生了很大的变化,如不对其进行科学的保护处理就会发生快速的腐朽变化。在选择保护处理方法前对木材的材性进行科学的分析可以为保护方法的确定提供科学的依据。本工作从木材成分、含水率、干缩性、出土泡桐与新鲜泡桐干缩率比较、干燥过程中的电镜分析几个方面对泗水国汉墓出土的泡桐进行了材性研究。结果表明,泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐纤维素和半纤维素的含量比新鲜泡桐的含量下降很多,但木质素的相对含量却增加了,说明泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐在埋藏环境中可能更多地是受到褐腐菌的侵蚀。含水率的高低是反映木材腐蚀度一个重要指标,泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐平均含水率高达1211%,从弦向、径向、横切面的平均收缩率数值来看,出土的泗水国泡桐文物收缩变形很严重,从电子显微镜图片观察,细胞结构各向干缩特性与新鲜木材完全不同。由此可见,不能用常规木材的干缩特征和木材的变化规律来指导泗水国出土泡桐的研究和保护工作,在选择保护处理方法时要结合木材本身的现状选择适合的材料和工艺。  相似文献   

皮质文物由于长时间经受不良环境的影响,出现糟朽、变干、变硬、脆化等病害,由于皮质文物不同于普通皮革,普通的修复方法难以对其起到效果。本研究通过清洗、软化、补水、加脂处理,改善了皮质文物的的空间结构及其组成,提高了皮质文物的含水量、含脂量,保护处理后的皮质文物在柔软度、弹性、厚度等机械性能方面都有明显的改善。该研究对皮质文物的保护具有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

甘肃玉门花海西晋墓群出土木牍的保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
甘肃河西地区出土文物特殊的高盐碱埋藏地质环境,造成画像砖、木质文物、丝织品等文物埋藏期间大量盐碱的渗入。文物出土后,随着环境温湿度的变化,使得文物内部盐碱重结晶,直接导致了画像砖画面脱落、木质文物崩裂及丝织品脆化。本工作针对甘肃玉门花海西晋墓群出土木牍的损害状况,进行了表面清理、渗透填充加固、脱盐及对个别器物进行了回软整形等保护,保护处理后状况良好,保护方法对同一地区出土其他木质文物的保护有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

木质文物作为有机质文物的一种,一直面临出土量大、腐烂严重、后续保护不完善等问题。特别是饱水木质文物,看似保存良好,实则腐败严重,一旦脱水操作不慎,就会导致文物变形、开裂,造成严重后果。文章整理了2001年至2016年间国外有关出土木质文物的木材结构、降解机理、脱水加固方法、保存环境和现场发掘等方面的研究成果,通过与国内木质文物保护研究的对比讨论,为今后饱水木质文物的研究和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

古代皮革制品的保护与修复是建立在深入了解皮革文物的来源、鞣制方法及保存现状等信息的基础之上的一项干预行为。得益于在意大利书籍与档案遗产保存与修复中央研究所(ICRCPAL)积累的工作经验,本研究在分析欧洲传统皮革鞣制工艺、降解因素与保存条件的基础上,综合梳理了浸水、干燥及感染红腐病等三种典型皮革病害的干预方法,期待能为我国古代皮革文物的保护、修复提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

针对茂陵发掘出土错金车马器文物表面锈蚀覆盖严重、装饰无法辨识的现状。本工作分别从保护原则、操作思路入手,并且结合文物具体的保存状况,相应采取化学方法软化、机械除锈、水溶液深度清洗、BTA溶液浸泡、高分子有机材料表面封护的方法,有效保护了这批文物,还原了文物的历史、艺术与研究价值。通过这批文物修复保护的实践表明,每项具体的文物保护工作,必须从个体差异的角度、针对性确立保护方案,才能有的放矢地保护好文物。结果显示,所用方法和工艺可为类似文物的保护处理提供参考。  相似文献   

马叶桢 《丝绸之路》2022,(2):133-137+145
新疆山普拉墓地出土了大量珍贵精美的古代纺织品文物,有效的保护修复手段有利于文物发挥其重要的历史、文化、艺术价值。文章以四件新疆山普拉古墓群出土的双口折叠袋为保护修复对象,使用复原性修复、绉丝纱包裹及无酸装具存放三种方法对残存情况不同的纺织品文物进行保护修复工作,对多层且材质丰富的纺织品文物的修复方法进行分析研究。  相似文献   

Archaeological leather samples recovered from the ice field at the Schnidejoch Pass (altitude 2756 m amsl) in the western Swiss Alps were studied using optical, chemical molecular and isotopic (δ13C and δ15N of the bulk leather, and compound-specific δ13C analyses of the organic-solvent extracted fatty acids) methods to obtain insight into the origin of the leather and ancient tanning procedures. For comparison, leathers from modern native animals in alpine environment (red deer, goat, sheep, chamois, and calf/cow) were analyzed using the same approach. Optical and electron microscopically comparisons of Schnidejoch and modern leathers showed that the gross structure (pattern of collagen fibrils and intra-fibrils material) of archaeological leather had survived essentially intact for five millennia. The SEM studies of the hairs from the most important archaeological find, a Neolithic leather legging, show a wave structure of the hair cuticle, which is a diagnostic feature for goatskins. The variations of the bulk δ13C and δ15N values, and δ13C values of the main fatty acids are within the range expected for pre-industrial temperate C3 environment. The archaeological leather samples contain a mixture of indigenous (from the animal) and exogenous plant/animal lipids. An important amount of waxy n-alkanes, n-alkan-1-ols and phytosterols (β-sitosterol, sitostanol) in all samples, and abundant biomarker of conifers (nonacosan-10-ol) in the legging leathers clearly indicate that the Neolithic people were active in a subalpine coniferous forest, and that they used an aqueous extract of diverse plant material for tanning leather.  相似文献   

Identifying tanning and dyeing agents of historical leathers is one of the less studied subjects. Therefore, this study aims to distinguish the surface dyeing agent of historical leathers along with the tanning agents. It helps to better understand the leather-making process of past centuries. For this purpose, two Iranian historical bookbinding leathers belonging to the Qajar era were investigated. The tannins were examined by ferric spot test and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy after being extracted from the leather corium layer. ATR-FTIR and μXRF spectroscopy were also used to study the characteristics of the leathers' surface, in both grain and corium layers. LC–MS was also used to analyze the extracts taken from the surface of the leather samples. The results showed the corium layer of leathers has a significant number of hydrolysable tannins, especially gallotannins, as tanning agents. The characteristics of their FTIR spectra are significantly similar to those of sumac. LC–MS results showed the presence of ellagic acid, as an indicator analyte, on the surface of the leathers. It indicates that tannin-rich plants, such as oak, have been used for dyeing these leathers. Investigation of the structural properties of the grain and corium layers also revealed the accumulation of copper and iron on the surface of the leathers. Accordingly, copper and iron, which reacted with tannins to give a black color, were the main dyeing factor used in both historical leather samples.  相似文献   

武威磨咀子出土木器腐蚀病害与机理分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
武威磨咀子是甘肃古代糟朽木器的重要发现地之一,鉴于北方干燥地区出土的潮湿而糟朽(缺饱和水状态)漆木器与南方潮湿地区出土的浸饱水漆木器之间的差异,致使其保护材料与技术方法不同。本工作通过对武威磨咀子出土木器腐蚀病害与机理分析,着重从病害类型、影响藏品保存因素、材质物理化学组成、材质结构缺陷性及藏品的陈列和保存环境方面进行了全面、综合的科学分析。分析结果表明:武威磨咀子出土糟朽木器腐蚀病害发生是内外因素长期影响和作用的结果,得出保持保存环境的稳定性和控制木质材质中含水量是解决保护问题的关键,可为“十一五”期间甘肃馆藏木器文物实施全面保护修复提供详实的信息和技术支持。  相似文献   

Various extraordinary textiles were excavated from a graveyard at Yingpan, Xinjiang, on the middle route of the ancient Silk Road. Applications of western motifs and designs to traditional Chinese textiles led to the emergence of compound woven textiles with central Asian characters. For a better understanding of the cultural exchanges and textile trade between the West and the East in ancient times, identifications of archaeological fibres and dyes were carried out for various funerary textile objects by using multiple analytical techniques, such as high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode detection, optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Fibre identifications were performed for 35 archaeological textile samples, and the results showed that the ancient textiles were mostly made from Bombyx mori silk and wool. The SEM and FT-IR experimental results revealed that these ancient textiles remained morphologically intact due to the special (very dry) climate in Xinjiang, but noticeably degraded at the molecular level due to long time thermo-ageing and/or biodegradation. The principal colouring matters, such as alizarin, purpurin, indigotin and luteolin, were respectively characterised for nine archaeological textile samples. The yellow dyestuffs derived from luteolin-based plants were assumed to have been imported to China from the Middle East and Western Asia through the Silk Road.  相似文献   

成都商业街船棺葬是迄今为止发现规模最大的船棺、独木棺合葬墓,为了有效地保护墓葬中出土的船棺、独木棺等大型木质文物,需要对棺木的保存状况进行科学分析。本研究利用元素分析仪、傅立叶变换红外光谱仪和X射线粉末衍射仪,从化学成分与结构角度对出土棺木进行了分析检测。结果表明,出土棺木中碳、氮的百分含量有所上升,而氧、氢的百分含量则有所降低;棺木中半纤维素几乎完全流失、纤维素含量降低、木质素的含量相对上升,纤维素大分子链发生降解,纤维素晶态结构遭到了破坏。因此,需要对船棺、独木棺等进行必要的加固处理,才能避免棺木在脱水过程中发生皱缩、开裂等形变。此结果为后续保护技术选择与工艺实施提供理论指导和科学依据。  相似文献   

This work characterizes both tanning and colouring materials found in ancient Egyptian leather objects from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The analytical investigations focused on assessing the development of the technology of ancient tanners using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), X‐ray fluorescence (XRF), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT–IR), X‐ray radiography and a scanning electron microscope connected to an energy‐dispersive X‐ray detector (SEM–EDX). Reference leather samples and archaeological leather objects were investigated to identify the animal skin species and the early use of hydrolyzable vegetable tannins for leather tanning. Different methods were used to colour th leather, including madder dying and staining with hematite, or painting with Egyptian blue and Egyptian green.  相似文献   

海洋出水的木质文物中通常会沉积硫铁化合物。打捞出水后,硫铁化合物遇到空气和水分后会发生氧化,生成硫酸以及各种硫酸盐,并引起有机质的降解。近年来,硫铁化合物对海洋出水木质文物的危害已引起广泛关注。为此,本工作阐述了硫铁化合物相关问题的研究现状,就硫铁化合物的产生原因、危害以及目前控制方法的研究进展进行了总结,同时评述了针对硫铁化合物的处理方法。  相似文献   


The conservation of archaeological sites in mainland China has not attracted much academic and public attention until recently. However, after the 1990s, both the Chinese government and academia have been increasingly concerned with the management of archaeological sites, as illustrated by the introduction of national guidelines (China Principles) and the establishment of research centres in universities and research institutes. Economic development and related social needs are major driving forces behind this phenomenon, while the impact of globalization on academic development in China cannot be denied. However, the natural and social environments in mainland China, as well as the characteristics of archaeological sites, differ from other countries, and whether international principles regarding conservation and management of archaeological sites are applicable to China needs to be considered. While it is a challenging task for mainland Chinese scholars to find suitable strategies to conserve and manage hundreds of thousands of archaeological sites, the problems and experiences in the process of applying international principles to China may provide valuable lessons, not only for Chinese scholars but also for scholars in other areas.  相似文献   

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