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侯旭東 《中华文史论丛》2011,(4):127-164,394
本文探討秦漢六朝以來生日記憶與生日稱慶習俗産生的背景與過程。从秦代到1911年,官府戶籍登記制度只要求記錄百姓的生年或年齡,未具體到生月與日。生日記憶與稱慶主要流行於家庭、家族乃至親友的範圍內,與國家制度無關。各種資料顯示,對死者的生日記憶宋元以後纔開始普遍化,此前僅見零星記載,多見於皇家,應與存在嚴密的檔案制度有關。反而是"卒日",自先秦以來一向受到重視。不過,算命術的流行表明,生日記憶實際早就存在,且根植於本土的傳統,只是目的主要在於了解子女或自己的命運,尚未見到慶生的事例。由單純的記憶轉變爲年度性的慶祝,最早見於南朝末年江南地區,應是受到佛教佛誕(多爲四月八日)活動的啓發,同時,在成佛信念的引導下出現的。到唐代,生日稱慶則自下而上,由民俗而發展成國家慶典。  相似文献   

秦陇一带的农家,从古运至今,一直崇尚珍重传统的春节和元宵节.  相似文献   

King Gesar has been circulating among Tibetans for some 1,000 years or more.The longest epic in the world, passed down through the ages in the oral form, has even drawn the concern of the international community. UNESCO has approved activities in honor of the millennium of the epic. Public opinion hails this as a major event important for the protection of traditional Tibetan culture and the promotion of various ethnic groups in the world.The epic is a concentration of ancient tales, legends, sayings, and various kinds of folk arts. Thus far, 150 volumes have been located; they contain some 1.5 milion lines.  相似文献   

每个民族都有自己的节庆文化,在节日的时空里,它显示了独特的文化内涵。节日是人类得以展现狂欢性的载体.是人类生命本真的体现。我国的节庆拥有深厚的民俗积淀,体现了传统的和谐之美。中国节庆文化是民间底层焕发的一种蓬勃生命力,也是一种新生、自由、快乐的美学精神。  相似文献   

Editor's Notes: Ms Lei Jufang, the President of Qee Zheng Tibetan Medicine Group, isquite a normal but famous female in the Tibet Autonomous Region. She made the traditional Tibetan Medicine modernization and created a myth, Qee Zheng. Here is an interview with her by China's Tibet magazine's reporter.  相似文献   

Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei, as a full-power delegate of the local government of Tibet led by the 14th Dalai Lama, played a vital role in the signing of the 17-article Agreement on Methods for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet in 1951. Fourteen years later, he was elected chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region founded in September 1965.With the approach of the 40th anniversary, we invited Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei, now Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee,to talk about TAR's founding.  相似文献   

<正>每至农历十月初一,川西北岷江、涪江上游的羌族就会迎来传统佳节"羌年"。古老的史诗"木吉卓与斗安珠"叙述着这个节日的悠远来历。传统羌年的祭祀与庆祝,处处体现出敬天还愿、感恩、报喜的特质。斗转星移,羌年从高山村寨走向了民族文化展演的舞台。在漫长的历史岁月里,古羌人从"逐水草而居"到"依山居止,垒石为室",从西北河湟地区迁徙至川西  相似文献   

In the early spring of 1965, the Nationalities Pictorial Press learned from the Central People's Government representative in Tibet, Zhang Jingwu, that a picture album was to be published to mark the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Chairman Mao Zedong was invited to write its title, "Collected Paintings on the Tibet Autonomous Region". The press sent Zhang Guanrong, Zhaxi Nyima and I to Tibet for gathering the pictures and for interviews.  相似文献   

There is a gap in research that considers, and spatializes, the everyday geographies of far-right encounters, socialization, recreation and leisure. While much research considers the end-stages of right-wing radicalisation and focuses on the extreme right (e.g., hate groups, fringe political parties, despotic leaders, specific eruptions and episodes of violence or terror, online rhetoric), the daily processes, moments and spatial configurations in-between the mainstream and extreme are sometimes overlooked. These are crucial to understand, in order to develop a more nuanced and effective language in recognizing, responding to, and combatting right-wing radicalisation.This paper thus addresses the geographical blind spot by spatializing the everyday life of the far-right, through a three-pronged taxonomy. Drawing from ethnographic observations and social media and socio-demographic analyses, the paper argues that three geographies in particular emerge as nodes of far-right formation (attached to specific sites and online/offline): a) spaces of recreation and leisure (“Celebrations”); b) spaces of faith and spirituality (“Exaltations”); and c) spaces of the corporeal (“Alpha Lands”). These spaces intersect, extend across urban, peri-urban and rural terrains, and do not necessarily adhere to established political or territorial borders and boundaries, but rather, can be envisioned as multi-scalar spatial fixes, laden with political possibilities.  相似文献   

Quantitative calculations on the use of natural resources provide valuable tools, which can give new insights to old questions and rise new ones. In this article, I compare the wood consumption in the production of potash, saltpeter and pine wood tar in 19th century Finland. My calculations shows that in the 19th century the cumulative wood consumption in the production of potash might have been higher or at least on the same level as in the production of tar, while the production of saltpeter consumed only a fraction. In the 1830s their combined wood consumption reached the level of slash‐and‐burn cultivation.  相似文献   

“2006年佛山祖庙三月三民俗会”于3月31至4月2日在祖庙内举行。 本次民俗活动无论主题、基调、规模、档次、创意等均较以往有新的突破,整个活动隆重、热烈,内容丰富,达到了预期的目标。活动包括精彩纷呈的开幕仪式、气势恢宏的出门巡游。  相似文献   

HappyBirthdaytoCTSC!JIGMEMay20ofthisyearmarkedthe10thbirthdayoftheChinaTibetanStudiesyearsinwhichtheCTSCgrewinstrengthinterms...  相似文献   

Preschool education is the starting point of one's education experience. It is of vital significance to the healthy development of individual and the improvement of national quality. After the founding of New China, the preschool education in TAR was at starting stage with weak infrastructure and lack of teachers.  相似文献   

JORGO 《中国西藏(英文版)》2005,16(6):F0002-F0002
The Tibet Autonomous Region celebrated its 40th anniversary on September 1,2005.From August 27 to September 3,2005,a 57-member Central Government Delegation headed by Jia Qinglin (member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee)were in Tibet for the celebration.  相似文献   

Iknew nothing about birthday celebration in my childhood, nor even of the concept of "birthday" itself. Though I did hear that some aged people would hold a celebration for their 80th birthday, I was completely ignorant about the meaning behind this. Holding  相似文献   

Kate Smith 《Folklore》2013,124(2):142-159
Starting with a review of statistics derived from surveys conducted in primary schools in 1958–9 and 2000–1, this paper gives a detailed account of the development of one community's celebrations, exploring and analysing factors that have led both to stability and change over the celebration's lifetime.  相似文献   

Lhasa (Tibet), JULY 25. It is one of those canards that is best exploded by figures. And the canard is as follows-that the Chinese Central Government is pursuing a systematic policy of settling Han Chinese in Tibetan and Tibetans are a minority in the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).  相似文献   

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