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曹梦热爱写生,在深入生活的基础上,她用心提炼出今日西藏给她的感受,油画色彩明亮而不失厚重,一扫过去人们对于西藏的印象,将观众带进童话般的世界。  相似文献   

In the Tibetan areas, the color white occupies a conspicuous position in daily life. Representative of this are snow-white hada scarves. A love of the color has gradually evolved into worship of it. Tibetans also have their own tradition in the use of Arabic numerals.Arabic Figures "3"and "9"Since ancient times, the Chinese have attached great importance to the choice of a wedding date. Tibetans favor the number 3 and its multiples. Based on this belief, the day for the male side to send pe…  相似文献   

樊翔 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,2(2):120-126
本文对凉州白塔寺特殊的历史地位及其与藏传佛教的传播与发展之间的关系进行了简要的阐述,正由于阔端与萨班凉州会谈成功,古凉州遂成为西藏地方统一于中央的历史见证;白塔寺亦成为藏传佛教开始传入蒙古、畏兀儿等民族的历史见证。  相似文献   


Travel lectures were a popular part of the American self-culture movement of the mid-nineteenth. Audiences enjoyed travel lectures because they possessed analogical potential rooted in narratives of self-discipline and mastery to aid in the adaption to the socio-economic changes of the market and consumer society. Audiences viewed the lecturer Bayard Taylor as a model of liberal/republican masculinity. His career also reveals the role that metaphors of mobility served in the transformation from the ethos of character to the later outer-directed, “personality” driven, pursuit of personal self-realization.  相似文献   

在两晋青瓷点彩与南北朝、隋代白釉陶瓷加彩技法的基础上,河南唐代的白釉彩瓷产生并迅速发展起来,对宋、元时期烧制白釉彩瓷以及各个名窑的兴起起到了推动作用。  相似文献   

Inlate1980s,anoldmanreturnedtohishometownofNamlinginTibet.Namling,withapopulationofsome70,000,isoneofthemostpopulous,remoteandpoorestcountiesintheXigazeregion.Povertyhaspre-ventedmanychildrengoingtoschool.WhenZhaxiCeringsawschool-agechildreninthevillagess…  相似文献   

AuthoredbyTubdainPuncog,thisbooktellsofthehistoricaldevelopmentofThebookrecordstheexperienceofthescientificsurveyteamsentbytheChineseAcademyofSciencestotheQinghai-TibetPlateau.Theteamwascomposedofthreegroupsofpeo-Wewe(k-)uthoredbyTubdainPUncog,thesbookLte…  相似文献   

TibetanWomanScalestheHeightsLIULIHUAandLANPENGSheissun-tannedandsoslimthatastrongwindmightblowheraway.ButsheisGuisangagiantin...  相似文献   

CablewaysintheTibetanAreaLIYUCHUANTheinitialmethodinvolvedenclosingthestripsinwoodentubesoutfittedwithseats.Peopleweretranspo...  相似文献   

InancientIndia,semi-circulartombswerebuilttohousetheremainsofdemisedkings.PeopleoflatergenerationshaveinterpretedthatkindoftombtobethefirstappearanceofBuddhistdagobas.WhenSakyamuni,founderofBuddhism,passedaway,hisbodywascremated.Partsofhisremainswerecollectedbyhisdisciplesasrelicsandhousedindagoba-liketombs.ManysaythiswasthefirstappearanceoftheBuddhistdagobas.AstudyoftheSourceofYarlungDoctrinesrevealsthatBuddhistsmadetheirwayintoandsettledinTibetsome1,600yearsago.TIBETAN-STYLEDAGOB…  相似文献   

正Tibetan medicine adheres to strict regulations and rigorous traditional medicinal theories in gathering materials and processing procedures.Before and after the medicine is made,a religious ritual must be held to enchant the medicinal materials for seven days,during which monks,pharmacists,doctors,  相似文献   

WithChina'sdoorjarringopen,theworldbegantoseearealTibet.Inthecurrentdecade,theworldhasbeeninthegripofa"Tibetanculturecraze".ThisistheresultofchangesinthesituationinChinaandtheworldatlarge,andalsothefurtherdevelopmentofTibetology.BACKGROUND.TheTibetancivilizationboaststhefollowingcharacteristics:Bigfamilyofcultures.TibetispredominantlyoccupiedbypeopleoftheTibetanrace.Inthispartoftheworld,folkcultureco-existswithreligiousandaristocraticculture;TibetanBuddhismmeetstheBonreligion,IndianB…  相似文献   

在西藏东南部的原始森林中,栖息着一种以西藏命名的大型蛱蝶。它多年以来一直被认为是西藏蝴蝶的名片之一,众多昆虫爱好者都希望能一睹其真容,它就是西藏俳蛱蝶。分类位置:鳞翅目,歧蝶科,线缺蝶亚科,俳蛱蝶属。描述:中大型蛱蝶。前后翅均狭长,前翅顶角尖锐;背面棕黑色,前翅具1条鲜黄色的宽中带,后翅具1条白色的宽中带,外缘饰有1列锈红色环纹。  相似文献   

Keeping Abreast with Religious Advancement
The chapel in the Tashilhunpo Monastery for the stupa of the 10th Panchen Lama was built in 1993. I found the woodcarving art was my newly discovered complex art. When and where from does Tibetan woodcarving originates? I have not yet to make any conclusions from all my research. Notwithstanding, academic circles generally conclude that the origin and advancement of Tibetan woodcarving art was keeping abreast with the dissemination and development of Buddhism in Tibet. That is to say woodcarving was included when Songtsen Gampo built the Tubo Kingdom in the 7^th Century.  相似文献   

Tibetan Football     
In general view,people always believe that the"roof of the world"at 4000 meters above sea level would never have any connection with football.However,the fact is that football is no less popular in Tibet than it is in any other place.Particularly in recent years, on the snow-capped plateau,the residents increasingly love football.An ordinary football match can attract a big group of fans.Whenever  相似文献   

Tibetan Mastiff     
About twenty or thirty years ago,the Tibetan mastiff served only as a shepherd dog for Tibetan herders,but today it has a five,six or seven-figure Yuan worth.  相似文献   

Tibetan Knife     
The Tibetan knife is essentialto Tibetan people's life. It alsohas high art value as a form ofethnic handcraft with a long-standing good reputation athome and abroad. The typical Tibetan knives ofthe Xigaze area are from Lhazeand Xietoinmen, which hasbecome a very fashionable sou-venir or gift for tourists to takehome. The shinning bright knifeis a completely handmade of  相似文献   

Tibetan Knives     
The style of Tibetan knives comes in four kinds:knives unique to the Lhasa and Xigaze areas,Gungbo area,Amdo area and Kham area.Lharze and Namling Tibetan knives are what people always talk about as being representative of the knives found in the Lhasa and Xigaze aareas.Craftsmen in the Lharze and Namling areas pay much attention to the steel-making fire when making the knife‘s edge.  相似文献   

说到糌粑,先要说说青稞。关于青稞,笔者有一个意外的发现,这种青藏高原上特有的农作物,是"随同藏族跨省区分布"的,而在非藏族的区域,就很少见到这种农作物。同样是这种情况的,还有牦牛和藏马。这种人与自  相似文献   

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